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Freestyling in the Age of Coronavirus


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Because of the coronavirus outbreak, life as we know it, both in the States and around the world has basically ground to a halt. Practically every major and minor sports league has shut down, colleges told students to get out of dodge yesterday while the CDC (Centers for Disease Control) recommended no public gatherings of more than 50. To that end, only essential places like supermarkets, drug stores and grocery stores are allowed to remain open, no bars, no restaurants, no multiplexes, no malls, pretty much NOTHING. To that end, it looks like I won't be going on any outings for the foreseeable future as all my regular haunts are closed. I understand the need for all the precautions, it's just not worth the trouble to go out and about right now, better to be safe than sorry. With that in mind, how will you weather this storm?

I don't want to LOOK like a woman, I just want to DRESS like a woman!

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This is a new time that we're facing and it feels like the walls are closing in, metaphorically speaking. Clearly with the suspention and cancellation of many events and locations, it's frustrating although in a strange way it's going to give me more time to do other things that normally get pushed to the back of the queue.

One item I read, accepting the restrictions being suggessted highlighted an opportunity to get out more;. Clearly in small numbers or on your own but never the less nore fresh air. I accept that parts of northern Italy aren't allowed to do that either.

Things are changing on a daily basis and for now just keeping up with the latest advice is a challenge, but if the weather allows I can see this being a year of experiencing a lot more home garden time, making the most of our facilities rather than utilising others.

This is a very odd situation and they better not suspend deliveries before the end of the week. I have some new shoes arriving. Lol.

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I received the word yesterday that my job would shut down as of today. It is dang near impossible to wire a data center from home, so yeah, we're out of a job. How long we will be off, who knows? Church services and activities have been cancelled for the rest of the month, and that will probably be extended, given what's happened in the last 24 hours. Luckily, I am not strictly quarantined, and I feel that it is perfectly safe to walk in solitude around the neighborhood, as I won't be in contact with anyone closer than the prescribed distance. I plan on getting my feet and ankles back into the shape that they once were, so that I may enjoy wearing heels all the much more when this is all over. I have other ideas about how to pass the time, but I won't bore you with the details.

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My boss came in and attempted to shut me down yesterday, I am in over the road sales. He told me to go ahead with this week, but the next two weeks to plan on staying close to the office, and then we will evaluate the situation then. So far the customers I have talked to today thing this whole Corona virus deal is a bunch of B.S.!

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I have worked from a home office for over 25 years, except when I am in the road, on assignment - something I probably won’t be doing for a while. I only just returned from South America a few days ago so I am very glad to be home. In my home office I wear what I please. I always make a point of getting dressed for work to differentiate between work hours and just being at home. I rather enjoy this getting dressed for work, and all the more so when I can let loose my inner bohemian. 

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2 hours ago, Pumped said:

So far the customers I have talked to today thing this whole Corona virus deal is a bunch of B.S.!

It's not the end all, but it has to do with the number of sick people. When enough people get sick and there is not enough respirators for them (and there is NOT enough), then many will die. You may not need a respirator but maybe your mother, father, aunt, uncle, ...might .  (also look at the Spanish Flu of 1918...a sports writer for the World Series was the "typhoid mary" that carried the disease from Boston to Chicago)

This is an exponential/logistic curve we are dealing with and we have not seen the point of inflection yet.

I've been dealing with this since the end of January.  This is 2 -3 months.

Edited by Cali
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There are some very interesting statistical analyses being done at the moment and the exponential growth of this thing and the consequences of even short delays in dealing with it makes for sobering reading. 

Edited by Shyheels
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Yeah, all dressed up and no place to go now.  All restaurants, bars, clubs, gyms, churches, etc. are now closed (except take out) in Dallas.  Last night we went out to eat for the last time, El Tizancito for tacos and horchata (one of few places that give free refills) and last margarita for my wife.  I wore my new Timberland knee highs with the 4 inch block heels, skinny jeans, and a leather jacket.  The place was empty except one who was just leaving.  Supermarket in the same strip mall was overrun with shoppers though. 

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Orange County (CA) locked down as well.  The wife and I have been home for a week.  Wearing heels around the house and in the yard.  Pretty much all my shoes are heels - ha ha.  Stay isolated, stay healthy, stay safe.  

Things getting crazy......  But, this too will pass....  


"Why should girls have all the fun!!"

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Down here in Australia things are pretty surreal. I can't wrap my head around the whole Toilet Paper thing. That video some of you may have seen with 3 women brawling over a pack of toilet paper happened over in Sydney. People are panic buying 'just because'. That is literally some of their responses. I lined up at 7AM this morning just to grab some essentials like Bread, Milk, etc and I could see some people (ever so slowly) move and elderly persons trolley out of the way so she could get in first. As Charles Heston would say, "It's a Madhouse, a madhouse"

Personally I'm not buying into the mass hysteria the media is perpetuating, but I'm also not sweeping this under the rug either. CV is a real thing and it needs to be dealt with seriously. I'm sure we will all get through this one way or another. I just wish the media would get their shit together and report actual facts so at least everyone can be on the same page as to how the virus is affecting us and how to deal with it.

I was going to wear my Dr Martens high heel boots this morning but I knew I was going to buy a box of coke cans today (which luckily there is plenty of hehe) and carrying heavy object in heels can be quite the task at times. Has anybody else here noticed that? 

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Been out of work l almost  a month first organization to do it as many heard on television. promises were made the work schedule will be postponed not canceled. Looks to me without any doubt i'm out of work for at least October at best. No help from the organization all alone now the government shuts down many businesses i frequent and rely on. Only sitting in house like a prisoner only with better food options.  Amusing part of the experience i'm healthy as many are why wasting away and time doing nothing or  ironically my taxes due  i need to pay following month.

Virus is not going away keeping people prisoners ain't stopping the spread. Unless half the populus contract the virus our bodies will make antibodies to fight it. We should go back to living our lives. Once we do those who carry the virus should be isolated and those who are healthy live their lives as normal.  We are only postponing the inevitable. there is know cure for the common cold what sense does it make to believe this is any different. Summer months might be reprieve from isolation seeing virus less likely to spread  or survive because of humidity and warmer temperatures. So waiting for summer isn't option because soon as Autumn arrives we are back to the same drama with the virus.  At least those who survived having  the virus have immunity from returning its severe symptoms.  

Once you take a man's freedom away and how he can make a living. Leaves to not caring about his own welfare. This can lead to careless acts and risks he  normally would never chance. Leads to anger from those who lie or tell small truths of the isolation is temporary measures.  Lot of politicians living under their pillows  hiding the truth trying to keep society calm. 

It's like a bank robber holding hostages in hopes that some way the police with guns surrounding the bank will lose interest at some point and leave. So he can escape with all the money he stole. So to people think if they wait it out virus will suddenly disappear. 

So politician listen to "health professionals" taking prudent steps. Yet want to give us hope saying go for walks take your dogs out keep safe distance from others. Yet our dogs carry a common cold virus and other fearful bacteria  sniffing licking everything in there sights. Yet have no symptoms unlike humans. Once we touch our pets they carry and spread the virus to us, while never considering our dogs are contagious. Soon we will learn, all lessons of isolations means exactly that no pets or anyone smoking letting out particulates from there lungs up to 30 minutes suspended in the air.

Once spring is in the air flowers trees grass pollen spread in air allergies will consume healthy person to be sickened. Everyone will begin to assume they have the corona virus needing immediate testing and isolation. 



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I'm shelter-in-place and "working" from home. Built a studio in my home over the weekend and now broadcasting from my dining room. Since I wear heels even at home, this has hasn't change.  What happens to summer work is had to say.  They talking about August before this is over. I first encounter with issues with CV started in the last week in January and I had been pushing the admins. since then to come up with a plan.  Of course it took them too long, and only came up with a plan when it was too late.

The trouble is that many people need to be hospitalized placed on a ventilator (how many new hospital's did China build) and there is not enough ventilators in the world to met the expected need if this infection rate continues.


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I remember gasoline rationing in the 70's but toilet paper in 2020 !!! This is crazy . On the plus side , there are some great deals on heels to be had if you look online . Some of the larger retailers with brick and mortar stores are trying to get more online sales . My email has been full of sales . Stay Safe Everyone !

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9 hours ago, vcooper said:

I was going to wear my Dr Martens high heel boots this morning but I knew I was going to buy a box of coke cans today (which luckily there is plenty of hehe) and carrying heavy object in heels can be quite the task at times. Has anybody else here noticed that? 

Wearing heels definitely adds to the experience of carrying heavy objects.  I immediately noticed it on my first trip in 4.2” heels, lifting luggage.  I make a point of practicing and getting used to it.  I admit to never having this kind of appreciation for the effort of wearing heels before wearing them myself.  Suddenly, the chivalry of holding the door open or helping a lady with her luggage doesn’t seem quite so frivolous.  

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On 3/17/2020 at 10:36 PM, vcooper said:

I was going to wear my Dr Martens high heel boots this morning but I knew I was going to buy a box of coke cans today (which luckily there is plenty of hehe) and carrying heavy object in heels can be quite the task at times. Has anybody else here noticed that? 


On 3/18/2020 at 8:17 AM, p1ng74 said:

Wearing heels definitely adds to the experience of carrying heavy objects.  I immediately noticed it on my first trip in 4.2” heels, lifting luggage.  I make a point of practicing and getting used to it.  I admit to never having this kind of appreciation for the effort of wearing heels before wearing them myself.  Suddenly, the chivalry of holding the door open or helping a lady with her luggage doesn’t seem quite so frivolous.  

I got re-acquainted with that feeling just this past Sunday, at our final church service for a while (we are of course closed until further notice like everybody else). I was asked to fill in on bass for the first two services, which have bands. The college student who usually plays with them was gone on spring break. I usually just bring my instrument (which for those of you who are interested is an early 90s Fender J-Bass Plus) and a plastic 5 gallon bucket to carry the necessary cords, music, accessories, &c. Lately, I have also been bringing my newly acquired cornet to play at the third service with the organ. So couple carrying three not really heavy, but awkward, things with my dubious decision to wear my House of Harlow oxfords, which are right up against the steepness limit of what I can walk in anyway, and you get a recipe for looking like a complete dork, which I did.

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It is becoming quite a thing here in Canada as well!  Not to the level of some other countries though.  Stay safe and be well everyone no mater where you are in the wprld.  We who love heels will beat this and get back to doing what we love.

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Well I am not so sure.

Life as a human being is not a safe task. Many people got out and struggled with all the risks threatening their lives, back from millions years in the past. They never stop working, producing food, raising kids or anything. Even during war. 

Many people died from Covid -19. So many more people died from something else meanwhile. Some from Covid-18 and from Covid-17. This is sad, but death is part of life. 

I am ashamed that our governments reacted that way.

They are hiding like rats.

Edited by Gudulitooo
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Dressing for my studio time. You're at home doesn't mean you can't dress to impress.  


Change the words from that disco tune "Staying Alive" to "Staying Inside".  

Lemon season, time to make lemonade (or hard lemonade for some of us). 


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2 hours ago, Gudulitooo said:

Oups !

Maybe I should compare the government to an elephant frightened by a mouse, and destroying everything around.

What the government is afraid of most is not a virus.  They are afraid that social distancing will turn into social disorder.  That is why they are controlling all sorts of things that have nothing to do with the spread of the virus, like banning driving in your personal vehicle unless it is among the list of approved activities. They have also conveniently taken over control of who can come in and out of public courts, lest someone challenge the constitutionality of these edicts.  

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Or as in France where among many, many things they have banned cycling - one can walk, drive, ride a motorcycle if one is going out in an approved errand but not pedal a bicycle. Where’s the logic in that? It’s simply exercising control...

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I don’t agree. Governments have 2 issues: the cost of the decisions they take and if they will be re-elected.

The 2 main options,lockdown or let all people do what they want,are both costly. 

The first one is a quite easy decision to take because it could be supported by the world Health Organization.And it works. But must be  

totally followed.No middle way.And the cost is huge 

The second one is probably the one Darwin would have preferred. It’s less costly.Are you ready to dye or say good bye to some members of your family or friends. I am not. Let’s see what happens in Sweden .



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1 hour ago, Pierre1961 said:

The second one is probably the one Darwin would have preferred.


I don't think Darwin was a eugenicist. Although his theories have been abused by eugenicists.

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2 hours ago, Pierre1961 said:

I don’t agree. Governments have 2 issues: the cost of the decisions they take and if they will be re-elected.

The 2 main options,lockdown or let all people do what they want,are both costly. 

The first one is a quite easy decision to take because it could be supported by the world Health Organization.And it works. But must be  

totally followed.No middle way.And the cost is huge 

The second one is probably the one Darwin would have preferred. It’s less costly.Are you ready to dye or say good bye to some members of your family or friends. I am not. Let’s see what happens in Sweden .



When this pandemic is over, the government will be quick to take credit for how many lives they have saved with the lock downs.  But it is the people who are right now risking their lives to produce and deliver health care, food, electricity, and water to your shelter at home that are saving our lives.  

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3 hours ago, Pierre1961 said:

I don’t agree. Governments have 2 issues: the cost of the decisions they take and if they will be re-elected.

The 2 main options,lockdown or let all people do what they want,are both costly. 

The first one is a quite easy decision to take because it could be supported by the world Health Organization.And it works. But must be  

totally followed.No middle way.And the cost is huge 

The second one is probably the one Darwin would have preferred. It’s less costly.Are you ready to dye or say good bye to some members of your family or friends. I am not. Let’s see what happens in Sweden .



I don’t think you know quite as much about Charles Darwin as you think you do - neither his theories nor the man

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The government must not make the same mistakes that it did during the 1918-1920 Spanish Flu pandemic. The communities that had the least deaths and illnesses and were least impacted during the Spanish Flu pandemic had versions of a shelter in place/ controlled access system that was strictly enforced. Gunnison Colorado is one example.

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