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  1. My New Freelance stiletos Their high quality make them confortable and easy to walk with
    5 points
  2. Hello everybody, may I bring my litle contribution here? It's my outfit yesterday. Heels are from Freelance, top and short from NafNaf (all are french brands) Another look I wear this week, with Carrol pants and pink sandals.
    5 points
  3. Here are my latest. I saw these at a local thrift store weeks ago. The fit was a tad tight in the toebox. Nothing major but just enough to where I thought I might not be able to wear them for any length of time, so I decided against them. They were a size 9. I am normally a size 9.5 to 10 but depending on the shoe style and brand, I can also fit into some 9's. I definitely regretted my decision later because it was love at first sight. And I loved the toe cleavage they provided. And they were in pretty good condition. They looked like they were only worn a handful of times at the most. As luck would have it, I went back today, and they were still there calling my name. I tried them on again, and this time, they fit a little better. I could not pass them up twice, so I happily paid the twenty dollars, and they went home with me. I'm hoping that the first time maybe my feet were just having a little swelling problem that day. Or maybe after some wearing, they will stretch themselves out a little. The shoes are Jessica Simpson brand with a thick ankle strap, and the heel measures 4 and a quarter inches.
    5 points
  4. Well, I never thought it would happen, but I have started to warm to open toe sandals. I was reluctant because it seemed like such a fuss to do "correctly." Well, without getting into all the nitty-gritty of it, it tried it and I was quite surprised by the outcome! I would be inclined to believe that the maintenance to ensure that the look is desirable is much, but, in the end, worth it for the summer. So, here is my first try at it.
    4 points
  5. And now, back to our regularly scheduled program. The only thing to note this week is that I had originally planned to wear some gray suede sandals with this outfit. However, when I went outside to load up the car with our instruments, it was raining. Therefore, I decided at the last second against the suede and went for these plain black patent pumps instead. You can't really go wrong with black pumps, can you?
    3 points
  6. I purchased these today in a thrift store. They are burgundy color and leather looking high-rise pants with slim straight legs. I could tell they were brand new because all the original sales tags and size stickers were still attached. They had a $60 store tag on them, and they were being sold for less than $15 in the thrift store. There is no change rooms there so I was not able to try them on. But the fact that they were my size, I was pretty sure they would fit. When I got them home, I immediately tried them on. And just like I thought they fit great from the knee up. But the problem is below the knee. They keep rising up. I'm starting to wonder if they're an inch or 2, too short? So I posted some pictures of me wearing them with heels so I could get some opinions from others here on the fit and length.
    3 points
  7. I wasn't looking for a new pair of shoes, but I have always wanted a pair of high heeled penny loafers. I thought I had found such a pair a year ago when I bought some New Religion shoes of that description, but they had a fatal flaw: No matter how many fitment devices I used, I walked out of them every other step. So I got rid of them. Then, a few weeks ago, these Stuart Weitzman Mocup loafers in olive green suede appeared in my Poshmark feed. Not my first pick of colors, but a unique addition to my collection. The seller kept dropping the price over a period of time, and by the time the price got down to $27, I couldn't resist. And this for Stuart Weitzman! What I did not realize is that these shoes have evidently never been worn. Not a mark on them anywhere, top or bottom, even though they did not come in a box. They are rather more attractive in person than I thought they would be from the photos. Their appearance is super narrow, even though they don't necessarily fit that way. They have a 5 inch heel with a 1 inch platform, which at one time was a staple of my collection. The heel is 3/4" wide, and is simulated stacked leather. I wore them outside right away, which is something I used to shy away from doing until I vetted them properly. I can kind of tell fairly quickly nowadays. I wore them for several hours with nothing negative to report.
    3 points
  8. Hello everybody, Would you consider to buy those shoes?
    2 points
  9. Oh yes there’s plenty of irritating people in supermarkets - the screaming child, the clusters of people chatting and blocking the aisle, the interminable queues etc. But I like to cook and picking out things to make for the next weeks dinners is always nice - I like to cook in heels, but given the fact that my walk home is usually along muddy towpaths, I rarely shop in heels!
    2 points
  10. The "naturally attractive" actually is a throwback to the Peanuts comic as Frieda often spoke of her "naturally curly hair." During my youth, I, too, had naturally curly hair which I hated - it was so hard to keep it under control. So, as my naturally curly hair began to straighten (and fall out) with age, I modified this to mean that I was just "naturally good looking." It's all in jest.
    2 points
  11. I suppose I’d say 80 to 100 is my sweet spot
    2 points
  12. My sweet spot is 100 to 120 cm. I need at least 100 to change my hip/femur interaction and over 120 is too high for a full day of walking. The trouble is, I can't fine shoes that I like over 80 mm currently. Everything is so short. I have many over 8 years old and are worn out.
    2 points
  13. It's a matter of practice. I'm a U.S. women's 10 to 11, depending on make and style. I rarely wear under 120mm or over 140mm. My sweetspot is 130mm. These numbers are all based on single soles. I agree that for my size 120 to 140mm also look the best. Anything higher looks off and anything lower just don't appeal to me.
    2 points
  14. Did you ever get an explanation about which post was offensive, and exactly what was said that caused this issue? Things similar to this have been happening to me on some other sites. I get a generic note about one of my posts being offensive or inappropriate, but never an explanation of which post or just what was said that caused the upset. I write the various webmasters asking for this info, never hear a word back. Even though I feel the world needs to "toughen up a bit", I would appreciate precise explanations so I can learn and not cause issues in the future. Needless to say, selfishly, we all want you to stay here with us. Your sense of style is great and we always like hearing about your various adventures and opportunities for romance. Still hoping this issue can be resolved... But, I surely understand if you have had enough. All the best. Don
    2 points
  15. love those pumps. Almost my uniform now, those things are so broadly useful.
    2 points
  16. Mlroseplant, Don’t second guess yourself neighbor. Your footwear choice had minimal effect on the off chance one or two people surfing the net saw you and decided not to join that church. In times like these those regular members should probably give more of their money or time. Bubba136 makes great points about church attendance being down and it’s been documented that it’s down worldwide. Some religions have been plagued with scandal or created a perception certain behaviors are tacitly condoned despite laws against them. Many remember the scores of tv evangelists who succumbed to greed and temptation. It certainly didn’t help the faith community when certain states decided to close churches while casinos and liquor stores were open. All these factors drove people away. Precisely why it’s important to keep forging ahead. Even in heels. HinH
    2 points
  17. @ohnoberty Yea, I was surprised to actually find a used pair with 120mm heels. @Jkrenzer in boots I wear 41. Usually 40 with pumps. I’ve been working on getting used to this heel height, and these boots are more challenging then some other models. I just found some wedges that would be good for practice without putting too much wear on these.
    2 points
  18. I was up at Costco the other day, and I saw a teenaged girl in heels. Not heels as we tend to think of them in this group, but heels obvious to everyone else. I would estimate this girl to have been about 15 or 16, but it's so hard to say for sure these days. She was with her parents, who were dressed nicely, but casually. Mom was in a sort of flowy skirt with flat sandals, and Dad was in khaki shorts with deck shoes or something of that sort. Daughter was wearing what appeared to be a romper, quite short with 2 1/2 inch block heeled sandals. I did not look too carefully to avoid even the appearance of impropriety. Daughter had the typical teenage expression of a combination of boredom and oh, I don't know, sulky perhaps, but not like how normal adults carry themselves. She had her face buried in the phone the entire time, even though she kept up with Mom and Dad. I know this because we happened to be shopping at about the same pace and in the same general direction, and Costco moves items around a lot, so you often have to walk around and look for it. The one time Daughter looked at something besides her phone was to check out my shoes for a few seconds. For those few seconds, the expression on her face softened just a bit. I can be thankful that my 15 year old walks around looking like a normal, well-adjusted person. That seems to be a rarity, so I am told.
    2 points
  19. Just came in, JS Xona. They fit but are snug, so I will wear them around the house to break them in before spending a day in them. I'll post a picture with these and shorts in a week or so. Looking at another JS wedge sandal now.
    2 points
  20. I was wondering if you notice how many men in high heels are part of the openning ceremonies. From 3 men running through alibrary, to men on a fashion runway on a bridge.
    1 point
  21. Man or woman, I am noticing lately that I am the only person wearing heels, period. To be fair, I don't get out much these days. Since we lost the "big" farmer's market gig for this year, I really don't get out much. During the summer by nature, church services are even more casual than they normally are, and they're pretty casual these days. There ain't no such thing as "Sunday Best" anymore. That's pretty much gone to "Easter Best" or "Christmas Eve Best." My counterparts in the other band, who play in the service before me, could always be counted on to wear heels, even if they were only 2 1/2". No longer. At any rate, I have been remiss. I have forgotten to post church outfits for two weeks in a row. Here they are. The pink-ish one features cheap Chinese mules by a company called Bella Marie. Maybe I'll talk in more detail about those later, because there's a story. The purple shirted one features Michael Kors Oksana sandals, which I have owned a very long time, and am barely competent at walking in them now. I wonder how awkward I looked 10 years ago wearing them.
    1 point
  22. I’ve been thinking of getting one. It would be handy as I wear boots all the time and my favourite pair are really thought to get off - to the extent that I find myself reluctant to wear them. When they are in, they fit beautifully and are very comfortable - I’ve done 25,000 steps in a day in them with no troubles whatsoever. Getting them off at the end of the day is another matter
    1 point
  23. The worst part about living alone is getting used to it. While I am totally self sufficient, I do eat out a lot. One of the best things about living in a popular tourist area is the number of excellent restaurants that are available. While I do shop for groceries about once every two weeks, there are about 6 different restaurants where I love to eat.
    1 point
  24. I don't know that I'd want to be out there for 11 years, though. It even seems a little bit ridiculous that under the best of circumstances, it would have taken me about 6 years to accomplish the same. Which is why when somebody says they have walked "hundreds of miles" in heels, I kind of take it with a grain of salt. I have no way to prove it, but I get the feeling I have walked many times farther in work boots over the past 11 years than I have in heels.
    1 point
  25. That's definitely an interesting way to spend 30 minutes. That's really neat that they do that every week. I sometimes wonder how one learns to play the carillion--I mean, there's nowhere to practice in private when you're really bad at it! I do not mind grocery shopping, it's the meal planning I hate. I feel like I've got about 12 dishes in my arsenal, and I keep doing them over and over again.
    1 point
  26. Oh, I do not mind the actual shopping aspect, it's everyone else in the store that I mind. I do not understand why grocery shopping has to be a "family" experience that might involve multiple generations. Likewise, there is no need to leave your shopping cart in the middle of the aisle while one takes 30 minutes to decide on product "A" or "B," when, in fact, the differences may boil down to the color of the packaging. Nor is there a need to argue with the cashier over a difference of price of an item that is just a few cents/shillings. The best part of grocery shopping is when I can do so in heels.
    1 point
  27. Yep - this has happened to me on many occasions! What I have noticed (as I am sure others have as well) is that overall body temperature greatly affects how certain shoes fit. A recent cool day witnessed shoes that were once a tight fit all of a sudden were seemingly the best fitting pairs of shoes I owned. Then, on a very warm and humid day, the same shoes felt as they were three sizes too small. I find that summer weather wreaks havoc on my feet to the point here I am inclined to put on a pair of athletic "trainers" over heels because I know the former will always "fit" regardless of external temperature.
    1 point
  28. Hello Everyone It has been a while since I have been here. I have a Love for seeing a woman wearing a pretty dress or skirt with pantyhose or tights and a pair of high heels shoes or boots ! I do own a few pairs of high heels but I do not go out in public wearing them. I am a tall man being 6'6" tall and with heels puts me over 7'. I respect both men and women that wear heels in public and walk in them !!! I look forward to talking to people here about there love for high heels. Thank You Yhighheels
    1 point
  29. Should be! And perhaps with enough sub-two-mile days put in, they would be worn and stretched sufficiently for them to become even three-mile or four-mile heels
    1 point
  30. The other thing I've noticed is that on more than one occasion, 2 miles is not enough of a test. It seems I have several pairs that are perfectly fine for 2 miles, but in that third mile, they turn on me, almost without warning. Since I rarely encounter a situation where I'm wearing heels for an extended period, like if I worked in an office, it makes me wonder if these 2 mile heels would be ok for all day with only incidental walking.
    1 point
  31. In advance of today's services, I want to say that I have finally reached 2,000 documented miles in heels! It's taken me 11 years to get there, but I've finally made it. At the pace I have set these days, it should only take another 3 years to get to 3,000. I had a few bad years in there, particularly 2017, where, according to my records, I walked only 35 miles the entire year. Looking back at it, 2017 was a significant turning point for me in many ways.
    1 point
  32. Yes indeed! One of my ankle boots did that very thing a few months ago. I can only think it must have been a temporary misalignment of my left foot, because out of nowhere they started rubbing, big time. And then they stoped.I can wear them just fine once,Ore, after coming near to giving them away
    1 point
  33. Have you ever had heels you thought were your friends suddenly bite you in the foot? I thought about starting a whole new thread for this question, but this one is going pretty good right now, and it's not totally off the subject. Friends, I've had this happen to me a few times over the years, and now just recently. I called 2023 "The Year of the Band-Aid," or sticking plaster, or if you must, adhesive bandage. Since I have a lot of shoes, I don't always remember what comfort aids each of them needs, so I have made a list in my mobile phone of such. When I notice that a certain pair of shoes rubs in a certain spot, I'll make a note for next time where I need to apply a bandaid, or whether I need to use a pair of ball-of-foot cushions, and so on. I know, I know, I've said many times, if I can't walk at least two miles in reasonable comfort, forget it. However, if the simple addition of a cheap and readily available bandaid solves the problem, it's just part of the game. Many times, shoes will "grow out" of their silliness, and those that rubbed a little harshly in certain areas eventually stop and thereafter require no comfort aids at all. But sometimes, shoes that have been friends for a long time, and can be counted on to be comfortable all day, suddenly eat a hole in the side of one's foot without warning! Anybody had this happen to them?
    1 point
  34. My outfit for an evening concert in the park!
    1 point
  35. I agree too - you make a good point. Walking fluidly would go a long way towards making taller heels acceptable in an office environment. That said, not many people do and fewer still would care to wear 120mm stilettos all day, but would keep those for evenings and nights out, and stick to more easily worn 100mm stilettos - assuming they were high heel lovers to start with. Others, those who wear heels grudgingly, as an obligation, will stick with lower heights and will probably be the ones casting censorious eyes at colleagues in towering stilettos - setting up the informal, unspoken rules about appropriate heel heights.
    1 point
  36. Isn’t there an old saying “Attractiveness is in the eye of the beholder?” I, like JK, do not find nudity to be attractive. Nude men, not my taste. Nude women, I find alluring but far more attractive when wearing sexy lingerie and high heels. Long live attractive women! 🤩 Doesn’t it depend on the job? A department store sales person on their feet most of their working hours is more likely to wear lower heels than someone sitting at a desk. I have noticed some women salespeople changing out of their high heels shoes after a short time at work.
    1 point
  37. Most women have smaller feet than me. A 4 inch heel on a size 7 or 8, euro 37 or so is quite high.
    1 point
  38. I must be passing part of my sensibility down to my 15 year old son. No interest in heels, but knows how to tie several different necktie knots. It seems that we have been on this subject off and on for the past 10 years, but we'll drag it out again for the new guy. Otherwise, we're back to talking about lawn mowers and stuff. We have several factors at work here, pun intended. Somebody, at some point, for some reason, made up a rule that you can't wear more than a 4 inch heel to work. In fact, I think I've heard in some cases, 4 inch is really pushing it. Somebody made up that rule, and people began to believe it. There is some logic in that, because few people can actually function normally in 4 inch heels. That's just a fact. When your shoes are preventing you from doing your job, they're too high. And by preventing, I mean if when you get up to walk across the room and the first thing people notice is that you're walking funny. For some people, that's 3 inch. For some people, they just walk funny anyway and 2 inch is too high. Those hard and fast rules are somewhat dated. I mean look at what's happened with hair, ink, and piercings. It may seem odd to us shoe guys, but most people do not notice your shoes right away, first thing. Nobody is going to notice an extra 1/2 inch, except when the wearer can't carry them off naturally. That's why I brought up this whole subject of hitting a wall somewhere shortly above 4 1/2"--that's the point at which even the most casual observer will notice that there's something wrong with me. Therefore, my Steve Madden black pumps are completely appropriate for the office, but actual Loubie So Kates would not be. Nobody but us will notice the 10 mm difference in height, but they will notice as soon as I take more than a few steps. I believe that those of us who have taken the trouble, sometimes years of trouble, to learn how to walk and live in this silly but attractive footwear get to make up our own rules about what's appropriate for the office.
    1 point
  39. It had been at least that long since I wore a tie too. I didn't even own one until a couple of years ago when I was invited to lunch at the Ritz. And they simply do not allow gentlemen (a loosely applied term in my case) to dine unless they are wearing a tie. And so I acquired one and wore it, and lived to tell the tale. I still have it, still knotted from its single wearing, buried somewhere in my sock drawer, awaiting the net time I'm invited to the Ritz. I'm such a cosmopolitan guy ...
    1 point
  40. I like to be in the 130 to 150 everyday walking. without looking I would say I have 10% 3-4” 20% 4-5” 65% 5-6” 5% 6+” 80% single sole 20% platform single sole 5” is my go to
    1 point
  41. This is interesting. In my younger years, the height of the heel didn’t play a large role in my desire to wear girls shoes. After all when I was younger, girls my age weren’t allowed to wear heels higher than 1 inch or 1 1/2 inches at the most. As long as I was wearing “girls shoes” on my feet, I was happy. At home, around the house I, on the other hand, would wear my mom’s heels. Her shoes had heels around 4”. And when she finally bought heels for me, they also had 4” heels. Over the years, up to about ten years ago, I lived in shoes with 5” heels. I owned shoes with higher heels, some as high as 7 inches that I really never completely mastered, and shoes with 6” heels that were comfortable to wear but were tricky because of the extra height, you had to be more careful about where you put your feet. These days, in my more advanced age, I am happy to be able to wear shoes with any heels at all. I rarely see any women my age wearing shoes with heels as high as I usually am wearing. These days I am satisfied just wearing my girls shoes again, regardless of how high the heels are.
    1 point
  42. I’m afraid I simply take the easier option and go with my 3 to 3.5” chunky heeled boots - although to be fair ease is only part of the reason. I genuinely prefer my chunky heeled boots - aesthetically, speaking and in terms of my own personal style. They seem more “me” if you know what I mean. That said I really do love the lines of 120 stiletto boots and keep meaning to put in the effort to learn to wear them
    1 point
  43. I have a pair of 120mm knee boots from Italian Heels, who scale their heels according to size to keep the lines and proportions correct - so at my size (their standard is a 38) my heels are somewhat higher than 120. I love the elegant lines on boots at this height (but no higher) but don’t get nearly enough practice in them to walk well - indeed do much more than totter.
    1 point
  44. I have a fairly defined limit, which is in an amazingly narrow range. Below 4 inches has become very easy and natural for me. 4 plus change feels like a heel enough to where I'm not able to zoom around in them. Somewhere right at 4 1/2, I hit a wall, and cannot wear anything higher. Not that I can't walk in them at all, I just wouldn't want anyone to see me walking in them. I have very little idea why I would ever want to wear such shoes, but I find the desire to work toward that goal attractive. Perhaps it is because the gold standard for designer shoes, most notably Christian Louboutin, is 120 mm. I have one pair of black pumps that emulates the style, but is actually a couple of mm short of that. I assume that in my size, U.S. 9, that the heel height would exceed five inches, or approaching 130 mm. In order to do that, I feel like I'm getting into ballet territory, and I simply don't know if I'm capable of it. Although this photograph shows a 140mm heel from Maison Ernest, far exceeding my goal, my ankle would need to be able to do something like this. I'm not even close.
    1 point
  45. Thanks for the mention. I have no idea what your intentions are, but in any case good luck with your endeavors, wherever they may lead you. The post has the feel and tone of a farewell post, but does not explicitly say so. Also, be careful with Prime Ministers' daughters. Boring as my life may be here in Iowa, I actually have a story about THAT subject.
    1 point
  46. I can't find it. It's probably been deleted by Tech. From memory, KH used an acronym or initialism which included the letter "N". Then said what it stood for. His arrogant and overentitled response to Tech's penalty is revolting. Perhaps he should try putting a foot or word out of line in his beloved Russia. People don't get penalty points, they get sent to gulags.
    1 point
  47. For some reason I have always found it mentally easier to wear wedges with shorts. Of course it's all an illusion. I don't think it matters one bit, within reason, what heels one chooses to wear with shorts, one is still going to get some attention from the general public. Part of it may be the noise. If people can hear you coming from 20 meters away, they're probably going to take a look well in advance. I do think the most important thing is to stand up straight, own the outfit, and walk with an easy gait, as if it's the most natural thing in the world. Appearing to walk and move carelessly is a lot harder than you'd think.
    1 point
  48. The N word did appear in one of KH's posts. I saw it myself and was horrified, even though it was used as part of an explanation rather than being obviously racist. I'm not surprised Tech has censured him. You committed the crime. Don't be a baby. Don't be arrogant. Take your punishment like a man and stop whining.
    1 point
  49. Morning, if I remember my history right, when Little Shoe Box closed, one employee, Ilia, took over and re started production of the shoes and boots they were well known for. It took me a while to finally try their products, but I am glad I did. The knee high boots seem to be a better quality than the pair I got back in 2001. If anyone is considering ordering from them, go for it! https://i.ibb.co/djM96M4/IMG-0144.jpg
    1 point
  50. So here is my first of many to come! Boots by Aldo, dress is Lululemon Define, wristlet is Guess My usual Chicago to Tampa trip. Kinda bummed, only 2 comments about my boots, both in the TSA line, no negative comments. Look forward to talking with people. Will post some more pics soon!
    1 point
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