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  1. Past hour
  2. I’d love to see someone try the triple jump in stilettos - I’ll bet that would rate high, an Olympian version of Funniest Home Videos. Or weightlifting in stilettos. Can’t you just see the front row of judges scrambling out of their seats as a super heavyweight lurches towards them with 240kg nearly over his head? It would be brilliant TV
  3. Today
  4. Is men in heels a new category in this year’s Olympics? If it is, I wish I would have known, I would’ve tried out!
  5. Yesterday
  6. I went to the 1984 Olympics. Saw two days of track and field. Watch high hurdler Moses outclass all the other runners. Ate lunch outside the boxing complex and had several international TV interviews with boxing medalist happen next to us. Walked across the street with the heavy weight boxing gold medalist next to me with his gold medal around his neck. Shook his hand, softess hands (other than a baby) that I have ever felt.
  7. I don’t watch the Olympics at all. I used to love them when I was a kid - and believed in all the nonsense. I’ve not watched any of them since about 1984. It’s nice to think that they had some men in heels for the opening ceremony though.
  8. I was wondering if you notice how many men in high heels are part of the openning ceremonies. From 3 men running through alibrary, to men on a fashion runway on a bridge.
  9. That's awesome that you know of what I speak! It was enjoyable and the park is very nice. I do not think the performances occur year round as I would venture to guess that the bells would be susceptible to cracking in cold weather. Regardless, it is a great way to enjoy the evening. I think that for tonight, I'll head over early, and in my trainers, to stroll around the park before the "concert."
  10. You can never have too many Asian stalls at a farmers market - aside from the fact that Asian is an umbrella term taking in a kaleidoscopic sweep of cultures. Vietnamese food will be vastly different from Korean or Japanese or Indonesian or Thai. And of course the dozens of varieties of Chinese, and the even greater variety of Indian and Sri Lankan dishes and styles. And Malaysian. I love a plate of nasi lemak. Whoever is sorting out your farmers market is an idiot. I agree - heels are worn for occasions these days. When I passed through London on Ascot Day a few weeks back I saw loads of heels everywhere, worn by people who were dressed to cut a dash at the races. Otherwise though, heels are fairly scarce - especially stilettos.
  11. The short answer is, "I don't know." The long answer is, "I have a pretty good hunch, but I really don't know for sure." Our application was rejected this year because there were too many vendors selling Asian food, they wanted more variety. Why we got cut instead of somebody else is a mystery. That gig was replaced by other, more sporadic things, where I have far less responsibility. Now that I think about it, a good deal of the reason why I used to see a fair number of heels is because that farmer's market was in the evening, and was in close proximity to several bars and restaurants. Perhaps people do still wear heels in those situations, I'm just not around to see it. Where you don't see heels anymore is at church or at the grocery store, the two places I'm most likely to visit. So here's a thought: Does it even matter whether high heels are actually worn? As long as there is some idle desire to have these shoes, and they are bought, manufacturers will keep making them. There does still seem to be an idle desire among younger women to wear heels, but nobody thinks of wearing them casually at all. They are strictly special occasion shoes. Therefore, there is no need for the cobbler because they don't wear out. Even in my own collection, the percentage that actually sees wear is fairly small. Nowhere near 1000 to 1, but I bet it's like 10 to 1. I should check sometime. That would be another interesting data point.
  12. Hello everybody, Would you consider to buy those shoes?
  13. Last week
  14. I have noticed that it is mostly the older ones that are more nicely dressed in church these days. Even the pastor dresses more casually. It must be the summer heat. I Noticed a couple of articles posted on the internet about the last two days being the hottest ever recorded. I was wondering why we haven’t seen anything about the Farmers Market yet this year. How did you loose the farmers market?
  15. Those cheap Chinese heels do look good. I do agree with your observation. I too often feel like I'm the only wearer of high heels. I've said it before, there must 1000 pair sold for every pair actually worn through its life.
  16. Man or woman, I am noticing lately that I am the only person wearing heels, period. To be fair, I don't get out much these days. Since we lost the "big" farmer's market gig for this year, I really don't get out much. During the summer by nature, church services are even more casual than they normally are, and they're pretty casual these days. There ain't no such thing as "Sunday Best" anymore. That's pretty much gone to "Easter Best" or "Christmas Eve Best." My counterparts in the other band, who play in the service before me, could always be counted on to wear heels, even if they were only 2 1/2". No longer. At any rate, I have been remiss. I have forgotten to post church outfits for two weeks in a row. Here they are. The pink-ish one features cheap Chinese mules by a company called Bella Marie. Maybe I'll talk in more detail about those later, because there's a story. The purple shirted one features Michael Kors Oksana sandals, which I have owned a very long time, and am barely competent at walking in them now. I wonder how awkward I looked 10 years ago wearing them.
  17. It’s nothing but smoke and mirrors or perhaps the difference between the way men and women pee?
  18. I’ve often thought that if we read about a South Seas island tribe with such strict taboos about styles of footwear we’d smile and find it quaint - how curious that in our own society we regard our taboos as though they had the force of natural law, something encoded in our chromosomes. Women wear heels, men do not.
  19. I’ve been thinking of getting one. It would be handy as I wear boots all the time and my favourite pair are really thought to get off - to the extent that I find myself reluctant to wear them. When they are in, they fit beautifully and are very comfortable - I’ve done 25,000 steps in a day in them with no troubles whatsoever. Getting them off at the end of the day is another matter
  20. I have a bootjack to help remove pull-on boots. I admit that my only such boots are wellies. It's like this but made of metal: https://www.amazon.co.uk/Pluvios-Wellington-Remover-Scraper-Weatherproof/dp/B07F1VMDRJ/ref=sr_1_5?dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.AHiNlnPYWbeu38DQNj_aMcX8VKfUdh6tYXsP5T0S8lGsHx1ZPRf-cxfYOt-b_i-kVvYPITHSz6SjNUDpwZCtKrDsIW6-LFgXIZBnG2ZelUKiW0zJqEk8Nr9upSgIrOMTBMoIUnDK-SFDp72uOQkXVaavtL7jznWM52z8c90JN-uaZDuA5LPE7U0FiLLgVYSq3IQIs5y_hBY80UYJ0O3EUMm7rLF2ZOs_P9Xezwm8ozS-cmXgoBo0ysX7uH4JBNyPY5G1Er2dPAtM-dwuOe_C38LV-ZJGBKy-H5BCeGSnUPU.mV_wY9Nz2UAtvtaIu8BtHBa4SQzMB1OY9FjPQ_W2664&dib_tag=se&keywords=Boot+Jacks&qid=1721832713&sr=8-5
  21. Yes, but quite a few of my boots are pull-on styles and while they fit beautifully around the foot, they can be really hard to remove if your feet swell
  22. Didn’t boot makers start putting zippers in boots just to make putting them on and taking them off easier? 😳
  23. I believe that this is the only place that I frequent that looks at shoes 👠 as something other than a covering to protect your feet. Wondering back, when in the course of human history did man discover that covering the foot with something not only kept them from freezing but aided in walking by protecting the bottom from injury? Going forward, at what point did humans begin to decorate their foot cover? Then, when did they decide to make their foot cover gender specific? And so on and so forth. Back in the day when I was still circling the globe, I remember driving from the airport to a hotel in Zambia, where I noticed a man sitting beside the road cutting apart worn out automobile tires, putting threads through the slabs and turning them into foot covers. How ingenious, I thought but how could he tell which pairs were made for females?
  24. I do a lot of walking - nearly always in tall boots, but not always in heels.
  25. Yes it was deeply unpleasant - aside from exhausting. I’d only just gotten over another dose of Covid and promptly suffered a relapse.
  26. Sounds similar to when one has just gotten off an overseas flight. Ain't that the worst?
  27. I am not the king. I'm just the most normal weird guy you'll ever meet. And yes, I do gather all sorts of useless data, like keeping track of how long my razor blades last. One thing I have noticed since I set a goal of 300 miles a year in heels, and in the grand scheme of things that's not all that much, is that other than the occasional blister from walking three miles in a two mile shoe, there is no pain associated with heels anymore. The other thing I've noticed is that despite consuming more grain based beverages than I should, my weight has remained under a certain mark much more easily than it has in the past. It is quite true that, unlike either @Jkrenzer or @Cali, I am not in heels really all that much, even though it might seem like it. That is because you have to subtract out at least 10 hours every weekday for work and 6-7 hours for sleep. The rest of the time is mostly domestic stuff, and I'm not really walking anywhere. I cannot think of too many times when I've spent what I would call a full day in heels. Therefore, I must purposefully walk to get the practice I desire to maintain my endurance. I just happen to keep track of that, being a completely normal yet weird guy.
  28. I've been to that park, and heard the bells. I'm from STL originally, and headed your way at least half a dozen times. Lovely bells, if memory serves.
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