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Cali last won the day on July 12

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    Skiing, fishing,

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  1. I went to the 1984 Olympics. Saw two days of track and field. Watch high hurdler Moses outclass all the other runners. Ate lunch outside the boxing complex and had several international TV interviews with boxing medalist happen next to us. Walked across the street with the heavy weight boxing gold medalist next to me with his gold medal around his neck. Shook his hand, softess hands (other than a baby) that I have ever felt.
  2. I was wondering if you notice how many men in high heels are part of the openning ceremonies. From 3 men running through alibrary, to men on a fashion runway on a bridge.
  3. @Jkrenzer, who says I don't under estimate as well? I wall over 3000 ft just from my car to my room. Walk and talk for 4 hours. Then another 3000 back to my car. Then run errands, like shoping at Costco, shoe shopping, etc. For 8 months of the year, it's more like heels on before 6:30 am, off at 9:00 pm at least 4 days at week. How much walking, sitting during that time varies by the meetings I attend and their location. So I estimate 1-3+ miles a day for 9 years. I wear heels everday and almost everywhere, even to our farmer's market. But it's not a cmpetition to me to rack up miles, etc. I glad @mlroseplant keeps track of all sorts of things. I gleem information from them. I see so much information every day that I don't want to generate any more data myself; I'm too old for that. What is important for me and heels is that the more I am in heels the less pain I am in throughout the day and night. Like this morning I woke up in pain, so I put on heels at 5:15 am.
  4. I estimate that I walk between .5 and 5 miles in heels every day. Currently it's a .75 roundtrip trip just from my car to where my room is. I'm then in heels walking for 4 hours minimum. Many times I'm in heels for over 12 hours. I estimate about 150-200 miles a year.
  5. I can't remember the last time I wore a tie, 20-30 years ago.
  6. I switched to women's shoes after researching what shoes would work best for my feet. After three ankle reconstructions I discovered my ankle problems were the result of men's shoes. Haven't worn men's shoes and haven't had an ankle problem in 14 years. At the start it was 1 and 2 inch heels, but a major leg injury forced me into 4-inch heels for 5 months and I found it greatly reduce my hip pain. My body tells me when I haven't spend enough time in heels that day.
  7. My sweet spot is 100 to 120 cm. I need at least 100 to change my hip/femur interaction and over 120 is too high for a full day of walking. The trouble is, I can't fine shoes that I like over 80 mm currently. Everything is so short. I have many over 8 years old and are worn out.
  8. My commute is a mountain highway. We call it a hill because its only 2300+ feet at the summit. It goes up from 50 feet to 2300 feet and then down to 30 feet with lots of twist and turns. Although my car is only 7 years old now, I thinking about buying a new 4-wheel drive SUV in the next year or two.
  9. Don what you need to do is book a flight to San Diego. Purchase one there and drive it back.
  10. I noticed that there was extra material above the top of the calves while tight around the calves
  11. I think they are riding up because of your calves are pulling them up.
  12. I tan my legs while sitting in bikini bottoms so my tan lines are not visable in shorts, even my 3" and 4" styles. I sit for at most 30 minutes each day to get that nice bronze look without the burn. I almost always have professionally done fingers and toes. There are certain things my thumbs don't want to do (can't - missing the bone) so doing my own nails takes hours upon hours plus I need acyrlics because of damaged nails. My thumb nail has split into two independent nails. I been wearing my shorts with wedges 40% of the time, but tomorrow its one of my classic "mess with your mind outfits": shorts and JS stilettos with a Hawaiian shirts. Should be 102F at work tomorrow.
  13. I can be walking along a cliff path over looking the ocean. Whales and dolphin can be jumping just off shore and many of the people walking will be staring at their phone...Maybe looking up dolphins jumping. I am a rare breed and still have a flip phone. But I have 5 computers I can use to look stuff up if I need to.
  14. I have 8 to 10 JS. Not all JS fit me. The Dany's don't fit me. The Xona was on a sale plus I had money off and free shipping. However waiting for a sale is a two edged sword, you can get a good price or they can run out before they go on sale. How much of a gambler are you? It's the old risk/reward game.
  15. Hundreds, I believe it's more like thousands. I been wearing 4+ inch heels in public for over 9 years. And I know I get stares especially when I wear my knee high sitlettos or any stilletos.
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