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Shyheels last won the day on July 18

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    Literature, Art, Cycling

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  1. I don’t watch the Olympics at all. I used to love them when I was a kid - and believed in all the nonsense. I’ve not watched any of them since about 1984. It’s nice to think that they had some men in heels for the opening ceremony though.
  2. You can never have too many Asian stalls at a farmers market - aside from the fact that Asian is an umbrella term taking in a kaleidoscopic sweep of cultures. Vietnamese food will be vastly different from Korean or Japanese or Indonesian or Thai. And of course the dozens of varieties of Chinese, and the even greater variety of Indian and Sri Lankan dishes and styles. And Malaysian. I love a plate of nasi lemak. Whoever is sorting out your farmers market is an idiot. I agree - heels are worn for occasions these days. When I passed through London on Ascot Day a few weeks back I saw loads of heels everywhere, worn by people who were dressed to cut a dash at the races. Otherwise though, heels are fairly scarce - especially stilettos.
  3. I’ve often thought that if we read about a South Seas island tribe with such strict taboos about styles of footwear we’d smile and find it quaint - how curious that in our own society we regard our taboos as though they had the force of natural law, something encoded in our chromosomes. Women wear heels, men do not.
  4. I’ve been thinking of getting one. It would be handy as I wear boots all the time and my favourite pair are really thought to get off - to the extent that I find myself reluctant to wear them. When they are in, they fit beautifully and are very comfortable - I’ve done 25,000 steps in a day in them with no troubles whatsoever. Getting them off at the end of the day is another matter
  5. Yes, but quite a few of my boots are pull-on styles and while they fit beautifully around the foot, they can be really hard to remove if your feet swell
  6. I do a lot of walking - nearly always in tall boots, but not always in heels.
  7. Yes it was deeply unpleasant - aside from exhausting. I’d only just gotten over another dose of Covid and promptly suffered a relapse.
  8. Mine are definitely bigger in the afternoon. I recently had an assignment where I was out and about or on my feet literally for 36 hours - getting my boots off after that, when I was finally home again, was a twenty minute job
  9. Oh yes there’s plenty of irritating people in supermarkets - the screaming child, the clusters of people chatting and blocking the aisle, the interminable queues etc. But I like to cook and picking out things to make for the next weeks dinners is always nice - I like to cook in heels, but given the fact that my walk home is usually along muddy towpaths, I rarely shop in heels!
  10. I rather like grocery shopping - it’s the lugging it back home that gives me pause.
  11. That’s quite a milestone! Nearly the length of the Appalachian Trail!
  12. Welcome! It would certainly be a challenge to be that tall and wear heels, although there’s a member here whose even taller than you!
  13. Should be! And perhaps with enough sub-two-mile days put in, they would be worn and stretched sufficiently for them to become even three-mile or four-mile heels
  14. Yes indeed! One of my ankle boots did that very thing a few months ago. I can only think it must have been a temporary misalignment of my left foot, because out of nowhere they started rubbing, big time. And then they stoped.I can wear them just fine once,Ore, after coming near to giving them away
  15. I agree too - you make a good point. Walking fluidly would go a long way towards making taller heels acceptable in an office environment. That said, not many people do and fewer still would care to wear 120mm stilettos all day, but would keep those for evenings and nights out, and stick to more easily worn 100mm stilettos - assuming they were high heel lovers to start with. Others, those who wear heels grudgingly, as an obligation, will stick with lower heights and will probably be the ones casting censorious eyes at colleagues in towering stilettos - setting up the informal, unspoken rules about appropriate heel heights.
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