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chesterx: Like you, I've gotten comments from women from time to time who complimented me on being able to wear heels when they can't. I suppose that could be due to medical issues, or perhaps they never ventured beyond a couple of inches or so. It's really hard to know the real reason.

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I don't want to LOOK like a woman, I just want to DRESS like a woman!

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As many of us have noticed the main reason can be they have tried poor quality shoes,found them un uncomfortable and then decided to give up. Most women buy shoes for what they look and don’t even wonder how confortable they will be after a couple of hours. 

Or don’t take  the time to break in them at home. 

So their excuse is: I am not able to walk in high heels. 

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11 hours ago, chesterx said:


Thinking about it, I want to have a talk with lady about heels the next time a woman compliments my heels. Seems it's always "I cant walk in them like you can". I think it is because women love how heels look, but not how they feel to wear them. Where I think, like most of us here, we actually like the idea of wearing heels just as much as we like the look of heels. I think that extra motivation makes a difference. If a woman has to run a few quick errands she most likely would choose flats or sneakers, whereas I see it as another opportunity to wear heels. Thus I choose to wear heels when most women don't. At least that is my theory...


Nice looking shoes! Glad you were able to wear them out somewhere.

I came to your exact conclusion independently. I might word it a little bit differently, but it's exactly the same thought. Most women like the idea of wearing heels, but they are not willing to make the effort to deal with the reality of wearing heels. The reality is, of course, that heels are not really designed in harmony with the human gait, and they require training and practice and active effort to wear all the time. I kind of look at it as a sport. It's not really a sport, of course, but it follows the same sort of logic, and the potential for improvement, but at the same time, injury, is always present.

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I had this discussion with several women at my last manicure, see my "Cali World", and I have had this discussion with many women over the years. And I have some anecdotal evidence as well.

There are several reason why we hear "I cant walk in them like you can"  so often.

Part is physical. They never obtained enough muscles or balance when they were young. So they lean forward and their knees hurt, their ankles are weak and then that with balance causes them to sprain/break their ankles.

Another reason is they buy them for looks not that they can walk in. It's purely for show as they walk from the car to the table, "that's right bi--h, these are Jimmy Choo's" as they walk through the restaurant .


Edited by Cali
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Most women select shoes to complement their outfits.  Accessories.  Style to be worn depends upon event.  Casual, dressy,  Church, formal, etc.

JeffB is a good example.  It appears he choose the style of footwear he wears to match, or at least, not detract, from his outfit.  


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Being mentally comfortable in your own mind is the key to wearing heels in public.

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While JeffB chooses styles that compliment his look, he also buys heels that fit. He knows he will be walking around a mall, gallery, casino, park, ... so why wear something that hurts. It distracts from the experience.

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11 hours ago, Bubba136 said:

Most women select shoes to complement their outfits.  Accessories.  Style to be worn depends upon event.  Casual, dressy,  Church, formal, etc.

JeffB is a good example.  It appears he choose the style of footwear he wears to match, or at least, not detract, from his outfit.  


Agreed. I've said this before, heels are, for me, part of the outfit, not the reason for same.

9 hours ago, Cali said:

While JeffB chooses styles that compliment his look, he also buys heels that fit. He knows he will be walking around a mall, gallery, casino, park, ... so why wear something that hurts. It distracts from the experience.

Couldn't have said it better. To that end, I've re-evaluated my heel wearing, opting for comfort over style because I do a lot of standing and walking while out and about. These days, I rarely wear anything over three inches and am perfectly content with flats, especially in spring and summer when I sport my flat sandals.

I don't want to LOOK like a woman, I just want to DRESS like a woman!

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Thanks for the replies, I enjoyed the responses. I'm not planning anymore outings for the near future. As you may know, my mom has been in poor health the last few months & she was finally called home Tuesday morning. She passed peacefully in her sleep with me & my sister by her side...

Edited by chesterx
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23 minutes ago, chesterx said:

Thanks for the replies, I enjoyed the responses. I'm not planning anymore outings for the near future. As you may know, my mom has been in poor health the last few months & she was finally called home Tuesday morning. She passed peacefully in her sleep with me & my sister by her side...

So sorry to hear @chesterx… wishing you all the best :-( 

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1 hour ago, chesterx said:

Thanks for the replies, I enjoyed the responses. I'm not planning anymore outings for the near future. As you may know, my mom has been in poor health the last few months & she was finally called home Tuesday morning. She passed peacefully in her sleep with me & my sister by her side...

God bless you, I know how hard this is...

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14 hours ago, chesterx said:

Thanks for the replies, I enjoyed the responses. I'm not planning anymore outings for the near future. As you may know, my mom has been in poor health the last few months & she was finally called home Tuesday morning. She passed peacefully in her sleep with me & my sister by her side...

Sorry to hear that. Thoughts and prayers for you and yours.

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Ready to get back to heeling, so Friday I threw on my Nine West nude pumps in the morning for my visit to my doctors office so they could draw my blood. After that I threw my sneakers on for half a day at work. After work I put them back on for a stop by Nordstrom Rack & Dillards. Nothing at the  rack but at Dillards I found a cute pantsuit, it was more than I should have spent but I just had to have it, then went home. Saturday I wore my tan heels by INC for a stop by the dry cleaners. Then off to the grocery store. After that I drove through the car wash, then something disturbing happened. As I was finishing toweling off my car, some guy drove by looking at me, I just casually waved. He pulled into a parking spot a bit a ways from me as I was getting into my car. He backed out as I drove off & it seemed he was following me. I drove around the parking lot to the exit as he tried to pull up beside me, but i turned before he could. He followed me to the light. Well I wasn't leading him to my house, so I turned the other direction. He again followed me the pulled alongside in the other lane, I did not make eye contact. I slowed, he slowed & stayed beside me till for what seemed a lifetime, then finally u turned. I drove on to make sure he stopped following me & my heart rate slowed to normal, then I went back home. That was more excitement than I needed...Anyone else had this happen to them?

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Yes,a few years ago I experienced a similar situation 

i had made a stop in rest area on the highway.As it was empty I decided to change my shoes and try on the brand new stilettos I had just bought. It was a few years ago and wasn’t heeling publicly yet but ,only at home and in the car. As I was standing,enjoying the feeling of these shoes a car slowed down beside me,the driver( male) looked at me and stopped his car. 

I got into my car and left. The guy followed me. Tried to go faster,still following.Tried to slow down,he did the same. 

I decided to pull into the next rest area .so did he. 

As the shoes I was wearing were 6 inches blue stilettos,which could be easily considered as fetish,no doubt that guy had considered it was a clear call from my part,searching for a special meeting. 

I left the rest area again,took the first exit,took the highway the opposite direction. 

He probably decided to give up because no he was anymore visible in the back mirror 

after a few minutes I did a another U turn and was quiet. 

Nothing dangerous but bad feeling 

By chance driving with extreme heels wasn’t new for me,so no real danger. 

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I've never been followed before, so I can't relate. Still, I agree that we all need to be careful while out and about.

I don't want to LOOK like a woman, I just want to DRESS like a woman!

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It's never really happened to me, at least not to that extent, but I did once have a guy purposefully flag me down while I was walking, and he was in a car. It was early in the morning several years ago, in the summer. I know it was summer because I was wearing shorts (and heels) and the sun had already risen. I know it was a Sunday because this guy was obviously delivering the Sunday newspaper. I can't remember the exact circumstances, but he went out of his way to catch up with me, rolled down his window and said something to the effect of wow, you have fantastic legs and how do you even walk in those heels. Me being me, and not really reacting vigorously to anything until 30 seconds after the fact, said simply that it was a matter of practice. I'm still not sure to this day what he really wanted, if anything, but I must not have seemed too interesting, because he didn't bug me for more than about 30 seconds, then he went back to his work.

I've been followed by teenaged girls on several occasions, but I certainly didn't feel threatened by them. My thought about all this is that we men do not really know what it feels like to be a woman out there in the world, except some of us kind of do, even if it's later in our lives. I've never truly felt threatened while wearing heels, but maybe that's my own arrogance, thinking that I'm secretly a tough guy. We here at HHP often lament the fact that women can wear whatever they want and nobody cares, but I have often contemplated the "what if" scenarios if I were a woman. I have come to the conclusion that if I were a woman, and I wore what I wanted to wear, I would still get unwanted attention, only the attention would just be of a different flavor.

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16 hours ago, chesterx said:

After that I drove through the car wash, then something disturbing happened. As I was finishing toweling off my car, some guy drove by looking at me, I just casually waved. He pulled into a parking spot a bit a ways from me as I was getting into my car. He backed out as I drove off & it seemed he was following me. I drove around the parking lot to the exit as he tried to pull up beside me, but i turned before he could. He followed me to the light. Well I wasn't leading him to my house, so I turned the other direction. He again followed me the pulled alongside in the other lane, I did not make eye contact. I slowed, he slowed & stayed beside me till for what seemed a lifetime, then finally u turned. I drove on to make sure he stopped following me & my heart rate slowed to normal, then I went back home. That was more excitement than I needed...Anyone else had this happen to them?

I’ve never had that happen, but I did have an odd encounter yesterday at the car wash too!  I was just driving by and I saw another guy wearing heels, which never happens, so I thought I’d just go ask him if he happens to be on HHP!  But before I could get to him, he took off!

Ok, I am just making this up, and @chesterx I am glad you are safe and please do not think I am making light of what you were feeling at the time.  Yet I do often wonder if we are too quick to judge people to be hostile when they are actually admiring.  And you all can bet that if and when I actually do by chance encounter one of you all “in the wild” one day, I will be trying to flag you down...

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Not one to let a bad encounter bring me down for long I chose today to push the envelope even further as I wore my new pantsuit & Jessica Simpson pumps to my afternoon dental appointment. These people have known me for years & this is the 1st time I have worn heels in front of them. As I expected, nothing came of it. I'm sure they had a talk about me after I left but at least they will have something fun to talk about for awhile!


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Very nice look.  I cannot understand why we can't seem to reach a point where this is considered acceptable by the public at large.  Very classy looking.  Great job Chesterx - wish I had your gumption!

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2 hours ago, chesterx said:

Not one to let a bad encounter bring me down for long I chose today to push the envelope even further as I wore my new pantsuit & Jessica Simpson pumps to my afternoon dental appointment. These people have known me for years & this is the 1st time I have worn heels in front of them. As I expected, nothing came of it. I'm sure they had a talk about me after I left but at least they will have something fun to talk about for awhile!


That looks really classy. Very well done! And to the dentist? Well done!

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8 hours ago, chesterx said:

Not one to let a bad encounter bring me down for long I chose today to push the envelope even further as I wore my new pantsuit & Jessica Simpson pumps to my afternoon dental appointment. These people have known me for years & this is the 1st time I have worn heels in front of them. As I expected, nothing came of it. I'm sure they had a talk about me after I left but at least they will have something fun to talk about for awhile!


Well done! You look exceedingly sharp!

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I don't want to LOOK like a woman, I just want to DRESS like a woman!

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I've done similar too, no one said anything but you can rest assured that they talked about you later.  Who cares??  

Just last weekend I was visiting the town that I lived in last year.  I went into a store that I frequented in heels when I lived there.  During all my visits in heels, not a word was said.  Now a year later I go to do business and the first thing that owner and her husband ask is, "where are your heels?"  I was not in heels at the time.  We all laughed and I told them that they were at home.  She went on to comment that she thought my heels looked nice, as do yours I might add.    

Have fun....    sf

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"Why should girls have all the fun!!"

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4 hours ago, SF said:

Just last weekend I was visiting the town that I lived in last year.  I went into a store that I frequented in heels when I lived there.  During all my visits in heels, not a word was said.  Now a year later I go to do business and the first thing that owner and her husband ask is, "where are your heels?"  I was not in heels at the time.  We all laughed and I told them that they were at home.  She went on to comment that she thought my heels looked nice, as do yours I might add.    

I just visited my doctor's office for a regular appointment. As I was registering, the other receptionist looked over and asked me "What cute heels do you have on today? I saw your nails and heard your voice and I know you always have the best heels?"

Unfortunately , I had old (very old) Steve Madden Mules - wedges on, but I promised I would wear my Jessica Simpson knee high stilettos  next time.

EXPECTATIONS don't you just love it when you have special expectations.

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