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pebblesf last won the day on July 16

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    I enjoy wearing hiheel women's boots with levis, leather, and gloves...Would love to meet guys with similar interests, I wear size 12 women's boots.

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  1. I would agree. The heel height is not an issue provided the wearer can walk comfortably and perform job duties properly
  2. Did you ever get an explanation about which post was offensive, and exactly what was said that caused this issue? Things similar to this have been happening to me on some other sites. I get a generic note about one of my posts being offensive or inappropriate, but never an explanation of which post or just what was said that caused the upset. I write the various webmasters asking for this info, never hear a word back. Even though I feel the world needs to "toughen up a bit", I would appreciate precise explanations so I can learn and not cause issues in the future. Needless to say, selfishly, we all want you to stay here with us. Your sense of style is great and we always like hearing about your various adventures and opportunities for romance. Still hoping this issue can be resolved... But, I surely understand if you have had enough. All the best. Don
  3. I'm so sorry about whatever this racist accusation is.   Did the accuser actually point out the offending comment/picture so it could be reviewed and explained/denied/taken down if necessary?   I'm hoping this is just a misunderstanding..

    You are a valuable member here, and we do not want to lose you.  

    All the best


  4. You are soo right. I need to hire some service to scout out a good one for me. Hoping to move to NC for retirement
  5. I would love to find a nice rust free one, but that is impossible up here in the northeast. I see them online out west and south, but not going to buy online for sure. They were really great cars that do most everything well...
  6. Great outfit, and love the Crown Vic also, wish I could find a nice one...
  7. your efforts have paid off for sure
  8. Those boots are amazing, great heels indeed, my favorite classic styling, love the chains as well! Looks like the link to your blog was removed though... What brand are the boots, what size do you wear? How are they to walk in? Sorry for all the questions, love those boots. D
  9. This outfit is a home run for sure
  10. great outfit, beautiful booties
  11. Yep, gotta have your "heel game on" to handle those beauties properly/confidently.
  12. I hear ya buddy and apologize. I have yet to master the tecniques of shrinking my photos so they will fit here, which I why I just post the flickr links...
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