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The Adventures of kneehighs...


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^ Yeah, I'll agree it's a good starter camera, but soon I'll be ready for an upgrade...argh, the perils of rapidly advancing technology are similar to always wanting to get a new pair of shoes!

I'm not entirely agreeing with you on that it is just a starter camera, I'd say that it is leaning towards semipro. It is defenitely aimed above the average enthusiast.

Of course if you need a full framer when it becomes a business, but I'd say that apart from the lack of extreme wide angle it doesn't have too much downsides compared to for example a 5D or 1D mk3.

I'd invest in some fast prime lenses first, like the 50mm f/1.2 and you can use those later when you have ditched the 40D.

What's all the fuss about?

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I'd invest in some fast prime lenses first, like the 50mm f/1.2 and you can use those later when you have ditched the 40D.

I'm not debating that the term "starter" is relative to the context the user of the camera applies it in. I thought that point was already obvious.

I've got the 50mm f/1.4 as a starter lens and will look into the f/1.2 lens now that you mention it. I'd probably have to rent the f/1.2 lens for a weekend to see if was really worth the money, as the f/1.4 lens has already taken me pretty far.

The key is that I may need to convert my pictures to larger surface areas than the 40D and 5D support...AND that is very soon.

Feminine Style .  Masculine Soul.  Skin In The Game.

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I wish I had such a good reason :winkiss: If the 5D is not cutting it for you, you don't have that many options to go for, I guess. 35mm or beyond? And your lenses will be the price of a car, too, if you want to get to actually use that resolution.. With your access, I guess you might have seen those medium format Hasselblad CCD packs with 50 Megapixel resolution that are used in high end fashion photography? They probably aren't very affordable either.

What's all the fuss about?

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I know you're being ironic, but why shudder? Despite the quite expensive film and chemicals for developping it, and the fact that you must take greater careto avoid mistakes while shooting and you don't see the effects at once - analog pics might be of better quality than digital ones. BTW. I use an ol' Fuji Finepix S5500 compact and consider buying some Canon dSLR when I get enough money for that. I'm rather OK with my current camera though; I'm into urban exploration and have taken many nice pics of abandoned factories etc. with that little doohickey. A tripod is a must, though.

What is good for a goose, can be good for any gender!

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Film?!? Do companies still make that stuff? HA! Just kidding! kneehighs, I hope all goes well for you in your venture in photography.

I don't want to LOOK like a woman, I just want to DRESS like a woman!

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With your access, I guess you might have seen those medium format Hasselblad CCD packs with 50 Megapixel resolution that are used in high end fashion photography? They probably aren't very affordable either.

I inherited an old Hasselblad 1000F that my father bought about 50 years ago - it still takes fantastic photos...

Sadly it's getting harder and harder to find stores that sell the film, and process it. About 25 years ago I built a darkroom and started procesing my own, but that has since turned into an office, and all my darkroom equipment has gone on to other owners...


Wealth is not measured by how much you have, but rather how little you need.

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Bubba136 -

I shot my first wedding with a Speed Graphics, 4x5 sheet film carriers, and a big pocket full of Press 5 bulbs.

Nothing like the good ole days.

<-- note age :winkiss:

I dream of a world where chickens can cross roads without having their motives questioned.

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Wow, so many photography aficionados in here! Hmm, I should have a new adventure to post this coming Sunday. I honestly hope anyone reading this has the time and resources to consider attending the World Heel Meet 2009. If you can carry your own weight, then I promise amazing memories you will always recall with bright, vivid enthusiasm!

Feminine Style .  Masculine Soul.  Skin In The Game.

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My stash of Nikon 35mm cameras hasn't been used in years now. I use pocket Kodaks, one with 6MP and one with 12MP. They do great video for dance choreography and are so small I always have one in my dance bag. I also have a Kodak Z712 - 7MP and 12:1 optical zoom! All have Schneider lenses and 8x10 prints are great.

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TBG:-) Talking about the good old times of the past, I started out with a Kodak box camera that belonged to my Dad and then graduated to a Brownie 127, and then to a Polaroid 10 shot. I now use a Kodak EasyShare V550 5.0 Digital. Cheers--- Dawn HH

High Heeled Boots Forever!

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Wow, so many photography aficionados in here! . . .

Sounds like it!

So I'm starting a new thread in the "General Chit-chat" section devoted to photographic gear and techniques.

Since this is Kneehighs' "Adventure" thread, let's keep it on that track. Let's talk about the photography stuff here.

Have a happy time!

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Last night was a fun evening in New York City. Pam and I met at the Starbucks in Astor Place at 9. From there we walked all the way to The Meat Packing District and settled on some Mexican restaurant for dinner. After dinner, we caught a cab to the corner of Spring and Washington, where we settled in at a club called Don Hills. There was a gothic party there this evening, which was a mutually agreed upon comfort zone for both Pam and I to enjoy.

Don Hills was a delightfully good time. My outfit was very simple: 4" black stiletto Nine West pumps, black skinny shorts, a Peach colored silk georgette twill top by Marc by Marc Jacobs, and a black slim fit blazer by Mango.

At the beginning of the night, I saw a group of four girls who were struggling to take a photo of themselves. So I walked up to them and offered to take a picture for them. About ten minutes later, I chatted up the blonde from the group by asking her what fabric her dress was made of. She was quite a flirt as she took my hand and placed it on her stomach to allow me to feel the fabric. If you can believe it, she didn't even notice my pumps until I pointed them out to her! When she saw my pumps, her first reaction was to feel my leg with her hand, "Ooooh, you shaved your legs! I love that you shaved your legs." And then she ran her hand down to my shoe and back up my leg. She was just a real flirt.

After that, Pam and I just hung out chatting with various different people for the night. In the bathroom, one guy did compliment my shoes saying, "nice shoes. you have nice legs." I don't think he meant that compliment in a sexual way as there was no additional effort on his half to continue our conversation either in the bathroom or outside in the club.

We did do one or two poses. In the first photo, you can see a girl and I posing for a photographer. And in the second photo, from left to right are Pam's boots, my legs, and the photographers boots.

A good night overall. As I told Pam last night, I really feel like my time at the forum is coming to a near close. After the World Heel Meet 2009 is over, my time at the forum will significantly decline. I have developed new interests in fashion that are exploding with success. And once the economy rebounds, the success is only going to get bigger and better, leaving even less time for heel meets and posts here.

Feminine Style .  Masculine Soul.  Skin In The Game.

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A good night overall. As I told Pam last night, I really feel like my time at the forum is coming to a near close. After the World Heel Meet 2009 is over, my time at the forum will significantly decline. I have developed new interests in fashion that are exploding with success. And once the economy rebounds, the success is only going to get bigger and better, leaving even less time for heel meets and posts here.

What a shame. Each of us realize that we must get on with getting on, and interests build and wane, and while we all stand behind you 100% and encourage you to move on to bigger and better things, it is with profound and deep disappointment that will be felt by all if you don't keep up a an occasional up-dated report on your activities. After all, we all would like to think that we "knew him back when," and we really don't want to loose you, trusted friend and member that you are to all:thumbsup:.

(If I were in your position as a fast rising fashion photographer, the first thing I would do the next time I landed in Europe would be to go and find Gina and photograph a huge spread for a book. It would be a guarenteed best seller. .... how's that for a fantisy?)

Being mentally comfortable in your own mind is the key to wearing heels in public.

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Kneehighs:-) I must go along with Bubba's sentiments about you thinking of leaving the Forum. Please reconsider at least keeping us all informed of your successes elsewhere as we all would be interested in knowing this. Don't ever forget your roots here as we surely won't forget you and your accomplishments that you have posted with us. Cheers--- Dawn HH

High Heeled Boots Forever!

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^ Ultimately what it really boils down to is the fact that that there is a time and a season for everything in life. There was a time when I first joined that I was afraid to wear heels in public. That gave birth to a season of developing my confidence and once i developed that, I wanted to give back to the community what I had taken in, which lead to the formation of the Annual Heel Meets. For some time now, I've felt that I've grown out of the need to share my fears, my hopes, and aspirations about heeling, as public heeling has grown into a virtual non-issue for me. That doesn't mean that I'm going to completely weed myself free of the forum, it just means that in the whole scheme of things, the forum has served a purpose for me and I believe I have served a purpose back. I'm very fortunate to have developed some special friendships through the forum that I believe will withstand the test of time though. Hopefully I will have a chance to meet some other heelers for the meet in Feb.

Feminine Style .  Masculine Soul.  Skin In The Game.

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We did do one or two poses. In the first photo, you can see a girl and I posing for a photographer. And in the second photo, from left to right are Pam's boots, my legs, and the photographers boots.

Well, damn! You looked sensational! You've got style the rest of us mere mortals just can't touch! Period!

A good night overall. As I told Pam last night, I really feel like my time at the forum is coming to a near close. After the World Heel Meet 2009 is over, my time at the forum will significantly decline. I have developed new interests in fashion that are exploding with success. And once the economy rebounds, the success is only going to get bigger and better, leaving even less time for heel meets and posts here.

Well, while your presence here would be missed as you've been an inspiration to folks like myself, it's important to live your life for yourself and do what you feel in crucial to achieve happiness in your life. And if that means leaving us, hey, I'm happy with that, just because I've gotten to know you and consider you a friend.

I don't want to LOOK like a woman, I just want to DRESS like a woman!

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What a great night. You are and will continue to be my hero!

When she saw my pumps, her first reaction was to feel my leg with her hand, "Ooooh, you shaved your legs! I love that you shaved your legs." And then she ran her hand down to my shoe and back up my leg. She was just a real flirt.

Having had a similar experience this weekend, I suggest to all men that going out with bare legs is a tremendous experience. If there aren't at least 10 pairs of hands on your legs over the course of the evening, it would be quite shocking. Besides, shaved legs do feel and look great.

...And in the second photo, from left to right are Pam's boots, my legs, and the photographers boots.

As a guy, who also means nothing sexual by it, yours are the best legs in the picture! At least from the potential that can be extrapolated from the boots...

A good night overall. As I told Pam last night, I really feel like my time at the forum is coming to a near close. After the World Heel Meet 2009 is over, my time at the forum will significantly decline. I have developed new interests in fashion that are exploding with success. And once the economy rebounds, the success is only going to get bigger and better, leaving even less time for heel meets and posts here.

I understand where you are coming from on this, but to be sure you will be missed. From the postings that I have read, you lead a more exiting life than I do and likely more than most of us. Like you, when I joined I wore heels on a rarely and was very nervous about going outside in them. This forum has taught me a lot and you are certainly a Professor of Heelology.

That being said, this forum is sort of like college. Eventually you graduate and take what you learn out into the world and LIVE. However, you can always check in on occasion to share with us what the next level is like. You are transcending to place that only a few can dream of.

Style is built from the ground up!

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Kneehighs, It is wonderful that you have evolved/reinvented yourself over the years and are now looking at a whole exciting new future - and its all becuase you wanted to wear heels as a fashion statement. Like others, I understand why you feel HHP has run its course and in a way I feel the same way. Having become totally comfortable with your style and footwear, it is difficult to feel you are writing anything new. You certainly have given much back to the board and I am sure others would love you to keep us posted from time to time via this thread on what you are up to, heeled or otherwise. Truely you are an inspiration and many should take a leaf from your book. Simon

Are you confusing me with someone who gives a damn?

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  • 1 month later...

Forgot to mention that I had a date over the weekend. I wore a black waffle textured blazer I had custom tailored for proper fit at Bloomingdales. Layered the blazer over a long grey sweater dress (goes to mid hip) from H and M with a triangular avant garde collar that has a zipper that zips up from the left shoulder to the neck. The sleeves on the sweater are really long so they stuck out from the edge of the sleeves of my blazer by about 4-5". Wore dark indigo blue straight leg jeans from Urban Outfitters and 4" black patent stiletto pumps. I tucked the jeans of my heels over about an inch of the heels, so about 2.5"-3" was clearly showing.

My date was already waiting for me when I arrived. She was in a brown sweater dress, brown tights, and 4" brown stiletto pumps. This was the second time we hung out until the establishment we were at closed. Heavy flirting ensued as usual, sparks flew, chemistry exploded left and right.

Except for mentioning that she liked my heels and that I walked well in them (we were on cobblestones), she made no additional conversation about my heels. Nor did I. No questions, interrogations, insinuations, explanations, justifications, or socio-cultural analysis ensued.

With mesmerizing deep sea blue eyes contrasted against her luscious dirty blonde hair and mellow tanned skin, this was a memorable date for sure...

Feminine Style .  Masculine Soul.  Skin In The Game.

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Except for mentioning that she liked my heels and that I walked well in them (we were on cobblestones), she made no additional conversation about my heels. Nor did I. No questions, interrogations, insinuations, explanations, justifications, or socio-cultural analysis ensued.

KH, you are doing it the only right way. Unfortunately, I got my wisdom only after I got married - otherwise I'd have done it just the same way.

I think you're nothing short of a role model to many.

My respect you have.

What's all the fuss about?

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