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Thigh Boots in Public


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Today I was away from work taking a certification exam. I went to the exam site wearing a black turtleneck, jeans, black leather knee high boots with 2”block heels (worn outside my jeans, and a black leather jacket. After an hour and a half of plowing through an exam (I passed), I headed out to my car and swapped the knee high boots for my black leather thigh boots with 5” stilettos and headed out to celebrate. Celebrate to too strong a word considering I was exhausted after the exam.

I went to a Steak and Shake for a bite to eat. No one seemed thrilled to have me there but it was a nice lunch. I wound up going to a couple of thrift stores, a couple of Payless stores where I tries on shoes, and a Burlington Coat Factory. The last stop was a St.Vincent DePaul in Newport. I found a couple of wine glasses and commented to the lady at the register that I hadn’t seen anything that would go with there (and indicated my boots). She paused and said, “Well there is a sweater over there that is trimmed with leather that is awful cute.”

“Really? Let me look.” It turned out to be a black leather top with knit sleeves in a medium. I told her, “If it was larger than a medium I’d give it a try.” Then we bid each other a happy new year.


I have discovered that the only thing cool about a leather jacket is the look. Mine is turning out to be a warm garmet.


I dream of a world where chickens can cross roads without having their motives questioned.

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We had about 4 inches of snow today. When I walked the dog this evening I wore my flat heeled thigh high leather boots over my pants rather than the rubber boots (which are too heavy and clumsy). When I came in, my wife was downstairs ready to leave. I changed from the thigh highs to (men's) Aldo ankle boots (1" heel). She then asked me if I was wearing men's or women's boots (meaning the short ones under my pants). She had forgotten that I had already worn these out and thought that I was going out with women's on.

Interestingly enough, I was actually not going to change from the thigh highs but was originally going to just bring the short ones along in the car for later.

As far as wearing women's boots out, I would (and do) but not with her around as I know it would be an instant problem.

It's all about the heel!

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Thighbootguy:-) I never owned a leather jacket until I bought my 2003 Mercury Marauder and they gave me the jacket as a free gift for buying the car. It is a good jacket, not a cheap one, and I bought a leather cap to go with it. They both look cool along with my girlie boot-cut jeans and my leather 3.5" heeled boots. Quite warm and comfortable outfit for streetheeling. Cheers--- Dawn HH

High Heeled Boots Forever!

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she sounds like my wife...there is a fine line on what i can do with my gear that will not be crossed under threat of the most dire actions.

Exactly! She knows that I keep boots, etc. in the car but leaves it alone.

It's all about the heel!

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This is Friday which means jeans at work which makes thigh boots and jeans a natural for the trip home. I went shopping at my normal haunts and several different ones on the way home. I stopped in a different Walgreen’s than I normally use and a Goodwill I rarely venture into. Both were non events. In Walgreen’s I even had to get a manager to give me a rain check on an out of stock sale item. At most I got a few glances. Next I went to PetsMart where the folks know me well. The sales gal checked to be sure I wanted my normal stuff and headed into the stock room. There were a couple of guys in the store that, I suspect, had never seen anyone wearing thigh boots and were seriously disappointed the person wearing them was a guy. I was at least aware that they were more curious than most folks so I kept an eye open for problems. None materialized. I went to Sam’s and, again, it was a non event. Finally I went to another Goodwill, I’m a sucker for thrift stores, but didn’t find anything of interest. I did get a couple of smiles from a couple of gals that appreciated a good looking pair of boots. All in all it was about two hours of out and about. Wearing thigh boots with 5" heels reall does feel like a very natural thing to do. :thumbsup:

I dream of a world where chickens can cross roads without having their motives questioned.

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I finally wore out a pair of flat heel thigh boots. I had glued the sole plate on several times but the leather on the foot finally fell apart. I was about to throw them away when I got the idea of taking the 5½” of leather cuff of the top of the boot and adding it to my black leather thigh boots with 5” stilettos (8899). These are my “wear all the time” boots. These boots have a lacing in the back from the knee to the top of the boot. I have previously replaced the lacing with an extra long leather lace that I tied in a large bow at the top of the boot. The additional of the 5½“ top does not meet in the back, rather it is joined by the lacing which I have extended to the top of the boot. The lacing still goes from the knee to the top of the boot. These are now truly crotch high boots, and they feel great to wear. :thumbsup: I’ll get some pictures shortly. :welcome:

I dream of a world where chickens can cross roads without having their motives questioned.

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Wearing Thigh Boots in Public

For years, I have enjoyed wearing thigh boots with stiletto heels, but only wore them in private or under jeans when in public. Then I discovered this forum and I really got me thinking along the lines of “these are my boots, why can’t I wear them?”.

Last year I bought a pair of boots with a flat heel and started wearing them in public. Most of my outings were local shopping trips, and I had a good time. The boots attracted a little attention but no problems. My longest outing was a trip where I flew from Dayton Ohio to San Francisco with a layover in Detroit. The airport security had me “remove my shoes” so they could x-ray them, but they were doing that to a lot of people. There were several folks that watched me walking in the terminals with a bemused look on their faces but there isn’t a whole lot else to do in a terminal other than watch people so I figured I was just part of the show. The flight was great and the stewardess said she liked my boots.

I was in San Francisco for a business meeting and wore more “conventional” footwear while working, but in the evenings I was out and about in my boots. It was absolutely uneventful and I had a great time. The flight back was about the same as the flight out except I had to walk from one end of the Detroit airport to the other to get my flight (I was kind of glad the boots were flat heeled).

A digression – Why did I wear “conventional” footwear while working? I was representing the company I work for, not myself. I didn’t think the boots were appropriate dress for a business meeting any more than if I had worn cutoff shorts and tee shirt. That was not the “statement” I wanted to make at the meeting.

This spring, before it got too hot, I started wearing thigh boots with 4” stiletto heels over (not under) my jeans in public. My first post, under Thigh Boots on the For the Gals : Shopping in thigh boots section describes my first outing. Without repeating it here let me just say it was s rush and I had a great time.

Over the summer it is too hot to wear boots .

The weather has started to cool off again so… On the way home from work I stopped at a Bigg’s grocery supermarket. I went in wearing a short sleeved dress shirt, blue jeans and blue leather thigh boots with a 5” stiletto heel ( http://www.howcool.com/pleasersshoes/PL-8899.htm ). This is a large “super store” with 40 long isles of “stuff”. Several people noticed what I was wearing but most people gave no reaction. I had to ask a female clerk where an item was and the store policy is for the clerk to take the shopper to the item. She was very polite and took me several isles from where she was working and made no other comment. I also think she wanted to see how fast I could walk in the heels. As I was leaving the store I did get one reaction. A young kid walked past me and I watched his reflection in the glass in the lobby as he did a full 180 trun.

So far I’m having a great time and that’s the goal.

I’ll post more adventures later.

Courage yes. The wildest public boot walking that I've ever seen was at Halloween,when a young lady dressed as a dominatrix lead a young man wearing very high heeled knee boots ( at least 5 " heels ) into Red Lobster by a chain attached to a neck collar. You could hear a pin drop in restaurant. Boots were fully visable and young man wasn't made up or anything ,other than looking like her slave . They ate dinner and we left before they finished. I realize this sounds like a something maded up,but really is true. Costumes were not the cheap plastic Halloween :welcome::thumbsup: type,but the real deal.

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This post is on the topic of “Lunacy strikes again.” I had my crotch boots (thigh boots with 5" tops added) with me today and I was planning on wearing them after work over my slacks but the more I thought about the look the less I liked it. In the mean time I took a break from work and browsed the local Goodwill and as chance would have it skirts and blouses were on sale for 99¢. Since I have never liked the look of boots disappearing up under a skirt, and I was planning on wearing crotch boots, I looked for and found a short denim skirt and a white polyester blouse that I thought would look good with my black leather jacket. So after work I changed from slacks and turtleneck to the skirt and blouse and pulled on my crotch boots. I got out of my car to put on my jacket and check my reflection. Since I hadn’t planned on doing this, I wasn’t wearing hose but there was so little of my leg showing I decided to continue. The first thing I noticed is at 35F, it was breezy. The second thing was that the back lacing on my boots was going to have to be adjusted to keep them up. I got back into the car and drove to my favorite comfort zone, Sam’s. I stopped for gas and there was no one around and I checked my reflection again and started to became a little more comfortable with the look. To be clear, the skirt and boots felt great to wear, but I wasn’t completely comfortable with the look. I parked and walked into Sam’s. There wasn’t much of a crowd and I recognized a few of the clerks. I did notice a few more looks than I normally get but not that much out of the ordinary. When I got to the register line, I took the opportunity to bull my boots back up to full height so the top of the boots came to the hem of the skirt (I repeat, short skirt). I noticed a few looks while I was doing that. I don’t think I have had the register clerk before but I asked her if the outfit was too much and she actually laughed and said, “If you like it...” The exit door was staffed by a clerk I knew and her comment was that the boots were too tall because you couldn’t see my leg. So far my conclusion is that I shouldn’t wear boots this tall with a skirt, rather I should wear them over jeans. I tried that when I got home and I do like the look. The problem with boots this tall is in the knee. If I sit down and bend my knee, the boots have to pull down to allow my knee to bend and I have to pull them up again when I stand up. There are some very high boots where the back of the thigh is left open to avoid this problem. I’m starting to think that the extra 5” of height is not worth the effort. I did stitch the tops on the boots so taking them off is not a big deal. I’ll give things a little more of a try before I decide. Lunatic or not it was a fun outing. :thumbsup:

I dream of a world where chickens can cross roads without having their motives questioned.

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TBG:-) Even though you considered your last outing a good one, maybe a check in the mirror at home before going out with your new purchases might have been a better bet instead a spur of the moment trial run. Just a suggestion, but I do enjoy reading of your heely adventures. What is next? Cheers--- Dawn HH

High Heeled Boots Forever!

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I decided to give the short skirt (13”) one more go. Tonight I did wear black hose, the denim shirt, black turtleneck, black leather jacket but I cuffed the top of my boots so the 5” extension was only 2 ½” which seemed to make things a little more reasonable. Like I said, I don’t care for the top of boots disappearing under a skirt so this left about a 2” gap.

I went to Sam’s and had the same register clerk as last night.

“Oh, back again?”

“Yeah I forgot some stuff last night.”

“Aren’t you cold?”

“No, its warmer tonight (45F) and no where near as windy, and I’m wearing these (indicated the hose).”




“Does’ this look Ok?”

“Yeah, It looks fine.”, and this was from a girl that chuckled at me last night. I think she was over the “first time” shock and was willing to consider that maybe I really liked dressing this way.

We bid each other a good evening.

Next I headed to the close by Goodwill and a female clerk I had chatted with before was on duty. She gave me a smile as I walked in. I found a pair of ankle boots with a long squared off toe and a 2 ½” block heel. I had to use a fitting room to try them on because sitting in that skirt exposed a little too much. There were a couple of guys in the store that had there eyes hanging out on stems but I paid them no attention. When I checked out the comments were about the skirt rather than the boots.

What have I learned...

  • The skirt rather than the taller boots was what caused the extra attention.
  • If your going to show your leg, wear hose.
  • Dawn HH’s advice is good as always
  • Trying something new is fun.


I dream of a world where chickens can cross roads without having their motives questioned.

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...... There were a couple of guys in the store that had there eyes hanging out on stems but I paid them no attention. When I checked out the comments were about the skirt rather than the boots.


Hahahahahaha " eyes hanging out on stems " made me laugh a lot, i have no idea how or what I would do in that circumstances, my fear is not for me to be traumatized but to not tolerate and have to respond agresively to those guys, which most likely will be ended up making full out at my self, any way, i admire your self control and way to reason the experiences, ...i was wondering that maybe wouldnt been a bad idea to sitdown to try those shoes and dont care about screening willie nelson to those folks, hahahahaha, that would be a nicest story and probably would make a statement in their little lifes, hahahaha probably the image may be recorded forever inside their brain and they will get those nightmares of a nyloned shark chasing them, running in heels, lol

V. Morpho

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What have I learned...

  • The skirt rather than the taller boots was what caused the extra attention.

Well, damn! ANYBODY of either gender, wearing a 13 inch skirt would attract plenty of attention! HA! That's just so obvious!

I don't want to LOOK like a woman, I just want to DRESS like a woman!

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JeffB –

Your absolutely right. I didn’t realize how short it was until I was writing that post and measured it. I’m not sure how much I’ll be wearing it out and about now. However, the material is a stretch denim and it is the most comfortable thing imaginable to wear. It’s almost like wearing nothing at all.

I thought the interesting thing about these posts was going to be the taller boots rather than the short skirt or I would have posted it in the General Fashion Boots and Skirts in Public thread. I’ll continue skirt postings there.

I’m hoping to go to a classical concert tonight and I’ll be wearing my tall boots if it pans out. :thumbsup:

I dream of a world where chickens can cross roads without having their motives questioned.

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The concert tonight was great. Covingtion Ky’s art community is making a real effort at reviving a turn of the century theater and using it for a concert series. This is not an old movie house, rather a real stage theater. The concert was a string quartet and there were about 120 in the audience. Not bad for a local classical concert.

I got to the theater wearing a black leather jacket, black turtleneck, jeans and black leather extra tall thigh boots with 5” stilettos. I didn’t know anyone at the concert but when I walked in the folks managing the concert (volunteers I suspect) greeted me like a long lost patron. I walked in through the art gallery and back to the box office and bought my ticket (second row isle seat) and the usher took me to my seat. No one seemed to think I was out of the ordinary, at least that was how everyone appeared.

At the intermission I went out to the art gallery with the rest of the patrons and wandered around. There were lots of different kinds of folks there. Judging from their appearance there were folks from the art community, the gay and lesbian community, and the music community, and then there was this guy in high heeled thigh boots that seemed to fit right in.

After intermission the second half of the concert was great. I had to leave immediately after the concert and didn’t get to stay and meet the artist.

I really had a great time and I really did feel like I was just another eccentric in the crowd. I had a great time. :thumbsup:


I dream of a world where chickens can cross roads without having their motives questioned.

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I’m hoping to go to a classical concert tonight and I’ll be wearing my tall boots if it pans out. :thumbsup:

If you are going to attend many classical music concerts you're going to need a "little black dress" for such occasions. After all, a guy can't just wear "any old thing" to such elegant events. :welcome:

Being mentally comfortable in your own mind is the key to wearing heels in public.

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Buba136 –

“You’re going to need a "little black dress" for such occasions.”

I appreciate the comment but the affair wasn’t that hoity toity and mine would have been the only BLD in the crowd and besides that it was 23F. The BLD outfit is one that I haven’t been able to manage, either mentally or physically. I have one, but wearing it doesn’t pass my “looks good in a full length mirror” test. Maybe someday…

I still haven’t gotten over the feeling of wearing thigh boots with 5” heels and feeling like I fit into the crowd. I did spend a fair bit of time talking to the staffers on duty about how well the restoration of the theater had been done and about some of the artwork on display and I was treated like any other patron.


I dream of a world where chickens can cross roads without having their motives questioned.

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TBG:-) Isn't that exactly what you want? To be treated like any other patron and to fit right in? Then what you're wearing really doesn't have anything to do with it, does it, as long as you feel good and are satsfied with the way you look. Cheers--- Dawn HH

High Heeled Boots Forever!

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I'm glad for the OP, but feel it's too much. More power to him, though. Have you tried thigh-highs with a kilt? Perhaps the masculine version instead of a skirt might work better, 'specially if it's longer, and not mini.

Those who really care about us don't make a fuss about what we wear. Those who make a fuss about what we wear really don't care about us.

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Kipepa –

Thanks for the suggestion, but I have never been attracted to the idea of wearing a kilt. As an aside, a couple of weeks ago I saw a guy in Sam’s wearing a full Scottish outfit: plaid kilt, sash, tall sox, and hat. I suspect he thought he had a corner on non-traditional American dress until he saw me standing there with thigh boots with 5” stilettos. Since I’m wearing boots with stiletto heels, a regular skirt seems to be a more appropriate garment. There is also the personal safety issue, I wouldn’t want that guy I saw mad at me for messing around with that traditional Scottish garment. I’m 6’5” in my heels, and I had to look up to him.

DawnHH –

Your two line question, “Isn't that exactly what you want? To be treated like any other patron and to fit right in?” has gone to the heart of an issue I have been mulling over for quite some time.

I heard a woman on the radio commenting that “fashion was a way to make a statement about individuality”. I think that comes closer to summing up why I like wearing thigh boots. A good part of it is my screaming that I’m an individual and not just part of the crowd. Having said that, you can imagine what a shock it was to be in a crowd into which I fit. I did enjoy the experience and I’ll try to make it to the next concert but this “fitting in thing” is a new experience. I have commented in other posts that when I go out I maintain a high level of alertness because I never know how others will react and I come home exhausted. In this crowd, I noticed I was relaxing and “letting my guard down” which was also a new concept.

So to answer your question, “Isn’t that exactly what you want?”… I don’t know. It was very nice, but I miss the excitement of not fitting in. Ah, if life were simple, it would probably be boreing.


I dream of a world where chickens can cross roads without having their motives questioned.

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It has turned cold! The temperature is 10F. I needed to wear something appropriate so I went shopping wearing a black turtleneck, black leather jacket, black lamb skin slacks, black leather pull on thighboots with 4” stilettos, and two button black leather gloves. Again, a lot of black, but it looked good and it was warm. I have mentioned before that I was not comfortable with the image I presented when wearing leather pants. Well 10F weather changed my mind. This outfit is almost airtight so it is warm, which is another reason I don’t wear it more often. I went to PetsMart and noticed a couple of the other male shoppers looking twice, but it was a non issue. Then I went to Sam’s where no one paid any attention at all. At the register I had new (to me) clerk who was wearing furry suede snow boots. I complemented her on the boots ans ask if thet were warm. She said, “Yeah, are they warm?” She was asking about my boots. ”Oh yeah.” And we bid each other a good evening. The gal at the exit said my outfit looked great. When I got home I changed the two button gloves for my 25 button opera gloves and took out the trash and recycle bin for tomorrows collection. What a conundrum, I REALLY don’t like 10F weather, but I do enjoy wearing the leather outfit but if its much warmer I get too hot to enjoy the outfit. Oh well, I’ll work on enjoying the cold weather while it lasts. :thumbsup:

I dream of a world where chickens can cross roads without having their motives questioned.

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...The gal at the exit said my outfit looked great.

Your oufit is looking good the way you described it: Any picture you could share ?

I guess many of us would like to see your outfit for real !

...I REALLY don’t like 10F weather...

Here it is -15°F and it will be the same until Sunday: Way too cold to wear heels...

Want to trade places with me ?

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Leather pants. I've never worn a pair but they really do sound warm. Especially the part where they are almost entirely windproof. There is a time when fashion becomes secondary. And, my friends, that time has come for a lot of the places in this country that are posting ultra-cold temperatures this week...so, parkas with hoods, scarfs and gloves, leather or ski pants with sheepskin boots are the uniform of the day. Stay warm out there, folks! (my wife just received an email from HSN that is posting a clearance sale on leather pants. might want to check it out (google it).

Being mentally comfortable in your own mind is the key to wearing heels in public.

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Well, I strongly suggest wearing leather pants. They're warm, especially when tucked into boots, look great and feel great. [My avatar, a Jitrois campaign pic, is a perfect example of how one can look excellent in leather.] I wear LP's everyday, apart from summer when it's too hot. You can get a pair of eBay or buy one in a thrift store, because getting brand new ones could drain your budget quite a bit.

What is good for a goose, can be good for any gender!

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Today was cold (25F) enough for me to wear a leather outfit. I went out wearing a grey T-shirt, black leather jacket, black slacks, black leather opera gloves and black leather pull on thigh boots with 4” stilettos. The gloves were not that visible under the jacket but the look of them disappearing up the sleeve was nice and besides, they felt great. The first stop was the cobbler shop where I picked up a pair of thigh boots that were having heel tips replaced and dropped off another pair dressy pull on boots with flat heels that I have worn out. Rebuilding them will be a challenge for him. I parked about two blocks away and started walking. A group of ladies passed me and commented, “that looks like fun.” One of them was wearing a nice looking pair of black flat heeled knee boots and I pointed to them and said, “Nice.” I got a, “Thank You” in return. The cobbler was cool with my outfit and he did a great job on refurbishing the thigh boots. This is a 25 -30 year old pair from Wild Pair (now defunked). When I left the cobbler, rather than walking the same route back to my car I walked all the way around the block. I have never been bothered by the sound of my heel, but the sidewalks were covered with loose rock salt and the sound of it crushing was very loud. I’m not into crushing things with heels either. Next I stopped at my favorite thrift emporium. I parked on the far side of the parking lot and had a nice walk in. A couple of heads turned in some of the shops I walked past. I didn’t see anything that sparked my interest but I did get a “Nice Leather” comment from a lady. I went to Hancock’s sewing center in a large outdoor shopping center and had to park a good distance from the store. I actually enjoyed walking along the sidewalk past the shops. Finally, I went to Radio Shack and got to see my reflection as I walked in. I think it looked sharp. In each of the stores, I was treated like any other customer but that may be because I was a money-spending customer. The only thing that let me wear that outfit was the cold weather and even than I was getting too warm. I’m going to have to learn to use leather as an accent on an outfit or the foundation for an outfit rather than a total outfit. I love the look but I wind up baking my brains out. I think I understand why there are so many pictures of ladies wearing leather that are otherwise scantily clad. It has less to do with looking sexy and more to do with being comfortable. Whatever… I had a great time. :thumbsup:

I dream of a world where chickens can cross roads without having their motives questioned.

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