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Well here's what I wore around Paris last week...


I hope to make it to Paris this summer. I ;lan to take enough clothes that I can whatever I want to wear, as the situation suits. As I'll be driving, that won't be a problem - I'll have enough to wear whatever I feel like wearing.

I'll be armed with a rather extensive photographical setup, so I doubt the locals will give me any problems.


hello all!!

I've been around here for quite some time. Something like 7 years or so...back when it was jenny's page :-) Regardless, here are a couple of pics of my outfit for the day. Went into a local grocery store with my wife and son. Then after dinner we went to another store for cancer-sticks...Not one comment from anyone. I'm SURE some people noticed but no one said a word to us. More proof men in heels CAN WORK!!!

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Happy Heeling!!

"Heels aren't just for women anymore!!" Happy Heeling! Shoeiee


Definitely loving those boots, Shoeiee! Absolutely FAB! Where did you get them, and what type are they? Details........need details! :roll:

SQ.....still busting societal molds with a smile...and a 50-ton sledge!


OK!! OK ALREADY!!!! :roll:

The boots are Predictions, by Payless, and were just bought off EBay. they are a pair of last year's line up. I wanted to buy a pair in white last year but the $$ didn't line up in time. When they came available on E Bay I HAD to get them!! They have a psudo-leather look to the heel, toe box area and tongue with the rest a fabric. VERY COMFY!! I've also got a pair in black, but those dont have the leather look to them.

I've worn the black ones in all types of situations and unfortunately drowned them in mud last summer during an off-road 4X4 trip :-( They haven't been the same since...

Will be posting more here in the future as I'm no longer in the military and don't have as much concern about repercussions...

Would like some feedback on the overall look from you all too :-)

Happy Heeling!!

"Heels aren't just for women anymore!!" Happy Heeling! Shoeiee


hello all!!

I'm SURE some people noticed but no one said a word to us. More proof men in heels CAN WORK!!!

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They WORK indeed! well done Shoeiee! Your boots are a proof of that.

nice heeling to everyone!



Thanks to all for the kind words!! Will post more soon!! Shoeiee

"Heels aren't just for women anymore!!" Happy Heeling! Shoeiee


Very nice pics Shoeiee. It's easier to streetheel if your wife (and son) support you. My wife supports me to and that feels very great. Hope to see more pics :roll:


Just thought I'd add this picture to the mix:

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I found this at the Fashion Spot in the Japanese Streetstyle thread. He seems to be wearing the opera pumps that kneehighs was talking about earlier in the thread. Been meaning to post this sooner. It's not an amazing outfit but I think it works.

Personally, I much prefer the flats the ladies buy, but it shows that there are guys out willing to wear these types of shoes.

Just looked in the thread again and found this guy wearing Mary Jane-Esque shoes...

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Heel-D - Freestyling since 2005


Just thought I'd add this picture to the mix:

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I found this at the Fashion Spot in the Japanese Streetstyle thread. He seems to be wearing the opera pumps that kneehighs was talking about earlier in the thread. Been meaning to post this sooner. It's not an amazing outfit but I think it works.

Personally, I much prefer the flats the ladies buy, but it shows that there are guys out willing to wear these types of shoes.

Just looked in the thread again and found this guy wearing Mary Jane-Esque shoes...

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Hi Heels-D,

pictures from Japan or China are always interesting! At least the girls are wearing the craziest outfits. But where is the first japanese guy on heels? Are they loosing their face on high heels :roll: I'm still waiting for male asian members in our forum following the example of girls like Debbie from Hongkong. Meanwhile many Latinos from straight catholic countries are members. Who will be the first japanese guy?

But its Shoei's thread and therefore my compliments for his outfit :wink::oops: :oops:


The best fashion is your own fashion!


NewfieGuyInHeels First off, I think showing your whole face is commendable. :roll: It's something I think this forum in general lacks. As far as your outfit goes, its simple. You should have seen Heel-D pulling off shoes like that in London. I'm sure you could do the same in public too. I tried to analyze that outfit (the t, the jeans, the shoes) in terms of other outfits you have shared. Most people have a general "style" that they are aiming for and I found it challenging to figure out what style you are attempting to create?

Is it gothic?

Is it conservative chic? Like the tan pants and dark sweater pic?

Is it glam/rocker style? Like the shiny shirts pics?


Feminine Style .  Masculine Soul.  Skin In The Game.


Thanks for the compliments kneehighs, but I never really saw showing my face as a big deal. And I never really thought about trying to label my fashion taste, I just wear anything I like... I know my sence of fashion is pretty broad, i mean with so many nice clothes out there I really can't stick to just one. Variety is the spice of life, one of the reasons I opened myself up to women's shoes, so I'd have more to choose from. I can tell you, it's deffinately not goth. I did go through a short period a couple years ago where I tried the goth look, and I really couldn't grasp it :roll: Just some days I'm in the mood for Jeans and T, other times layering and trendy, and others are pleather or shinny..... Which just made me realize I should try those flats with my black pleather pants :wink: I have a pair of black pointed toe pumps with a 3.5 inch stiletto comming from ebay, I should have them late this week or early next. So you can expect pics with those soon!


looks good to me, nice overall look. Whatever anyone says, enjoy your own style.

He was so narrow minded he could see through a keyhole with both eyes.

Brown's Law: If the shoe fits, it's ugly


New page, and I'm not afraid to show my face anymore!

The shoes...

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The outfit...

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The composite...

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Be yourself; everyone else is already taken. - Oscar Wilde



Kudos to you for showing your face Danielle! If there is any place where we ought to feel safe showing our face, its here amongst our friends. Hopefully others follow suit!

You've got a great slim build that should lend itself to aesthetically pleasing Freestyling outfits.

Feminine Style .  Masculine Soul.  Skin In The Game.


I like the shoes, and congratulations on finding the courage to show your face, your a few steps ahead of me in the coming out stakes on that one.

He was so narrow minded he could see through a keyhole with both eyes.

Brown's Law: If the shoe fits, it's ugly


Looking great Danielle! Glad to finally put a face to the name. :roll: You pull that flats outfit off perfectly!

Heel-D - Freestyling since 2005


heh, thanks all. I actually shaved the mustache today, I don't like how I look with one. One of these days I'll wear those somewhere other than right out the back door to the beach... I just bought some sandals FOR the beach :roll:

Be yourself; everyone else is already taken. - Oscar Wilde


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For the first time I succeed to download a photo of myself, finally!

Here one with a green shirt, my favourite white pants and my black thigh high boots. following more later!


may I add, FANTASTIC!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! it is great that more of us are showing our faces and being proud of whaty we are. BTW, those of you who show your faces will find that the sky does not fall in and the world does not end. best wishes to all of you and keep up the proud heel wearing!!!!! Nigel

The angels have the phonebox.


ramon020, that is one awesome picture! Artistically, the composition is spot-on IMHO....great look of confidence too :-) Please do keep 'em coming!

SQ.....still busting societal molds with a smile...and a 50-ton sledge!



Ramon020 First off, kudos to you for showing your face! Echoing the sentiments of Nigel, its great more of us are showing our faces and I applaud you for showing us your face. Thanks!!

As far as your outfit goes, is that what you are going to wear to the Amsterdam Heel Meet? he, he (just a lil presumption there from me). I like it. You color coordinate the green and white well. The shirt buttons color coordinate with your pants and the shirt pockets on both sides lend some activity to what could otherwise remain a boring oxford--but not in your case. Good job!

Feminine Style .  Masculine Soul.  Skin In The Game.

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