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Good Responses From Women: The Ultimate Resource


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Thanks both to Johnieheel, and happyfeat for their uplifting posts. It's hearing these kind of positive stories which makes me think more and more about joining the outdoor heel wearers.

He was so narrow minded he could see through a keyhole with both eyes.

Brown's Law: If the shoe fits, it's ugly

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Thanks both to Johnieheel, and happyfeat for their uplifting posts. It's hearing these kind of positive stories which makes me think more and more about joining the outdoor heel wearers.

I too would like to say thanks again to both Johnieheels and happyfeet. I enjoy both of your stories and posts and both of you inspire me keep street heeling in many different places. In a recent post, I told of engaging in conversation with a female coffee shop employee. It is so nice to share thoughts with people who are curious about me wearing high heels.

Thank you both again. Please keep street healing and sharing your stories.

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Thank you for all of the kind words on my previous post in this thread. As I alluded before it was a turning point in my freedom to dress as I wish and being myself. Though I do not have the shoes anymore (I sold them on e-bay), I did find pictures of them and thought that I wold share those. They are not the sexiest and are a bit worn, but I thought a visual might be nice. I did wear a pair of taupe nylons with them that night...





Style is built from the ground up!

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Look Guys, I wear alot of Dansko clogs and shoes as well as Steve Madden ladies casuals, Skechers, Crocs, And even Ladies Ballerina flats, Why??? because they are Damn comfortable and I think that that theese looks as well as my clothing choices are WAY WAY MORE UNISEX BASED ON COMFORT AND SIMPLICITY AND SEX APPEAL THAN ANYTHINGELSE, think this one out and get back to me, Nick

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  • 5 weeks later...

I just had a good response. This story involves two women. One of whom I consider a sister, we'll call her Kelly. Kelly has a friend who is interested in me. We'll call this friend Myra.

So, Myra and I had been talking recently and I revealed how I do a quick, 20-minute routine working out in stilettos (I do). She kept on mentioning "scary" in her responses, which I always countered with, "But harmless." Eventually she asked if she'd someday see me randomly in ladies shoes, so I agreed to break her in on the idea.

Yesterday I agreed to go visit her. Since Kelly was also going to be over (Kelly saw my heels on Halloween), I figured I'd wear those same shoes. I got to the house, and Myra didn't even notice until I pointed it out. Kelly didn't notice until Myra pointed it out to her. So then they started asking if my feet were hurting, where I got em, why I do it, etc. I answered them truthfully and I could see both of them becoming more comfortable with the idea.

Then I got the idea, maybe we should go out to a bar that we like.

Myra and Kelly, in unison, ask if I brought a backup pair of shoes. I didn't. Well, I did, but it was these:


So we set out, got parked, and... sat there as Myra serously wondered if I was up to it. Kelly knew I was, so we shared an inside joke... we got out, and as we walked from the front patio to the bar, I could see several heads turn. Two guys at a table stopped talking, looked down, then jumped right back into their conversation trying to act as though they didn't notice.

Once inside the bar, though, nobody noticed, or if they did they didn't say anything. The girls continued their questioning, I continued my answering.... this bar is pet-friendly, and a guy with a 175-lb. Great Dane brought his dog in. Suddenly, I'm jockeying for second-place in the "most attention" department... not that there was anything wrong with that. Kelly wanted to pet the dog and I was all too willing to accompany her. Still nothing.

Then some guys showed up that they didn't want to see, including Myra's ex. Suddenly the mood shifted and I had to go to the restroom, but wasn't gonna move. Didn't want to cause anything that didn't need to be. They, however, invited themselves to join us.

I got my release when they (guys) were trying to decide where to go next. Obviously, Myra's ex was looking pissed, I'm texting Myra trying to figure out how the hell I'm gonna escape, Kelly silently knows and sympathizes with both of us... so I say to them, "Decide where y'all are gonna go next, and we'll follow, but I need just a little longer to feel comfortable driving." They agreed and left the bar. I could've set records with the speed I dashed to the restroom at this point, heels and all. By the time I was done, they'd scattered to elsewhere... we got in the car, I changed shoes (they didn't know what I'd changed into), we went back to Myra's.

The wedges make NO noise, so it was a while before either of them noticed I'd changed into another pair of women's shoes. They both agreed that I wear them well, asked about where I got them, etc etc etc... obviously the whole time, I'm scanning Myra, who's scanning me and adjusting to my look and how I'm sure it's different from anything she's seen. Eventually, after much conversation, we got sleepy, so we crashed...

Myra had to work, so Kelly and I hung out for a spell before coming to my place. Kelly had to use my computer, so I tidied up while she did what she had to do. When we were ready to leave again, I changed into a diff. pair of jeans and my camouflage "Ha! Now You Can't See Me!" shirt. I pulled out the brown pair of the same shoes, and asked Kelly which I should wear. Rather than say, "Neither, you're at home, go put on some regular shoes," she actually suggested the brown ones! So I slipped them on, went to replace the black ones, and showed Kelly my collection of shoes (currently stored in one of those under-the-bed packaway bags). She again seemed receptive to the idea, then suggested we go bug Myra at work (she works at a shoe boutique, that tragically doesn't carry my size). Again, on the way there no comments or odd looks, and Myra appeared to be fully warmed up to the idea by this point.

This is probably my biggest success yet. Avoided a potentially volatile situation, and warmed up two people to the idea of me in women's shoes. I'm glowing right now :thumbsup:

Be yourself; everyone else is already taken. - Oscar Wilde

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Danielinheels... Congratulations on your successful outing. Yes in a potentially cautious situation, when wearing high heels you're forced to think harder, if you will, to avoid any unnecessary confrontation. And then to make friends and share your enjoyment of high heels with them is even a higher note to finish the evening. Good luck to you and your future relations with them.

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Look Guys, I wear alot of Dansko clogs and shoes as well as Steve Madden ladies casuals, Skechers, Crocs, And even Ladies Ballerina flats, Why??? because they are Damn comfortable and I think that that theese looks as well as my clothing choices are WAY WAY MORE UNISEX BASED ON COMFORT AND SIMPLICITY AND SEX APPEAL THAN ANYTHINGELSE, think this one out and get back to me, Nick

I like Dansko's and Bastad's too. Wearing ordinary shoes or sneakers feels strange (and not very comfy). Of course there are hh's..they feel different, too, but a pleasing way.
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Great experience. Reading your story brings nack memories of a few days ago. I had just purchased a new pair of 5 1/2" black patent stiletto pumps (leatherworks) with the sexiest skinny heel and long point toe, and had spent the afternoon and early evening mastering my walk. About 9.00pm i had run out of cigarettes and decided i was confident to wear them out. So wearing a pair of tight skinny leg jeans i hoped in the car and drove to the local. Having never ventured out in anything so high i was both nervous and cautious. I carefully walked into the store extremely aware of that beautiful sound the metal heel tips made as i walked up to the counter. I asked the girl behind the counter for my usual pack of Virginia Slims 120's to which she handed them across and at the same time she said how she admired how well i carried myself in such high heels. We talked a little about how i enjoyed wearing heels which i found very reassuring! After she handed me my change she came around from behind the counter to take a closer look and i obliged by pulling up my jeans a little to reveal the whole shoe, she was most impressed. Since then i have been back twice wearing 4" ankle boots and a pair of 5" Mary Janes with a hidden 1/2" platform. We have struck up a great chat session each time. So nice to get some reasurance!!

Awesome story, it's funny how quickly confidence can come (or go)....

Virginia Slims, though? lol

Be yourself; everyone else is already taken. - Oscar Wilde

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Excellent story! A month or so ago, I was "out and about" at night in a pair of 4.5" stiletto pumps. I purposely saved all my nagging errands to do til after dark, so I could do them while heeling. Purposely park about 50' away, to hear the beautiful and enchanting clicking of the heels, I made it into the ATM to deposit. Was totally preoccupied with that, and forgot about my shoes, when a lady in her late 40's (I'm guessing) walked into the ATM booth. Glanced down as I turned to leave (as fast as I could), she told me I walked in them well and reminded her of her.. :thumbsup: I walked across the P-lot, right past her husband's Porsche (him in it), and made it to my car with a smile. Waited a couple minutes, and watched the lady walk out and get into the car. Husband seemed to turn and look at my car about 3 seconds after....

Walking in ultra-highs because it's exciting...and it is!!

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I walked across the P-lot, right past her husband's Porsche (him in it), and made it to my car with a smile. Waited a couple minutes, and watched the lady walk out and get into the car. Husband seemed to turn and look at my car about 3 seconds after....

He was obviously just interested in your Porsche. LOL


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  • 1 month later...

I was standing in my 4 inch black strappy heels and shorts with freshly shaved legs and red nail polish, in front of the vegetable counter at the grocery store, when an attractive woman came by and asked me if I had any trouble wearing the heels. I demonstrated that I was adept at wearing the heels, which snapped against my bare soles while I was walking. We began dating and have been living together for a year. She has been choosing my nail colors and has bought me several pairs of heels which she insists that I wear when I am out and about.

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I was standing in my 4 inch black strappy heels and shorts with freshly shaved legs and red nail polish, in front of the vegetable counter at the grocery store, when an attractive woman came by and asked me if I had any trouble wearing the heels. I demonstrated that I was adept at wearing the heels, which snapped against my bare soles while I was walking. We began dating and have been living together for a year. She has been choosing my nail colors and has bought me several pairs of heels which she insists that I wear when I am out and about.

Wow! There's obviously more to this story....isn't there?:o

Being mentally comfortable in your own mind is the key to wearing heels in public.

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I was standing in my 4 inch black strappy heels and shorts with freshly shaved legs and red nail polish, in front of the vegetable counter at the grocery store, when an attractive woman came by and asked me if I had any trouble wearing the heels. I demonstrated that I was adept at wearing the heels, which snapped against my bare soles while I was walking. We began dating and have been living together for a year. She has been choosing my nail colors and has bought me several pairs of heels which she insists that I wear when I am out and about.

Awesome story! You are the envy of many here.

real men wear heels

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Its always nice getting good responses of how you look, how you are ddressed, both from men and women. Can´t say I had that many response from men how I´m looking, how I´m dressed. Its me giving they guys good responses how they´re dressed. They look at me a bit pretentious. I bet they are think; "oh he´s a bit like a woman", but I can´t help it. I like clothes, IK like fashion. Ok its a female thing liking clothes and fashion but if so, well I can´t help it, I like talking about fashion. Ok I let my female side showing, I can´t help it. Women are different. Most women I know like clothes, shoes, likes fashion. They like to talk about it, read about it. They like wearing nice looking clothes, good looking heels, putting on a nice make up. My girlfreind are the same, the girls at the office are too. They´re a bit like me and I don´t feel bad or feeling ashamed about to say this. Yes I agree having a good response from other women how I look, how I´m dressed, yes its the Ultimate resource. And I have got quite many of those and at the same time I give women I know compliments of how they´re are dressed and how they look. Women are more open about things like this and well, I´m the same. Its so very very nice hearing other women telling me; I look good, I´m dressed good, nice clothes, nice heels. Its make me feel oh so good. Its make me feel I´m accepted, the women have accepted me. The best responses I had was one women telling me; "your legs looking better then mine honey, you´re looking so sexy in your mini skirt!" I felt very special she telling me this. I felt very proud of my self knowing I could also make an impression on other women. Working with other women more and more now I got the chance talking about clothes, fashion more now then before.

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Its always nice getting good responses of how you look, how you are ddressed, both from men and women.

Can´t say I had that many response from men how I´m looking, how I´m dressed.

Its me giving they guys good responses how they´re dressed. They look at me a bit pretentious. I bet they are think; "oh he´s a bit like a woman", but I can´t help it. I like clothes, IK like fashion. Ok its a female thing liking clothes and fashion but if so, well I can´t help it, I like talking about fashion. Ok I let my female side showing, I can´t help it.

Women are different. Most women I know like clothes, shoes, likes fashion. They like to talk about it, read about it. They like wearing nice looking clothes, good looking heels, putting on a nice make up. My girlfreind are the same, the girls at the office are too.

They´re a bit like me and I don´t feel bad or feeling ashamed about to say this.

Yes I agree having a good response from other women how I look, how I´m dressed, yes its the Ultimate resource.

And I have got quite many of those and at the same time I give women I know compliments of how they´re are dressed and how they look.

Women are more open about things like this and well, I´m the same.

Its so very very nice hearing other women telling me; I look good, I´m dressed good, nice clothes, nice heels. Its make me feel oh so good. Its make me feel I´m accepted, the women have accepted me.

The best responses I had was one women telling me; "your legs looking better then mine honey, you´re looking so sexy in your mini skirt!" I felt very special she telling me this. I felt very proud of my self knowing I could also make an impression on other women.

Working with other women more and more now I got the chance talking about clothes, fashion more now then before.

Pics or it didn't happen :o

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  • 2 months later...

Yesterday, I've been to a gothic party and wore my usual 3" oxfords, a red shirt, red tie, leather corset and bell-bottoms, and a women's leather blazer [i love the combo because of this nice slim waist]. I also decided to put on some make-up [foundation, powder, eyeliner, red lipstick and lip gloss - no mascara nor eyeshadow, though] and paint my nails red. I've had a wonderful time, because many of my friends came. When all of them left, I moved to another table and got chatted up by a girl who adored my image. She was VERY supportive, didn't criticise me at all and told me that she appreciates all individualists, people who aren't sheep / don't deny their feelings and ideas. She repeated that I shouldn't give a crap about what others think, and I agreed wholeheartedly. We talked for a while, and then she left. More power to her!

What is good for a goose, can be good for any gender!

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  • 9 months later...

A First Date.

I met a woman through a singles listing online, almost a year ago. We have been chatting online, and exchanging emails quite regularly. Some days we have chatted for hours.

I would often send her a picture of a a good looking woman wearing high heeled boots and ask her opinon of the picture. After a while I would send pictures but comment more on the boots, and ask her opinion. She started asking me what was up with the boots all the time. I told her I really thought they looked great, and I really liked high heeled boots.

Then I started sending her pictures of just boots. All kinds of boots, but always with a high heel. She finally asked if I wore high heeled boots, and I told her I did. She at first asked me all the expected questions. I told her it was just something I enjoyed. She told me she did not think that was something she was comfortable with.

Well, we finally had our first date last Saturday night. We met at a nice, quiet restaurant, not far from her house. I arrived first, wearing my Harley Boots with 4" heels. Once she arrived, we were seasted at our table. We hit it off pretty well, and sat there talking about almost everything, except high heels, for 5 hours!

After dinner I walked her to her car and we kissed goodnight. That is when I asked her if I had embarrased her at all. She said "No, why?". I said "Because of my boots, did you even notice?". She told me she noticed as soon as she arrived, so I asker why she had not said anything.

She then told me she liked them, and she guessed she was not as uncomfortable as she thought she would be.

Well, we are going shoe shopping this Saturday, then out to dinner again.

I asked her if it was ok if I wore heels. She said she hoped I would.

So guys! Go for it.

Hope this was not too Long Winded a Story. :)


Great story


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Gary, I agree with GTMHP, its a great story. You have reinforced Kneehigh's view that there is a difference in a woman's view between the idea of a man wearing high heels and the fact of a man wearing high heels. Just more evidence to support the case that if you just put your boots on and do your thing like it is entirely normal, it just is not an issue. You obviously chose the right footwear, perhaps if you had worn a pair of strappy stiletto sandals, or 6" heels platforms, you may not have had the response you described. Enjoy your next meeting. Simon.

Are you confusing me with someone who gives a damn?

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I have a story that have been meaning to share. In my early days of going out in heels, like many others I would go out late at night, and venture into places quite cautiously. I usually wore very inconspicuous shoes or boots and long jeans or trousers.

One place I would stop was a convenience store, mainly because they had an easily accessible restroom. One night I stopped, and there was a young woman working, maybe 20 years old. I was maybe 32 at the time. That night I had decided to be a bit more daring so I wore a red sweater, navy pinstriped pants, and a pair of red Bellini pumps that had straps that criss-crossed my feet. I stopped, went to the restroom and left. The store was actually quite busy, so being so boldly "out" made my heart beat in my throat. I made it quickly to the car and left.

A few nights later, I decided to go out again. This time I wore jeans and a pair of black sling-backs from some cheap brand I used to wear in those days. I stopped at the same place and headed to the restroom. The store wasn't busy at all at the time. On my way out, the clerk said "Can I ask you something?"

Of course, I was very nervous. This was the first time ANYBODY had talked to me while I was wearing heels. So I went with it. She said that she wanted to ask me the last time I stopped in, but I was "in and out in such a hurry."

She asked me where I got the red shoes that I was wearing the last time I was in because she was going to a party (it was just before Christmas) and the red shoes would match her dress perfectly. She said, "Yea, I had to call and tell my boyfriend that some guy came in wearing the perfect shoes." At this point I knew that not only did she like my shoes, some guy wearing them was perfectly cool with her. We talked for about 10 minutes. Nervous me made up some stupid cover story about working a late shift alone so I didn't seem like I was some guy who just drove around in the middle of the night....Oh the early days.

So, two nights later I went back. This time I went a bit further wearing a pair of brown gauchos, nylons, and pumps. I ha written down the brand and the style of the shoes to give her so she could see if she could find them in her size. We talked for about 5 minutes (She was curious about how I could wear heels since she and most of her friends hated wearing them, how well I walked in them, how many do I have, do I wear them all the time, etc. The kind of banter that I have found is common when talking to women about my choice of footwear.)

When I gave her the slip with the information, I could see her face light up, then go a bit dim. I think she was thinking I was giving her my phone number as I look back. However she was happy to get the information and thanked me.

That was the last night she worked in the store. Later I ran into her and she said she was in an automobile accident and had to quit that job but had a new one as a waitress and that i should stop by and see her. I never did. At that point I was becoming more comfortable, but still too nervous to go to a restaurants in heels.

Meeting her was what put me over the hump, so to speak. I wear red shoes and go to restaurants a lot now!

Funny you should say that about red shoes -- because I finally got the courage to wear my red keehigh 5" stilettos under boot cut stretch jeans while teaching a 2 hr college lecture -- Things went very well... I got 98% positive feedback:clap:

The few women that voiced negative comments about me wearing "womens shoes" To which I replied,... I found them in the womens shoe dept. but they were MY SHOES & I looked good in them..... The lecture hall erupted in cheers & applause!!:)

I THINK I'm over that hump you mentioned Happyfeat:w00t2:



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I went back thru & read the forums that kneehighs posted comments from. What are the women who posted neg comments afraid of?? That men in heels will steal their mojo?? That men in heels have more "sex appeal" than women do? Why do some women react to any freestyler with ridicule or as being gay? Where is the threat??:) It seems these women are trapped by their rigid thinking more than any 19 cent women by her corset:sad::) The comment that stuck with me paraphasing "Wear what you like, but don't call it liberating or liberation?? What?? I as a human & a male can't have a little fashion freedom [liberation] ? What specious nonsense.... ETA: I see it as reclaiming a fashion style WE men had before women.... er, um borrowed it:thumbsup: Just my thoughts -- your mileage may vary. GTMHP

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  • 2 years later...

At last I had my first sincere compliment by a female. Today I changed into my riding jeans and tall brown knee high boots from my avatar. I stopped by a Dollar Tree store on my way home from work. Bought a small box of light bulbs. There was this young Hispanic lady who rang me up and noticed my boots. "Oh I love your boots! Fierce." I muttered out a "thanks", but I felt very special in my boots today. It was a nice compliment that made my day.

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At last I had my first sincere compliment by a female. Today I changed into my riding jeans and tall brown knee high boots from my avatar. I stopped by a Dollar Tree store on my way home from work. Bought a small box of light bulbs. There was this young Hispanic lady who rang me up and noticed my boots. "Oh I love your boots! Fierce." I muttered out a "thanks", but I felt very special in my boots today. It was a nice compliment that made my day.

It can make your whole week.


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