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Nearly a teenager

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I apparently am getting ready to celebrate 11 years next month, although I have been around much longer than that as a lurker. In the 11-15 years before I actually joined, I went from being an admirer to being a secret wearer to being a public wearer. I ventured out for the first time in heels sometime in May 2012, six months before I officially joined HHP. The world was less friendly to my fashion choices back then, and HHP was being run by some less than friendly people. So indeed some things have changed for the better, including the stability of my income.

I have run through my collection, and evidently I have very few pictures from those days, and in fact I can't find a single one from earlier than about 2015, by which time I had established myself as a regular high heel wearer. Here are some of my earliest what I would call actual high heels, i.e., 3 inches or more difference from toe to heel.



Edited by mlroseplant
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Thats an interesting point - changes can also come from within. When I first joined I quite fancied thigh boots - they seemed to me to the Ultima Thule in this forbidden word of high heels, the most extravagant and theatrical. And I suppose they are. But as I evolved into this, became more comfortable with the idea of wearing heels, more accepting and open to exploring my tastes, I found that my tastes evolved too. Or perpahs I discovered what they really were instead of being distracted by the most theatrical version of them.  I've settled quite comfortably into knee and OTK boots, as well as embraced a fondness (that I see now was always there) for chunky-heels and ankle boots. 

At the start I liked the racy lines and proportions of 12cm stiletto heels, and while I can still see the appeal, nowadays I prefer the look of 10cm in stilettos and 8cm chunky heels - not so much for ease of walking, although thsat plays a part, but because my aesthetic has evolved. I'm quite settled in that, know my mind and buy accordingly. And happily.  


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Jan 29 2014 wow 10 years 

I haven’t been active here in a few mostly on Instagram @ynotme9911  still post pics of my collection 


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I joined 22 years ago on January 12, 2002.  Today is my anniversary of joining, in fact.

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Being mentally comfortable in your own mind is the key to wearing heels in public.

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