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Feminine or Masculine?


Fem or Masc?  

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  1. 1. Fem or Masc?

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Do you have some examples? I'm closer to your way of thinking--I'd rather wear typical 'guy' clothes with some classier boots. I don't have any interest in wearing skirts or more feminine tops, but have no problem with men who do.

Here are some links to what I have for boots:

I just got these. Outstanding boot! The only thing I don't like is that the heel is hard rubber so it makes that fem 'click' when I walk on concrete. I'll fix that by replacing the heel pads with softer ones. The heel height is exactly 3" in women's size 11.


These are from Miguel of cowboybootsusa.com. I have a custom pair in size 9.5 mens being made for me. Flat black leather with a 3.5" heel height.


I wear these 4" heeled boots by Miguel to work quite often. (in size 10 mens, Miguel's sizes run a tad on the small side..)



Everything I say is a lie!.......I'm lying

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Hi charlie The first pic of the womens boots are a nice style i wouldnt really associate those with being womans boots either so I would not notice anything different if you were wearing them apart from you being a bit taller!

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Thanks guys! Yup.... there's no reason on Earth why the boots I've provided links to can't be normal, everyday men's wear. It's just silly and I don't have time to wait for society to catch up with me! LOL Charlie

Everything I say is a lie!.......I'm lying

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I'm not sure these days. I usually lounge around my apartment in either a jeans skirt or a long-sleeved, ankle-length robe. I hesitate to call it a "dress," as it's absolutely void of frills. I've worn it during Halloween while imitating Ozzy Ozborne, and everyone recognizes me for Ozzy right off. I have a couple of full-length jumpers I wear with black t-shirts. As for heels, even in my apartment I'm only heeling half the time these days. When I head out, whether to grab groceries or catch a movie, it's all-guy wear. My ponytail is longer than ever, but I wear earrings only about 20% of the time.

Those who really care about us don't make a fuss about what we wear. Those who make a fuss about what we wear really don't care about us.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I am somewhere in between; I voted masculine: guy in heels. My main interest is wearing the stiletto heeled pump (yes it is feminine). This week I shaved my legs to see how it feels and looks..well it feels great. In future I do not rule out a skirt, dress,underwear and possibly some make-up. It is not my goal to present myself as a female, but to explore the feelings in wearing these items.

This is exactly where I am at with it although I've not tried shaving my legs yet! That somehow feels like losing a bit of my masculinity...

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Hi fatfuzz, Shave those legs - you will love it. I have been shaving my legs for about 10 years and my wife would never let me grow hair again. I shave from the waist down and she loves it. When people ask me why I shave - I just tell them that I have an alergic reaction to our hot tub and I have to use a cream that is very thick and easier if my legs are shaved. Not to many people really ask. I have had lots of compliments from other women. :silly: Go for it Bernheels

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I'm new too heels and had a few adventures walking out as a man but with a distinct fetish style. My heels do seem to add to the overall femininity of my alter-ego. That seems to be affecting my self self perception. I'm not sure I fully understand why I enjoy dressing that was so much. Sadly, being married and somewhat in the closet, my opportunities are severely limited. The urge to get dressed as per the various pictures in my albums is very strong and I would very happily dress that way more routinely when appropriate. The only thing stopping me is the certain knowledge that my wife react extremely negatively if she knew about the heels. Even with all the restrictions I have, I now know that I will eventually explore my feminine side much further. Not so much to present my self as a woman. I'm not sure I want to do that (but I'm happy to follow my heart). What I would like to do is wear some really nice, bold make-up. Get some one who knows how to do it properly and match my outfit. My own hair is greying and thinning. So to complete the day I would like to try a wig. Again, not particularly feminine. Short and "sharp" style perhaps. maybe a bold colour also. So what I'm saying is that I have a particular image in my minds eye. Not intended to be particularly lady-like but If it looks entirely feminine when it's complete I'm fine with that. It's about the image for the sake of it. The biggest problem is finding the opportunity and a make=up artist who can help me experiment. It's just a dream at the moment but if it becomes a reality i'll post some pics here. Because there will be some beautiful heels involved, for sure :silly:

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It's such a tragedy that many men feel they can't share their desire to heel with their wife. Marriage is suppose to be an over 100% relationship from both participants. One of the spouses wants to know everything about the other and they want to be the apple of the others eyes. Heeling in secret is disgraceful, if you really think about the light you put yourself in and it is unfair to let society continue to degrade a person for choosing to wear items that appeal to them. Sadly, I know this, from personal experience.

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I wanted to tick both options in the poll. When I wear my heels sometimes I want to feel deliciously feminine, sometimes I want to be a guy expressing feminine qualities, sometimes I just want to be me and shoes have nothing to do with gender... and I guess some guys want to associate heels with masculine qualities too. Either way we're all on the same side in challenging prejudice and being free to wear what we want to wear.

This reminds me of the thread http://www.hhplace.org/everybody/6120-dominant_vs_submissive_visual_signal_heels.html where perhaps its not always about being one or the other, but rather the dizzy mix of the two that makes wearing high heels so appealing... and we should be free to enjoy that and move on from the gender stereotypes of male=strong / female=weak.

If you like it, wear it.

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A bit of both really! I thoroughly enjoy my masculine lifestyle i.e. going to football matchs, cycling, fishing and kayaking in summer, golf etc. I am good at DIY which I enjoy and am fairly handy with all kinds of tools. Even my occupation (engineering) is perceived to be somewhat masculine. However all the while and particularly in winter I will probably be wearing opaque black tights (hose?) under my jeans with with a pedicure and hairless legs. (My choice of hair removal being epilation for a smoother longer lasting effect.) My public heeling is the icing on my cake.

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My look is pretty feminine. I'm not actually going for a girly look but besides heels I'm also into nail polish, make-up (pretty light and not all the time, though) and purses and stuff. I also buy my jeans from the women's section. Skirts and dressed on the other hand don't appeal to me much. I can't see myself wearing one. :silly:

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Me personnally, I wear high heels whenever I can but it is still in private. I will wear stockings/hold ups most days at my work, and when the occasion arises I will go for he full crossdress, getting better with the make up and hair now dont look to bad, but still a long way to go yet to get it right.

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Do both wear 5" open toe sandals with blue jeans and a black leather vest. most people wont know how to process this. its very funny, I went out with a bunch of hot girls dressed that way and had a great time, the only problem for me is im 6'5" with 5" heels on. ya gotta watch your head !! lol.

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Bernheels, I'm the same way. I shave my legs once a week. I use to have them waxed at a hair salon but it got a bit expensive. If it gets too cold, I definitely wear pantyhose or tights. My legs are still the best looking part of my body!

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my legs and feet look very feminine and does not look like a guys leg. want the very feminine type of high heel shoes, pantyhose and nail polish but will not go for a more feminine girly look like cross dressing. ill leave that to the girls who i adore the most wearing a nice dress with a magnificent pair of high heels

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  • 1 month later...

I have no problem whatsoever wearing shoes that look "feminine". After all, I regularly wear skirts with my heels, and what's more "feminine" than that?

I don't want to LOOK like a woman, I just want to DRESS like a woman!

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I personally went for the man in heels look. I do however wear hosiery with my heels sometimes. It keeps my X chromazones happy.

Shafted, the boots that is! View my gallery here http://www.hhplace.o...afteds-gallery/ or view my heeling thread here http://www.hhplace.org/topic/3850-new-pair-of-boots-starts-me-serious-street-heeling/ - Pm me if you want fashion advice or just need someone to talk to.

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When wearing heels, I prefer to wear pantyhose also as it will make life easier to put them on. In addition I do wear a skirt at times, also for the comfort, not top dress up or so. Looking back in time, heels for men were accepted as recent in the flower power era (late 60's early 70's), hence why now so much fuss. Skirts were worn by men till late 19th century, traded for trousers as such would be easier in the industrial setting. I guess that the basis question would be why as acceptance difficult whilst it used to be normal?

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  • 2 months later...

For years I crossdressed but without shoes. I didn't realize they made women's shoes large ehough for my big feet. (women's size 13) When I discovered that could, indeed, buy shoes I wore 3-4 stillettos in order to look more feminine. Now days, largely due to this forum and a few others involved with men wearing women's clothing, I've learned to present myself as masculine while wearing only the fem articles of clothing that I want to wear. Such as, heels with jeans, a skirt with men's shoes, or just a guy wearing a woman's shirt.

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Like many others, I started with crossdressing. The clothing, wigs and other female shaping items came first and heels were a after thought. Over time I lost interest in dressing and found wearing heels around the house in my male clothing to be more enjoyable. My wife even became more supportive with the heel wearing than the crossdressing. She likes the way the heels shape my legs. I do wear nylons from time to time under my pants. I voted guy in heels, but every now and then, I feel the need to visit the feminine side of life.

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When wearing heels, I prefer to wear pantyhose also as it will make life easier to put them on.

In addition I do wear a skirt at times, also for the comfort, not top dress up or so.

Looking back in time, heels for men were accepted as recent in the flower power era (late 60's early 70's), hence why now so much fuss.

Skirts were worn by men till late 19th century, traded for trousers as such would be easier in the industrial setting.

I guess that the basic question would be why is acceptance difficult whilst it use to be normal?

As a whole, people don't care about what went on in history. They are only concerned with the things that happen in their life now. They tend to uphold the status quo, to be narrow-minded, and they focus on what is best for them.

Society is continuously supporting its stand that heeling is feminine and until enough men publicly wear heels, this attitude won't change. Due to some sightings of men in heels and other civil liberty movements, social attitudes have softened to where people are aware of alternate lifestyles.

Then again, since the post world wars of the 40's and the noted teenage rebellions from the 50's, the number of social identity changes have escalated. The world conditions, the movie and the music industries, the civil right causes, and etc. influenced the younger generations of each period. The so-called police actions of the 60's and 70's caused many of the youth to question their leaders. The hippie movement in the U.S. was probably the most radical as they pushed a non-committal lifestyle with an anti-establishment idea, because society was viewed as not caring about their importance. There has been many other fads and ideas that caught hold for a time which changed the way people considered life, but none have really considered the importance of individual perceptions until the homophilia concept became a social factor. For the first time in modern history, people were self-evaluating to determine who they are and they became sensitive to the actions and opinions of others. Women were already in many of the roles men had dominated earlier, but realizing there were a lot of men with feminine qualities was more than society was prepared to or wanted to handle. Besides, it went against all the stereotyping society had been promoting.

In this sketchy synopsis, I have left out many details, but you can get an idea of some reasons society has been softened towards the concept of men wearing high heels. It may be viewed as a feminine exhibition, but until men are publicly making a stand for their right to choose, this social attitude will continue. Gender is a theory that was adopted while society tried to control what people could choose for their own adornment. We were told it is a social crime to choose items of attire that was decided by other people to be prohibited. It is time to reclaim what has always been ours: The right to decide the things we will wear for our own appearance. If we desire to wear it and we have provided the means to possess it, then the item is for us. Yes, women have the right to wear ugg boots, trousers, tattooes, and etc. if they want.

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