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The Adventures of kneehighs...


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That’s a really tough one. I could see it going both ways tbh!   I have a feeling the girl with the hat is going to be girl b more conservative.  Girl a in the dress girl A as she looks like she’s up for anything. 


If im wrong and the girl on he dress is B it’s because she has a look of I can go get any guy I want I don’t need some guy wearing heels.  

Then I say Her loss.  I wear heels all the time lol!!


again that’s a tough one 



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7 hours ago, kneehighs said:

Totally illegitimate A/B Test/Pop Quiz!

Does sleeping with a girl before introducing her to my high heel wearing style affect her opinion of me wearing heels?

I got bored.  So I mobile messaged a couple girls.  One I slept with before I showed a pic of me in heels.  One I didn't sleep with before I showed a pic of me in heels. 

Girl A said, "I didn't expect this at all :).  But it fits you :).  You look good, but it's unusual.  I don't completely understand such things and at the same time don't think it's something bad.  So I don't know how to rate it."

Girl B was asked, "Dateable or not dateable?" Girl B answered, "Mmmm, I would say no.  There are a bunch of ways you can make feminine style work and it looks sexy on some even but heels I think is not one of those things."

Guess which one is Girl A and which one is Girl B!


Z1.jpgGIRL B

Tough one but females who believe there attractive than other woman have sense of style about them. Girl B looks the type she is modest in her beliefs even traditional thus what she told you was nice way to say Yuk for man wearing heels. 

The other girl A finds it odd but seeing she slept with you is more forgiving yet shocked as girl B. Yet Girl A finds it not issue unless you begin to be serious couple then she may reaccess things that don't make her feel comfortable.

Did the same tonight sent out cache of my premium pictures i shared on the forum and then some to female. Difficult to gauge her reaction will be suppose she will lie say i look great blah blah but deep down think i'm total freak. Doubt it will have any bearing on our friendship although she may not feel as attractive to me as before. 


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My selection bias seems obvious to me.  The girl covering herself up with a hat is the girl I didn't sleep with.  The girl with the dress looking like she's ready for anything?  There's other more conservative photos of her.  Yet, I chose the pics that show my personal relationship to them.

Girl B, the girl with the hat, has shown interest in me.  She offered to come visit me.  If I had paid her trip expenses, I'm sure we would've slept with each other.  

My conclusion for now: IF you want a girl's consent/approval to wear heels, it's easier to gain after you sleep with her.

14 hours ago, CAT said:

That’s a really tough one. I could see it going both ways tbh!   I have a feeling the girl with the hat is going to be girl b more conservative.  Girl a in the dress girl A as she looks like she’s up for anything. 


If im wrong and the girl on he dress is B it’s because she has a look of I can go get any guy I want I don’t need some guy wearing heels.  

Then I say Her loss.  I wear heels all the time lol!!


again that’s a tough one 



Correct!  Girl A the one in the dress is open to men in heels and the one I slept with BEFORE I showed her a pic of me in heels.

14 hours ago, Mr. X said:

If the quiz was easy I don't think you would have asked.  So I am going to say the pictures are in order. A and then B.

Girl A is the girl in the dress.  She is open to men in heels, but I didn't show her my photo until after I slept with her.  Girl B is the girl with the hat.

13 hours ago, Cali said:

I say that they are in order too. The girl in the dress looks like she has already made up her mind about everything.  

Girl A is the girl in the dress and open to guys in heels.  Girl B is the girl with the hat and not open to dating a guy in heels. 

13 hours ago, geo said:

would rather have b but a is answer.

Girl in the dress is Girl A, open to men in heels.  She knew about my heels AFTER we slept together.  Girl B is girl with hat.

12 hours ago, Jkrenzer said:

Either way, they are both more attractive than anyone I've ever bedded. 


8 hours ago, MackyHeels said:

Tough one but females who believe there attractive than other woman have sense of style about them. Girl B looks the type she is modest in her beliefs even traditional thus what she told you was nice way to say Yuk for man wearing heels. 

The other girl A finds it odd but seeing she slept with you is more forgiving yet shocked as girl B. Yet Girl A finds it not issue unless you begin to be serious couple then she may reaccess things that don't make her feel comfortable.

Did the same tonight sent out cache of my premium pictures i shared on the forum and then some to female. Difficult to gauge her reaction will be suppose she will lie say i look great blah blah but deep down think i'm total freak. Doubt it will have any bearing on our friendship although she may not feel as attractive to me as before. 


Girl A is the girl with the dress and open to guys in heels.  I slept with her before I showed her the photo of me wearing heels.  Girl B is girl with hat.


Edited by kneehighs

Feminine Style .  Masculine Soul.  Skin In The Game.

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10 minutes ago, jeremy1986 said:

woah. i'm confused after all that. But happy it worked out for ya ;-) 

What specifically do you find confusing (asking so I can clarify my communication)?  Girl A is the girl in the dress.  She's open to men in heels.  After I slept with her.  Girl B is the girl with the hat. She wasn't as open to men in heels. But I showed the pic of me wearing heels without first sleeping with her. 

Feminine Style .  Masculine Soul.  Skin In The Game.

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3 minutes ago, kneehighs said:

What specifically do you find confusing (asking so I can clarify my communication)?  Girl A is the girl in the dress.  She's open to men in heels.  After I slept with her.  Girl B is the girl with the hat. She wasn't as open to men in heels. But I showed the pic of me wearing heels without first sleeping with her. 

What you explained now in 2 lines took you about 10 before. 

But don't pay any attention to me  - Just pulling your chain ;-) 

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15 hours ago, kneehighs said:

Girl A is the girl in the dress.  She's open to men in heels.  After I slept with her.  Girl B is the girl with the hat. She wasn't as open to men in heels. But I showed the pic of me wearing heels without first sleeping with her. 

So that's what I doing wrong. I'm not sleeping with them BEFORE they see me in heels. But when you almost always wear heels, that's pretty hard to do.

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Top pic is B.  Just a guess...

Hiya, Kneehighs.  :)


Those who really care about us don't make a fuss about what we wear. Those who make a fuss about what we wear really don't care about us.

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6 hours ago, Cali said:

So that's what I doing wrong. I'm not sleeping with them BEFORE they see me in heels. But when you almost always wear heels, that's pretty hard to do.

ha.  Maybe if I wore heels more, I'd reduce my dating/relationship pool and decrease my monthly/yearly entertainment expenses.   So maybe I'm the one doing something wrong ;)

5 hours ago, kikepa said:

Top pic is B.  Just a guess...

Hiya, Kneehighs.  :)


Welcome back!

Edited by kneehighs

Feminine Style .  Masculine Soul.  Skin In The Game.

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Having fun with a girl and her Louboutin's



On 4/21/2019 at 1:52 PM, kneehighs said:

Cat eye sunglasses!  Almost exclusively worn by women. Never seen a guy wear them.   Something else to add to my bucket list for new accessory purchases.



Ordered!  Now have a new pair shipping.  Can not wait.  Next on bucket list is my Chanel brooch, for sure. 

Edited by kneehighs

Feminine Style .  Masculine Soul.  Skin In The Game.

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This is a fun video to watch.  It proves how personal charisma is more important to attracting women than physical looks (a guy in heels).  The guy she rated lowest in physical appearance turns out to be the same guy she rated highest in personality...and thus went on a date with.  This is one of the reasons I rarely listen to what people say, but pay more attention to what they do.


Edited by kneehighs

Feminine Style .  Masculine Soul.  Skin In The Game.

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Last night I couldn't sleep.  Was bored.  To entertain myself I turned to girls!  Specifically, Instagram Direct Messaging.  It's my personal version of Tinder.  If a girl reads my message,  my response rate is about 14/15.  I just keep opening up new conversations, over and over and over again.  Till I have more girls than I have time to deal with.  Then I start all over again.  Last night I steered the conversation towards men in heels.  Her response, "I think it (men in heels)will be good...in bed with a girl" and "I adore that dance.  They are crazy sexy" was a fun feeling to go back to sleep to.







Feminine Style .  Masculine Soul.  Skin In The Game.

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On 5/11/2019 at 10:25 AM, kneehighs said:

That's so early!

3 am!  Sometimes that's when I'm just going to sleep.  

Early bird!

So many early birds here.

I understand your father in law thinking an early bird work schedule is best.  From my end, I live closer to your sleep schedule though.   I usually go to bed around 2 am. Get up around 8 am.   And my productivity often skyrockets after normal business hours too: yoga, cycling, apartment improvements, and normal computer work.

Well, I'm not an early bird by choice, but all sleep pattern rules get tossed out when working for the airlines.  Most of my trips are at "O dark hundred" in the AM, twenty years seniority is nothing in this job.   But, I also choose to do these trips so I don't have to wrestle with traffic on the way to Boston.  I would rather get on the road at 0330 and drive to work relatively effortlessly, than wrestle with the traffic.  Returning home is a hassle also, traffic is horrific for the drive back home from 1PM-7PM, so I usually prefer to get back relatively late....Once home, I'm all wound from the drive and can not sleep....Usually end up falling asleep about 0400 and sleeping until 9AM.   When not working, I am usually in bed by 9PM and get up at 0700.  

On a more exciting note, seems like Kneehighs is having a great time, good for you buddy!

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13 hours ago, pebblesf said:

Well, I'm not an early bird by choice, but all sleep pattern rules get tossed out when working for the airlines.  Most of my trips are at "O dark hundred" in the AM, twenty years seniority is nothing in this job.   But, I also choose to do these trips so I don't have to wrestle with traffic on the way to Boston.  I would rather get on the road at 0330 and drive to work relatively effortlessly, than wrestle with the traffic.  Returning home is a hassle also, traffic is horrific for the drive back home from 1PM-7PM, so I usually prefer to get back relatively late....Once home, I'm all wound from the drive and can not sleep....Usually end up falling asleep about 0400 and sleeping until 9AM.   When not working, I am usually in bed by 9PM and get up at 0700.  

On a more exciting note, seems like Kneehighs is having a great time, good for you buddy!

Any chance you actually work on the planes in flight?  Asking because there's this cute Flight Atttendant based out of Chicago. She posts on Instagram frequently.   Seems friendly based off a cold Direct Message I sent her on Instagram.  She has a lot of photos with various black pumps in them. 



Edited by kneehighs

Feminine Style .  Masculine Soul.  Skin In The Game.

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Interesting! I haven't flown anywhere since 2003, but I thought female flight attendants no longer wore heels like what that young lady sported, or, at the very least, nothing that high.

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I don't want to LOOK like a woman, I just want to DRESS like a woman!

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Well, I work for AA, and that doesn't look like an AA uniform....I'm guessing she works for United if she is based in Chicago.  The airlines have been hiring lately, so there is some much needed fresh blood in the industry....

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On 7/16/2019 at 3:51 AM, JeffB said:

Interesting! I haven't flown anywhere since 2003, but I thought female flight attendants no longer wore heels like what that young lady sported, or, at the very least, nothing that high.

Back when my ex-wife worked for AA, 20+ years ago, female flight attendants were required to wear heels in the airport. Nowadays, I doubt they're required to wear them, though some still do. Somewhere in my own thread, I noted that not only did one of my flight attendants on my flight to Korea wear substantial heels in the airport, she actually worked a Trans-Pacific flight in heels (lower than her airport heels, of course).

The Asian airlines still require heels in the airport, but none of their "dress" heels is anything to write home about--I've never seen one exceed 2 1/2", and I think they are provided by the airline, as you don't see any variation at all like you do among American flight attendants.

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1 hour ago, mlroseplant said:

Back when my ex-wife worked for AA, 20+ years ago, female flight attendants were required to wear heels in the airport. Nowadays, I doubt they're required to wear them, though some still do. Somewhere in my own thread, I noted that not only did one of my flight attendants on my flight to Korea wear substantial heels in the airport, she actually worked a Trans-Pacific flight in heels (lower than her airport heels, of course).

The Asian airlines still require heels in the airport, but none of their "dress" heels is anything to write home about--I've never seen one exceed 2 1/2", and I think they are provided by the airline, as you don't see any variation at all like you do among American flight attendants.

Well, the AA women are still required to wear heels in the airport, then allowed to switch to flats/lower heels while working on the plane, although this rule is never enforced.  Admittedly, the planes aren't the only thing that is aging, but there is a big influx of new blood.  The variations in AA uniforms was caused mostly by management picking the "lowest cost vendor" for the latest uniforms, which has caused rashes and illness'.  So, until new uniforms are designed and provisioned again, there will be plenty of variations to the standard uniform. 

21 hours ago, CAT said:


when are you going to be in Chicago 

We haven't had any ORD trips lately, will surely let you know when they come around again buddy!

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On 7/15/2019 at 10:09 AM, jeremy1986 said:

Went well? 


Just saw this.  Visited "First Base"   Home Run definitely awaits.  She's open to heels as most are at Short Term relationships. 

She's probably not qualified Long Term wife material though.

Feminine Style .  Masculine Soul.  Skin In The Game.

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13 hours ago, kneehighs said:

Just saw this.  Visited "First Base"   Home Run definitely awaits.  She's open to heels as most are at Short Term relationships. 

She's probably not qualified Long Term wife material though.

hehe …  sounds good, for a start :-)

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Totally going to add a pearl necklace to my wardrobe.  Will wear it almost exactly like seen in the photos.  

The first outfit: classic white button down with classic shorts and heels.  Could use pants just as much as shorts and achieve similar look

Second Outfit: Classic button down.  Classic blue denim.

Third Outfit: Classic white button down.

Fourth Outfit: Classic blazer.  Sleeves rolled up.  Skinny pants.  Pumps.

If I combine it with a Chanel brooch, should be amazing. The girls will probably love it.

For perfumes, I always wear women's scents.  I've worn Flower Bomb by Viktor and Rolf for years.  Also Black Opium by Yves Saint Laurent has worked well for years too.  The best compliments come from this Burberry Perfume I've used for almost 10 years now.  Classic feminine fragrances work best for me. Going to try this La Vanilla, Pure Vanilla scent too.   They say Vanilla is an aphrodisiac (applies to women wearing Vanilla to attract men). 

My "game" is when I wear what women feel sexy in, it tends to attract women.  







Edited by kneehighs

Feminine Style .  Masculine Soul.  Skin In The Game.

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