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Jkrenzer last won the day on September 20

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    United States
  • Hobbies
    Golfing, Camping, and of course Heels

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  1. Totally agree with Shyheels. Can't add too much other than I hate it when my pants leg hangs up too. Not because how it looks, actually love look, but it's uncomfortable. Even more so with slings when the hem gets between your foot and shoe. Also heels are made to be seen, as such I buy pants shorter than I used to. Guess I did have something to add. Shyheels just saved me half my typing.
  2. I do like your documentations but also understand. I haven't posted any of the topics I thought I would in a while like heels at work etc. I hate to say it but think this forum is dying on the vine.
  3. That's how my work heels are used. Can't enter the factory proper but office use is common for me. Still I'm the only one.
  4. Not even you? Or were you the only one in heels, usually the case for me.
  5. Totally agree, platform thickness makes all the difference. At under 1 inch it doesn't matter too much. I mostly wear single soled heels but have several thinner plats. I just think thick platforms look bad, clownish in many cases.
  6. Not really surprised. Way too much stress on the goofy thong. Be done with them. Stick to true mules and sandals. Really like these and the boot may support the foot sufficiently to unload the thong. Where in the world did you find this boot?
  7. Based on Mel's answers above. 1 - me either 2 - pretty much same response although early on i got a boost, get my drift, when I'd first go out. Not anymore as it's routine but still exciting. 3 - I have been a 4.5 inch to 5.25 inch since day 1. 4 - there is nothing attractive about this for anyone.
  8. We all spent way to much time hiding our passion. I expect 100 times as many never overcome their fear.
  9. Am I the only who is sick of Taylor Swift? But your point is spot on.
  10. I struggle with thongs, just don't like the between the toes deal. Those look good on you. Looking forward to seeing the others. Hope they hold up as you mentioned.
  11. You're wearing a skirt and something with black socks. Looks to me like you should have bought the heels and moved on with them on.
  12. Good luck. The heel is so far back, I'd be surprised if the same thing doesn't happen. I can't believe you can actually walk in these.
  13. I wear what I feel for me are a combination of good looking and comfortable. I typically wear 12 to 13 cm heels, usually narrow stilettos. Like Melrose, I don't wear dresses, skirts, etc. I like "guy" clothes with heels. Your very comments suggest you believe heels are just for women and to wear them you must look like one. I'm not the only one here who doesn't agree with that viewpoint. All that said keep wearing what you feel is best for you.
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