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Jkrenzer last won the day on May 17

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    United States
  • Hobbies
    Golfing, Camping, and of course Heels

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  1. Those cheap Chinese heels do look good. I do agree with your observation. I too often feel like I'm the only wearer of high heels. I've said it before, there must 1000 pair sold for every pair actually worn through its life.
  2. That's still 12 yrs to reach Melrose's 2k. Plus he's documented those miles. Add church and farmers markets alone he's under valuing his total. In addition most people, myself included, over estimate their distances. This makes you a distant number 2 Cali. Runner up to the king.
  3. I do believe you likely have more heel miles than 99.9% of the population that actually wears heels.
  4. Most women have smaller feet than me. A 4 inch heel on a size 7 or 8, euro 37 or so is quite high.
  5. A couple comments. 1. Melrose actually wears heels 4 to 4.5 inches at church, so he seems to think a higher heel is acceptable. 2. I believe in my shoe size 5 inch is acceptable and actually do wear them daily at a real office environment with no issues. 3. Glad to know you believe you are naturally attractive. Just curious what that means. Are you attractive in the nude? Anything else is not natural and I've seen very few attractive nude people myself included.
  6. Go to alliexpress, Chinese but there are plenty of 10cm to 12cm heels, Wedges, block style or stilettos to choose from. Quality is available but read the reviews and spend nothing less than 45 bucks. All shoes under 45 are guaranteed to be junk.
  7. It's a matter of practice. I'm a U.S. women's 10 to 11, depending on make and style. I rarely wear under 120mm or over 140mm. My sweetspot is 130mm. These numbers are all based on single soles. I agree that for my size 120 to 140mm also look the best. Anything higher looks off and anything lower just don't appeal to me.
  8. Even better North Carolina. Vehicles last forever here and are not California priced. My current field, 2000 Tacoma, 2011 Escape and just bought 2007 F150. zero corrosion all 3, paid 4k for Tacoma 8 yrs ago and just paid 5500 for the f150.
  9. What happened to all the leadership? You look very natural.
  10. He stayed thin. I still believe air-conditioned homes has aided in the fattening of America.
  11. Today at the post office I had a women behind me snapping pictures with her phone. She stayed 2 or 3 feet back. I turned and you could tell she very specifically had her phone pointed at my lower legs. I expect there are hundreds of pictures circulating amongst unknown family and friends groups for many of us. She knows I caught her but I didn't say anything, just smiled. Plenty of people there. The staff is so used to me they just go about their jobs. For whatever reason the site won't alow me to search for an image let alone attach it.
  12. Red pumps would cap off that outfit really well. Look good buddy.
  13. Have to ask what size you wear to actually fit Louboutin?
  14. I'm wondering if you saw a couple passable cross dressers or transgendered ladies. There are many very good looking people of such circumstances these days. Good to see in any situation.
  15. Amazing boots, perfect heels in my opinion. Hope these get worn often.
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