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CAT last won the day on January 25

CAT had the most liked content!

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Veteran (13/14)

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  1. I like to be in the 130 to 150 everyday walking. without looking I would say I have 10% 3-4” 20% 4-5” 65% 5-6” 5% 6+” 80% single sole 20% platform single sole 5” is my go to
  2. CAT

    Mr. X's travels

    Still awesome!!!!!!!!
  3. CAT

    Mr. X's travels

    love the red!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  4. Have not seen the show but glad to hear what you are reporting. On the topic of watching idiotic shows, my gf and I are watching season 2 of MILF Manor lol. Very cringeworthy and kinda gross but we get a good laugh. All new low for my tv watching
  5. I run in to that problem all the time sometimes I say forget it not worth the hassle
  6. So here is my first of many to come! Boots by Aldo, dress is Lululemon Define, wristlet is Guess My usual Chicago to Tampa trip. Kinda bummed, only 2 comments about my boots, both in the TSA line, no negative comments. Look forward to talking with people. Will post some more pics soon!
  7. OMG LOLOLOLOLOLO So, I can post pics but just not in this competition thread,,,,,, I will have to really outdo even myself on 12/31/24!!!!!! I missed out last time due to a lack of where I posted the pics, I would like a second chance to post in the correct thread, please! I have a ton of new heels to show and working on some great trips!
  8. I’m up for the challenge!!!!!! lets gooooooooo!
  9. I can even count all of mine. I know it’s hard to part with. I also have some that are ,to me, to nice wear and scuff up. Some of those have designs on the soles. Bought them to wear but just can’t. I also have so many that are the same just in different colors or materials. For now I’m not parting with any but I know I should
  10. We have all said it,,,,,,, the crap that they put on the male models is not only ridiculous but completely impractical and I would not even see a females wearing it. It does not help "our cause" to where a great pair of heels. When will they showcase a guy in great pair of normal pumps, knee boots, or wedges? Probably never,,,, so sad
  11. It is early in 2024,,,,,,, should we start up a new contest?!?!?!?!??!?!??!? Lots of time to come up with new pics posts and heels!
  12. Gige

    Picture of the outfit you inspired! 

    Aurora .JPG

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