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Were you caught by your mother?


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My fascination with heels came at a time that my size had already surpassed the size of my Mom's six shoes.  Some how I discovered that my grandmother, her mom's shoes were just my size as I was about 13  years old.  It was one of her pair that became my first experience with wearing heels - an open toe pleated fabric sandal with a quarter strap sling back with a solid wooden 2 1/2" heel.  There was also a pair of red mock toe pumps that were almost about to fit when Mom happened to catch me trying to squeeze into them.  Mom was less than thrilled to see that happening and let me know it.  That ended my first explorations for another 5 years.  All I could do was admire the girls in high school who were able to wear low block heels, high stiletto shoes anytime they felt the urge.  I so wanted that same ability but had to quash any attempts out of "fear" that Mom would find out.

Did any others here have to deal with "that" talk by his or her mom about the "appropriate choice" of foot-ware?

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Just a bit higher to to delight - low enough for healthy foot comfort and great beginning.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Back in my mid teen years i thought the only way to wear heels in public was to pretend to be a girl. My mom used to work full time and this was late 1970's, she had at the time a gorgeous pin stripe pencil skirt suit in cream and red and a fab pair of pull on red leather high heel knee boots, as soon as she had left for work i would put this outfit on with a little hair band in my hair and jumped on the bus to town. I would spend the whole day there going into shops trying on different outfits and shoes and boots, nobody ever realised i was a boy. I always got back home and back into my boys clothes and be in front of the tele by the time she returned and from that day to this she has never been any the wiser, couldn't wait for next morning for her to go back out to work to start again, as time has gone by I've realised that I don't need to become a girl to wear heels and now wear them as a man but she still knows nothing about it, wish I could go back to those days though, can't understand why any boy wouldn't want to try what i did, it was so much fun being able to deceive people so easily 

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Sounds like you had a bit of the spirit of those old time British explorers and Great Gamers back in the day - Sir Richard Burton was very fond of disguises and nosing around the markets and bazaars, deceiving everybody and no one the wiser.

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22 hours ago, maninboots said:

Back in my mid teen years i thought the only way to wear heels in public was to pretend to be a girl. My mom used to work full time and this was late 1970's, she had at the time a gorgeous pin stripe pencil skirt suit in cream and red and a fab pair of pull on red leather high heel knee boots, as soon as she had left for work i would put this outfit on with a little hair band in my hair and jumped on the bus to town. I would spend the whole day there going into shops trying on different outfits and shoes and boots, nobody ever realised i was a boy. I always got back home and back into my boys clothes and be in front of the tele by the time she returned and from that day to this she has never been any the wiser, couldn't wait for next morning for her to go back out to work to start again, as time has gone by I've realised that I don't need to become a girl to wear heels and now wear them as a man but she still knows nothing about it, wish I could go back to those days though, can't understand why any boy wouldn't want to try what i did, it was so much fun being able to deceive people so easily 

Quite a story!

* * * 

Was never caught by my mother.... but had a few very close calls by my brother... and one time I WAS  caught by my brother….

Edited by jeremy1986
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I used my mother's boots a long time.  Every time I was alone in my house I would try and use them as much as I could.  Unfortunately, I outgrew them, which coincidentally is when I fell in love with hosiery.  When I wasn't able to fit into them anymore I used to move them around a lot so that she would notice.  She asked my dad to talk to me about it and he told me that using my mother's boots wasn't correct and that I should keep off them.  

I never touched them again, but only because there was no use.  

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I’ve related the origin of my wearing “girls shoes” several times over the years on this site including my wearing my mother’s heels so often that she finally bought me my own pairs.

I tried to stop wearing heels more times than I can count. But, in my late teens I realized that I would never be able to quit and decided never to think about quitting again.  I am a man that has for the past four decades openly worn woman’s shoes without caring what others might think.  

Currently, the stigma associated with men covertly or overtly wearing any item of female attire is thought of by society as being “deviant.”  And, this has created the erroneous feeling/idea of being ashamed when being “caught” or discovered openly displaying/practicing what is considered to be a form of “antisocial behavior. “

The key is to “suck it up,” put on your shoes or “outfits” and openly go out about your business without a second thought. This is really difficult for most of us in the beginning. However, the more you openly wear your shoes or outfits, the easier it gets.  Ultimately, while in your mind you are still aware of what you are wearing,  you will soon consciously forget how you are dressed and behave naturally. The more normal/natural you act, the less attention you will attract.    Anyway, everyone is thoroughly occupied with their own thoughts  and going about their own business that few will notice or even care about what you are wearing or how you are dressed.  While some might take notice or react,  most will never say or do anything other than taking a second glance.

If you don’t believe me, just re-read the adventures of Jeff B or some of the other members that are experienced in open wearing that are posted here.


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Being mentally comfortable in your own mind is the key to wearing heels in public.

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Like Mr Bubba, I have talked about this elsewhere.  Suffice to say that I have liked, had an attraction to, whatever - gals shoes since I was a child.  Don't know why and really don't care.  I was "caught" by my mother, grandmother, and brother at various times - each time they wigged out a bit but everyone got over it.  When I went away to school I was able to "do my thang" and enjoy my gals shoes - flats and heels.  

Run the clock forward a few decades (yipes), now I am married to a wonderful gal who is OK with my choice of shoes.  If fact, save for one pair of running shoes and another pair of loafer dress shoes, ALL of my shoes are gals shoes - heels and flats - which I wear all the time and no one cares.  My mother and grandmother have long passed, they accepted my fondness for gals shoes and it never really was mentioned.  My brother is in another part of the country, but he doesn't really care either.  

Getting "caught" was something that happened as a teen, a long time ago.....   

Have fun all....    sf

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"Why should girls have all the fun!!"

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  • 4 years later...

The nearest I could come to something like that was nearly blurting out to my mother my desire to wear high heeled boots when I was about 11 or 12. A  very pretty red haired in my class at school used to come in wearing white go-go boots several days a week. I liked the girl and I envied her boots, thought they looked cool and wanted a pair myself. It honestly didn’t occur to me that they were girls boots and therefore forbidden to me. In my defence this was around 1970 and gender lines were blurring in fashion and so it seemed plausible for me to aspire to a pair. At any rate when we went shopping for school shoes in the autumn I came within an ace of saying I wanted a pair of go go boots. Something tipped me off in time. I can’t remember what it was. But I realised that I’d been covering girls boots and I was mortified. And very glad I’d said nothing.

Curiously enough that winter I managed to break my little toe. Aside from hurting like hell, it swelled up and I couldn’t wear my regular shoes. My mother had a pair of brown knee boots - no heels - that I could wear comfortably and I quite happily did for the rest of the winter. Long after my toe had healed. A couple of lessons I could and should have learned there - I wore knee boots over my jeans all that winter and nobody said a thing. There was the opportunity to have adopted knee boots as “my style” and been accepted for it more or less. Established my credentials as a bohemian so to speak 

When next winter came around I lacked the nerve to ask my mother if I could wear them. Looking back I realise she would have been fine with my doing so. Lost opportunities…

Edited by Shyheels
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Sounds like you both had amazing Moms for sure.  I don't know how my mother would have reacted had she caught me.  Like I have said, I'm not sure, but perhaps they knew, just didn't say anything.  My Mom could go either way, she might give you a ration of crap over seemingly nothing like "your room is a mess".  But, every once in awhile she would surprise you with a level of support we surely didn't expect.  I was a sneaky little SOB when younger, delighted in sneaking into my buddy's sister's or Mom's closets if I had seen them wearing nice boots.  I should have been caught, and had by butt kicked!

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1 hour ago, pebblesf said:

Sounds like you both had amazing Moms for sure.  I don't know how my mother would have reacted had she caught me.  Like I have said, I'm not sure, but perhaps they knew, just didn't say anything.  My Mom could go either way, she might give you a ration of crap over seemingly nothing like "your room is a mess".  But, every once in awhile she would surprise you with a level of support we surely didn't expect.  I was a sneaky little SOB when younger, delighted in sneaking into my buddy's sister's or Mom's closets if I had seen them wearing nice boots.  I should have been caught, and had by butt kicked!

It was interesting to hear your story from the other thread - about your lady friend who loves boots too, and who had similar childhood experiences to yours that shaped her love of boots. It shows that there is a commonality that often goes unnoticed. As a girl she would have been allowed even expected to develop a fondness for heels and/or boots, just as you/we woukd have been heavily discouraged from doing so. Your conversations with her would have been doubly interesting as a result, exploring the notions of developing one’s style and adventures in fashion from both sides of the fence.

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  • 1 month later...

Definitely got caught, tho not in the act. I had amassed a few shoes and other femme items starting around 12 or 14, can't really remember at this point, including some throwaway knee high boots from a friends sister, which I greatly adored (the boots, not the sister). one of those thin and wide stacked heels, super high, I felt like a million dollars. Eventually my dad came to my room one evening, and politely asked for my moms shoes to be placed back in their proper place. I mumbled some stuff about not being gay, which was mostly true, and my pop just said he didn't care, they just weren't my shoes. Cool guy, frankly. Kept the knee high boots tho.

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On 11/30/2022 at 2:47 PM, bambam said:

Definitely got caught, tho not in the act. I had amassed a few shoes and other femme items starting around 12 or 14, can't really remember at this point, including some throwaway knee high boots from a friends sister, which I greatly adored (the boots, not the sister). one of those thin and wide stacked heels, super high, I felt like a million dollars. Eventually my dad came to my room one evening, and politely asked for my moms shoes to be placed back in their proper place. I mumbled some stuff about not being gay, which was mostly true, and my pop just said he didn't care, they just weren't my shoes. Cool guy, frankly. Kept the knee high boots tho.

Yep, your Dad sure sounds like a cool guy indeed

I was never actually "caught", but often wonder if she knew.  

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  • 2 weeks later...

Not sure how old i was but i enjoyed wearing my sisters bikinis.   one day i went outide while they were gone and they pulled in driveway while i was coming from back yard.  nothing was ever said, but they had to see me.

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give me more heels

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  • 1 month later...

I had always loved wearing women's shoes. When I was about 11 years old, I put on a pair of my mom's open toe wedge sandals (2.5 inch heel) and wore them occasionally around the house. Even though they were a little large, I loved the feeling of walking in them. I was eventually caught, and my mom told me that I could wear them and other shoes except for her best shoes which were off-limits. I started wearing my mom's nylon knee highs with the shoes that she allowed me to wear. Unfortunately, her bright red GoGo boots were off-limits, but when she was not home, I would secretly wear them. I loved the shiny patent red leather and the feel of the boots on my feet and legs made me feel like a queen.

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Jamie :)

Fashion Freedom for Men!!

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Very kind and loving of your mother to allow you to experiment in heels. I too fancied a pair og go-go boots when I was a kid - white, in my case, an ambition that remains unfulfilled all these decades later. Someday...

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6 hours ago, Shyheels said:

Very kind and loving of your mother to allow you to experiment in heels. I too fancied a pair og go-go boots when I was a kid - white, in my case, an ambition that remains unfulfilled all these decades later. Someday...

Just go for them. I have them in a rainbow of colors and I do wear them out and about. It's a lot of fun to wear my go-go boots.

Happy Heeling,


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