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The new AXE commercial...


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Who has seen the new commercial for AXE products?  For those that may not know, or may not have themn in your country, Axe products are body washes, care products, etc, for men.  The commercial is on the first page of their website:


The new commercial has a guy in heels around the :17 mark...


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That is pretty cool for a masculine product commercial.  I mean, most of the Axe commercials I have seen are always super masculine and demonstrate how you will suddenly appear "hot" to women, just by using their product ;) ...  So this is quite a different commercial for them, in my opinion

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  • 2 weeks later...

By the way, the respons on Twitter for the commercial is really good

-There is just something in seeing men in heels. Yes. Looovely.

- I agree! And I have a bit of a thing for men in heels, so here's hoping dudes get into it 

-I am so here for the death-dropping/men in heels in the Axe commercials

-an axe commercial supporting men in heels? ? ? ? nice


-The AXE commercial with the men in heels gives me life!

-Men in heels literally give me so much life

-I love men in heels. Fuck.

-just saw an axe commercial featuring men in heels and drag queens we are progressing people!!!!!


-Something about men in heels... why do I like this so much?


There's a few negative, but mostly positive



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Took a look at both links and that's the commercial that's been airing through the USA recently though I didn't realize it was a man, or could be reasonably inferred to be a man in those heels. Taking a look at both links I can see now it must be a man since the whole commercial revolves around men and different styles so it seems unlikely they suddenly substituted a women for just the dancing scene just to show the heels. While technically there I wish the scene would have been slowed down just enough for it to have been more obvious but perhaps this by design. Perhaps as they get more positive feedback it will lead to a  subsequent commercial where the male heel wearing is more obvious. Seems like a good start by a company that is doing well and trying to reach a niche market we all know is all around us. "The truth, and the heels along with it, is out there." HappyinHeels

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  • 7 months later...

It's the butt strut guy, he's been mentioned here before. YouTube him has many commercials and interviews.  He wears a us 15 women's size. Ultra exaggerated butt swing in his walk and is comical on purpose. Not really a guy as a guy who wears heels under normal circumstances role model. 

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I wish drama soaps would get a guy to wear stiletto heels, and he wears them with his expensive tight jeans, it would get rid of those silly stereotypes that people think, when a man wears something out of the norm, and he can have a girlfriend just like any other guy,

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Maybe if men in heels were one of those minority/causes that Hollywood loves to embrace, then they would cast such a character. In this case..... not bloody likely as there are no action groups taking up the cause. Also, where's the drama in casting a regular guy in heels? A character who goes gay including all out flaming guy in drag, that's built in soap opera drama. A regular guy in heels doing regular things with an accepting girlfriend? That's snooze city.

I would rather have it TV shows would never show men in heels as they will probably present it in such a context that it will reinforce all the negative/weird stereotypes society already has about men in heels.

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