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Chorlini last won the day on July 23 2023

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  1. We just had Iowa confirming my observation.
  2. I live and work in a university city, which has a massive overabundance of young women. The only time I see a woman in heels is when she is in her 40's and 50's.
  3. I remember you saying that before, but I NEVER saw any of that. All I ever see is an ocean of flats. You might live in a tiny island of abnormality, where the women still wear high heels, because for the rest of us it's like seeing a UFO.
  4. Thing is, women say that they support and want to see men in heels and other feminine clothing, but for themselves they want a masculine dude. Listen to what they do, never what they say. Also, the whole crossdressing part is part of the LGHDTV brigade. And they are not making themselves popular with the majority of people. Better to stay away from lest we get tainted when the backlash against the LGHDTV brigade will happen. Although at the moment, if you are a white dude and want to get a job you now vastly increase your chances of getting hired showing up at the job interview wearing heels then in regular attire. After all, male and pale is stale, is now the mantra. Fashion is cyclical, and some things have fallen completely out of the public mind. Like corsets. Other then a minor resurgence where a small group of people will embrace them I don't EVER see them coming back in general fashion. And so will high heels. Women will still covet them, may want to own a couple of pairs, but most will never bother to learn how to wear them so it will be going out to an occasion and then sit down ASAP wear. And I think the professions where women used to be required to wear them, like in law, are under pressure to do away with this custom of the 'patriarchy'.
  5. I like checking out thrift stores, as I collect movies and TV shows on physical media. If they have heels I usually do a quick skim, but overall it's like 99.99% too small for me. I'm just right of that EU38-41 that the majority of women are in and whose shoes end up in thrift stores.
  6. I've said it before and I'll say it again, the age of the high heel is over. Like the corset it had its time. And now women value comfort over style. We live in the age of Fat Tok, body positive and where women feel they don't need to put in the effort to look good, because every woman is now a 10. Will heels make a limited return? Well, the western still returns briefly every often so years. But as I have also said before, if you don't grow up wearing heels regularly and learn how to wear them they won't endear themselves to late 20 or 30 somethings putting them on. And even the designer heel craze of the 2010's was mostly one of a minority of women trying to look good on red carpets. In daily life I can't say I ever saw a woman wear a pair of louboutins. Now chunky heels and platforms, usually the combination of both, will be with us in the future still, as in the minds of their wearers they marry style with comfort.
  7. Over here banks used to be everywhere, even the smallest village had a bank office. Now they're all gone. Like I said, I live in the 8th biggest city of the Netherlands, there's just 1 small one office left of my bank. There were 4 or 5 offices 20 years ago with 1 giant regional headoffice, then we went to just that 1 regional headoffice somewhere in the 00's, and they downsized even that one a few years ago. Now there's only 3 offices of that bank left in the entire province. Everything is done online. I reckon only digitally illiterate seniors still go to a bank. Or people who need a big loan or mortgage. My late grandmother was digitally illiterate and she lived in a tiny hamlet till not that long ago. And having to adjust her regular payments was a major logistical exercise finding the people who could take her to a bank office halfway across the province she lived in..
  8. I think I threw out 2 dozen pairs earlier this year in a clean up. And I probably STILL have too many.
  9. All my heels are home wear only. For me it is fetish stuff mostly, I don't have any desire to wear them daily.
  10. Stilettos, over 12cm minimum, no platforms. If it's chunky its not a high heel to me.
  11. Or....., he may be LGHDTV brigade, making a political statement. Ironically these days with DEI infesting everything as a man you will probably have more success getting a job when wearing a skirt then a pair of trousers. I've seem two women wearing stiletto heels this past month in the supermarket. Both were older women. You can still go to a bank? An actual physical bank to get money in person? 😲 Banks have all but disappeared from the high streets here in the Netherlands. I live in the 8th biggest city and I am not even sure any of our banks still has a office here.
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