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The Happy Feats of HappyFeat


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We did dance a couple of numbers and then, like always she left with a significant other! Well, not always, but it seems that way. Its not like I am cruising to hook up, never been my style, but a phone number and a later dinner date would have been nice.

If you're not cruising to hook up then your chances of finding the right person are doubled in my opinion.

You're a special person she will find you. And you expressing yourself through your appearance the way you do will help to ensure that she is right.

I think all you guys who like to "Interdress" should make sure that you are aptly dressed in order to express yourself when "cruising to hook up" otherwise you'll find yourselves in a tight spot later on.

Women are attracted to men who have courage and can express themselves.

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Yo, HP! Just one word----WOW! You really went all out with that ensemble! Amazing!

I don't want to LOOK like a woman, I just want to DRESS like a woman!

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Amazing outfit HappyFeat ! (as usual...) This time I won't ask "What's next" because I think you reached the maximum :winkiss: (Or maybe this statement will encourage you to do more next time but "what more" ?) You met one of your students in your outthing. Was it the first time she saw you in heels (and more) ? (I'm not sure if you already said that you were wearing your heels in class) Assuming her reaction was a positive one. Happy heeling !

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If you're not cruising to hook up then your chances of finding the right person are doubled in my opinion.

You're a special person she will find you. And you expressing yourself through your appearance the way you do will help to ensure that she is right.

I think all you guys who like to "Interdress" should make sure that you are aptly dressed in order to express yourself when "cruising to hook up" otherwise you'll find yourselves in a tight spot later on.

Women are attracted to men who have courage and can express themselves.

Wow, what a great comment. :winkiss:

I conquer with Bubba136 entirely! Thank you Amanda for you insightful post and I hope that you will continue to share your perspective here and in the Guys thread in general. You are a valued member and I for one appreciate your thoughtful input.

During many of my outings, I have had very positive interactions with women. Frankly, I am an insatiable flirt who is normally outgoing and love meeting new people. "Interdressing" really is a way of expressing who I am and also seems to help get conversations started. What I find wonderful about it is that it quickly separates the wheat from the chaff, so to speak. If people look at me while I am heeling and are not imediatly put off, I know that they may be worth talking to, otherwise I don't have to waste my time.

Another valid point is that women are attracted to men who have courage and express themselves. I have found this to be entirely true. I know when I have made a connection with somebody when I am talking to them and they don't even make an obvious reference, either verbally or non verbally about my attire. Frankly, I get better reactions when I am dressed than when I am in regular guy mode.

This may come as a surprise to a lot of guys. However I have found that if you have a passion for something out of the mainstream, keeping it hidden almost makes something dirty out of it. Not only do people you meet know you are extraordinary, they know you have the guts to bring it out in the open. I think if more guys who love wearing heels would just get out there, work through the fear and apprehension, it would be viewed a lot less as a simple fetish, for example, and men doing their own thing would be more accepted.

Gorgeous outfit and heels!

Thank you antneed! Welcome to the forum and thank you for the wonderful complement. It is very nice to see new members posting and I look forward to reading more of your thoughts in the future.

Yo, HP! Just one word----WOW! You really went all out with that ensemble! Amazing!

Well, JeffB, I had to follow the dress with something didn't I? The footless tights was something I have been wanting to try for a long time. It was a fun outfit, though a little more girly that I typically put together. Sometimes I just like to go for it and see exactly how far I can push the edge. Putting together outfits is so much fun!

Amazing outfit HappyFeat ! (as usual...)

This time I won't ask "What's next" because I think you reached the maximum :silly:

(Or maybe this statement will encourage you to do more next time but "what more" ?)

You met one of your students in your outthing. Was it the first time she saw you in heels (and more) ?

(I'm not sure if you already said that you were wearing your heels in class)

Assuming her reaction was a positive one.

Happy heeling !

Yep, I don't know what to try next actually. Maybe wear a similar outfit during daylight hours, but it really is an ensemble for evening. The student I ran into has seen me in heels many times before. Though I don't wear heels to work, I have always seen her in more social settings. She is gay and open about it outside of school just as I heel and am open about it outside of school. (I teach in a very conservative community.)

Actually she has never said anything about my heels one way or the other, but I don't say anything about her sexual orientation one way or the other. We have a nice rapport and pretty much accept each other for who we are and leave it at that. Though her new girlfriend thought I was a little strange...but that may not have had anything to do with my attire.:clap:

Again, this is a phenomena that many would find strange. I can go a lot of places and talk to many people while dressed and they may not have any reaction what so ever. However, when I do venture to a place where I heel often while NOT wearing heels, they will always ask where my heels are. Kind of counter intuitive, but that's been my experience.

Style is built from the ground up!

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HF, you never cease to amaze with your adventures. Guess I need to get out some more, if only to keep up LOL.

You and JeffB are the people i should look for when i need help with outings in heels

you guys set a good example for men out there who are scared to go out in heels

I couldn't agree more. :winkiss:

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You and JeffB are the people i should look for when i need help with outings in heels

you guys set a good example for men out there who are scared to go out in heels

Thanks for the kinds words. As FDR was famous for saying, "the only thing we have to fear is fear itself". Admittedly, it does take a tremendous amount of nerve for a man to stroll outside wearing heels, not knowing what sort of reaction one might get from the public at large, but once you've gone out and discovered the experience wasn't a fraction as terrifying as originally envisioned, the comfort level goes up considerably. Sure, that courage doesn't come easily or quickly, but it will come, often in its own good time. You just have to go do it.

I don't want to LOOK like a woman, I just want to DRESS like a woman!

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A little late but, thanks to Amanda for the interesting observation. Although “cruising to hook up” isn’t my style anymore, I do find your observation “Women are attracted to men who have courage and can express themselves.” Matches my experiences.

HappyFeat – Amazing… simply amazing.

JeffB – A minor quibble with your comment to hhdude159. You said, “the experience wasn't a fraction as terrifying as originally envisioned.” Getting out of the car is every bit as terrifying as originally envisioned, maybe more and should not be minimized, especially for a new heeler. Your absolutely right, however, that the only way to get past that is to pull all your confidence together and step out. And, it does get easier every time. FDR gave good advice.

I dream of a world where chickens can cross roads without having their motives questioned.

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After having a lot of outings over he last few weeks, I haven't had as much opportunity to get out as much this week. The weather was crappy early in the week, and I was slammed with work, so my opportunities were pretty limited. However I did get out twice, which was good. Ironically, two times out in heels in one week would normally had been an "active" week for me, but in light of some of my recent outings, I really felt like it was a slow period. However, this week truly demonstrated the difference between quanity and quality. I am not going to say that my experiences recently were poor, but I had more positive interactions and experiences in my two outings this week than in most of my past outings. Anytime I wear heels in public, I feel pretty good about it. But sometimes I feel so much better. Thursday night I went to karaoke at my favorite club. I wore a suit jacket, brown Lane Bryant gauchos, off white nylons, and brown suede and patent Alfini pumps with a 1/2" platform and a 4 inch heel. There was a large crowd of people, some I knew but most I had never met. For once, the music selection was pretty good and all of the singers sang pretty well and nearly everybody there was happy and having fun. I talked to a few people whom I hadn't met, with my attire being the ice breaker. All sorts of comments about my shoes and my look in general. After about an hour and feeling bold, I started dancing with several women. I probably danced for close to two hours without a break or without the lack of a partner. Even though I was at least 10 years older and wearing heels, my partners needed breaks, but I was able to keep going. When I did go back take a break, I went to the bar and started talking to a young woman who had danced with my but kept her distance. I had caught her eyes fixated on my legs several times. Unlike others who told me how much they loved my shoes, she never said a word about hem but we had a nice chat and headed back to the dance floor where we danced intensely until the house lights came on. She was an incredible dancer to say the least. Afterward, she asked if I would be back this weekend and I told her that it was not likely because I had business out of town. She said that was too bad and gave me a deep, long passionate kiss! Though shocked, it was I was quite giddy - she kissed better than she danced! I told her I may be back next Thursday and would look for the then. Since I do have a rule against hooking up in bars, the wisdom of age knows that it is more trouble than its worth, I said we should go out some time. She said we would talk about that the next time we see each other. Better judgment in tack I left it at that and headed home. Friday I needed to take care of some things before I left town. I was in desperate need for a haircut, that was my top priority. Still glowing from the night before, I was full of confidence, though I chose an understated outfit. I wore a linen blazer, green silk tee shirt, faded Lane Bryant denim trousers, and brown patent Bandolino "MacDougal" loafers. I had debated about wearing sandals, but it was still cool when I left home, so I decided to pass. I was able to get right in for my haircut. The place was slow and there were may stylists who were idle, but nearly every one of them walked by be and coyily glanced at my shoes. The woman who cur may hair noticed as well, but none of them ever made a comment. I crossed my legs, allowing my right foot to stick out obvious to everybody, but still not comments or discussion. Though they are very conservative shoes, I am sure it isn't every day they see a guy in patent loafers with a 2 1/2" block heel. Afterward, I stopped by Lane Bryant where my favorite associate was working. We talked for a while and I browsed, though their summer styles aren't anything that has me excited. It was her lunch break and she asked if I wanted to go with her to grab something. Of course I agreed. We went to the Olive Garden for soup and bread sticks. Talked about her life (she is looking for a new job) and her summer plans. She is married with a son and had put her career on hold until he was starting school and is ready to go back to work. I gave her some names of people in the publishing industry that I knew and had a very pleasant time. When the waitress brought the check, she told me that she oved my shoes and asked where I got them! My friend laughed and said that she should see my others and described a couple other pair, including my red Gooro boots. The waitress was quite impressed. I told her about the Nine West outlet, etc. and we spend a good 10 minutes talking about shoes - styles, shopping, etc. Never once did the waitress act as if it was strange that I wore heels. Maybe it was because I was eating with a woman, who knows, but it was still a pretty cool experience. My friend went back to work, I went on to the drug store to pick up a few sundries, went to the ice cream parlor for a milk shake and headed home to finish my business. After the last two outings I was walking on air. It was a pretty great couple of days. As for what happens next, I feel like I have found a groove, where I like to be. It is nice to be accepted, showing that yes a man can pull off any look he wants if he really wants to do it, but also to be seen as sexy and attractive, not just as a guy who dresses strangely. For me heeling is so multifaceted, and such a part of my self expression that just feeling great and doing your won thing reaps its own rewards.



Style is built from the ground up!

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Yo, HP! Great outfits! Even better outings! I know what you mean about quality over quantity when it comes to outings. Since time is often at a premium for me, I have to make the best of whatever time I have for outings and make them as special as possible, so yeah, I know exactly what you're talking about. Gauchos! Wild! Something like that you don't see very day, at least I don't, but you made them work and work well. Bravo to you, my friend!

I don't want to LOOK like a woman, I just want to DRESS like a woman!

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What an amazing story! Congrats! More updates, more updates! Lovely entertainment at 2:45 am on Sunday morning.

I do think this girl is trying to keep the upper hand in your little affair, by framing control of WHEN you get to see each other. Be careful you don't exhibit too many indicators of your interest, otherwise you'll come off as supplicating and risk pushing her away.

I dunno, my way of asking for a date is to elicit the girls process for HOW to get together. Because if it's her idea, there is then no resistance.

"So what STEPS can we take to get together outside of here?"

Good luck!

I am glad that my experiences are quite entertaining! For me, I love reporting my experiences here, so combined with living them in the first place, it is fun to have a place to "kiss and tell" so to speak.

As for this past event, it is likely that any updates will be put on hold. As things look today, I will not be able to follow up this week because I will not be going out this week. I may get another outing in the next few days, but I will not be able to go to the bar. Such is life it seems. I am not really concerned that she may be getting an upper hand, etc. because though I love to flirt, I don't think she was interested in anything more than a one time thing. In fact, I don't think the next time I see her, if there is a next time, she will have the same interest. But it was a remarkable time none the less.

All of this has made me take pause and think about why I love to wear heels. I think it has a lot to do with the power of heels. When wearing them, I feel powerful and sexy. The confidence I feel is remarkable. Its not that I don't feel confident, sexy and powerful in guy shoes, its that the heels really bring it out in me. It is hard to be demure in 4 inch stilettos.

Another thing that I was thinking about is that there are few 40 something women who go out in some of my outfits, let alone guys. Many of the women I meet are close to half my age. It is all remarkable in my mind. In many ways, I am still coming to terms with the power that heels have on releasing my personality.

The one point that I want to stress to guys who are afraid to wear heels in public or don't believe that women are not only accepting of a guy wearing heels, but can actually be attracted to him, it is my experience that there is little to fear and a lot of reward for confidently expressing yourself and being your own man.

Thanks for the advice, and I am sure I will use it in the near future, but for now I am content to bask in the glow of how wonderful it is to strut my stuff in really nice shoes. But my opportunity for outings are limited for the next couple of weeks (I have been out once since and plan to be out again for a short outing), there likely won't be much chance to follow up.

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I just came off a very busy week which limited my time to get away from the house or away from work greatly. However, I did get one extensive outing this week and two short outings. Monday - I wore a black three button blazer, a white dress shirt with very subtle pink, green and lavender pinstripes, Lane Bryant boot cut jeans, and purple, round toe, Nine West "Hotpepper" pumps. These have a hidden one inch platform making the actual heel height less than 3 inches so they are quite comfortable for extensive walking. The weather was pretty awful (rain, temps. in the 40's), but I had taken a day off and really needed to unwind. My day started at Starbucks for a hot chocolate and a pastry. The shop was fairly crowded, I sat at a table in the corner and read the paper. As customers came and went, I attracted a fair amount of attention, but nothing more than the occasional subtle double take. When I got up to leave, a table of thirty something women, quite casually dressed, all stopped their conversation and looked my way. Since I noticed their silence, I made a point to speak to them. They all looked up simultaneously and returned my greeting. I winked at them and continued on my way. I went to the Nine West outlet. The manager wasn't in, and the sole clerk in the store was busy stocking their weekly delivery. I spent about an hour in the store, trying on various shoes, mostly sandals. I found a great pair of flats, but they were very low cut. Too much toe cleavage for me. I talked to the clerk a bit about the irony of it being difficult to find flats in larger sizes. She wears a 9 and had the same trouble. Next I went to the bass outlet where I bought a pair of Mary Jane pumps. There were two clerks in that store - one male and one female. The guy paid very little attention to me, however the woman watched me like a hawk. I tried on several pair of shoes before deciding on the MJ's from the clearance rack. When I left the store, I held the door for an attractive woman, who complemented me on my shoes. I told her they were from Nine West and I thought they were on sale. She said she would have to go look for them. I went to the Lane Bryant outlet next. I tired on and bought a pair of khaki dress slacks from their clearance rack and later tried on but did not buy a black and white dress. When I took the dress to try, it was a bit small. While undressing, one of the clerks came back and asked how it fit. I asked her if they had it in a larger size and she got it for me. I really love outstanding customer service. Since it was slow, she waited for me to get it on and asked if it worked. I came out and modeled it for her. She was quite impressed and how nice it fir, though I was a bit embarrassed by the growth of my leg hair. She told me not to worry, that she had seen a lot worse from women. I decided to pass on the dress - for now at least. My next stop was Macy's. I have been wanting a very nice pair of platform sandals with thick straps - not exactly gladiators, but something similar. They had a couple of pair, but nothing in an 11, or even a 10 for that matter. While browsing the clearance rack, I had a nice chat with a woman about how it is tough to find shoes at Macy's that are not too frumpy or too sexy. I told her that I did OK at some of the bigger stores, that this one is just too small. We did model a couple pair for each other, and offered comments, which was really kind of fun. I did buy a couple pair of pattered nylons, just in case I decide to but the dress I had tried on earlier. After Macy's I went for a quick lunch at a sit down place in the mall. I thought about the food court, but I figured that I would like to relax a bit and be served. The hostess did see my shoes and the waitress was acting a bit strange, like she knew, but I really wasn't sure. Her service was good, however, and though I thought about mentioning my shoes, I decided not to in case she hadn't noticed. Better to let them say something in my opinion. After lunch, I headed on home, The weather was really getting rough and a spring rain storm kind of puts a damper on the day. However, I felt great about getting some time in my heels. Wednesday - I wore my new LB trousers, new Bass "Norra" pumps a tweed jacket, and a silk pullover. It was chilly, but not cold, one of those tough days to really get an outfit that works just right - no matter what you do you are just a bit uncomfortable. I hit a different shopping area. I browsed Borders, DSW, and Pier One. My shoes had a low heel, but were fully exposed from the rather short trousers. I really didn't get any major reactions - even at DSW where many people saw me trying on shoes. I went to Penerra, had some soup and iced tea and did some work on my computer. They were busy, many people passed me and again, I got only a few glances. It was one of those uneventful outings that demonstrates that people really don't seem to care or think that a guy in heels is that big of a deal. Sunday - It was quite hot, and I really wanted an outing in sandals. I spent most of the day spring cleaning, including sorting though my closet. I found my Rampage "Madyson" thong mules which I actually forgot I owned. They are one of those shoes, that I was never really sure why I bought them in the first place, but decided to give them another chance. I matched them with Lane Bryant denim trousers and a cotton silk blend pullover and went for a late lunch. Since my toes are still painted, it was a pretty exciting prospect. The restaurant was not crowded, I did get some wandering eyes from the staff, but nothing out of the ordinary. While I was eating, I did see a couple people I knew, but they never noticed my feet under the table. The really fantastic thing for me is that I really didn't care if they did. After eating, I browsed the book store and went into Khol's department store where I checked out the shoes, etc. I dressed a bit too warm for the day, so I went home to cool off. I really wish I wore my trousers from Wednesday's outing with the mules. Maybe next time. I didn't make it back to the club on Thursday, so the saga of my encounter with the young woman will have to wait a few more days to see what happens. I will post any updates if something does happen.




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... I went to the Nine West outlet. The manager wasn't in, and the sole clerk in the store was busy stocking their weekly delivery. ...

That's interesting ... does Nine West employ 'heel clerks' too? :silly:

Another great account, HF. I think you've progressed rapidly from courage through confidence to comfort! :winkiss:

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The great thing is to be relaxed when wearing heels in the street. I have never had anything except politeness and admiring looks.

Welcome to the forum Cuban Nicky! You are absolutely correct about just being relaxed while wearing heels. Not only fashionable, but heeling should be fun and natural. Like you, I have had very few negative experiences and those I have had are overshadowed by positive experiences. Heeling isn't different than anything else in life - if you go about it with a positive attitude positive things usually happen!

I have been out twice this week already! Monday was a short, impromptu outing to go out for breakfast. Tuesday was totally unplanned and wound up being a pretty extended evening in heels.

Monday I wore a white dress shirt, khaki three button blazer, LB boot cut jeans of average length and Nine West "Glaze" d'Orsay slingbacks with a 3 1/2" stiletto heel and a very pointy toe. I decided on these shoes because Sunday I was Spring cleaning and was debating if it was time for them to go. Usually I will eBay old shoes, but these have a nice gash on one heel and are pretty worn. So, I decided to keep them for now. I went to Panerra with my computer and had a wonderful egg and sausage souffle. The place was fairly empty, but most of the customers I passed noticed my shoes. I did get one slightly coy smile of acknowledgment and another woman set and stared at me the whole time I was in the store. Monday's outing was pretty cool because I think I have crossed a major barrier - just being a guy out for breakfast, doing some work who just happened to be wearing heels. I do think I am confident enough now to just go about anywhere in heels.

Tuesday I had to go to a meeting out of town. When I was leaving, I grabbed my Nine West "Godspeed" slingbacks with a 2 1/2" heel just in case I wanted to slip them on. Another possible purge from my collection, these shoes tended to be quite painful after a couple of hours wearing them, despite the small heel. Since I was going to be doing a lot of driving, I figured I would just wear them in the car and possibly stretch them out a bit as I drove.

Tuesday was also different for me because it was the first time in ages that I wore heels with an outfit comprised entirely of men's clothing - a black Clayborne suit with a white dress shirt. Though I have had a lot of fun experimenting with skirts and dresses, I do prefer the way that trousers and jeans tailored for women complement heels. Until the last year or so, I wore heels exclusively with men's clothing, but it was still a bit of a departure for me.

After leaving work, I slipped on my sling backs. I stopped for gasoline on my way. A woman at the pump next to me was have difficulty getting her credit card to work in the pump and asked me for help. She was in her 30's attractive, wearing a pair of straight legs trousers and low wedge slides though a conservative look, it complemented her very well. After about three attempts, I was able to get the pump to read her card. We laughed and joked about things electronic for a few seconds, she thanked me and I went on to fill up my tank. She did notice my shoes, glancing several times down, but it didn't seem to phase her in the least. When she pulled away, she waved and smiled.

I crossed the road at the exit and went into Starbucks for a beverage. I placed my order, a young man was talking on his cell phone through one of those really irritating blue tooth things next to me. He saw my feet and kept looking down, though obviously trying to be casual about it. I got my drink walked passed a table of older women, of which only one of them noticed. But when I got to the door, I looked over my shoulder and the whole place was watching me leave. That type of reaction is always one of my favorites. Though I could guess what was being said, I always wish I was a fly on the wall to hear their conversations after I was gone.

After sending two hours on the road I arrived at my meeting. I switched shoes before heading in to the building and an hour later I switched back for my trip home. Yes, that's four hours on the road for a one hour meeting. I just do as I am told.

Having some time to kill, I stopped at Barnes and Nobel. That's the one great thing about big box retail - even though I am heeling in a new place, I know what to expect from different venues. I spent about an hour in the store, just browsing. There were only a couple of clerks on the floor, and I chatted with both. The more friendly of the two, a young overweight woman was smartly dressed in a blue scoop neck top, wide leg black trousers and black ballet flats with sequence. We chatted about some of the books in the local interest section, her life as a student, her fiance in the Marines, shopping at Lane Bryant and finally where to find great shoes. Though we never discussed my shoes, we did talk about brands and I made recommendations, etc. One of the things I have observed about heeling is that fashion conscience women seem to like to have a guy to talk to about such things. It really is a great icebreaker.

After Barnes and Nobel, I drove home, but I was still having a great time. I decided to stop and get something light to eat, so I hit a sit down diner in the town before my home. It was late and they were closing not long after I got there. I was seated by the hostess, who walked beside me, never taking her eyes off my feet. She sat me near the front and after I was seated, the kitchen staff came out one by one, each checking out my shoes. I was certainly on display, which was OK, since I have nothing to hide. The waitress was fantastic, making conversation, keeping my drink full, etc. They closed while I was there and the waitress' boyfriend came in to wait for her shift to end. Like everybody else, he took a long look but said nothing. I was there for probably an hour, being included in the staff's conversations while they cleaned up and prepared to close. It was a lot of fun.

When I was ready to leave, I paid my check and left my waitress a $10 top on an $8.50 check. Her boyfriend let me out, we talked for a minute or two just like two guys would. Though everybody working saw me in plain sight, everybody was really nice and seemed to not really care beyond the novelty of a guy in high heels.

It just goes to show that even unplanned outings can be pretty fun or maybe that what you choose to wear really doesn't matter. Also, it is nice to get out of town for a bit. I have been doing a lot of heeling and have had the chance to try many different outfits. The down side is that I am in kind of a rut - I am running out of new places to go. Hopefully summer will bring more opportunities.



Style is built from the ground up!

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Very nice outings and encounters HappyFeat. Congrats :-) Did you ever consider to write a book about your heeling adventures ? I guess you would have more than enough material to write several hundred pages ... :winkiss: BTW do you bring your camera with you while going out in heels ? Just asking because we only see picture from you taken at your place... Would be quite interresting to see just a little bit more... !

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Yo, HappyFeat! Sharp and stylish outfits there! Again, I just HAVE to experiment with blazers as they look great on you! Bravo, my friend!

I don't want to LOOK like a woman, I just want to DRESS like a woman!

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HappyFeat, outfit #3 - a winner!

You are referring to my outfit with the white pullover, wide leg denim trousers and thong mules...Thank you very much! I do enjoy wearing sandals and think they complement me well. I have decent looking feet, and do like to show them in moderation. I am still working on a "look" for sandals however.

I chose the wide leg pants this time because I wanted a slightly muted look. My toes are colored fairly dark at the moment so I would get enough attention just for that matter. So wide leg pants made it only terribly obvious that they had a heel when I was either walking or sitting, but not as much while standing. I am not sure why that matters to be, but it was my thought process while putting together the outfit.

I do plan on building my sandals look over the next few weeks. I am looking for a couple more pair of less dressy sandals. Most of what I own are very dressy and not very good for daytime heeling. It will be fun figuring it out!

Very nice outings and encounters HappyFeat. Congrats :-)

Did you ever consider to write a book about your heeling adventures ?

I guess you would have more than enough material to write several hundred pages ... :winkiss:

BTW do you bring your camera with you while going out in heels ?

Just asking because we only see picture from you taken at your place...

Would be quite interresting to see just a little bit more... !

Actually, I have given some thought to writing a book about men who wear heels, why we do it etc.; however the focus wouldn't be on my adventures alone. If I were to do so, I would like to do research on the general phenomena including other's experiences, men as customers while buying heels, evidence of the general acceptance by society, the role of the Internet for heelers, etc. But for now, I very much enjoy sharing my stories here and reading the thoughts and experiences of others. Who knows what the future may bring.

As for the camera, I have taken and posted a scattered few pictures of me while out. However, I usually don't carry a camera with me msot of the time. One reason is that it can be just too much bother. Since 99% of my experiences are by myself, setting the timer, etc. just distracts from my main purpose - just going out and having a nice time. Second, cameras tend to make people a little nervous. Already being a guy out in heels attracts enough attention to begin with, but I think the presence of a camera only increases that. I do think about a "camera strategy" often, and if I come up with one, I may post more "location" shots.

Yo, HappyFeat! Sharp and stylish outfits there! Again, I just HAVE to experiment with blazers as they look great on you! Bravo, my friend!

Thanks JeffB! For me, heeling is really about fashion experimentation. I think blazers have become a signature of mine as much as the heels have. One thing that I have noticed is that heels really add a touch of class to almost anything I wear. Jackets and blazers, suits, etc. seem to pull the entire ensemble together. I think that a jacket really complements by frame. You are tall as well so I think the look would be fantastic on you!

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Here are my three most recent outings: Thursday - I wanted to be a little over the top for Karaoke night, and I had been dying to wear my new multi-colored brown Nine West "Fredita" sandals. So for their debut I wore a brownish gold Polo silk sweater, my Lane Bryant knee length denim skirt, and brown footless leggings to go with them. I don't think this outfit looked as good as I hoped, but it was an attempt at something different. This was my first time at Karaoke since my encounter with the mystery girl, so I had my eye out to see if she was back. However she wasn't, but there is always next time. I danced a bit, chatted with a girl who works in the store I stop at every day on my way to work, and shared a birthday toast with another friend. All in all it was a pretty subdued night and I may try to make it back next week. Actually I might even go for the Tuesday night Karaoke...but we will see. Friday - Friday was a nice afternoon outing. I chose my black Nine West "Lucaro" pumps, since I had two previous outings in black Nine West heels. There is something about the look of a classic black pump and bare skin with jeans, in my opinion. A very clean, classy look that I don't know if I can pull off, but I do like trying. I matched my pumps with a silk mock neck tee shirt that is a popular choice for my outings, a black suede jacket and Lane Bryant denim light rinse trousers with an average inseam. This was my choice because I really wanted my shoes to be visible and the Lucaros have over a four inch heel, so I was pushing my normal style. My first stop was the bank, where I deposited my pay check. I didn't go to the branch I usually frequent, but it was fun going in in heels. Though there was no line, pretty much everybody saw me but didn't react in a very overt manner. Next, I went to Lane Bryant, which had all new staff working on the floor. One of the new Women asked if she could start me dressing room even before I made it to a rack! I am sure they were told that I am a frequent shopper, however. I tried on a skirt and a pair of pants, that neither fit quite right. The other new clerk on the floor and I had a nice conversation about the skirt - she telling me that a lot op people said it didn't fit right as well. After Lane Bryant, I went to a new sports bar for lunch. Since I was alone, I sat at the bar and talked to some guy about baseball who never once acted like it was odd that I was wearing pumps. I am sure he had to know. Tuesday - I had some time before work on Tuesday, so I went to Macy's. I wore a sports jacket, a linen Alfini dress shirt in mint green, Lane Bryant jeans with a tall inseam, and my Rampage "Maria" brown wing tip pumps with a round toe and a 3 inch heel. I hadn't been to this Macy's in quite some time. I usually don't go because there is usually a guy who works the shoe department who is the living clone of Al Bundy and really takes all the fun out of shopping. Today, a young blonde woman who is a college student on her summer job was working her first day in the department. I found a pair of black sandals that I had asked for in several other stores but they told me that it didn't come in an 11 in, guess what an 11! The young woman had trouble find them and had several other clerks from other departments come to help her. It didn't bother me in the least. When she finally brought them, she handed me footies without even asking! That is a fist for me at Macy's. Usually they ask if I want to try, but she just made the assumption. Also, she had to have noticed my feet to see that I was sockless. I tried them chatted with her while I walked around the department. I decided to get them, even thought the insole has a floral pattern that I am not crazy about. After Macy's I went to Starbucks sat and read the paper. Several other customers noticed, but again none reacted in any way other than maybe a double take. I think I am approaching 50 outings since the first of the year. I have a few more planned for this week, so I am pretty excited. Spring is a great season to get out!




Style is built from the ground up!

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I think I am approaching 50 outings since the first of the year. I have a few more planned for this week, so I am pretty excited. Spring is a great season to get out!

Wow HF, at the rate you're going, dressing in your men's clothing will be the exception. :winkiss:

Being mentally comfortable in your own mind is the key to wearing heels in public.

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HappyFeat: You certainly do know how to push the envelope! That first outfit was pretty darn wild! I applaud your imagination when it comes to fashion! Bravo, my friend! Bravo! 50 outings in 2009, eh? Wow! Doubly impressed!

I don't want to LOOK like a woman, I just want to DRESS like a woman!

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