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Everything posted by Puffer

  1. I agree (he said, whilst grovelling and fawning at his superior's superbly-booted feet). 🙊
  2. I think that is a good summary of what is often a difficult situation. If someone presents here his latest footwear for 'approval', it is easy to say 'nice' but potentially awkward (or worse) to say, honestly, 'not for me' - let alone 'ugh!'. I sometimes wonder about theatre critics; they can be absolutely scathing about a production or performance but their opinion, good or bad, is expected and generally welcomed, albeit not perhaps by the promoters and actors.
  3. A thought-provoking observation. I agree that it is not so easy to criticise (even if constructively) someone here with whom one has a relationship, albeit only online and remote. However, that can lead to an individual assuming that his activity or opinions are more acceptable than is truly the case, which is not altogether fair to him and indeed could result in some danger to him. It is difficult to strike a balance between fair and well-meant criticism (using that word in its proper sense of appraisal) and simply being 'nice', friendly, supportive, accepting or whatever. Needless to say, my comments here are not aimed at mlroseplant personally. I think he knows me well enough to realise that anything I might say about him or his posts is not intended to be unfair, let alone offensive!
  4. Yes indeed, and very little variety in his boot styles too. Perusal of his other Youtube videos suggests that wearing women's swimsuits etc is also an 'interest', somewhat devaluing his representation of 'our cause'.
  5. If much or all of a punitive damages award is withhheld from the successful claimant (although I prefer the old term 'plaintiff') and treated as a fine and kept by the government, it would be on all fours with a fine awarded in criminal proceedings. As to alternative (charitable) destinations, much would depend upon the nature of the wrong and the damage caused. An obvious example, if the victims of smoking brought a claim, would be to fund a cancer charity. Likewise for damage caused by drugs or other toxic substances. Just a suggestion; I agree that the mechanism would need very careful thought. It does not follow that lawyers would (still) receive a significant percentage of a total award; they are not necessarily retained on that basis; e.g. 'no win, no fee' - and super fee if they do win. The 'floodgates' argument advanced by Cardozo in Ultramares is well-known and respected as dicta in the UK. Although that case related to the effects of negligence, not defamation, the concept of limiting liability is a valid one in relation to most tortious action. I am not a student of US law and have no special understanding of US actions in defamation, although I am surprised at the outcome you suggest - which appears to be that the subject would become more exposed to reputational harm by bringing an action, which anyway is unlikely to succeed. As to the reputations of the US and the UK, I hear what you say and agree that both tend to be exaggerated. But, regardless of the extent to which civil actions in the US actually get to trial, it seems very clear that there is a much greater willingness in the US to 'get a lawyer', if only for advice and a warning of probable failure. I accept too that the UK has quite steadily evolved into what one might call a 'nanny state' - unfortunately driven (since 1973) by the worst excesses of EU legislation that we are now not easily able or willing to disapply.
  6. I suggest that this is simply an example of supination, where when walking the foot tends to lean outwards, thus giving the 'bow-legged' effect. A high thin heel will amplify if not cause this, as it introduces an element of instability that is scarcely present when walking nearly flat-footed. I experience this myself, especially if walking in a heel that is thin and/or higher than about 4". But even in 'normal' footwear, my shoe heels wear more on the outsides. My understanding is that a degree of supination is very common; its opposite (pronation) much less so. Our legs part much more readily than they move together (as any woman is aware!).
  7. Despite what I have said earlier, I agree in principle with the concept of punitive damages being awarded in the circumstances you suggest, essentially where big business has profited hugely from its deliberate and damaging act. Such act being tortious rather than criminal and therefore normally meriting a civil remedy (typically monetary damages equal to a measurable loss) rather than a fine or imprisonment. As I stated before, defamation by a (newspaper) publisher provides the main UK example of such a civil wrong giving rise to punitive damages intended to wipe-out the profit made. There are other situations in the UK where punitive damages might be awarded (and occasionally have been) but the Courts here are reluctant to open the door too widely. (Although the context and jurisdiction is not the same, we remain mindful of the well-known statement by Cardozo, C. J that the law should not admit 'to a liability in an indeterminate amount for an indeterminate time to an indeterminate class.' [Ultramares Corporation v. Touche, 174 N.E. 441 (1932)]) I also agree that the destiny of punitive damages poses a conundrum as they could easily enrich the successful claimant well beyond any reasonably measurable loss or damage suffered, but the deterrent aspect needs to be maintained. Maybe, in many cases, excess damages should be treated like a fine and go to the government - or perhaps to benefit some good cause that is relevant to the mischief done. All that said, I remain glad that I am not subject to the extremes of US litigation, where it seems any tortious act (however trivial) is likely to give rise to proceedings brought by one's aggrieved neighbour. The 'compensation culture' in the UK is bad enough as it is.
  8. I will let your commentary on the US legal system speak for itself. I am just glad not to be subject to it.
  9. As you raise a defence of punitive damage awards in the US, I feel obliged to respond - primarily from a commonsense viewpoint rather than that of a UK citizen. To take your example, it is clear that no meaningful damage has flowed from the police entry without a warrant. Nominal damages for trespass, minor inconvenience or hurt feelings might be reasonable, but 'benefitting' to the tune of $100,000 (or whatever) is absurd, and would be regarded as unjust enrichment in the UK. Moreover, the suggested deterrent effect on the police (or the government) must be balanced against the cost to the taxpayer. I have little doubt that US citizens often welcome (or indeed engineer) situations where they may, and often do, end up financially enriched at the cost of minor inconvenience. I can see that, in the context of wrongdoing by a business, the potential award of punitive damages has a useful deterrent effect, but the size and frequency of such awards tends imho to devalue their purpose. In the UK, damages are primarily awarded as and limited to compensation for measurable loss. Awards of punitive or exemplary damages are very rare and almost always confined to those situations where the person at fault has derived a benefit out of all proportion to the measurable harm done to the victim. The most obvious example is in defamation (primarily libel) where a publisher makes large profits from its wrongdoing, far more than the measurable harm done to the person defamed. In such a situation, it is right that the profits are effectively confiscated and given to the victim; otherwise, defamation would be a very common and profitable exercise. Another, less common, reason to award punitive damages would arise from a truly serious breach of office by a public servant.
  10. My latest 'discovery' is these: Apparently designed by one Chris Donovan and described as 'First collection for Polimoda named Devotion was based on the Jewish Tefillin, the prayer box worn by orthodox Jewish men during prayer, 2013.' I make no further comment, other than the obvious 'ouch!'.
  11. Nice-looking shoes; I would scarcely call them 'outlandish'. Indeed, they are imho less extreme than some of your other footwear, and in a colour that you appear to favour. I expect you will soon picture them as part of a co-ordinated outfit!
  12. We need to be more careful with references to terminology and law, CrushedVamp. We are dealing here with a trademark, not a patent. And the varying attitude of courts in different jurisdictions is hardly surprising, even if it does lead to some inconsistency. Moreover, in the UK there is (mercifully) scant recognition of the concept of punitive or exemplary damages - which seemingly are an everyday award in the litigious realm of the US! All that apart, I tend to agree with you and mlroseplant that CL does not merit or need the 'protection' of a trade-marked red sole.
  13. The short answer is that CL has successfully obtained trademark recognition for red shoe soles (of a specific shade - an important factor), and has taken (or defended) court action relating to alleged breaches. See here for the history: https://studentorgs.kentlaw.iit.edu/ckjip/the-worldwide-trademark-battle-over-the-iconic-red-bottom-shoe/
  14. No, it seems quite clear that Mr Friske was wishing to make toe caps (not heel taps) similar to those on the blue shoes. SMDave's solution is worth considering, although I question whether direct nickel plating is the usual process; starting with copper seems more normal, then nickel or brass depending upon the chosen appearance. As to the concept of increasing the height of a heel by adding an extension, this is very likely to upset both the balance and the appearance of the shoe as the higher heel will naturally tend to lean, which in turn will threaten its strength and attachment. But it can be done for a small increase (say up to 0.5") especially on a thicker heel. I have added 0.25" composition heel 'pads' to the existing (and almost impossible to replace) plastic top pieces on a couple of pairs of boots, mainly to improve the durability of the heel rather than to add height. That sort of increase does not harm the balance or boot structure. See here for details: https://hhplace.org/topic/25644-asos-chelsea-boots/
  15. Interesting, CrushedVamp. I'm not sure what we can make of the statistic that '47% of men have tried on what is considered feminine clothing at least once in their life'; that seems low. It very much depends upon what type of clothing, in what situation and for how long. Briefly popping on a woman's hat or coat for fun or masquerade is not the same as donning underwear or a skirt or dress - or shoes. If you include the 'pantomime' aspect, I suspect the trial percentage is much nearer 100. Your wife loves heel and you admit to trying them too. Was she aware of this and would she approve if you wore them, in public or not?
  16. Tom Rolt (who was an inspiration behind saving and using Britain's canals for leisure) originally had a petrol engine (ex-Model T Ford!) in his narrowboat Cressy in 1936. And he was not alone in using such an engine, although they were never common - horsepower generally gave way to diesel. Some shorter narrowboats are powered by a petrol outboard motor because a diesel engine would take up too much space. Whilst a 'marine' diesel engine is obviously ideal, there are many engines of the road vehicle type; my brother's narrowboat uses a British Leyland engine of the type fitted to a light van. Yes, the 'pop pop' of a Lister (or similar) diesel is quite distinct and certainly reminiscent of the African Queen. A Btitish 'narrowboat' is so called (and built) so as to be able to cruise on the narrowest canals, a nominal 7'0" wide, with the boats a couple of inches less. The canals were made narrow at the locks, bridges etc to save cost and water, but obviously had to be wide enough in most open stretches to allow vessels to pass. By no means all of British canals are 'narrow'; many are 'broad' - wide enough to take quite large barges and similar craft, although of course such commercial traffic has largely declined. Yes, the usual narrowboat drive is by a directly-driven prop shaft with a simple speed/reverse lever control. Simple but effective.
  17. There are also a few (very few) historic narrowboats that have steam engines, and some with petrol (gasoline) engines. In fact, any sort of power can be found, although I have yet to come across rubber-band drive! As Shyheels says, diesel is the norm, with the typical engine being identical to that used in a motor car. When travelling on (or alongside) a canal, one sometimes hears an approaching boat with a strange engine sound - usually indicative of a non-diesel.
  18. As you say and as I well remember, the second half of the 60s was mostly about various styles of boots and sandals, many of which I admired. But Cali said that he 'loved the heels', although heels of any height or slenderness were noticeably missing from footwear of that period. Perhaps what he really meant was that he 'loved the footwear'.
  19. The 1960s were a period of much change on the fashion front. What heels was it that you loved from that era - the stilettos ubiquitous until c1965 or the low and boring styles that came in as the mini skirt gained in popularity? Surely not the latter?
  20. Happy anniversary! You prompted me to discover my own length of servitude - 20 years and counting. Makes me feel really ancient. You can easily alter the font; the 'Font' button is on the top row at the right. I too am not keen on sans serif for text, but am usually too lazy to alter it - but this time have done so to my preferred Times New Roman, 16pt.
  21. I've caught up here rather late in the day but, as most of you know, I try to promote accurate and consistent terminology. Although I would agree with the view that Gige's boots (13 Nov pic) are merely 'slim' heeled, I have little doubt that many (including manufacturers/retailers) would describe them as being 'stiletto', as that term is so often lazily mis-applied to almost any heel that is fairly straight and not an obvious block or wedge. And melrose's attractive shoes (18 Nov pic) certainly have the stiletto look about them - and the 11mm width is borderline, as he says, and looks (to me, anyway) as though it is thinner. I would certainly expect most folk to call them 'stilettos', even though a true stiletto heel is (or should be) slimmer, as would be obvious if placed alongside the pictured shoe. Gige's query was essentially about the acceptability of wearing heels that are truly high and/or slender. He must make his own mind up about that but there are enough wearers here to give him the reassurance he seeks. And, as part of his overall carefully structured look, I have little doubt that (say) 4" stilettos would be fine, assuming that his intended activity permitted them on grounds of practicality.
  22. The soles are smooth, but not slippery. I have not experienced any potential for losing traction or footing when wearing my identical pair in wet or dry conditions. But I would not advocate walking on ice in anything like these.
  23. These would do the job, and fit you too! https://hhplace.org/topic/25705-brand-new-asos-recite-boots-uk1112/
  24. You are right on all counts. I'm certainly aware of the brick or other protrusions or gripping aids that assist lock beam movement, but equally there are places where a slippery but soft or grassy surface exists and when a boot heel would aid traction. I have slipped when wearing the sort of rubber soles that one would typically find ideal for working boats and locks, or even in wellies with a cleated sole. Some work boots can be lethal if they have a smooth sole too. I doubt there there is any one shoe or boot style that is ideal for all canal applications - working the boat and the locks and walking the towpath.
  25. Having myself often been crew on a UK narrowboat, I would consider that a cowboy boot or similar with a heel that can 'dig in' a little would often be an advantage when working lock gates. It can be difficult to get a grip on the ground when literally putting one's back into moving a gate beam and (as cowboys found when roping steers etc), a boot with a heel gives a better anchor. I agree however that 'high' heels would be a hazard in most other canal pursuits.
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