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The Adventures of kneehighs...

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Thanks for the compliments everyone.

Tonight was a night that even blew my mind. For starters, I had a dinner date with a girl I met on the sidewalks of the Meat Packing District. We started the evening at 9:00 at Pylos, which is a gourmet Greek cuisine restaurant in the East Village. admirer5577 and ramon020 are familiar with this establishment.

Of course, I was wearing my black Nine West 4" stiletto pumps. Coupled with a pair of black sateen finish pants from French Connection, a shiny green satin military epaulette shirt from Calvine Klein, and a black satin sport coat also from Calvin Klein.

Before I met the girl, this is what I was seeing in the streets. At dinner she showed up 15 minutes late! :smile: Naturally, I had to give her a hard time for that....

We had a great conversation at dinner for about 2.5 hours. One of the neighboring tables spilled a drink on their table and the liquid splashed on my date's leg. So, that table bought her a free drink as a condolence. Cool!

At around 11:30 we yellow cabbed to a party in Tribeca (Triangle Below Canal). This is the richest zip code in the United States, so I was wondering what to expect. Alas, even in NYC, the rich (referring to the people I was with) have to wait in line and work their way through the velvet rope. Within minutes of working my dates' contact, we were inside, and I swear, I thought I was at Torture Garden all over again.

WOW! This was just a fundraiser party for charity, not a fetish club! Wow, this even blew my mind! NYC really has everything and anything anyone is looking for at anytime if you just know the right places to look!

Sometimes I forget how competitive it is in NYC, especially regarding pretty women. There were hoards of men flirting with my date...from the left and from the right. Argghh! It was a challenge even for me to tell you the truth, anyhow, I was the one who wound up visiting the private VIP booth with my date and taking a cab ride home with her!

Will we meet again? Somehow, I think so, but in secret! :wavey: The best part of the night for me was my date's willingness to embarce my stiletto heel wearing, even around her friends. She showed no hesitation to introduce me to anyone and was actually supportive of it.

Before we met for dinner, she told me she mentioned my heels to a good friend of hers in Miami. He said I was either gay or fashion forward. After sharing with her my usual Sales Pitch, I was in the clear that my heel wearing is fashion centered. The entire time around her friends was equally unimpressive. No one really bothered to stare, nor did anyone mention anything about my heels. To the contrary, I actually had other women approaching me to engage in conversation, if not just dance within my personal space while they feathered their hair with their hands.

oooohlaaaahlaaah, this was a very good night.

EDIT: I forgot to add in the part of our conversation where she expressed her initial reservation with me wearing heels. Her reservation? In her words, "it's kind of intimidating. You could have nicer shoes than me, or walk better in heels than me." Like we've already said on this forum a million times, this sense that heels are the exclusive and sacred territory of the female species is what truly underlies most initial objections to men wearing heels.

Feminine Style .  Masculine Soul.  Skin In The Game.


Like we've already said on this forum a million times, this sense that heels are the exclusive and sacred territory of the female species is what truly underlies most initial objections to men wearing heels.

Yup ! (",)

Funny thing is´s it ?

((( Frist i am not good to spell )))

..........(((( Sorry for that ))))........




^ It was this exact same outfit, except for the shiny green satin epaulette shirt from Calvin Klein.

Feminine Style .  Masculine Soul.  Skin In The Game.


^ Thanks. Satin has been all over the runways for men. Plus, a satin sport jacket, that is fitted at the shoulder, waist, and chest, creates a more cohesive avante garde image when coupled with heels.

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Thought some might find it interesting how people actually fish here in new york, even in the shadows of the Manhattan skyline. And Here is a view of the U.N. as seen from Long Island City.

Feminine Style .  Masculine Soul.  Skin In The Game.

  • 4 weeks later...

Nothing really of noteworthy and crazy times, but nonetheless, some fine scenery today in the Meat Packing District.

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Feminine Style .  Masculine Soul.  Skin In The Game.


Something a bit strange happened to me tonight. I was wearing my black 4" Stuart Weitzman stilleto pumps, Hugo Boss jeans, White Hugo Boss t-shirt, and Cloak vest. I was walking up Park Avenue South to the W Hotel. As I was walking, I sensed something behind me was "off" So I stopped to take a look around and there was this old guy, skinny, in glasses and pretending not to notice me. He turned to walk as if he was going to cross the street. Then I started to walk to the W Hotel again. Instantly, this guy is behind me again. So I stop again. This time, he keeps walking and as soon as he hits the first deli, he stands in the entryway and starts to browse papers. Ugh, what a weirdo. So I walked past him anyway and instantly, he was behind me again! I figured I would lose him as soon as I got into line for the W Hotel lounge....which I did and I never saw him again. Strange dude.

Feminine Style .  Masculine Soul.  Skin In The Game.


Something a bit strange happened to me tonight. I was wearing my black 4" Stuart Weitzman stilleto pumps, Hugo Boss jeans, White Hugo Boss t-shirt, and Cloak vest. I was walking up Park Avenue South to the W Hotel. As I was walking, I sensed something behind me was "off"

So I stopped to take a look around and there was this old guy, skinny, in glasses and pretending not to notice me. He turned to walk as if he was going to cross the street. Then I started to walk to the W Hotel again. Instantly, this guy is behind me again. So I stop again. This time, he keeps walking and as soon as he hits the first deli, he stands in the entryway and starts to browse papers.

Ugh, what a weirdo. So I walked past him anyway and instantly, he was behind me again! I figured I would lose him as soon as I got into line for the W Hotel lounge....which I did and I never saw him again. Strange dude.

Can't say I find that at all surprising. Even in New York City with its "I've seen it all" citizenry, there's bound to be the odd duck here and there who'll see a street heeler like yourself and be so fascinated, he decides to follow you. I'm guessing he was something of a voyuer because of the shoes you wore and probably would've run off like a scalded cat if you confronted him. The important thing was that nothing happened to you, and for that, I'm glad. Still, you have to be careful since the world is full of weirdos.

I don't want to LOOK like a woman, I just want to DRESS like a woman!


Wonder if he would have talked with you if you had asked him why he was so "enthralled" with your style of dress? I actually believe that people who pay excessive attention to people (women and men) wearing high heels actually wish they were wearing the heels.


Can't say I find that at all surprising. Even in New York City with its "I've seen it all" citizenry, there's bound to be the odd duck here and there who'll see a street heeler like yourself and be so fascinated, he decides to follow you. I'm guessing he was something of a voyuer because of the shoes you wore and probably would've run off like a scalded cat if you confronted him. The important thing was that nothing happened to you, and for that, I'm glad. Still, you have to be careful since the world is full of weirdos.

I think voyeur is the right direction...and lol at the "scalded cat" comment. We still have our fair share of oddballs here in the city.

Wonder if he would have talked with you if you had asked him why he was so "enthralled" with your style of dress? I actually believe that people who pay excessive attention to people (women and men) wearing high heels actually wish they were wearing the heels.

I wondered the same thing too.

My pumps were clearly visible to everyone. After that I did get into the lounge of the W Hotel. I wasn't in the mood to socialize as I had spent the last few hours going up to strangers taking streetstyle fashion photography pics.

So I was standing alone inside the lounge and eyeing a pair of girls at the bar. They were well to do types, business women in their late 20's. One was dressed in what appeared to be a Theory black oxford, white flared leg pants with extra buttons on the hips, and stunning black pointy pumps.

A few minutes later, she pulled her camera out of her purse and asked me if I would take a picture of her and her friend. At that time, she looked straight down at my shoes, paused for a moment, and returned her attention back to our conversation.

I said "sure. Do you want a full body shot or just the torso, from the waist up?" "She said, from the waist up, you know the rules" So I snapped a picture, and said, "It turned out good. Here" They both replied "thanks!" and turned their bodies towards me as I was standing in the middle. The fact that they turned towards me suggests that they were open to more conversation, fun, and flirting.

I said, "that will be $20 please..for the photograph, since I'm a part time photographer on the side" which raised a laugh from the both of them. I showed them a few pics I had taken on the streets of "cool looking" people, and they were wowed.

The reason I share this is to show that while the girl knew I was wearing pumps, she was still open to conversing, flirting, and talking....Our shoe choices are by no means handicaps to healthy social assimilation. They are normal to me, so in most cases, they are felt to be normal to others too (except the weirdo above).

Feminine Style .  Masculine Soul.  Skin In The Game.


What a day. After a few hours of picture taking throughout lower manhattan, I headed back to the Meat Packing District. The MPD is really losing it's cool....sadly its become more of a tourist trap than a bona fide hang out for locals. That's not to say you can't find any locals there at all on weekends, but you can't find as many as a few years ago.

Today I found myself in line at the Buddha Bar. Within a few minutes I was analyzed by the head bouncer and he gave me the go ahead. I was in my Stuart Weitzman 4" stiletto pumps. That gave the assitant bouncers something to look at when I walked past them.

Soon, I was inside. I went up to the main lounge and ordered a drink. Within about ten minutes, a group of girls celebrating a bachelorette party came to the bar. The leader of the group asked me what I was drinking and I told her a Tequila Sunrise.

Later on in the night, I started up a conversation with two girls. One turned out to be an executive with Victoria's Secret and the other was an executive with Ralph Lauren in the buying department. I took their pic and had a great hour long conversation with the both of them, all the while enjoying wearing my stiletto pumps. They knew I was wearing them as they both looked straight at my feet a couple of times. Nevertheless, one girl from Ralph Lauren continued to press her bare leg up against my leg when she talked. Good signals...I share this to show that you can still meet women even while wearing stiletto pumps. It's not a handicap.

After awhile, I left that conversation and made my way to the bathroom. That's when I ran into the first group of girls that came in at the bar. The leader pulled me aside and was talkative about how cute she thought I was. In fact, she was gushing with praise. Again, I say this not to impress anyone but to impress upon you guys that stiletto pumps are not a stumbling block to meeting new and exciting women that want to have fun.

Then later on the night, I found this blonde Irish girl standing alone. Naturally, I had to do the usual pointy shoe test (it always, always works...you guys should try it).

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It turns out we both were wearing the same Stuart Weitzman stiletto pumps! And not only that, but some guy in a brown suit came up and tried to dance with her while we were talking. Not only did she totally reject him, but she decided to dance with me instead! The guy in matching stilettos according to her actually looked good in pumps.

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I met this other Middle Eastern women. She wasn't too friendly about my pumps...so I moved away from her as fast as I could and moved on to the next fun adventure.

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This is the outfit as I showed it the Freestyle Fashion pics thread.

Overall it was a fun night.

Feminine Style .  Masculine Soul.  Skin In The Game.

  • 2 weeks later...

I've always told my friend admirer5577 that I dream of landing a Swedish beauty queen. Tonight my dreams nearly came true.

In my opinion, she was smoking hot and the chemistry flowed between us quite well.

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She even allowed me to take a close up picture of her t-strap heels. I want them for myself so badly! She said they were from some Swedish designer...I think the name had the word "red" in it? It's amazing the things people will give you if you just ask...now that I think of it, I should have asked to buy her shoes from her...

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Feminine Style .  Masculine Soul.  Skin In The Game.


She even allowed me to take a close up picture of her t-strap heels. I want them for myself so badly! She said they were from some Swedish designer...I think the name had the word "red" in it? It's amazing the things people will give you if you just ask...now that I think of it, I should have asked to buy her shoes from her...

What's this I read? KH wants some shoes other than stilleto boots and pumps. Whatever next eh? :wavey:

Great shoes they are too. :smile:

Heel-D - Freestyling since 2005

  • 3 weeks later...

Last night was a night worthy of recording here. I wore a Kenneth Cole top, that drapes tightly around my waist...tunic lenght...Hugo Boss straight leg jeans, Cloak vest, and Black 4" Nine West stiletto pumps.

I wound up in the basement of a restaurant called Vento, where we had an Italian dinner at the NYC meet last year.

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This is a picture that some girl took of me.

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This is a picture of me and her friend comparing heel shapes and styles.

I met the two girls mentioned above the usual way, "I think you are the only girl with shoes as pointy as mine" was my opening line directed to the girl in patent pumps. She was surprised at first, then was quite intrigued by the fact that I didn't care what others thought and was a straight male. Her brunette friend was funny as for about five minutes, she was pointing out my shoes to a few guys she was talking with.

The interesting thing is that the Blonde was the first one to take out the camera this time to do shoe comparison shots. That was a first.

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One guy wound up asking me, "so what's the deal with the shoes?" to which I replied, "Im wearing them because it's fun, it's a great conversational piece, and it's part of my personal fashion statement." He said, "People are judging you by your shoes" to which I said, "which people specifically?" He pointed to the brunette. I said, "I don't really care what they think. What are they going to do to me? Plus, I think they like it!" to which he nodded his head in affirmation.

Later that night I got to talking to a Hispanic girl seated at a booth. Turns out she is here for the summer from Mexico City with her friends.

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Her reaction actually proved why stereotypes are sometimes so illogical. She totally loved my shoes, the heels, and everything about me. We wound up talking for the rest of the night. She showed my shoes to her friends and ALL her friends were equally positive about my shoes. The common affirmation was that "you are brave. You do what you want and don't care what others think."

I must admit it's quite nice sitting next to 4 beautiful women, all of us in pumps, and flirting with each and every one of them. We have tentative plans to go shopping together next Sunday...and then go out for some cocktails afterwards to which she elaborated, "to forget about Mexico."

Ah well, another fun night as usual.

Feminine Style .  Masculine Soul.  Skin In The Game.


Sounds like a great night there mate. Sounds like you'll have fun on your shopping trip.

Heel-D - Freestyling since 2005


Sounds like a great night there mate. Sounds like you'll have fun on your shopping trip.

I gotta say Kneehigh, you are an inspiration to us all. TY. Hope you have alot of fun shopping, which I'm sure you will.

real men wear heels


It's good to hear from you again- I've been away since 8th to 24th July and didn't see any new relation from you, so I was a little bit worried. You're charismatic as always!

What is good for a goose, can be good for any gender!


As always, I read with amazement and delight. I can understand presenting yourself nicely dressed with heels and how accepted you are by folks you meet. What I don’t understand is having a camera for all the great pictures. I may be a little (a lot actually) out of step (in thighboots none the less) with current times but is having and using a camera now a common thing or is it another part of “the thing you do”? Years ago I was a wedding photographer and a camera was a rather intrusive thing, not like today’s small digital ones. I’m wondering how folks accept being photographed by a total stranger (in heels none the less)?

I dream of a world where chickens can cross roads without having their motives questioned.


Sounds like a great night there mate. Sounds like you'll have fun on your shopping trip.

Sure plan on having a great time shopping...How could I go wrong as the only male in a group of 4 women? And topped off with a night on the town?

I gotta say Kneehigh, you are an inspiration to us all. TY. Hope you have alot of fun shopping, which I'm sure you will.

Thanks, that means something special coming from someone like yourself.

It's good to hear from you again- I've been away since 8th to 24th July and didn't see any new relation from you, so I was a little bit worried. You're charismatic as always!

You're not the first person to have said that. Thanks, I've been busy with a few other projects lately that have been keeping me busy. But I will consistently remain active for the World Heel Meet.

As always, I read with amazement and delight.

I can understand presenting yourself nicely dressed with heels and how accepted you are by folks you meet. What I don’t understand is having a camera for all the great pictures. I may be a little (a lot actually) out of step (in thighboots none the less) with current times but is having and using a camera now a common thing or is it another part of “the thing you do”?

Years ago I was a wedding photographer and a camera was a rather intrusive thing, not like today’s small digital ones. I’m wondering how folks accept being photographed by a total stranger (in heels none the less)?

I think the camera is both a common thing for a night on the town and part of "the thing I do." Most girls are pretty cool about having their picture taken. A few are camera shy at first and only a select few are totally opposed to having their pic taken. It's just part of the fun.

Feminine Style .  Masculine Soul.  Skin In The Game.


Man, I wish I could go clubbin with you in NY, but I'd probably just bring your cool-factor down.


Man, I wish I could go clubbin with you in NY, but I'd probably just bring your cool-factor down.

Huh? You are always welcome to go clubbing with me in NYC! There is no such thing as bringing down my "cool factor"...you would just add to it! Wait till London...I'm going to bring my handwriting analysis cards with me...watch the fun unravel!

Feminine Style .  Masculine Soul.  Skin In The Game.

  • 2 weeks later...


is a picture of a girl from Moscow and Lithuania. The Lithuanian was surprised to see my pumps, but in a good way. She wanted a picture right away to which I agreed.

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Interested in my stilettos! "Must get picture"

I went to a bar in the basement of Vento. At the door, they were exercising a strict door policy for want of a "private party" The door woman looked me over and at first was hesitant to let me in. She asked me to send a text to my friends to ask them to come to the door and escort me in. I said I downgrade the SIM card in my phone from one phone to another phone on weekends so I don't get endless emails during weekends. Then she saw my stilettos. Her eyes grew large and excitedly she asked, "What size shoe do you wear? 12? 13?" I told her 11. Immediately she opened the door and said, "Skinny jeans and stilettos!"

Good night overall.

EDIT: One interesting incident happened when the the blonde in this photo walked past me. I was standing by a doorway and she walked right in front of me and opened the conversation with, "I'm wearing 4" stilettos...I saw you look down" and she motioned by pointing her eyes to the floor. Needless to say, I said, "I'm wearing 4" stilettos too!" She bent down to look at my pumps, stood up, and laughed! We wound up talking for a few minutes. When I left the club and was standing on the sidewalk I started snapping candid pics of her. Then she walked over to me and asked for a picture, so we did the usual pointy toe comparison for her.

Feminine Style .  Masculine Soul.  Skin In The Game.


Kneehighs: Outrageous! Absolutely outrageous! You're da man!!

I don't want to LOOK like a woman, I just want to DRESS like a woman!


The sight of a girl gently holding your pump is soooooo SEXY! Great!

Yup. If I didn't live in the most violent suburb of one of Swedens most violent cities, I'd try that one day.


Hey Kneehighs....:unsure:

It is now monday evening and you have not posted your report of this past weekend.

Did you take a few days off?



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