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High Heels Illegal In Russia?


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Obviously he has not worn heels himself, otherwise he would have converted some time ago.........hehe.

Yup, he along with everyone else gets to say what they want but he is out there on a limb by himself with that kind of thinking,  for sure!

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I'll probably get shot down in flames over this but I seem to recall reading somewhere that when Clint Eastwood was mayor of Carmel CA that he ordered many 'old times' laws be updated or repealed. If memory serves me correctly one of the old laws found was that it was illegal for females to wear heels higher than two inches within the city boundary. The reason for the law was because those who wore higher heels were regarded as 'ladies of the night' and prostitution was also banned. Another law found was that it was illegal to eat ice cream in the streets of Carmel. 

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Controversies over the wearing of high heels have been on-going from their creation. This is just another episode from a person with some influence and/or power, who feels it is their duty to determine what other people should want and do, since they have come to a conclusion of what is right and works for them. The ornamentation of ones own body is a natural right that stems from the fact only individuals know their own thoughts and what they desire. Society has used its power to usurp the agency of people to choose their own appearance. Based upon the same principle society uses to determine what I should wear, the laws of justice tells me I should have the same power to determine what others should wear according to my preferences and tastes.  So you see society clearly has no defense for its rules and standards in deciding what I should wear, but for the fact that it has been an established and even an institutionalized tradition to ignore individual rights to choose their own apparel to wear as they desire.

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"This is just another episode from a person with some influence and/or power, who feels it is their duty to determine what other people should want and do, since they have come to a conclusion of what is right and works for them. "


You have stated everything I stand against in those 2 lines but not just against ' those in power ', but the idiots on the internet whom have the same mentality ( or display such). 


Its a pair of shoes. Theres a LOT worse to worry about then what some people might wear on their feet. 


If people break an ankle, its not the shoes fault. The person wearing them should have learned to walk in them.. ' baby steps ' before trying to do a day in them.


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When a society chooses to let the government take care of all their "needs" instead of individual choices - what else can be expected.

Just a bit higher to to delight - low enough for healthy foot comfort and great beginning.

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All, As someone who had to learn a lot about the Soviet Union, and later Russia, I can tell you that high heels (very high heels) are more popular than ever behind what used to be the Iron Curtain and especially in Russia. Banning them stands as much chance as banning alcohol. HappyinHeels

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  • 2 weeks later...

While many people can wear high heels their entire lives without issue, the fact remains that many others cannot.


I know, for I am one of the latter.


I still like wearing high heels, but have had to cut way down on height, as well as duration, as a result of last summer's ankle surgery designed to repair some of the damage caused in part by *GASP!* my wearing of high heels.


Whether people accept facts or not, facts remain FACTS, and the Russian minister is thinking of his socialized medicine, for which his or a related department must foot the bill.  All it takes is a few doctors reporting certain key issues known to be either caused by or related to wearing high heels before the institution running socialized medicine steps in and says, "Uh... no.  You cannot do that.  It's "dangerous," meaning costly to them.  Insurance companies do it all the time, and socialized medicine is nothing more than a government-sized, non-profit medical insurance company.  They absolutely will either A) work aggressively to curb behaviors which cost them money, and B) work aggressively to force behaviors which save them money.


Test time:  What's this really all about?  Hint:  The word was mentioned twice in the last sentence.

Those who really care about us don't make a fuss about what we wear. Those who make a fuss about what we wear really don't care about us.

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It's all total nonsense! Any government "bigwig" that thinks women are going to do anything just because he and others in power say so, must not be married, have no experience what so ever dealing with females and is in dire need of having his head forcefully extracted from his own rectum.

Being mentally comfortable in your own mind is the key to wearing heels in public.

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