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Have I Gone Beyond Hhplace?


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When I first joined HHPlace all those many years ago, I was elated to have discovered like-minded men of all ages like myself who enjoy wearing high heeled shoes. By reading all the many posts by the members here, absorbing their adventures of wearing women's shoes, both in public and in private gave me the courage and the strength to wear heels openly, and that opened a whole new world to me, one I found extremely exciting. In the beginning, I was perfectly content to just wear the shoes, nothing more, but that mindset has clearly changed as an evolution of sorts has taken place. The bulky block heels I started wearing were replaced by thinner and thinner heels, eventually swapped out for stilettos while I grew into wearing taller heights, when I didn't gove over two inches, today, I'm perfectly comfortable in five inchers, but that wasn't all. After several years of wearing men's clothes with my shoes on my adventures, I began changing, having slowly arrived at the conclusion that such clothes wasn't enough to satisfy me. It began with the bottoms as I replaced men's jeans with women's jeans which looked nicer and sleeker with my heels, and I loved how they looked on me. Next came the tops as I went from men's shirts and sweaters to women's shirts and sweaters, and I was comfortable with that as they also looked nicer on me, and I made the declaration that I would only wear women's clothes on my adventures, and, yes, that included underwear as well and jewelry too. Finally, the skirts. When I first wore a skirt in public back in the summer of 2008, that proved to be an incredibly exciting and exhilarating experience, and I was effectively hooked. Back then, I only wore skirts infrequently as I still enjoyed jeans, today, I'm wearing skirts almost exclusively as I can't bring myself to wear anything else as all my jeans are in the back of my closet, and I'm in no hurry to bring them back out. On top of that, the shoes, which were once the be all and end all for me has become just one part of my overall image as a freestyler, hell, I've even come to like wearing flats because they're nice shoes to wear with a denim skirt as part of an overall casual weekend outfit. In the past, I thought first about the shoes and what clothes to wear with them, today, I think first about skirts and what shoes to wear with them, that's how much I've evolved, that the shoes come second. This raises an important question: Does my current philosophy as a fashion freestyler mean I've evolved beyond the tenets of high heel love as exposed here at HHPlace? For me, it's all about the complete head to toe image I present when I go out in public, not just the shoes, and I don't see that mindset changing anytime soon, if at all. I won't deny there are times when I feel more comfortable in a public setting in a skirt than I do in heels, I find that an interesting concept as my evolution has continued. Where will this lead me? Will I leave HHPlace? Nope! I still enjoy being a member and sharing my exploits with others here and reading the opinions of everyone. Nor does this mean I'm not going opt for wigs, fake boobs and makeup, far from it, I'm going to continue wearing the clothes, and shoes that I love----as a man, and that's good enough for me. That's all that I want. For me, it's all about evolution. Everyone must evolve or perish, and for me, going from just shoes to the joys of free styling has been my evolution, and I can't wait to see where my unique journey will take me next as I continue to grow in my special passion. Opinions?

Edited by JeffB

I don't want to LOOK like a woman, I just want to DRESS like a woman!

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I hope you stick around for a long time, Jeff. You're an inspiration to a huge following here, you're missed when you don't post for a few days, and you get an enormous amount of compliments and encouragement. If you left here, you'd disappoint a very large fan club. I personally think it's great that you've gone beyond just heels. HappyFeat did that, too, but unfortunately he seems to have gone behind the moon; you're still here and posting. You both have showed the rest of us that it's important to consider other elements of the outfit so we don't look goofy as a man just in heels, but rather look fashionably dressed in heels (whether in a skirt, pants, shorts, skorts, or jeans) as part of the larger look. So continue your journey, and continue the documentation. You write very well and it's interesting to read about your jaunts. But don't dare consider leaving. You've inspired us all and I hope you continue to do so for many years to come. I don't get to Philadelphia very often, but next time I do, I hope we can get together, heeling, shoe shopping, and a good meal. Steve

Edited by Steve63130
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Little bit different for me. While I have done six inch stilettos I still like those chunky heels and may even consider hidden heels if they really felt good. And even if I wear a dress I try to get the most non girly sort that I can find. Then the wigs and fake boobs that is for another time but will get back to some of that some day. One thing that I can say is my favorite part about full on DRAG was the skirt but now I can sport a skirt as a guy. As for the part about the shoes some how the lesbian inside feels that men's shoes are perverted so even if we come across men's six inch heels extra narrow my shoes still come from the women's department. Then also in a previous posting I told the story of how I wear women's shoes to get narrow enough which is true but also my cover story. And forget women's wide. Actually at the thrift store I did get a pair of women's wide and they hurt my feet. But they were only about $2.70 and look good. So long live the freestylers.

Edited by Mike Hinch
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JeffB, So, the pride of Philadelphia is going all philosophical on us, is he? Well, I echo the positive sentiments of the rest when i say you are an outstanding member of this community. Why in the heel would you want to leave an adoring audience? I would not think of hhplace as a signpost along your journey rather as a foundation on which to build your identity. Those that appreciate what they have built throughout their lives never fail to appreciate their foundations. This forum exists to help people reach whatever destiny may await them through communication and understanding. I don't know why I adore high heels and like skirts and dresses but also like the outdoors, football, or working heavy machinery but it is part of my identity. You will continue your evolution toward whatever unique being you seek much as the rest of us continue to evolve. Your journey continues my friend. Feel good about what you have built for yourself. Feel even better knowing that is was built on a solid foundation of trust and understanding. HappyinHeels :santa_hat:

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Well, many thanks for the opinions. Not to worry, I'm not going anywhere as I'm having lots of fun here, though I'm pleasantly surprised to have such an adoring audience. Heh! But seriously, if it weren't for this forum, I wouldn't have been able to enjoy my love for women's shoes as much as I do, nor would I have been able to evolve from being just a heeler to a full blown freestyler. I don't think I can go back in terms of that evolution, this is who I am now, so I'm going to continue going forward, wearing more skirts and gradually integrating dresses more into my jaunting itinerary as I'm growing comfortable wearing them in public. Perhaps a time will come when I stop wearing jeans or pants altogether on my outings, but I don't know when, or if that will happen, especially since I still enjoy wearing tight jeans with thigh high boots. However, I won't force things, I'll just let nature take it's course and wait and see as my progress continues. And, as always, I'll chronicle that progress here on HHP!

I don't want to LOOK like a woman, I just want to DRESS like a woman!

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I'll just echo what has already been said, Jeff. While you may have gone beyond the subject matter of HHPlace, you haven't gone beyond the spirit of HHPlace.

Shafted, the boots that is! View my gallery here http://www.hhplace.o...afteds-gallery/ or view my heeling thread here http://www.hhplace.org/topic/3850-new-pair-of-boots-starts-me-serious-street-heeling/ - Pm me if you want fashion advice or just need someone to talk to.

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A very wise person once told me that "the day you no longer need the support group is the day the support group starts to need you.". I think that also applies to forums like this because as others have said above, we need you and people like you to encourage and inspire others just starting out on the road to sartorial freedom.

Personally, I don't think you've gone beyond the forum, since you still relate to the forum through the viewpoint of a male.

If you started to relate to the forum through the viewpoint of a male trying to pass as a female, then IMHO, you'd be going beyond hhplace.

IMHO, this is why some members who are living as women are still allowed access to the forum--they don't relate to us as males trying to pass as females.


I think the same applies here too. Speaking as someone who began their journey as a man in heels I think my story can be as relevant as anyone's.

Graduate footwear designer able to advise and assist on modification and shoe making projects.

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I'll just let nature take it's course and wait and see as my progress continues. And, as always, I'll chronicle that progress here on HHP!

Progress is good and I am glad you are letting us be a part of that progress

I think the same applies here too. Speaking as someone who began their journey as a man in heels I think my story can be as relevant as anyone's.

Definately I for one wouldn't have been so far with heeling if it wasn't for you're journey.

In the process of becoming the person I always was...but didn't dare to let her come out

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I can certainly relate to the natural progression of wanting to integrate heels as part of an overall look and taking pride in one's appearance whatever style that might be. I think what makes heels interesting is the context they're worn in, and everyone on the forum has a different story to contribute, be they men in heels, women in heels, or anyone in between. The forum celebrates the diversity of heels and that has great appeal, and you're an inspirational part of that Jeff. Thank you.

If you like it, wear it.

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I read your posting last night and just decided to give it a day for thought. I shared your post with Darian ( Better half ) and she even had some comments in regards to not only how her and I look at things, but how she would see someone in your perspective of ' present '.

When I first joined HHPlace all those many years ago, I was elated to have discovered like-minded men of all ages like myself who enjoy wearing high heeled shoes. By reading all the many posts by the members here, absorbing their adventures of wearing women's shoes, both in public and in private gave me the courage and the strength to wear heels openly, and that opened a whole new world to me, one I found extremely exciting. In the beginning, I was perfectly content to just wear the shoes, nothing more, but that mindset has clearly changed as an evolution of sorts has taken place.

Your key word : ' Evolution '. Im somewhat in the same boat, but in different ways.

I began changing, having slowly arrived at the conclusion that such clothes wasn't enough to satisfy me. It began with the bottoms as I replaced men's jeans with women's jeans which looked nicer and sleeker with my heels, and I loved how they looked on me. Next came the tops as I went from men's shirts and sweaters to women's shirts and sweaters, and I was comfortable with that as they also looked nicer on me, and I made the declaration that I would only wear women's clothes on my adventures, and, yes, that included underwear as well and jewelry too.

For myself, its basically outer-wear. I will NOT rule out the other things you have mentioned though I just dont presently have an appeal for it.

Darian said she could honestly see how your progression has gone along and why you have gone in the direction you have. She stated I dont show any sign of following the same road as yourself BUT, she reminded me that we all have out own separate paths and if our paths are different, respect the paths of others.

Finally, the skirts. When I first wore a skirt in public back in the summer of 2008, that proved to be an incredibly exciting and exhilarating experience, and I was effectively hooked.

I walked your road recently and now have 3 skirts of my own. At first, they were for medicinal purposes from having surgery. After the comfort and freedom a skirt offered, I now look at jeans and tend to cringe. People just have no idea until they have tried such wearing one how great they really are!

...hell, I've even come to like wearing flats because they're nice shoes to wear with a denim skirt as part of an overall casual weekend outfit. In the past, I thought first about the shoes and what clothes to wear with them, today, I think first about skirts and what shoes to wear with them, that's how much I've evolved, that the shoes come second

Im starting to look at how I dress moreso now. I like heels, but never really went into the whole ' outfit ' thing. Now, I find myself looking at what else Im wearing. I dont know if I will go any further as you have.. time will tell for me.

This raises an important question: Does my current philosophy as a fashion freestyler mean I've evolved beyond the tenets of high heel love as exposed here at HHPlace?

Nope. Not at all. It might make you of a wider view or variety them most of those here, but your still one of the regulars as you like heels.

For me, it's all about the complete head to toe image I present when I go out in public, not just the shoes, and I don't see that mindset changing anytime soon, if at all.

Now long ago, I couldnt give a shit how I looked. Now.. Im starting to clean up quite a bit. By all means, Im not going overboard to match pastels and paisley colors or anything, Im just a bit more conscious and give thought to what Im wearing.

I won't deny there are times when I feel more comfortable in a public setting in a skirt than I do in heels, I find that an interesting concept as my evolution has continued. Where will this lead me? Will I leave HHPlace? Nope! I still enjoy being a member and sharing my exploits with others here and reading the opinions of everyone. Nor does this mean I'm not going opt for wigs, fake boobs and makeup, far from it, I'm going to continue wearing the clothes, and shoes that I love----as a man, and that's good enough for me. That's all that I want.

For me, it's all about evolution. Everyone must evolve or perish, and for me, going from just shoes to the joys of free styling has been my evolution, and I can't wait to see where my unique journey will take me next as I continue to grow in my special passion. Opinions?

If thats ' all you want ', more power to you! So long as you are happy/content, keep on doing what your doing and let nobody ever bother your happiness!

My ' Opinion ' is more of a ' follower '. Your insight has offered me a perspective I dont think I would have realized on my own left to my own means. Im sure there are many others whom you have caused to sit back and actually give thought to what your about. Surely, your thread with 200+ pages is a novel unto the best sellers list here at hhplace ;)

Edited by ilikekicks


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Jeff you are what I call a genuine 'Freestyler' you wear the clothes that make you feel good and attach no gender to them at all. You clearly present as a man who appears comfortable anmd confident regardless of the outfit you wear. I believe this is the attitude that gives you the acceptance you get and reduces the amount of negative comments. You are clearly where a lot of people want to be and chahge other peoples minds about the boundaries of clothing enabling other to follow you. Jeff you are an inspiration to us all and will always be part of HHPlace I'm sure.

High heels are the shoes I choose to put on, respect my choice as I repect yours.

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Shafted: I couldn't agree more, my friend. And that spirit is still very much willing! Dr. Shoe: "Sartorial freedom", eh? That works for me. Meanwhile, I'm only too happy, and honored to continue inspiring others here, it's quite an important responsibility, but I feel I'm up to the task. FreshinHeels: I'm glad you're along for the trip. I promise to make it as fun as I possibly can! Benno: Ordinary cars I'm familiar with. I'd just like to own something flashy! HA! SleekHeels: I've always been of the opinion that the fun of belonging to a group like this is it's diversity, that we have so many people from different backgrounds and cultures who unite for the sake of our most unique passion. Ilikekicks: I found those comments highly interesting and thought provoking. Well worth reading indeed. Many thanks for the contribution. Foxyheels: Well, I must say that I consider that high praise. I simply do the very best I can when it comes to presenting just t he proper image of a man wearing alternative clothing. If I didn't look my best, I wouldn't be able to do what I do.

I don't want to LOOK like a woman, I just want to DRESS like a woman!

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hell, I've even come to like wearing flats because they're nice shoes to wear with a denim skirt as part of an overall casual weekend outfit. In the past, I thought first about the shoes and what clothes to wear with them, today, I think first about skirts and what shoes to wear with them, that's how much I've evolved, that the shoes come second.

I've occasionally gone hiking in my Utilikilt or Macabi skirt. Turns some heads, but who cares?

This raises an important question: Does my current philosophy as a fashion freestyler mean I've evolved beyond the tenets of high heel love as exposed here at HHPlace?

I think the tenets being espoused here run the gamut, and certainly seem to me to cover any and all reasons, including both the reasons you began heeling as well as why you're still heeling.

Those who really care about us don't make a fuss about what we wear. Those who make a fuss about what we wear really don't care about us.

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Dude - that's easy to answer - NO! Any fashion item has to be paired with other items for the total appearance package. Your now working the total package as a free-styler, not just what goes good with heels.

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Kikepa: Isn't interesting how few people care or even notice a guy in a skirt these days? Heelster: Yes, I'm all about the complete package these days, and I'm having lots of fun! Being a freestyler is plenty exciting, and I wouldn't have it any other way. In an addendum or sorts: I've come to realize that my evolution from stealth heeler to full blown freestyler is unique to me. I don't urge, advocate or promote to anyone else here that they follow in my footsteps by wearing skirts and dresses and other articles of women's clothes in public, I've simply gone in a separate direction from most others here, regulating shoes to just part of my overall fashion passion instead of the reason for everything. It's important that you follow your own path, travel down your own road, do what feels good to you and you alone. That is the key to personal happiness.

I don't want to LOOK like a woman, I just want to DRESS like a woman!

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I would also kinda put myself in the complete package category Jeff. Usually heels and pants are about the only article of "womens" clothing that I wear. But I always try to coordinate an entire outfit complete with accessories(bag, jewellery, etc) when I go out. Rather than just "throw on" some heels with whatever I'm wearing. I think it is the complete package we present that determines weather or not we are going to get reactions, either positive or negative, when we are out and about.

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I think it is the complete package we present that determines weather or not we are going to get reactions, either positive or negative, when we are out and about.

Oh, there's absolutely NO doubt about that! If you dress appropriately and tastefully for whatever surroundings you happen to be in, your chances of attracting undue amounts of negative attention while in public drop considerably. Considering I've been out and about in skirts almost a hundred times at present, I don't think I've encountered ANY negative attention, in fact, I've been complimented on my attire here and there, but for the most part, people have left me alone. Bottom line, if you look good, you'll be treated good, and that's been my goal as a freestyler.

Edited by JeffB

I don't want to LOOK like a woman, I just want to DRESS like a woman!

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  • 2 weeks later...

When I first joined HHPlace all those many years ago, I was elated to have discovered like-minded men of all ages like myself who enjoy wearing high heeled shoes. By reading all the many posts by the members here, absorbing their adventures of wearing women's shoes, both in public and in private gave me the courage and the strength to wear heels openly, and that opened a whole new world to me, one I found extremely exciting. In the beginning, I was perfectly content to just wear the shoes, nothing more, but that mindset has clearly changed as an evolution of sorts has taken place.

The bulky block heels I started wearing were replaced by thinner and thinner heels, eventually swapped out for stilettos while I grew into wearing taller heights, when I didn't gove over two inches, today, I'm perfectly comfortable in five inchers, but that wasn't all. After several years of wearing men's clothes with my shoes on my adventures, I began changing, having slowly arrived at the conclusion that such clothes wasn't enough to satisfy me. It began with the bottoms as I replaced men's jeans with women's jeans which looked nicer and sleeker with my heels, and I loved how they looked on me. Next came the tops as I went from men's shirts and sweaters to women's shirts and sweaters, and I was comfortable with that as they also looked nicer on me, and I made the declaration that I would only wear women's clothes on my adventures, and, yes, that included underwear as well and jewelry too.

Finally, the skirts. When I first wore a skirt in public back in the summer of 2008, that proved to be an incredibly exciting and exhilarating experience, and I was effectively hooked. Back then, I only wore skirts infrequently as I still enjoyed jeans, today, I'm wearing skirts almost exclusively as I can't bring myself to wear anything else as all my jeans are in the back of my closet, and I'm in no hurry to bring them back out. On top of that, the shoes, which were once the be all and end all for me has become just one part of my overall image as a freestyler, hell, I've even come to like wearing flats because they're nice shoes to wear with a denim skirt as part of an overall casual weekend outfit. In the past, I thought first about the shoes and what clothes to wear with them, today, I think first about skirts and what shoes to wear with them, that's how much I've evolved, that the shoes come second.

This raises an important question: Does my current philosophy as a fashion freestyler mean I've evolved beyond the tenets of high heel love as exposed here at HHPlace? For me, it's all about the complete head to toe image I present when I go out in public, not just the shoes, and I don't see that mindset changing anytime soon, if at all. I won't deny there are times when I feel more comfortable in a public setting in a skirt than I do in heels, I find that an interesting concept as my evolution has continued. Where will this lead me? Will I leave HHPlace? Nope! I still enjoy being a member and sharing my exploits with others here and reading the opinions of everyone. Nor does this mean I'm not going opt for wigs, fake boobs and makeup, far from it, I'm going to continue wearing the clothes, and shoes that I love----as a man, and that's good enough for me. That's all that I want.

For me, it's all about evolution. Everyone must evolve or perish, and for me, going from just shoes to the joys of free styling has been my evolution, and I can't wait to see where my unique journey will take me next as I continue to grow in my special passion. Opinions?

Apart from fake parts even make-up is ok for a guy.If you present yourself as a guy no matter what you wear you are a freestyler.Nowadays there are marketed for women even the most male/masculine looking items/apparel - and still there are many women who still wear direct male apparel - and unlike us,they have female analog of the item.So why should it be for men otherwise?Our culture made Snowwhite to wear armour/male attire in medieval times (and it is perfectly well accepted) so it is about time things to become equal.
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If you left that would be like a Mentor leaving. <---- Does not like!

Not to worry, I'm not going anywhere. I'm still having lots of fun here! :)

Good decision,male chest - especially if you work out looks amazing in most "women's"tops.

Hmm! That might be worth taking into consideration.

I don't want to LOOK like a woman, I just want to DRESS like a woman!

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  • 2 weeks later...

Formula One drivers can (and do) still have fun in ordinary road cars.

Reminds me of the many times I did 360s in the snow. :)

Benno, are/were you an F1 driver? I've learned a number of us live one the edge. We're sort of out there, but we're still very caring people. My GF said of me recently, "you sometimes scare me, but I love you, definitety!"

When I first joined HHPlace all those many years ago, I was elated to have discovered like-minded men of all ages like myself who enjoy wearing high heeled shoes. By reading all the many posts by the members here, absorbing their adventures of wearing women's shoes, both in public and in private gave me the courage and the strength to wear heels openly, and that opened a whole new world to me, one I found extremely exciting. In the beginning, I was perfectly content to just wear the shoes, nothing more, but that mindset has clearly changed as an evolution of sorts has taken place.

The bulky block heels I started wearing were replaced by thinner and thinner heels, eventually swapped out for stilettos while I grew into wearing taller heights, when I didn't gove over two inches, today, I'm perfectly comfortable in five inchers, but that wasn't all. After several years of wearing men's clothes with my shoes on my adventures, I began changing, having slowly arrived at the conclusion that such clothes wasn't enough to satisfy me. It began with the bottoms as I replaced men's jeans with women's jeans which looked nicer and sleeker with my heels, and I loved how they looked on me. Next came the tops as I went from men's shirts and sweaters to women's shirts and sweaters, and I was comfortable with that as they also looked nicer on me, and I made the declaration that I would only wear women's clothes on my adventures, and, yes, that included underwear as well and jewelry too.

Finally, the skirts. When I first wore a skirt in public back in the summer of 2008, that proved to be an incredibly exciting and exhilarating experience, and I was effectively hooked. Back then, I only wore skirts infrequently as I still enjoyed jeans, today, I'm wearing skirts almost exclusively as I can't bring myself to wear anything else as all my jeans are in the back of my closet, and I'm in no hurry to bring them back out. On top of that, the shoes, which were once the be all and end all for me has become just one part of my overall image as a freestyler, hell, I've even come to like wearing flats because they're nice shoes to wear with a denim skirt as part of an overall casual weekend outfit. In the past, I thought first about the shoes and what clothes to wear with them, today, I think first about skirts and what shoes to wear with them, that's how much I've evolved, that the shoes come second.

This raises an important question: Does my current philosophy as a fashion freestyler mean I've evolved beyond the tenets of high heel love as exposed here at HHPlace? For me, it's all about the complete head to toe image I present when I go out in public, not just the shoes, and I don't see that mindset changing anytime soon, if at all. I won't deny there are times when I feel more comfortable in a public setting in a skirt than I do in heels, I find that an interesting concept as my evolution has continued. Where will this lead me? Will I leave HHPlace? Nope! I still enjoy being a member and sharing my exploits with others here and reading the opinions of everyone. Nor does this mean I'm not going opt for wigs, fake boobs and makeup, far from it, I'm going to continue wearing the clothes, and shoes that I love----as a man, and that's good enough for me. That's all that I want.

For me, it's all about evolution. Everyone must evolve or perish, and for me, going from just shoes to the joys of free styling has been my evolution, and I can't wait to see where my unique journey will take me next as I continue to grow in my special passion. Opinions?

Jeff, you've been a huge inspiriation to all of us. I'll take this one step at a time, but I'll cut to the chase. Today I spent most of my life in 4" heels, and spend most of my time in a jeans skirt. It's just comfortable.

Those who really care about us don't make a fuss about what we wear. Those who make a fuss about what we wear really don't care about us.

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Jeff, you've been a huge inspiriation to all of us. I'll take this one step at a time, but I'll cut to the chase. Today I spent most of my life in 4" heels, and spend most of my time in a jeans skirt. It's just comfortable.

Well, I'm glad that I continue to inspire people such as yourself. All the more reason to stick around so I can inspire others. And aren't denim skirts awesome?

I don't want to LOOK like a woman, I just want to DRESS like a woman!

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Well, I'm glad that I continue to inspire people such as yourself. All the more reason to stick around so I can inspire others. And aren't denim skirts awesome?


Raise your voice. Put on some heels.

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I have always said that the key difference between a freestyler and a TGirl is the boobs. LOL

That is another thing that I been wondering about. Been thinking about trying some hormones and see if I could grow boobs and sort of explain it away as some side affect of some medication. Also have heard accounts of guys with boobs that were happy with that fashion but they did not want to go full trany. Possibly if things work out that I am able to have boobs I would like to wear a sport bra or a leather bra.
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That is another thing that I been wondering about. Been thinking about trying some hormones and see if I could grow boobs and sort of explain it away as some side affect of some medication. Also have heard accounts of guys with boobs that were happy with that fashion but they did not want to go full trany. Possibly if things work out that I am able to have boobs I would like to wear a sport bra or a leather bra.

I would have to discourage you trying this. You must also be made aware that hormones are extremely powerful substances that effect a person both physically and mentally. Well after puberty the effects are more mental than physical and they are not without risks. I wouldn't recommend them unless you plan on transitioning. You could get much more than you bargained for.

Shafted, the boots that is! View my gallery here http://www.hhplace.o...afteds-gallery/ or view my heeling thread here http://www.hhplace.org/topic/3850-new-pair-of-boots-starts-me-serious-street-heeling/ - Pm me if you want fashion advice or just need someone to talk to.

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