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Thigh Boots in Public


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Stopped at Sam’s on the way home for an uneventful shopping trip wearing jeans, a turtleneck, and black leather thigh boots with 5” stilettos.

I haven’t posted a picture for a while so here is one with the same outfit but thigh boots with 4” stilettos.


Roniheels - Thanks for the kind words and I’m glad you made an additional effort to try the museum again. It’s hard to tell what will inspire anyone. Tommy Emmanuel concerts and good drawings/paintings do it for me. Inspiration is just a way to be encouraged to do what you really want to do anyway. If my wearing thigh boots with heels in public is an inspiration to anyone… well it seems to me they ought to get themselves a pair and start wearing them. Anyone so inspired is welcome/encouraged to drop in a post and tell us how it’s going.


I dream of a world where chickens can cross roads without having their motives questioned.

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Roniheels - Thanks for the kind words and I’m glad you made an additional effort to try the museum again. It’s hard to tell what will inspire anyone. Tommy Emmanuel concerts and good drawings/paintings do it for me. Inspiration is just a way to be encouraged to do what you really want to do anyway. If my wearing thigh boots with heels in public is an inspiration to anyone… well it seems to me they ought to get themselves a pair and start wearing them.

Well, you certainly inspired ME! Before I began reading your utter fascinating posts, the notion of wearing thigh high boots was as alien to me as Klingons performing Shakespeare. But, the more I read your posts, the more curious I became, so I decided to give the boots a try, and the rest, as they say, was history. As for visiting museums, that sounds most intriguing. I might have to give that a try myself!

I don't want to LOOK like a woman, I just want to DRESS like a woman!

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I had occasion to go over to Radio Shack this afternoon. I went wearing a blue short sleeved knit shirt, light tan capris and black leather thigh boots with 5” stilettos. I have been to the shop several times but the personnel had changed so it was a first time experience for them. I was looking for hearing aid batteries (I’m not that old,.. I use them in a condenser microphone) and I had to ask a clerk where they were. This young man gave me a very disapproving look and said they were behind the counter and then shuffled off in that direction. It seems his sneakers didn’t have any laces so he was having trouble walking in them. He asked for the battery number and pulled down a double pack. I needed a couple more batteries than were in that pack so I said I needed two. He pulled them down and rang them up when I notices there were single packs on the rack and asked for one of them rather than the second double pack. He said he had already rung them up so I would have to sign the credit card machine and then he would process a refund. That didn’t sound like a good idea to me so I asked what he would do if I just walked out of the store now? He called the manager over and learned how to void a transaction then rang up what I wanted. :wave: He then went back to whatever he was doing before I came in and the manager went back to a customer. I wandered around the store and looked at stuff. Any decent clerk would have asked if there was anything else he could help me with but this doodle went on a smoke break outside the store. When the manager was free I asked him about high end video cameras and he showed me what was available. The doodle finally came back in and still ignored me. I think the manager noticed. The doodle wasn't worth expending any more effort than that. Next I stopped in my favorite thrift emporium and just looked around. I didn’t see anything of interest so I headed back home. Just a side note. At home I normally don’t wear heels all the time but this weekend I spent all day Saturday in thigh boots with 4” stiletto and today I wore my 5” pair all day. I think my legs are going to let me know about this tomorrow. :(

I dream of a world where chickens can cross roads without having their motives questioned.

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well thighbootguy, I'm quite sure that you know (like myself, a "little" younger than yourself @ 56) what these "punk" kids that they hire @ stores like these now a days, not too respectful, not too mature, & hardly professional, so I'm sure that like yourself, I'm not very surprised @ the interaction!:wave:

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But you know, it's a reflection on the manager that hired the doodle and the training he gave him. A good manager would probably not have hired the kid in the first place, but even if the kid showed potential, he should have been better trained. Sneakers without laces? I would have sent the doodle home to put on proper dress shoes and present a professional sales appearance. I'd even rather see him in heels than no-lace sneakers! LOL Steve

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But you know, it's a reflection on the manager that hired the doodle and the training he gave him. A good manager would probably not have hired the kid in the first place, but even if the kid showed potential, he should have been better trained. Sneakers without laces? I would have sent the doodle home to put on proper dress shoes and present a professional sales appearance. I'd even rather see him in heels than no-lace sneakers! LOL


Had a similar experience, I went to a Circuit City store to buy an Ipod 8GB for my wife as a Christmas present. None of the young male employees offered to help me, I was wearing my knee high cowboy boots. I saw them goofing around and heard one of them calling somebody a faggot. Either they meant me or they were too busy calling each other names. So I walked out and took my business to Best Buy. It's no wonder Circuit City went out of business!

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Had a similar experience, I went to a Circuit City store to buy an Ipod 8GB for my wife as a Christmas present. None of the young male employees offered to help me, I was wearing my knee high cowboy boots. I saw them goofing around and heard one of them calling somebody a faggot. Either they meant me or they were too busy calling each other names. So I walked out and took my business to Best Buy. It's no wonder Circuit City went out of business!

Ain't that the truth! Don't these fools realize that despite how we might be dressed, we are, first and foremost, customers ready and willing to spend money which keeps these establishments open and prosperous. And if we don't get the sort of service and respect we demand as customers, then we vote with our feet (perched on high heels or not) and take our business elsewhere! Talk about cutting off one's nose to spite one's face!

I don't want to LOOK like a woman, I just want to DRESS like a woman!

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god, that is so true JeffB, & the sad thing is that (a lot of) these places dont seem to even care if they go out of bussiness half the time!!:wave:

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Ain't that the truth! Don't these fools realize that despite how we might be dressed, we are, first and foremost, customers ready and willing to spend money which keeps these establishments open and prosperous. And if we don't get the sort of service and respect we demand as customers, then we vote with our feet (perched on high heels or not) and take our business elsewhere! Talk about cutting off one's nose to spite one's face!

I have had sales people give me blank stares or nervous smiles and laugher when waiting on me while I was wearing high heels. But the bottom line was that they helped me and were curteous to me as the transaction was concluding. The good salespeople are the ones who treat everybody as a valued customer.

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And now for something really different. Sunday I went to the museum for the drawing session wearing jeans, a blue/white striped long sleeved dress shirt and regular guy shoes with a 3/8" heel. Most of the folks I normally see looked twice but still greeted me warmly. In the drawing session I commented to our teacher that she had on new boots (round toe, 2" block heel, worn under jeans) but she said they were not new and that she had worn them to class before. This young lady and I have become good enough friends that we criticize each other's art. (Art critiques are something that artist do for each other, rather than to each other, and it is a constructive conversation that is part of the learning process, but your ego had better be ready for it.) Anyway, she said, "You're not heeled this week." I replied, "Yeah… something different. I think this is the first time you have seen me not wearing them." She thought about it for a few seconds and said, "Yeah, your right." We then went back into picking apart the drawing I was working on. After the museum, I headed to Sam's and Walgreens where I changed my guy shoes for my black leather thigh boots with 5" stilettos. It really did hit me that other than the height and warmth of the boots, they really were just another pair of shoes. The rest of the world may not see it that way but there out there looking in while I'm in here looking out, and that’s how I see it. Both Sam's and Walgreens were non events and since I had purchased frozen food I headed home. It was too late to do any additional shopping so I took a queue from JeffB and watched football and part of the baseball game. :wave:

I dream of a world where chickens can cross roads without having their motives questioned.

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OMG, TBG, are you feeling ok? Do you have a fever? Are you getting mentally stable? I mean, wearing guy shoes with 3/8" heel? Wow, this is a turn of events for which we're totally unprepared! Are you turning over a new leaf? Are you leaving us? Please tell us this was all just an April Fool's joke! :wave: HA HA HA All in fun (nothing above is to be taken seriously!), Steve

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I had a couple of fun outings Friday and Saturday. Both days I wore a dark blue long sleeved dress shirt over a black turtleneck, jeans, and black leather thigh boots with 5” stilettos. Friday I also had on a black leather jacket but it was too warm for that on Saturday. Friday after work I stopped in Wallmart, The Guitar Center, and Sam’s. All three stops were uneventful especially Wallmart where I was just another shopper in the crowd. At Sam’s most of the staff recognized me and greeted me warmly. In the Guitar Center I had to wait several minutes for a sales clerk to become available but the manager and a busy clerk recognized me and welcomed me to the store. I was looking for a chrome mike stand boom and the only ones I saw were in black so when the clerk got to me we got to wander around to a different section of the store where they had them. I told him I wanted to look around a bit and he was off to another customer (it was busy). I found a cable the price of which was less than I could buy the component parts and added it to my collection then headed for the register. When I got home I found I had the wrong connectors on the cable (I had M-F and needed M-M) so I was going to have to exchange it for the right one. Saturday I headed back to the Guitar Center to exchange the cable. The place was still busy but the manager recognized me and welcomed me back. After the trade, I wandered around the store looking at guitars. This, for me, is more fun than looking at shoes. The fun is getting to play a lot of different instruments, especially the ones I could never afford. I played my way through three show rooms of instruments and had a grand time. I was surprised at how few people came into the rooms but they were the acoustic instruments and most of the folks were looking at the electric ones. I only got a few glances but I think most folks just figured “musician” and wrote me off as that. Next I stopped in a Half Price Books which was next door to the Guitar Center. I got a couple of glances and one long stair from a young boy. It’s hard to tell if the kid was expressing disdain or desire but at least he knows that guys can wear thigh boots. I made one quick stop at Sam’s which was uneventful. I’ll mention again that these boots have really become just another pair of shoes. I do enjoy wearing them but that should be the case for any article of clothing. Stating the obvious, I don’t feel like I’m doing anything wrong or doing anything for which I should be embarrassed. That is important because it lets me exhibit confidence when I wear them. Ok… I’ll get off my soapbox. :wave::(

I dream of a world where chickens can cross roads without having their motives questioned.

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Sunday I had a tire from a friend's car repaired which entailed loading the tire into my car and heading off to Sam's tire center for the repair. I headed out wearing a black sleeveless turtleneck, a short brown suede skirt and black leather thigh boots with 5" stilettos. I got to Sam's and loaded the tire into a cart and headed into the store. A few heads turned which seems to happen more when I'm wearing a short skirt (but I don’t think it's my cute knees that cause the attention). The guys in the tire shop had seen several times before and registered no surprise. He told me it would be two to three hours before they could get to my repair so I was left with a lot of time on my hands and all dress up and nowhere to go. I left Sam's and headed over to PetsMart and purchased a couple cases of cat food. That took 15 minutes so I headed in the other direction to a nearby Goodwill. I parked at the far end of the parking lot (it was full) and walked in. I spent an hour looking at shoes, skirts, tops, pants, household stuff, books,… the stores whole inventory. I did overhear a comment at the register like, "What in the world is that?" I'm not sure if the question was about the guy in a skirt and thighboots or the customers purchase, it could have been either one. I did find a pair of hip hugger jeans with a flair cuff in a size 11 and a grey long sleeved knit top. I waited for a fitting room to be sure the size 11 jeans would fit. When one became available I tried on the jeans without removing my boots because I just wanted to see if the waist would fit. I always wear my thigh boots over my jeans but when I looked in the mirror and saw a boots with a 5" heel sticking out of the end of a tight flared jean leg I was surprised at how good it looked! Now I understand why gals wear them that way. The jeans have enough spandex in them that allowed them to cover my boots and the waist did fit (tight but fit). I wandered around the store for a little longer then headed for the checkout. The register operator was the same gal that told me that if I was going to dress I ought to go all the way with a wig and makeup. She had no further comment today. As I was walking back to my car a middle aged black lady commented, "Those are nice boots!" I thanked her and headed on to my car. I drove around the neighborhood for a little while then headed back to Sam's. I went into the store and found that my tire had been repaired so I loaded it into my cart, did a little more shopping and headed back to my car. I took the tire (on the wheel) out of the care and put into my car. It did occur to me that this was not something a person in a short leather skirt and thigh boots with heels normally does. I think normally some passing guy would offer to help but no one passed by and no one offered to help. When I got home I tried on the grey long sleeved top with the size 11 jeans and a pair one high boots under the jeans and headed to a concert at a neighborhood church. I stayed in the back of the church and no one noticed what I was wearing. I wasn’t really enjoying the concert so I left after a few numbers. All in all an excellent outing. :wave:

I dream of a world where chickens can cross roads without having their motives questioned.

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I stopped at Sam's after work for a couple gallons of milk. I was wearing a large brown sweater with a belt, short brown suede skirt black hose, and black leather thigh boots with 5" stilettos. The sweater was long enough to cover the skirt so I used a belt to shorten it a bit and give it a waist. The shopping was uneventful but I did get a couple of double takes. At the checkout I got into the queue of the clerk that told me she was a fan. At the register we chatted a bit then she said, "I saw you in here the other day without your skirt and boots." "Are you sure it was me?" "Unless you have a twin… I'm sure it was you." "I was in the other day with jeans and boots." "You were at a different register…" "I might have run in here in a hurry." "I'm sure it was you… You might have been wearing ankle boots." She had finished ringing up my stuff so we bid each other a good day and I headed out to my car. Sam's has gas for 23 cents less than all the other stations in the area so I took advantage of the price and filled my tank. A lot of other people were doing the same thing and the pumps were all in use. No one seemed to notice a guy in thigh boots and a skirt. That always amazes me. I still wonder why I enjoy going out wearing a garment as impractical as a short leather skirt. Getting out of a car (decently) can be a challenge and sitting down or bending over is not practical. If I just wanted to wear a skirt, I could do that at home. It's the going out part that has me curious. I do like the look of the short skirt and boots but I also like the look of jeans and boots. I wouldn't wear either combination out in public if I didn't enjoy doing it. So what is there about doing that that makes it so enjoyable? If anyone has any insights as to what pushes us to go out this way, I'd be interested in reading them. :wave:

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I dream of a world where chickens can cross roads without having their motives questioned.

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I still wonder why I enjoy going out wearing a garment as impractical as a short leather skirt. Getting out of a car (decently) can be a challenge and sitting down or bending over is not practical. If I just wanted to wear a skirt, I could do that at home. It's the going out part that has me curious. I do like the look of the short skirt and boots but I also like the look of jeans and boots. I wouldn't wear either combination out in public if I didn't enjoy doing it. So what is there about doing that that makes it so enjoyable? If anyone has any insights as to what pushes us to go out this way, I'd be interested in reading them.

Well, this is just my opinion, but I think it all boils down to the thrill, the sheer, skin-tingling excitement that comes from pushing the boundaries of gender and fashion to its extreme. I know I've felt my pulse quicken and my heart race like an Indy car when I've worn the sort of outfits you've sported, and that feeling is absolutely tremendous! We boldly (some might say foolishly) dare to tilt at society's imposing windmills, turning our noses up at the long established convention that men shouldn't parade around in miniskirts and thigh high boots, but say to hell with that! We're going to wear what WE want to wear, not what YOU (society) wants us to wear. As long as we're dressed tastefully for whatever surroundings we happen to be in, and aren't making asses of ourselves, why should the rest of the world give a damn about the clothes and footwear we wear? What i would suggest is that you not waste your time trying to psychoanalyze yourself about why you do what you do, simply accept that it's just plain fun and go from there.

I don't want to LOOK like a woman, I just want to DRESS like a woman!

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JeffB. Well here we go again, philosophe on the run. STOP. Tonight I dressed in a corset, gartered hose, knee high boots (6" heel), w/ jeans and went to two (2) Goodwill stores. I was looking for a skirt. Found two (2). A jean skirt and a Brown swade leather skirt. The swade is a little tight but for $3.65 each, I'll take it. Drove to my local gas station to fill up, then over to a local bar. I changed into the jean skirt in the parking lot, put on my spurs and went into the bar and had a beer. Talked for a while to a guy seated next to me, finished my beer and came home. I didn't worry about the trip, I didn't fret about what anyone else thought, I didn't think of it as an outing, I gust went and did it. No one said anything anywhere. Well here I am alive and well, typing this. Lets all grow some gonads and live a little. Happy heeling. Mike

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spikesmike –

I'm glad you had an enjoyable outing but I did specifically ask for feedback on why we do what we do. If this isn’t of interest to you that’s fine, but please don’t badger the folks that were answering the question I posed.

JeffB –

Thanks for the sage words. Somehow I never equated a short skirt and thigh boots with 5" heels as "dressed tastefully" but I don't feel like I'm making an ass of myself. I'm glad you still get the pulse quickening kick out of wearing a skirt and thigh boots but I haven’t felt that for a while now hence I'm looking for another reason.

I dream of a world where chickens can cross roads without having their motives questioned.

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Thightbootguy. I think you think your the only person here with an opinion or a thought. I didn't read down as far as your post dated 10-29-2010. Until just now. My hope was simply to spark some drive into those among us that have trouble ventureing out in high heels. Using the cover of darkness or driveing miles away form home to satisify there special needs. Needs we all have, or some of us. Asa Valen & JeffB. I like what you had to say. I think Thighbootguy is taking meanie lessons from Bubba136. No offence Bubba. Mike

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JeffB –

Thanks for the sage words. Somehow I never equated a short skirt and thigh boots with 5" heels as "dressed tastefully" but I don't feel like I'm making an ass of myself. I'm glad you still get the pulse quickening kick out of wearing a skirt and thigh boots but I haven’t felt that for a while now hence I'm looking for another reason.

Perhaps a need to defy the convention that says men can only wear men's clothing while women can wear any damn thing they want? :wave:

I don't want to LOOK like a woman, I just want to DRESS like a woman!

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This was a fun weekend that was made even more fun running around in thigh boots.

Friday night I went to the City of Fairfield community Arts Center for a Lisa Biales Trio concert. I wore a black sweater, jeans, and black leather thigh boots with 5" stilettos. This is a great venue. They had the theatre set up as a café with tables around the performers as well as the regular theater seats. I haven’t been to this center for over a year and no one was expecting a guy in thigh boots to walk in the door.

When I walked in a lady (who turned out to be the center's director) had a look of surprise, disdain and horror on her face all at the same time. This was the first concert in this series and I'm sure she was thinking, "OMG what have I started." I asked where the will-call tickets were and she courteously directed me to the information desk.

I picked up my ticket and walked into the theater. I had a café seat and there was already a couple sitting at the table. They noticed my boots but not the heels. Their first question was didn't I think it was too cold to be riding. I told them I had driven in a car and I just enjoyed wearing these boots. The lady said, "When I saw your chaps, I just assumed you had ridden." She went on to tell me that she and her husband road a bike in warmer weather. We talked for a good while but I made no further mention of my boots. I did get up and get some food and a glass of wine so I'm sure they saw what I was wearing. These folks were good friends of Lisa's and just before the performance started Lisa's husband joined us at the table.

Lisa's performance was great. At the intermission I headed over to the wine bar and got a refill. I'm sure most of the folks noticed a 6'5" guy wearing boots and heels and to their credit, no one said a word or even seemed surprised. I saw the director again and she had calmed considerably.

After the show I headed out to the lobby and chatted with some folks then headed home.

Sunday was a museum day. I wore the same outfit. There was a new gal at the desk who gave me a second glance and then told me I was welcome to sketch and where the stools were stored. I thanked her and headed on to a gallery. Several of the guards said Hi and one came over to see what I was drawing.

After the museum I stopped at a drug store to pick up a prescription. As I got back into my car a lady pulled up beside me and rolled down her window and said, "I just wanted to tell you that you walk better in those shoes than I ever could."

"Well thank you, I get a lot of practice, I wear them everywhere."

"I think there awesome".

I then ventured to a place where few guys in thigh boots ever go. I headed into a hardware store. The guys at the register didn't know what to think but they recovered quickly and directed me to the isle that had the stuff about which I had been asking.

A nice couple of boot outing.


JeffB -"Perhaps a need to defy the convention that says men can only wear men's clothing while women can wear any damn thing they want?"

There may be a bit of that but I don’t feel like a rebel with or without a cause.

I dream of a world where chickens can cross roads without having their motives questioned.

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Today is Election Day in the US. I voted before going to work which limited what I could wear to the poll. I went in wearing a blue long sleeved dress shirt, tan slacks, and black fabric high boots with 3" block heels worn over my slacks. (I wear these boots under my slacks at work.)

The only reaction I got was from a young lady getting off the elevator as I was getting on. She returned my smile then glanced down at my boots then back up with a little puzzled look then regained her smile. Only the election workers were at the poll and they gave no reaction at all other than being glad to see another voter.

Since I mentioned the election, I have been surprised that no one has mentioned the comments of one of the candidate regarding high heels (is someone has posted this I missed it… sorry):

The context: During a meet-and-greet event, Colorado Senate Republican primary candidate Ken Buck is asked by a woman in the audience, "Why should we vote for you?"

Buck's answer: "Because I do not wear high heels" (emphasis his). Note that he was talking to a woman at the time.

I think he would have lost my vote. :wave:

I dream of a world where chickens can cross roads without having their motives questioned.

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Today is Election Day in the US. I voted before going to work which limited what I could wear to the poll. I went in wearing a blue long sleeved dress shirt, tan slacks, and black fabric high boots with 3" block heels worn over my slacks. (I wear these boots under my slacks at work.)

The only reaction I got was from a young lady getting off the elevator as I was getting on. She returned my smile then glanced down at my boots then back up with a little puzzled look then regained her smile. Only the election workers were at the poll and they gave no reaction at all other than being glad to see another voter.

Since I mentioned the election, I have been surprised that no one has mentioned the comments of one of the candidate regarding high heels (is someone has posted this I missed it… sorry):

The context: During a meet-and-greet event, Colorado Senate Republican primary candidate Ken Buck is asked by a woman in the audience, "Why should we vote for you?"

Buck's answer: "Because I do not wear high heels" (emphasis his). Note that he was talking to a woman at the time.

I think he would have lost my vote. :wave:

I'm also surprised by that answer. It would seem that any political candidate engaged in running for office would be more glib than that, shouldn't they? (perhaps he was talking about his competition, maybe?

Being mentally comfortable in your own mind is the key to wearing heels in public.

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Sunday was a museum day. I wore a long sleeved dress shirt over a black sleeveless turtleneck, jeans, and black leather thigh boots with 5” stilettos. I have been drawing with a group of diverse artist both in skill levels and tastes. No one seems at all concerned that one of the one of the guys in the group wears thigh boots with heels. Our teacher told me that this was her last week with the group and introduced the lady that will be herding us along in the following weeks. Our teacher and I have become good friends and I got a hug as I left. Earlier in the week I had stopped at the Goodwill and picked up a very short denim skirt. This skirt is impossible to sit in and just barely long enough to be descent. After the museum I went to Sam’s for an uneventful shopping trip. I did pick up some black leggings to wear with the short skirt. Tonight I tried the legging and denim skirt along with a long sleeved white dress shirt over a black sleeveless turtleneck, a long denim jacket (came about half way down the skirt) and black leather thigh boots with 5” stilettos. In almost any combination denim and boots go together but the denim jacket made the whole thing work together better than I had hoped. I was surprised at how little extra attention I got. The skirt with hose and boots would have been a real head turner but the black leggings gave no contrast for my boots and the skirt seemed a natural extension of the jacket. One of the guys that had never spoken to me before said, “Tonight you have on an outfit I really like.” I thanked him even though I was a little surprised to get that complement from a guy. The register clerk was a conservative black lady who has told me she prefers long skirts. I had picked up another set of leggings tonight and told her that they were the most comfortable garment you could wear. She said she was going to get a pair to wear UNDER something else. I laughed, and we bid each other a good evening. Leggings really are comfortable and serve a similar fashion function as tight jeans. I recommend them with any boots. :wave:

I dream of a world where chickens can cross roads without having their motives questioned.

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A couple of additional notes: The leggings are a heavy opaque black cotton with 5% spandex and could be worn by themselves (runners outfit). The short skirt is 11” long and provides a contrast at the waist rather than being a practical covering. It hangs at about the length of a T-shirt so the leggings are a requirement. My normal short skirts that I can wear with hose are 14” in length.

I dream of a world where chickens can cross roads without having their motives questioned.

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I stopped at Sam’s after work to restock a few things. I was wearing a denim jacket, white dress shirt and, black leather thigh boots with 5” stilettos. I had the short skirt and black leggings with me but opted for jeans instead.

The shopping was uneventful. One young lady did check out my boots more out of curiosity than anything else and I did overhear a “tough boots” comment. As I was leaving one of the staff spotted me and gave me a wave from across the store. I threw her a smile and waved back.

After shopping I stopped for gas at a self help station with other folks around and got no reaction at all.

The final stop was by local liquor emporium. Most of the staff have seen me before but the register clerk was new. As far as he was concerned, I was just another customer.

I think the lesson is if you don’t think you are doing something out of the ordinary, and project that belief, others will pick up on it and respect it.

Stilettoguy –

Sorry to disappoint but I don’t think I turned that many heads.

I dream of a world where chickens can cross roads without having their motives questioned.

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I stopped in the Goodwill near work Friday and say they had a flute that was in good condition for $60. I also noted that there was a 50% off everything sale on Saturday. Since I’m always looking for a bargain and needing a flute, I headed back to the town where I work today. The difference was that normally I make this drive wearing slacks and a dress shirt but today I headed there wearing a long sleeved black cotton top under a red short sleeved T-shirt, black leggings, a very short denim skirt and black leather thigh boots with 5” stilettos. I go to this Goodwill at least once a week but this is the first time I have ever gone in wearing something other than work clothes. A few of the locals gave me a second look and a couple of kids had never seen anything like me before but no one seemed too concerned about having me in the store. The clerk remembered that I had been looking at the flute the day before and said, “Oh I see you have come back for it” but not a word about the skirt or boots. After driving back to Cincinnati, I stopped in Sam’s for a couple of thing I had forgotten the night before. I did receive two comments from the staff that the outfit “worked”. The last stop was a local Goodwill that was also having a 50% off sale. The parking lot was full so I had to park in the back of the store and walk around to the front and pass people on the street. This stop was also uneventful. I really like wearing black leggings. They are extremely comfortable and look great with any boots. :wave:

I dream of a world where chickens can cross roads without having their motives questioned.

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