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Thigh Boots in Public


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way to go thighbootguy!! it certaintly is a lasting image, to show that it should NOT matter what you wear on your feet, its the "little" things (in a BIG way) that matter most!

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In the parking lot some other folks (father daughter) had bought a mattress and frame and were trying to load it into a pick up truck. I asked if they needed any help and they said they said they did. I’m sure they noticed my boots but I was willing to help. We loaded the truck and bid each other a good evening. Doing an unexpected kindness is part of the fun. Another fun outing.

real men wear heels

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In the parking lot some other folks (father daughter) had bought a mattress and frame and were trying to load it into a pick up truck. I asked if they needed any help and they said they said they did. I’m sure they noticed my boots but I was willing to help. We loaded the truck and bid each other a good evening. Doing an unexpected kindness is part of the fun.

Another fun outing.

Hi Thighbootguy,

its always a good choice to show that we are not aliens but quite normal social minded guys. The people will remember: a guy wearing high heeled overknees - naturally completely gaga - but this guy was very nice and helpful! Even not gaga?!? :santa_hat:

I have the impression that the other people are still irritated because of my strange outfit and my two meters height. Some weeks ago an elder lady in my supermarket asked me to reach her down a glass with vegetables from the upper shelf. I'm not sure if she has seen my high heels but she has seen that I'm tall. Afterwards she begged me to screw up the glass a little bit because she hasn't anymore the power in her fingers. No problem for me. She was very greatful. May be another elder lady who is tolerating men on high heels ...

The best fashion is your own fashion!

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I think it's a very good idea to be social when wearing heels, be nice, smile and bid people good day and help out when you can. This will go a long way to helping getting heels accepted.

Graduate footwear designer able to advise and assist on modification and shoe making projects.

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Thanks for all the kind works.

I also get a “Thank You” and a surprised look from the Salvation Army folks (red kettle and bell) when I throw in a buck while wearing boot with heels.

I made a couple more Thighbootguy videos:

Thighbootguy Poaches and Egg


Thighbootguy makes Coffee

Yeah I know I’m really reaching for subject matter but there fun to make.

I dream of a world where chickens can cross roads without having their motives questioned.

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Yesterday was a Museum day. I finally found the time to go back over to the Art Museum. I went over wearing a dark blue turtleneck, jeans, and black leather pull on thigh boots with 4” stiletto heels. The parking lot was almost full so I got to walk in from the back of the lot. I don’t thing there was s special event, just a lot of folks enjoying the Museum. I did get reactions that were different from what I normally get. Most of the time folks just give a quick glance and keep on going (or occasional smile) today I got the glances but they were then followed by disapproving looks. I don’t know if it was a different crowd or something I was doing but the reactions were different. As I mentioned, it had been a while since I had been to the museum. Two of the guards and one of the receptionists went out of their way to greet me and ask where I had been. They all noted it had been a long time since I had been to the Museum. I said I was embarrassed about that but had just run out of time. They really seemed genuinely glad to see me (boots and all). For the car buffs, the Museum had a 1964 Ferrari 421P on display. Bright yellow and still looking like ti was ready to take off.

I dream of a world where chickens can cross roads without having their motives questioned.

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One last museum trip for the year. I went over wearing a black turtleneck, tan suede jacket, jeans and blue thigh boots with 5” stiletto heels. The parking lot was packed which means there is some hope for the art community in Cincinnati. I had to park in the back of the Museum and go in the back entrance. The guard had to show me the stairs to the main floor. I walked in to the main hall of the Museum from the stairway and, judging from the looks on their faces, caught several folks by surprise. I headed up to the second floor and picked up a stool and went to work sketching. A lot of folks walked by. Some bothered to notice some didn’t. I got a couple of smiles but for the moist part this was a more conservative crowd than is normally at the Museum and I think a guy in thigh boots with heels was something new to them. I moved to a different gallery and chatted with some folks about the paintings. I moved into another gallery and did the same thing. It is surprising how accepting folks are when you talk to them about something they are interested in, even when your wearing thigh boots. As I was leaving the Museum, I had to walk through the main hall which was being set up for a wedding. The male half of the wedding party was there in a group and I did notice that all conversation stopped when I walked past. It must have been the collars on their tuxes were a little too tight. :santa_hat: I vanished down the stairs only to run into the other half of the wedding party and got a similar reaction. Oh well, the guards bid me a pleasant afternoon and I walked out to my car. After the Museum I went to Sam’s for a little shopping. Other than a few glances there was little reaction. I’ve been wearing thigh boots with heels for a while now and I have started to notice that I really do consider them to be just another pair of shoes and wearing them isn’t that big of a deal. I still am not complacent about where I go so I still realize that everybody doesn’t see things as I do, but they really are becoming just another pair of shoes.

I dream of a world where chickens can cross roads without having their motives questioned.

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I was driving home from work Friday night (45 min. of expressway) when a truck passed me and I notices the rear wheels were making a lot of noise and had a minor wiggle. There was a phone number on the back of the truck so I called the truck line. The transferred me to the safety department and I told them about the truck and gave them its number. They said they would have the driver stop and check it. Three miles later the truck pulled off the road and I pulled off with him to tell him what I had seen and heard. The trucker had walked to the back of the truck as I was getting out of my car. Only then did I realize I was wearing black leather pull on thigh boots with 4” stilettos and that may catch the driver by surprise. I waved and introduced myself as the person who called and told him what I had seen. I took a minute for him to find a tire that was starting to come apart. He thanked me (shook my hand) and said he would immediately have it replaced and I headed back to my car. Not one mention of boots or any reaction at all. I think he was too worried about the tire.

I dream of a world where chickens can cross roads without having their motives questioned.

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  • 2 weeks later...

love your video thighbootguy!! by the way, what is that song you played on your guitar? its really nice! (love sweet potatoes too!!)

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Demoniaplatforms –

Thanks for the kind words.

I was running a little short of time when I made the video and didn’t have time to work anything up so I just noodled around with 3 chords in E. There was no particular tune.

The prior video Thighbootguy makes Coffee has a soundtrack that is an arrangement of the old PP&M tune Asolin. I do take music copyright stuff seriously. All the music I use is either copyright free or my own.

Thedesigner –

If you can do knee boots you can do thigh boots. I would suggest a conservative pair (black leather with a reasonable heel), avoiding the white shiny ones with dollar signs or red lips on the shaft. :santa_hat: No one cares and they really feel and look great.

I dream of a world where chickens can cross roads without having their motives questioned.

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I stopped at Walgreen’s (large drug store) on the way home tonight. I went in wearing slacks, a turtleneck, a suede coat and black leather thigh boots with 4” stiletto heels. I wandered around a bit and found the item I was looking for and headed for the checkout. I noticed that the girl at the cosmetics counter was processing checkouts for non cosmetic items and I thought, why not. She wasn’t too uncomfortable waiting on a guy in thigh boots but wasn’t enthusiastic either. After she rang up my sale (I was the last one in the line) I asker her if she had a minute and what would be a good foundati0on makeup for me to use. She was a little taken aback but asked, “Do you want power ort liquid?” I said,” I didn’t know, I’m just getting started.” She recommended a power and showed me a brand that she said she had not tried but was reputed to be very good. I asked her how to chose a color (colour). She took me over to the liquid makeup display and showed me the color matching guide they had. I held the guide next to my hand and asked her for a recommendation. She pointed out the color that was an exact match and suggested that the next darker would be appropriate. I thanked her for her help and bid her a good evening. At the end, I don’t think she was as uncomfortable as she was in the beginning of the conversation. I picked up a couple of helpful tips and will probably go back and make a purchase. Even if I don’t, it was a nice conversation.

I dream of a world where chickens can cross roads without having their motives questioned.

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you look good in your color coordination outfit there thighbootguy, plus I:smile: love to see how you move about in the kitchen in your wonderful boots!

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  • 2 weeks later...

I just got back from one of those over the top outings that was a lot of fun. I went to Sam’s this afternoon for a few items. I decided to wear a skirt so I put together a black and white outfit. I wore a white knit short sleeved top, a black suede leather mini skirt, white hose and black leather pull on thigh boots with 4” stilettos. It was cool enough that I also wore a brown suede leather coat. At Sam’s I use a shopping cart which masks the initial view other get but there was little reaction. There were lots of folks in Sam’s today, including a lot of young males that did have me a little concerned. I took my time wandering around and got a few looks but other than that no reactions at all. Even the group of guys I was concerned about gave a look and kept on doing what were they were doing. I got in a long checkout line and after a minute a woman walked up behind me and said, “Excuse me, but where did you get those boots? I’ve wanted a pair for a long time.” I told her you could find them on the web and told her about several sites. She thanked me and went back to another line where her husband was. The register clerk was an attractive young lady that I had not seen before. I noticed she did look at me a couple of times. (I suspect she was thinking, “Why my line”). When she finished ringing up my stuff I asked her, “Does this work together?” and indicated the skirt and boots. She gave me a smile and a not and said, “It rocks”. I thanked her and headed out of the store. I had to park farther from the store than normal so I had a nice walk across the parking lot. Nobody seemed to care or to be bothered by what I was wearing. Truth be known, I didn’t really need to go shopping today, I just wanted to go out.

I dream of a world where chickens can cross roads without having their motives questioned.

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Truth be known, I didn’t really need to go shopping today, I just wanted to go out.

As a newbie to this Forum, I've just spent the last couple of hours scanning/reading the 5 year lifecycle of this thread.

"Man, what a trip."

I'm tempted to make several comments, but I'll perhaps do that when I've had some more contact with you, maybe via PM, and when I'm a little more established here (if I may?)

The one comment I will make though is; While I far from read every one of your posts, and may even have skipped a whole year once or twice, and in doing so I may have missed references to one .... But I don't believe I saw any reference to a life "partner"....... ?

You seem like a decent and pretty socialable animal, so I'm surprised there's no obvious mention of one?


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  • 2 weeks later...

I mentioned in another post, Shopping, that I was replacing the zipper in my black leather thigh boots with 5” stilettos (my favorite pair) and what fun I had buying the zipper. Well, as I was sewing it in I ran out of thread and had to go back to the store. The first time at the store I wore a skirt that covered a lot of my boots, this time I followed my own advice about showing off the boots that you are wearing.

I went back to the fabric store wearing a brown suede leather coat, black turtleneck, black stretch exercise pants and black leather pull on thigh boots with 4” stilettos over the pants.

I had to walk several isles in the parking lot to get to the store and a local police car drove across my path directly in front of me. Due to the traffic, he was actually going slower than I was. I had to walk toward the cruiser and go behind it to get to the sidewalk. The guy didn’t even bat an eye.

In the store (second time in a few hours) I wandered around and got my stuff and paid at the register. There were several folks there but no one even bothered to glance twice.

This was a totally uneventful (but fun) outing.

I dream of a world where chickens can cross roads without having their motives questioned.

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I went our again yesterday wearing a brown suede coat, a black turtleneck, black leather ladies bike shorts, and black leather pull on thigh boots with 4” stilettos. The boots came up to the hem of the shorts but most of the time, part of my legs were showing. My first stop was the art museum. It must be the combination of the shorts and boots because more people seemed to notice. The guards treated me like a long lost friend but the other patrons seemed to be taking a second look. As I was sketching, a young girl walked by wearing fight jeans and black faux suede knee high boots. She maid a point of ignoring the guy that had on boots that were taller than hers. The best thing I saw at the museum was a family (both parents and two kids) each carrying sketch books. After a couple hours at the museum, I headed for a Bigg’s supermarket. It had started to snow and every once in a while a snowflake would find its way inside the top of my boots. I walked through the store and noticed I was getting more looks than normal. I had to ask where an item was and the only clerk around was talking to what appeared to be his red neck buddy. The clerk looked me over and mustered all his self composure to tell me where the item was. The gal running the register gave me a nice smile though and that made up for the other clerk. I did discover it was time for new heel tips on these boots. One heel kept kicking out on the polished floor. I then headed for a B. Dalton bookstore in a mid scale mall. (The difference between a mid scale and upper scale mall is based on the income levels of the partrons). As I walked across the front of the store (on the outside) I noticed the reflection of a guy about 30 feet away who just couldn’t believe his eyes. He turned just kept staring at me as I walked along. I turned his way and gave him a friendly nod and he turned away and went on to his car. In B. Dalton, I spent 15 minutes looking for a book and reading. A few folks seemed to notice but no one said a thing. Since this trip was all about having fun, I wandered into the Shoe Carnival that was next door to B. Dalton. This place did not have the same upscale crowd that was at the store I visited on my last outing. Most of the clerks were guys and they took notice but the female clerk really was doing her best to remain neutral but she really looked like she wished I would go away and not further offend her sensitivities. I tried on a pair of white pumps with a 4” heel that looked like they might be large enough (looks were deceiving) and stopped at the end of season boot sale table where the female clerk was trying to make order of the mess. I looked at a couple size 11s but didn’t try anything on. I went back to my car and headed home. I’ve been trying to guess what caused all the additional attention. I have been to all of these places before and didn’t even get noticed (well, not as much). The leather bike shorts came almost down to my knees but then there was a break before the boots continued. That contrast made the combination stand out. Had the boots been taller or the shorts longer, or if I had been wearing black hose, that contrast would not have been there. I may rethink wearing that combination again. Anyway, it was a fun outing.

I dream of a world where chickens can cross roads without having their motives questioned.

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I just got back from a 10 min. walk around the neighborhood this evening. There was lots of traffic but no pedestrians. I just finished sewing in the new zipper on my Ellie’s 8899 black leather thigh boots with 5” stilettos. That turned out to be a lot of hand sewing through two layers of leather but I’m pleased with the results. One other repair was necessary. The foam lining had finally fallen apart and had started to gather around the ankle of the boot. While I had the zipper out I removed all that material. As soon as I pulled them on I wanted to take them out for a walk. My leg muscles are telling me I’ve just been walking on 5” heel rather than the 4” heels I have been wearing for a month or so (since the zipper broke). How quickly your muscles forget if you don’t keep in practice. Anyway, the boots felt great. These really are my favorite pair which explains why they have had 5 sets of heel tips, been resoled, and now a zipper replaced. They really are more comfortable to walk in than the 4” heels. ;)



I dream of a world where chickens can cross roads without having their motives questioned.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Thank you for sharing all of your experiences with us, Thighbootguy. One thing it seems you and I have in common is the careful selection of our public attire and how we coordinate our high heels with our wardrobe. I bought my first pair of thigh high heeled boots today and they are so comfortable, especially how they feel on my legs. The boots I bought have the side zipper. I almost bought a pair to lace up thigh high boots but I just wasn't sure. I may go back and try them on again. I also go for a walk nightly in either 4 or 5 inch heels. I'm going for a walk tonight in my new boots. I'll let you how I do. Thanks for all of your correspondence.;)

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I have been having fun.

I went out to dinner Friday night at a Long Horn Steakhouse. I was wearing a white turtleneck, jeans, and black leather pull on thigh boots with 4” stilettos. When I walked in the hostess gave me a quick once over and a nice smile that seated me in a booth in the bar area. I had a nice uneventful dinner where no one mentioned my boots.

After dinner I took the opportunity to go to one of the up-scale malls in Cincinnati. As I walked in I became immediately aware that I needed a heel tip and that made walking more of an effort. I did get a couple of looks and I’m sure someone was taking pictures as there was a flash going off behind me. I walked through boot levels of the mall then back out to my car.

JeffB has been reminding me that, when going out, style and fashion are important. This has gotten me to remembering what I thought looked good with thigh boots. I kept coming back to thigh boots over jeans. So… I put on a white turtleneck, tight jeans and blue leather thigh boots with 5” stilettos and headed out.

My first stop was my local cobbler. I needed heel tips on two other pair of boots. There was no parking available within two blocks of the shop so I pulled into the closest spot available and walked to the shop. I passed a group of three women who were in conversation and they didn’t even give me a second glance. In the shop, the cobbler had time to do the work while I waited. We also discussed an idea I had about turning one pair of pull on boots into lace up boots.

I walked the two blocks back to my car without incident.

I then went on to Sam’s to do some shopping. In the parking lot I saw a guy (with his son) getting a cell phone photo of me. As he walked by I said, “most folks ask first” but he ignored my remark. In the store I loaded my cart with some large bulky items without incident and headed for the register knowing I was going to have to make a second trip. I headed out to my car and unloaded the bulky stuff and headed back in. I walked past a really attractive blond gal who was selling some sort of cosmetic and she gave me a smile that I took as not enthusiastic so as I walked by I asked her, “Are they too much?”

She gave me a confused look and then looked down and saw my boots. She immediately brightened up and said, “Those really look good on you:icon_exclaim: ”

I thanked her and she want on, “I have a pair like that in white.”

I said, “So do I.”

She gave me a big smile and I went on shopping. A few minutes later I walked by her again and said, “Most people don’t even notice what I’m wearing.” (I didn’t mention that she hadn’t).

She said, “Your kidding”.

I went on shopping and just taking my time. I headed for the register and complemented the clerk on her earrings. She thanked me and said she hadn’t seen me for a long time. She said she worked the weekend and hadn’t seen me for a year. (Talk about lasting impressions). She also said that she thought my boots looked good.

As I was heading out a lady about my age stopped me and said, “I just wanted to complement you on being able to walk in those. I can’t do it anymore”.

I thanked her and headed out as one of the register clerks, that I chat with often, was also leaving. As we were walking out I asked her, “You’ve seen me wearing these like this (jeans) and with a skirt, which looks better/worse?”

She paused and looked me over again and said, “I like that look. It looks like you have been riding.” I took that to mean horse ridding. ;)

Looks like JeffB’s advice (starts at this post) about looking good has merit and I should try to make the additional effort.


I have just add a video of the blue boots and jeans look.

Thighbootguy Makes Vanilla Sour Cream Bread


Bootking –

Johnieheel –

Thanks for the kind words.

I dream of a world where chickens can cross roads without having their motives questioned.

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TBG: I'm glad to have read that my teachings about style and fashion and "looking good" have started sinking in. Excellent! Regarding the outfit you wore on Friday night, the addition of a black leather jacket or full length coat would've made for a great accessory. Think about that for a future outing. Trust me, you'll look sharp in either. Otherwise, you did well with what you sported. As long as you commit yourself fully to perfecting your own sense of style and fashion, you'll reap immediate rewards by looking good, both in your own eyes, and in the eyes of everyone around you.

I don't want to LOOK like a woman, I just want to DRESS like a woman!

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JeffB - Unfortunately I don't hava a black leather jacket (yet). I was cool enough that I was wearing a tan suede coat (jacket) while I was outside but took it off in Sam's. If your doing a lot of walking, thigh boots are warm and the jacket was becomming uncomfortable. Thanks for the comments.

I dream of a world where chickens can cross roads without having their motives questioned.

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I just made a modification to my Pleaser 8890 boots. These are cow leather pull on thigh boots with a 4” stiletto heel and an adjustable buckle strap behind the knee. I have always had a problem with the shaft of these boots staying up. As I walk the boots almost become ankle boots. The shaft diameter is too large for my leg and the strap behind the knee is useless. I have tried running a seam down the back of the boots to reduce the diameter of the shaft but I still couldn’t get the boots to stay up. Today I went to a dry goods store and bought a strip of 3” wide elastic. I sewed an 8” strip of the elastic inside the shaft at the point just below my knee that pulls the boot tight on my leg at this point. The result is that the boots stay up no matter how loose the shaft is. Another point is that I have to wear these boots with hose or over jeans because they are tight enough that I can’t easily pull the boots off is my leg has any perspiration. They feel great and look great and it is a real pleasure to wear them without having to worry about them falling down. This is the pair I wore into the National Gallery in Washington DC and all around the DC Mall. The reminder is that these boots are not comfortable boots for 6-8 hours of walking, but that’s a problem with the sole and an insole helps a lot. By the way I wore my blue leather thigh boots with 5” stilettos with jeans and a black turtleneck to the dry goods store. After a quick glance by the clerk, I became just another customer.


I dream of a world where chickens can cross roads without having their motives questioned.

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After making the modification to my Pleaser 8890s I wound up wearing them all day and my feet are letting me know that they still aren’t the most comfortable boots I own. I finished the day by walking out in the neighborhood wearing those boots, white hose, a short black leather skirt, a gray tee shirt and a tan leather jacket. I know this wasn’t the most stylish outfit I could put together but it felt great. I know looking good is important but feeling good is also a big part of the fun. The interplay of the boots (that stayed up) with the hose and the skirt is, to me, most enjoyable. ;)

I dream of a world where chickens can cross roads without having their motives questioned.

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One last note about the modification I made to my Pleaser’s 8890 boots. The first time around I wound up getting the elastic in one boot a little tighter than the other so I reinstalled the tight one and while I was at it I anchored the elastic in the middle as well as at the ends (I did this in both boots). By adding the anchor in the middle, it makes getting the boots on and off much easier and makes the installation almost invisable from the outside. I also undid the seams I had installed up the back of the boots which tightened the shaft since the boots now stay up without them. While I was at it I also shortened the buckle strap that runs behind the knee so that it at least looks like it is doing something. The only problem with this technique in that it makes the boots difficult to pull on over jeans unless the jeans are very tight fitting. However, the feeling of having these boots tight around the top of my calf (just below the knee) is great, and the freedom to walk around in them without them falling down is wonderful. I now have a great pair of thigh boots boots that look loose but stay in place. Whee hah. ;):cool1:

I dream of a world where chickens can cross roads without having their motives questioned.

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