Dr. Shoe Posted January 2, 2010 Posted January 2, 2010 Comments please: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-1239975/Female-feet-getting-larger-size-10s-demand.html Graduate footwear designer able to advise and assist on modification and shoe making projects.
foxylady Posted January 2, 2010 Posted January 2, 2010 Hi Dr Shoe, when using the link, it comes up with this Sorry... The page you have requested does not exist or is no longer available. If you have typed the URL in by hand, please make sure you have entered it correctly, with no capital letters of spaces. Alternatively, if you have clicked on a link on Mail Online and found this page, please report the problem to our technical team and we will correct it as soon as possible. Looking for a particular section and not sure how to find it? Our site map provides a overview of our entire site. Back to Mail Online home Back to the page you came from Sorry, FL FoxyLady
Puffer Posted January 2, 2010 Posted January 2, 2010 This is the link: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-1239975/Female-feet-getting-larger-size-10s-demand.html#ixzz0bSdIGCTH And I posted a comment about the article here (which seemed a logical place) before I saw that Dr Shoe had beaten me to it: http://www.hhplace.org/guys/4875-you_happy_your_foot_shoe_size-14.html
bootluvr Posted January 2, 2010 Posted January 2, 2010 HAPPY 2010 ALL, and this is an Interesting Article. As it happened too with my BH, she's only Female sibling (#1 of 4) who inheirited Mom's LARGE FOOT Size, so by 7th or 8th grade of Grammar School already in 11's or 12's depending on styles. 8-o Boots Rock!!!!
roniheels Posted January 2, 2010 Posted January 2, 2010 This is not a shock at all. And I am glad the word is getting out to all shoe designers and distributors that there is a need for women's designer shoes in larger sizes.
chris100575 Posted January 2, 2010 Posted January 2, 2010 Stands to reason, more shops are stocking ladies shoes up to size nine now there must be a market for them and I can't think it's entirely down to us guys buying them! I remember about eighteen years ago trying to buy a pair of stilettos and the shop didn't have anything at all above a seven. God I feel old now.
geo Posted January 2, 2010 Posted January 2, 2010 Yes they are getting biiger but yes us guys who enjoy ladies boots love the feel of them and enjoy walking in them as well.
LovesHiHeels Posted January 2, 2010 Posted January 2, 2010 It does seem that more shops are selling larger sizes now than a year ago but still can be hard to find heels in a size9.
wearheels Posted January 2, 2010 Posted January 2, 2010 I'm sure that us men buying and wearing women's heels has made an impact on their sales tracking figures. Many more larger sizes are flying off the store shelves across the world ( I know I have to buy womens size 11 ) and they might be incorrectly thinking that it must be due to women's feet getting bigger. And really, its us guys fault. Sorry girls, I think you're feet are as tiny and beautiful as ever (especially in heels)
docs41 Posted January 2, 2010 Posted January 2, 2010 I think the article makes a good point concerning the issue of women's feet getting larger. I don't think it is just the obesity factor alone though. Here in the US many girls are involved in athletics from an early age on, much more than they were 30 years ago. One article that I read felt that the participation in athletics has increased the size of women including shoes size. I have to agree that many high school girls today are much larger than when I was in school in the late 60's and early 70's. I remember recently overhearing a woman telling how her daughter is outgrowing size 11's, and the girl was not heavy at all. I feel obesity is an issue in the rise in larger sizes, but so are other factors in lifestyles. If the shoe fits-buy it!!!!!!
Dawn HH Posted January 2, 2010 Posted January 2, 2010 I agree with Docs41 that obesity is only one of the factors that have caused young girls and women to have larger feet. I think that we men buying womens heels can only contribute a small factor to the equation, but in the long run, when women demand larger sizes of designer shoes this certainly does help the men that are purchasing heels and boots for themselves. Things have changed for the better for all of us men during the year 2009 over years past in the use of all womens apparal not just shoes and boots. Cheers--- Dawn HH High Heeled Boots Forever!
chris100575 Posted January 3, 2010 Posted January 3, 2010 I don't believe that obesity is related to shoe size, unless we're talking purely about width. The fact is that people are bigger than in previous generations, not just bigger built but taller. As a general rule taller = bigger feet.
pussyinboots Posted January 3, 2010 Posted January 3, 2010 One of my best friends owns and runs a high street shoe shop, selling everyday heels, boots, summer shoes (flip-flops etc) and she also supplies most of the local dancers and strippers with their fetish and dancing heels. Without a doubt she would confirm that over the last 6 or 7 years she has noticed the trend for Sizes 6, 7 and 8's to go out of the shop first - often requiring re-orders before Sizes 3, 4 and 5. "Good Girls keep diaries....Bad Girls just don't have the time...!:icon_twisted:"
Dr. Shoe Posted January 3, 2010 Author Posted January 3, 2010 It is a combination of factors. An overweight but otherwise healthy mother will tend to have a larger baby but an obese mother will tend to have a smaller child and is also less likely to carry to full term. Childhood obesity has a tendency to lead to the child being taller in later life but with attendant medical conditions such as diabetes, heart disease, respiratory problems and muscle disorders. A taller person will have larger feet as foot size is directly proportional to height though genetics will affect the proportion. A child's foot size will be the same proportion to their height as their parents. Short parents with large feet will have children with large feet for their size and conversely, a tall parent with unusually small feet will find that their children are the same. What the child does in their growth years will have an effect on height and so a corresponding effect on shoe size. Graduate footwear designer able to advise and assist on modification and shoe making projects.
kikepa Posted January 3, 2010 Posted January 3, 2010 I REALLY wish manufacturers would pull their heads out and get the clue that demand doesn't stop at size 11 US... Those who really care about us don't make a fuss about what we wear. Those who make a fuss about what we wear really don't care about us.
kikepa Posted January 3, 2010 Posted January 3, 2010 chris100575 said: I don't believe that obesity is related to shoe size, unless we're talking purely about width. The fact is that people are bigger than in previous generations, not just bigger built but taller. As a general rule taller = bigger feet. It's a well-known fact that fat-rich foods eaten during the puberty growth spurt result in larger/taller bone structure, among other effects. Those who really care about us don't make a fuss about what we wear. Those who make a fuss about what we wear really don't care about us.
RonC Posted January 4, 2010 Posted January 4, 2010 What is sad about all of this is the fact that, in the US, nearly all of the retailers have cut way, way back on larger sizes this year. Sales of large sizes are up, so let's reduce stock....sounds like a brilliant move to me...not
HappyFeat Posted January 5, 2010 Posted January 5, 2010 I was in an Aldo store today trying on shoes, and talking to the manager. She said that I should come back because she asked to get more 39s, 40s, and 41s, (US9-11) because she said that "most of her customers have bigger feet." Style is built from the ground up!
mikeheel Posted January 5, 2010 Posted January 5, 2010 If the manufacturers realise that there is a market for larger sizes they will produce them. If they also realise that men are buying high heeled shoes from the womens shelves, because mens styles are flat, then this can only help expand the demand and choice available. I think the manufacturers should drop the gender focus (the customer, after all, is capable of choosing a style) and consentrate on elegance and strength for all. You won't get me wearing flat shoes...I really can't do it.
vector Posted January 6, 2010 Posted January 6, 2010 I find it mind boggling the retailers AND manufacturers all over the world are missing this. In fact it seems to be that they are cutting back on larger sizes (Payless in the US)
benno Posted January 6, 2010 Posted January 6, 2010 So... all you guys with bigger feet must go out armed with Pizza and Cake to offer to younger girls. Sit back and wait a few years and you will have High Street heels in your perfect size.
Dr. Shoe Posted January 6, 2010 Author Posted January 6, 2010 vector said: I find it mind boggling the retailers AND manufacturers all over the world are missing this. In fact it seems to be that they are cutting back on larger sizes (Payless in the US) I don't think so. It's just that they're selling out quicker I think. Graduate footwear designer able to advise and assist on modification and shoe making projects.
jwhite44 Posted January 6, 2010 Posted January 6, 2010 I'd disagree with that. The US chain store Payless used to have (as recently as last year) a decent supply of sz 13 shoes. This year it's much worse. I believe from other posts we have other members who are friendly enough with store managers and employees, and would notify them (if not actually hold them back) when size 13 shoes came into the store. I thought I've been reading from them that the larger size availability just isn't there anymore. The availability is definitely much smaller on their website, but since that shows warehouse availability for a size (not what's sold in a given size), it's tough to determine if the actual status. Large size availability (for any shoe) I don't think was ever that great. I also don't think the demand has decreased more at larger sizes than regular sizes. Combined, I'm not sure there's a lot of savings to be gained by just making less of the larger sizes. However you can save by deciding not to produce that size at all, which is what I think we are seeing. According to reports, the worst of the recession was supposed to be over in 2009, so maybe in 2010, we'll start to see larger sizes more available.
barney15c Posted January 8, 2010 Posted January 8, 2010 jwhite44 said: I'd disagree with that. The US chain store Payless used to have (as recently as last year) a decent supply of sz 13 shoes. This year it's much worse. I believe from other posts we have other members who are friendly enough with store managers and employees, and would notify them (if not actually hold them back) when size 13 shoes came into the store. I thought I've been reading from them that the larger size availability just isn't there anymore. The availability is definitely much smaller on their website, but since that shows warehouse availability for a size (not what's sold in a given size), it's tough to determine if the actual status. Large size availability (for any shoe) I don't think was ever that great. I also don't think the demand has decreased more at larger sizes than regular sizes. Combined, I'm not sure there's a lot of savings to be gained by just making less of the larger sizes. However you can save by deciding not to produce that size at all, which is what I think we are seeing. According to reports, the worst of the recession was supposed to be over in 2009, so maybe in 2010, we'll start to see larger sizes more available. I hope thats not the case or if it is then hope there is an upturn with the recession. Although i am from the UK i buy an awful lot of payless shoes (a friend of mine on this forum based in the usa gets them for me) in a 12w or 13 not so much that they are better quality but for the variety of different styles. If you look on ebay a few traders buy up all the big sizes to resell possibly why there are not many in the shops ,so there definately is enough people buying to make it worth while stocking 12's and 13's otherwise the traders wouldnt do it. So i think there is some weight to the theory of dropping a size is cheaper than making fewer of them. In the land of the blind, the one eyed man is king!!!
jwhite44 Posted January 9, 2010 Posted January 9, 2010 barney15c;228636.... If you look on ebay a few traders buy up all the big sizes to resell possibly why there are not many in the shops said: There's always been some reselling of Payless shoes on ebay. One reason I know for this is Payless doesn't ship internationally, whereas a private ebay reseller would. However, in my opinion, these sellers are insignificant in terms of affecting product availability. According to the Payless website, they have over 4500 stores, and a full online ordering system. There is no way even a dozen ebay sellers could buy up all the inventory of a particular shoe(s).
barney15c Posted January 9, 2010 Posted January 9, 2010 jwhite44 said: However, in my opinion, these sellers are insignificant in terms of affecting product availability. According to the Payless website, they have over 4500 stores, and a full online ordering system. There is no way even a dozen ebay sellers could buy up all the inventory of a particular shoe(s). Probably not but it would be interesting to know what the production run on say a 12w and 13 is in comparision to a popular shoe size eg a size 8 might have a run of say 10000 pairs i would think that a 12w or 13 would be significantly less say 1000 in each size. Those dozen or more traders could buy up say 20 pairs of each up and that would be nearly a quarter of the whole stock, but i am just theorizing. Give it another 5-10 years when average sizes will have increased again there will be more styles available for us larger footed heelers. In the land of the blind, the one eyed man is king!!!
bootluvr Posted January 12, 2010 Posted January 12, 2010 Hi and Sorry All as forgetting to mention a little earlier. For those of us in "The States", (other then limited selections at Sex Attire stores or Western Wear all year around) next season look into WWW.AVENUE.COM or even their stores if one close by as BOOTS go all the way up to 13WW. Got other style Footwear and guessing same size range, but Please check out if interested to make sure. Noticed also that WALMART at times get shipments in size 12, but 11's their Top for sure. Happy Shopping!!!!! :-) Boots Rock!!!!
5150PLB1 Posted January 12, 2010 Posted January 12, 2010 Over the decades, feet are getting bigger. Back in the 1940s and 50s women's size 4 US was considered the low end for normal women's sizes. Now it is considered the high end for girl's sizes. It is now hard to find a true mature woman's style shoe in size 4- you have to go to the specialty stores and web sites for them. Either that or settle for something your 12 year old daughter would wear. Back then size 10 US women's shoes were almost unthinkable. Not so now.
jwhite44 Posted January 12, 2010 Posted January 12, 2010 bootluvr said: ...look into WWW.AVENUE.COM or even their stores if one close by as BOOTS go all the way up to 13WW... I'd also recommend Avenue. Their selection isn't nearly as large as Payless, but their 13W (never saw a WW) definitely will fit a man's size 13 foot. And their prices are definitely Payless-type: nothing lists over $50 A couple of things to watch out for though: 1. During my last store visit, there was a sign that said they no longer accept returns from avenue.com purchases. Don't know if that's specific to that one store, or across the chain. That's a discouragement from online ordering if you'd actually need to mail back a pair of shoes you ordered (especially if say a pair of knee-high boots - that's a large box to send). 2. They don't seem to update their selection that often. For example, almost every pair of shoes on their website (and probably in stores) is on sale now, but only in select sizes. It's almost like they're clearing out their entire inventory (which they've been doing for close to a month), and then they'll refresh it with new merchandise. Do definitely look for their stores though. I heard about them first online, and them when I looked for locations, was surprised to see how many where actually available in my area.
chris100575 Posted January 12, 2010 Posted January 12, 2010 kikepa said: It's a well-known fact that fat-rich foods eaten during the puberty growth spurt result in larger/taller bone structure, among other effects. I did not know that, you live and learn!
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