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The Jaunts of JeffB!


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Back by popular demand----THE SUNDAY DOUBLEHEADER!!

Jaunt #136, 12/4/2011:

In the morning, I headed off to the supermarket for my weekly grocery run, garbed in my brown faux leather jacket over a brown mockneck, the Gloria Vanderbilt "Amanda" jeans in black, the Payless "Kylie wedge pumps and a short strap handbag. It was around quarter past seven a.m. when I arrived at the market, not much in the way of a crowd because of the early hour, so I hopped out and headed in the store. As often the case when I do a jaunt in the market, I made a note to take my time while shopping, and what few people that were in the store paid me no attention whatsoever, I guess that the Kylie shoes, whisper quiet on the floor had something to do with the lack of attention I got, and just like the first time I wore these wedges, it was great fun to have them on my feet. After some twenty-five minutes, I was out the door, back in my car and headed back to the house, pretty as you please.

Next up, the afternoon jaunt!





I don't want to LOOK like a woman, I just want to DRESS like a woman!

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Jaunt #137, 12/4/2011:

With the Eagles having played (and laid a colossal egg) Thursday night, the 1 p.m. games less than attractive and the weather delightfully pleasant, I headed off around 10 a.m. for a jaunt, garbed in my black faux leather jacket over a navy mockneck, the Gloria Vanderbilt "Amanda" jeans in denim tucked into the Pleaser "Legend" thigh high boots and a black handbag. I headed to the Starbucks in the University City area with a book I had been reading, after waiting in line for a good fifteen minutes, I finally got my order of a large iced tea and headed off to find a chair, the store was packed with plenty of college twenty-somethings, yet no one paid me any attention, no one looked my way, admittedly, that surprised me a little. Finding a chair, I relaxed with my book and my drink, my legs primly crossed like a woman and spent a solid hour there, again, no one gave me so much as a glance the whole time, interesting to say the least. With five minutes before my time on the meter expired, I packed up and left.

My next stop was in Springfield and Red Lobster for lunch, I hadn't been there in years, and I wanted to try something different, so I went there. After arriving, I hopped right out and headed in, as I was being led to my table, I passed by two twenty-something black women, one of whom gave me a quick look and said "Nice boots", I smiled back and thanked her. After a very filling lunch of peppercorn steak (well done) and sauteed shrimp with ginger ale, a salad and rolls, I paid my bill and left, but, on my way out, I passed a trio of older black women and one of them said she liked my boots. Got a compliment coming and going in the same place. WHOO! Not bad, not bad at all! My third and last stop of the day was to the strip mall where the Borders bookstore used to be, but now, it was an empty shell, I'll admit to feeling a small pang because I missed the place, anyhoo, I went to the Hallmark store to buy some Christmas cards, there were a goodly number of shoppers there and no one noticed me there either.

It's a shame I'm such a fool for football and was eager to watch the New York Giants-Green Bay Packers 4 p.m. matchup, otherwise, I would've stayed out longer as I was having fun in my tight jeans and thigh boots. No matter, I'll have plenty more opportunities in the weeks to come.





I don't want to LOOK like a woman, I just want to DRESS like a woman!

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Bluejay: Many thanks for the kind words. I appreciate it! Scrappycoco: Boldness is purely in the eye of the beholder. Case in point, there are members here who are bolder than even me and have done things on their outings that I wouldn't dream of doing. I simply do the very best I can while on my little adventures, and, more importantly, have fun. Thanks for the compliment!

I don't want to LOOK like a woman, I just want to DRESS like a woman!

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  • 2 weeks later...

Jaunt #138, 12/17/2011:

With the weather sunny but cold today, I headed out on a new jaunt, dressed in my black leather jacket over a new steel gray turtleneck from Sears, the Gloria Vanderbilt "Amanda" jeans in black tucked into the Pleaser "Legend" thigh high boots and my favorite short strap handbag. Despite how cold it was, what with temps barely passing 40, I felt quite warm thanks to the jacket and especially the boots as I headed out on my expedition. My first stop was to the main branch of the city's post office to mail off a package to an out of town pen pal, given the time of year, I anticipated a long line, and I wasn't disappointed as I entered the branch, even with four windows open, the line was still long, the clicking of my heels on the tile floor (always a delicious sound to me) caught the attention of three people, and when they turned around and saw it was a guy, I got a cocked eyebrow from one while the others turned back around. Spent a good twenty minutes in line before I was finally waited on and got my parcel mailed off.

After leaving the post office, I headed into center city and to my favorite comic book shop where I stayed for almost half an hour, chatting with the staff about comic books and next spring's live action Avengers (Iron Man, Captain America and Thor, not Steed and Mrs. Peel) movie before heading off into south Jersey for a little quality time. I arrived at Chick-Fil-A just after noon and headed in for lunch, as is usually the case when I walk into that store wearing heels, I got a few looks here and there, nothing more than that, but now, here's something interesting. As I was just finishing my lunch, an older woman who on her way out tapped me on the shoulder and said she liked the necklace I wore, I grinned and thanked her. How about that? Despite the boots, what that lady saw and appreciated most was my jewelry. This makes me think I should buy more baubles to wear. Heh! Next was Barnes & Noble which was plenty crowded, meaning plenty of people looking me over as I cruised the aisles, something I found to have been invigorating.

My last stop of the day was to the nearby Best Buy, and that place was a mob scene, I mean, it was packed to the gills, predictably, I got more than a few stares and second glances here and there, and I was cool with that. I knew I was dressed well for the surroundings and I felt confident in my appearance, if I wasn't, I wouldn't have stepped out my front door. And that's the key to public outings as a freestyler: you have to not just be confident but show confidence, sending out silent signals to everyone around you that I was bold enough to wear clothing and footwear and accessories associated more with women than men. And thighbootguy was verify this, wearing skin tight jeans tucked into thigh high boots is absolutely fantastic!





I don't want to LOOK like a woman, I just want to DRESS like a woman!

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Looking good Jeff! That is a lot of black so there is no contrast generated by your boots which means, believe it or not, people have to look closely to notice them. I’ve used that look many times and it works for me. I know the temperature is cooling off but I rather liked the pictures without the gloves a little more then with them. That surprises me because gloves are one of my favorite things to wear. As for the trip to the post office, when I’m at Sam’s I tend to not pick the shortest register line because it is fun being out with a captive audience. :smile:

I dream of a world where chickens can cross roads without having their motives questioned.

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Looking good Jeff!

That is a lot of black so there is no contrast generated by your boots which means, believe it or not, people have to look closely to notice them. I’ve used that look many times and it works for me.

Yes, I know. Perhaps I'll put that theory to the test in a more crowded setting and see what happens. Heh!

I know the temperature is cooling off but I rather liked the pictures without the gloves a little more then with them. That surprises me because gloves are one of my favorite things to wear.

Surprised me too! By the by, I've been thinking about a pair of opera length gloves, just to see what it's like!

As for the trip to the post office, when I’m at Sam’s I tend to not pick the shortest register line because it is fun being out with a captive audience. :smile:

Well, I sure had something of a captive audience while waiting in line at Best Buy yesterday! HA!

I don't want to LOOK like a woman, I just want to DRESS like a woman!

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Jaunt #139, 12/18/2011:

Another sunny and plenty cold day, another jaunt to enjoy! With the Eagles playing at 4:15 p.m. (16 minutes away as I type), I headed out for a wee bit of fun, garbed from head to toe (and under) in black: My leather jacket over a turtleneck, the Pleaser "Legend" thigh boots and a good sized hobo bag as I carried my iPad with me today. I went to the Starbucks in the University City area, arriving there about noon or so, after putting enough cash in the meter for a solid ninety minutes, I went in, ordered a hot chocolate and retreated to the lounge area where I enjoyed my beverage and fiddled around online on the aforementioned iPad, heck, I even made a couple of posts here via my toy. The place was fairly well full for a Sunday afternoon, mostly young people but a few "old heads" like me, but no one paid any attention to what I wore. Five minutes before my time expired, I packed up, calmly as you please and left. Good thing too as I saw one of the dreaded Parking Authority Gestapo half a block away looking for victims.

From there, I headed into Center City and the Barnes & Noble store in the Rittenhouse Square area. Took a solid half hour to find a spot (half a block away from the store), once I parked, I hopped out, put another hour worth of cash in the meter and headed to the store, as I did, a black woman who appeared to be around my age looked me up and down, grinned and said "Nice boots", I smiled back and thanked her. Ahh! Nothing like a compliment to make my day! I did garner some stares and double takes between my car and the store, but nothing more than that, once in the store, I headed up to the second floor, bought some iced tea and sat down in the lounge area to fiddle around on my iPad, again, no one gave me so much as the time of day, but my battery ran down after some thirty minutes, so I shut it down, packed up and returned to the first floor where I sat down with a couple of magazines to pass the time until I had to leave before my meter ran out of time. And yes, the PAG (Parking Authority Gestapo) were cruising around there as well. Urgh!

All in all, another enjoyable outing where I had fun as always. Now, time to leave, the Eagles game is about to start!





I don't want to LOOK like a woman, I just want to DRESS like a woman!

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By the by, I've been thinking about a pair of opera length gloves, just to see what it's like!

My goodness! :smile:

I will assume you meant leather opera gloves.

Gloves were my first adventure into women's attire long before I got started on boots and heels and I still enjoy wearing them.

There are generally nice gloves available on e-bay, I recommend getting a pair that are a long as you can find. The shoulder gloves are generally 33" and give you the most options. You don't have to always wear then full length.

As for what it is like wearing them… thigh boots for the hands. Shoulder length leather gloves are every bit as exciting and fun as thigh boots, if not more. Here is my pair and I have added a peak on the hem that extends to the top of my shoulder.

Do let us know how it goes.

I dream of a world where chickens can cross roads without having their motives questioned.

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TBG: Will do! I think that leather opera gloves would make for an interesting experiment, especially when paired with, say, a black sweater dress, and I do plan on going out again in a dress on my 150th jaunt.

I don't want to LOOK like a woman, I just want to DRESS like a woman!

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This still remains my favourite "topic" on this forums, if not all forums I belong to for various reasons! Can't wait for the 150th Jaunt! P.S, you guys killed us on sunday. Being a Jets fan is so hard sometimes...

What Other People Think Of Me, Ain't None Of My Buisness ~ RuPaul

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This still remains my favourite "topic" on this forums, if not all forums I belong to for various reasons!

Can't wait for the 150th Jaunt!

P.S, you guys killed us on sunday. Being a Jets fan is so hard sometimes...

Thanks for the kind words! I appreciate what you've said, and I'll continue doing my very best to keep you and everyone else who visits my thread entertained through my exploits. I currently have my eye on a couple of nice sweater dresses I think will look great on me for that 150th jaunt!

As for that game on Sunday, I was quite surprised at how strong the Eagles looked, didn't think they had it in them to be honest.

I don't want to LOOK like a woman, I just want to DRESS like a woman!

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TBG: Will do! I think that leather opera gloves would make for an interesting experiment, especially when paired with, say, a black sweater dress, and I do plan on going out again in a dress on my 150th jaunt.

What I didn't mention in my last post was that although I love wearing leather opera gloves, I rarely wear them fully visible when I'm out. As much as I have admonished others for wearing boots under jeans rather than showing them properly, I tend to wear a blazer or coat over my opera gloves. I have worn them fully visible a couple of times but it took all the nerve I have to get out of the car. Once I was out things settled down a bit and I even got a compliment on them. If folks think TBG never gets nervous…

I think part of my problem is I haven’t been able to put together an outfit that I thought really looked good with the gloves. The more fem look is with a lot of skin showing around the shoulder area and that exposed skin is balanced by the long loves. The more aggressive fem look is wearing gloves over a contrasting (white satin) long sleeved top. With this look you can have too much glove and a little moderation is in order. I like both looks, but I have never presented them in public.

I do like the look of thigh boots and opera gloves though. There really is a balance there. I think a good approach to the image is boots, gloves, and jeans. I may have to give this a try again.

You can experiment with the look inexpensively with cloth opera gloves, however they tend to be "one size fits all" which will be a little small for you. Them on in the store just like you would a pair of heels. Gloves are sized by measuring the distance around your knuckles in inches. I wear an 8½ but if that size is not available I'll get a 9 in leather. In cloth, an 8 will stretch enough to fit tightly.

I am MOST interested to see what you come up with.


I dream of a world where chickens can cross roads without having their motives questioned.

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TBG: I think that the concern when it comes to wearing such gloves with any outfit is figuring out just what sort of venue to wear that particular combination. I mean, I don't think I'd want to wear something dressy as opera gloves on a jaunt to Best Buy or lunch at Subway. I would have to think outside the box and find just the right surroundings, perhaps an afternoon at the local art museum or an evening at the theater, maybe taking in a musical, or a show at a casino, something fancy and upscale. That's how I'd view an outfit including opera gloves, especially if said outfit is highlighted by a nice dress or my thigh boots and, say, a matching leather skirt. Not to worry, I'll come up with something!

I don't want to LOOK like a woman, I just want to DRESS like a woman!

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TBG: I think that the concern when it comes to wearing such gloves with any outfit is figuring out just what sort of venue to wear that particular combination. I mean, I don't think I'd want to wear something dressy as opera gloves on a jaunt to Best Buy or lunch at Subway.

Don't limit your thinking too much... I just wore a pair to Sam's. :smile:

I dream of a world where chickens can cross roads without having their motives questioned.

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They'd be great for your next bank holdup - no fingerprints!




By Jove! Why didn't I think of that? Thanks for the suggestion! :wave:

I don't want to LOOK like a woman, I just want to DRESS like a woman!

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They'd be great for your next bank holdup - no fingerprints!


On the other hand (no pun intended), my laptop has a fingerprint security scanner. I guess I'll have to train it to recognize the leather pattern of my glove in addition to my fingerprint. (I doubt seriously if this will work. :smile:)

I dream of a world where chickens can cross roads without having their motives questioned.

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Jaunt #140, 12/28/2011:

Following a miserably rainy Tuesday, the sun returned on Wednesday, though it was blustery as sin, keeping temps in the low 40's, despite that, I headed out on a jaunt to Parx Casino today, wearing my black leather jacket over a turquoise mockneck, the Gloria Vanderbilt "Amanda" jeans in dark stonewash, the Pleaser "Legend" thigh high boots and my short strap handbag. Despite how chilly it was outside, I was quite comfortable, thanks to the combination of those skin tight jeans and thigh boots, keeping my legs nice and warm. Ahhh! I've said this before, and so has Thighbootguy, but this combo is absolutely terrific for public outings, and it feels awesome to strut around in this ensemble. I arrived at Parx just before 12:30, and, I've said this before too, each and every trip I've taken to this casino has been in either heels or heels and a skirt, and I wouldn't think of going to this place dressed any other way to be honest.

Hopping out after I parked, I headed right to the front door, catching three people standing at a nearby bus stop who gave me a long look as I walked by. Once inside, I grinned at the excitement that comes from being in a casino, even if I rarely win anything of substance, it's all about having fun, and that's more than enough for me as I made the rounds of the casino floor, playing a machine here, playing a machine there, I think I won sixty bucks at most during the hour and a half I spent in the place, but again, it was all about having fun, and being seen by passersby, and I was, catching more than a few craned heads and double takes, as if none of them had ever seen a guy wearing high heeled thigh boots before. Tsk! While it would've been nice to have gotten a compliment (which almost always happens when I wear the thigh boots), but that wasn't the case as everyone was busy trying to win that big jackpot, and I was nothing more than a minor and quickly forgotten distraction.

After leaving Parx, I headed into center city and, after some cruising around, I found a parking spot on the street a block away from the Barnes & Noble bookstore in Rittenhouse Square and headed there to buy a couple of 2012 calendars: Get Fuzzy for work and Chuck Norris for home. Going to and from the store, I got more odd looks and glances, but no one said anything, I wish I could've stayed longer, but I didn't have much spare change for the meter. Oh, well, next time I'll see about staying longer. Still, today's outing had been enjoyable, despite how cold and blustery it had been.





I don't want to LOOK like a woman, I just want to DRESS like a woman!

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Jaunt #141, 12/30/2011:

Had a very good outing today, the sun was out and the weather was mild for late December, what with temps in the low to mid 50's, so I headed out for a jaunt, wearing my black faux leather jacket over a forest green mockneck, the Gloria Vanderbilt "Amanda" jeans in black, the Pleaser "Legend" thigh high boots and my black leather handbag. For the umpteenth time in this thread: skin tight jeans and thigh high boots----an unbeatable combination. My first stop was westward to the Pizza Hut near Springfield as I hadn't had pizza in awhile, got there just the buffet opened up and I had my fair share of meat lover's pizza which was uber-delicious! A couple of families came in while I was eating and the place filled up a little, but no one paid me any attention, but when I went to the register to pay my bill, a little boy, his eyes wide looked my up and down then pointed at the boots, but his mom, wearing an embarrassed grin, pulled him out of the store. I got a chuckle out of that.

Stop number two was over in South Jersey as I went to the Barnes & Noble near the Moorestown Mall to look for some manga I was interested in, I managed to find it but happily loitered in the store for nearly half an hour reading sports magazines before going to the register which had pre-Christmas long lines, which surprised me more than a little. Had a trio of little kids behind me while I waited and they silently stared at me off and on during the time I was in line, but none of them said anything. From there, I headed to Best Buy to do my usual ogling of Blu-Ray discs (picked up Super 8 ) and other assorted electronic gizmos and gadgets while getting a few stares here and there, heck, while sitting in a comfy, leather home theater recliner, I even managed to help a fellow find his missing cellphone which he had dropped on the floor near the chair I was sitting in, and he thanked me for my help. Had to suffer through another long line while a fellow in front of me stole little stares at my attire.

From there, I headed back into the city and made my way into center city and the Rittenhouse Square area, after a couple of turns around the neighborhood, I found a parking space, put enough cash in the meter for a solid two hours and hopped out for the express purpose of being seen. I strolled slowly through Rittenhouse Park which had a healthy crowd as the sun was setting, I sat down on a park bench, crossed my legs like a woman and let myself be seen for a solid fifteen minutes, but passersby didn't say a thing. As I was close to the Barnes & Noble store, I strolled in, picked up a couple of anime magazines and went up to the second floor where the in-house lounge was, bought a tall iced tea and sat down to read my magazines, and be seen, again, no one said anything. With half an hour left on my meter, I packed up and left, once outside, I went on a stroll through the neighborhood, again, my goal was to be seen and gauge reactions, and I managed two, one positive, the other negative.

The positive reaction was from the last quarter I expected: a member of the hated Philadelphia Parking Authority Gestapo, a squat Latino woman checking windshields for parking receipts, when she saw me, she grinned and said "Those are sharp boots! Work them, honey!" I smiled back and said I would. Little over ten minutes and a couple of blocks later, I passed by a throng of a dozen or so young black teenaged boys, naturally, when they saw a man sporting tight jeans, thigh boots AND a purse, they laughed out loud and threw a few "WTF's?" my way as they passed me by. I said nothing and grinned at how stupid they behaved, not that I was surprised as that was part of the usual sort of pack mentality I've seen many times before. Had it been just a couple of boys, chances are there wouldn't have been any such outburst. Oh sure, I had gotten a goodly number of odd stares and double takes (along with a little smile and/or nod of approval) during the course of my stroll, but people kept to themselves.

My stroll among the crowded sidewalks of center city was thrilling to say the least, being able to go where I wanted, dressed like I wanted was an extremely enjoyable experience for me, and yes, it was incredible fun! I'll have to do that again in the future!





I don't want to LOOK like a woman, I just want to DRESS like a woman!

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Another nice jaunt wearing your favorite boots. Well done ! Speaking about boots. Today I was at the shopping mall wearing my tall black boots with jeggings. Wondering why everybody was looking at me ... LOL ! Good thing is that I don't care what people think anymore :-) (In a way I think you inspired me...) PS: We both like to wear skinny jeans. Did you ever tried jeggings ? I did and I'm now addicted. Maybe you should not try them after all...:smile:

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PS: We both like to wear skinny jeans. Did you ever tried jeggings ?

Can't say I have. But hey, I'll try just about anything once, heck, that's how my passion for thigh boots began. Heh!

I don't want to LOOK like a woman, I just want to DRESS like a woman!

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Ah... another great outing and outfit.

I've never known quite how to respond to the "keep working them" comments about my boots but I take it as a complement. I'm not sure which is worse, the roving band of male marauders exclaiming WTF, or the notorious gaggle of giggling girls. It sounds like you handled it appropriately.

Did you ever tried leggings ?

I did and I'm now addicted. Maybe you should not try them after all...:wave:

I echo this advice! Give them a try. They are great with a short skirt or just a long top (and thigh boots of course :smile:).

I dream of a world where chickens can cross roads without having their motives questioned.

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Greetings Thighbootguy :-)

Note that in my last post I was talking about "jeggings"

I noticed you replaced the "J" in my post with a "L" making it "legggins".

The "j" is not a typo. "Jeggings" are very thight stretch jeans which fits like leggings.

Jeggings are also warmer than leggings. (Much needed here. Temp is 15°F / -10°C)

And both look great with tall boots :smile:

JeffB :-)

You should try both. Leggings for fall and jeggings for winter !

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TBG: Well, I'd have to say that the boys, most notably black teen boys are definitely no fun, especially when in a large pack like what I had encountered. All things considered, I'm fortunate they chose to go their own way while I went mine instead of following me around to heckle me, or worse. While I've never come close to encountering any violence during the course of my travels, you never know when that sort of thing might happen. Meanwhile, you and danielp6406 have sold me on jeggings! I'll see about getting my hands on a pair and see what I can do with them!

I don't want to LOOK like a woman, I just want to DRESS like a woman!

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Ah... another great outing and outfit.

I've never known quite how to respond to the "keep working them" comments about my boots but I take it as a complement. I'm not sure which is worse, the roving band of male marauders exclaiming WTF, or the notorious gaggle of giggling girls. It sounds like you handled it appropriately.

It weird. I never once had any harrasment from men, only women. I wonder why that is.

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Jaunt #141, 12/30/2011:

Little over ten minutes and a couple of blocks later, I passed by a throng of a dozen or so young black teenaged boys, naturally, when they saw a man sporting tight jeans, thigh boots AND a purse, they laughed out loud and threw a few "WTF's?" my way as they passed me by.

Now see if it would have been me and they said that to me I would have looked to see if there where sagging there pants, which i'm going to gather and say they where, but I could be wrong. I would have then yelled back to them "Hay are you avalible?" Then wait for a return responise if any. Most punks like that don't even know what the sagging of the pants even means.

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