Just to have a different type.
I've only been here for 7+ years. And my path is very different than others. Yes, I loved the heels that the girls in school wore back in the 60's to ... . And yes, I wish I could wear them too. And yes, I wore a pair of booties with a 2 inch heel throughout the 80's and 90's. But only I switched to only women's shoes 14 years ago after undergoing another painful reconstruction. I finally figured out WHY I was having so much trouble with my knees and ankles, and it was men's shoes. Then my podiatrist told me I needed a 2 inch heel to absorb my arch and stablize my feet. Later a major injury put me in 4 inch heels for life, hopefully another 30 to 40+ years.
This site has help me grow from hiding my heels to celebrating and showcasing them, such as, knee high sitlettos over skinny pants.