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Anyone tried to wear heels in public area? For example.. public male toilet?


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Hello all. It’s a great question. It’s never happened to me when en femme but this question was posed about just wearing heels into the male restroom. If you have to go then that’s what you do. Since I wear wedges more than other styles in warm weather and boots in colder weather these are the styles I had on when I had to go. Boots with jeans or slacks didn’t garner any looks whereas the wedges with jeans got some looks. I think what grabs attention quicker is if one paints their toes or not. Still nothing other than a few looks and mostly nothing which registered on my radar. As SF noted this isn’t an issue in California nor in a number of other places. That’s why it’s just common sense to be decent towards everyone unless they give an articulable reason not to be. 🙏HappyinHeels 

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HappyinHeels/JKenzer    I think we are still dealing with great apprehension when HHPlace members think the toilet or a doctor's office is anything other than your home or a dark theater. High Heels are JUST shoes. Sunday 9-11-2022 I spent the day at the Ohio collectors Gun show. Walking Two (2) hours in 7" heels with 1 3/4 plat. There are NO special places. Wear your heels wherever you wear your Ugly shoes = Flats. I go to dentist offices also. Mike                   securedownload_old.thumb.jpg.a030c4fa6821d23c9a23549a99abee9d.jpg

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There is only a few places I don't wear my heels.  Hiking trails, gravel roads, ....

Wore my heels to both the dentist and a MRI last week, but had to take them off because of possible metal.😀

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Heelsfor30 : I have hundreds of photos of me in high heels that were taken by my ex-wife. Only a few of my pictures are in the photo attachment. When I try to use the other pictures, I get rejected because there to large. Bull crap. Where do they think the attachment pictures came from? When i go out in public today I go alone. So, I have no photos of Sundays (9-11-2022) gun show adventure. However, these are heels very much what I wore. Mike 599da0653b700_DSCF5233(1).thumb.JPG.d7d0f901c10f5c2e96b4a4fe75d5a8f6.JPGDSCF5363.thumb.JPG.920e08b316dcaba014a32d5c3bcb1af4.JPG

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To reduce the size:

1.  Crop the picture in your jpeg photo program.

2.  Open Paint3D and import your jpeg.  Use "canvas to resize the photo.  Enter the % of the original photo you want in the horizontal and hit tab. It will give you the same reduction in the other dimension.  Save as a jpeg.

Remember this resize is an area, so it is a squared function.

Example a 50% reduction (in both dimensions) with yield a file that is 1/4 the size, A 1000 to a 250 size.

50% = 0.5, so (50%)^2 = 0.5 times 0.5 = 0.25 = 1/4

Edited by Cali
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Cali : Thank you for your suggestions I am sure they are exact. However, you are speaking a foreign language to me. I am computer stupid. All of what you see here is hunt and peck. I am lucky to be able to delete my email. I will pose this info. to my neighbor and see if she can do all of this for me. Mike   P.S. I try never to post without a picture.59a2ec6e6fc33_DSCF5261(1).thumb.JPG.d84c953bb3d80c34451dff68dd353b20.JPG

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On 9/13/2022 at 11:16 AM, spikesmike said:

HappyinHeels/JKenzer    I think we are still dealing with great apprehension when HHPlace members think the toilet or a doctor's office is anything other than your home or a dark theater. High Heels are JUST shoes. Sunday 9-11-2022 I spent the day at the Ohio collectors Gun show. Walking Two (2) hours in 7" heels with 1 3/4 plat. There are NO special places. Wear your heels wherever you wear your Ugly shoes = Flats. I go to dentist offices also. Mike                   securedownload_old.thumb.jpg.a030c4fa6821d23c9a23549a99abee9d.jpg

What a great outfit spikes, love those great boots and spurs, the jeans fit so nicely as well.  D

1 hour ago, spikesmike said:

Cali : Thank you for your suggestions I am sure they are exact. However, you are speaking a foreign language to me. I am computer stupid. All of what you see here is hunt and peck. I am lucky to be able to delete my email. I will pose this info. to my neighbor and see if she can do all of this for me. Mike   P.S. I try never to post without a picture.59a2ec6e6fc33_DSCF5261(1).thumb.JPG.d84c953bb3d80c34451dff68dd353b20.JPG

I'm with you buddy.  

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4 hours ago, spikesmike said:

Cali : Thank you for your suggestions I am sure they are exact. However, you are speaking a foreign language to me. I am computer stupid. All of what you see here is hunt and peck. I am lucky to be able to delete my email. I will pose this info. to my neighbor and see if she can do all of this for me. Mike   P.S. I try never to post without a picture.

You mean to tell me there is something other than hunt and peck? Mind blowing info.

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  • 1 year later...
On 8/16/2022 at 7:16 AM, Tangerine said:

I haven't posted in this forum for a year, and a lot has changed in my life in this past year. First of all, I realized that I am transgender and started transitioning. So I guess I don't strictly belong in the "For the Guys" subforum anymore, but I still feel a kinship with men who have a love for high heels. As for wearing heels in public, I have been doing it frequently since I socially transitioned. I wore these two weeks ago when we went to a restaurant with a couple of friends for a birthday celebration:


WOW! Those heels are fantastic!!!!! Love them!!! (Can you say Envious?)

OK - I'm sorry to get up on my soapbox here, but I kind of have to do so...

I fail to comprehend this whole 'washroom use must align with birth sex' baloney! In the end, who, other than clueless morons give a flying F*#% about it? I have so many places where the line for women to use the "women's" restroom has been proverbial mile long and if men are not using the stalls in "their" washroom, then let the women do it! What is the big deal about it? 

As to the point at hand - I personally love the sound and feel of my heels clicking across any solid surface - there is just an indescribable allure to it. If that happens to be in a public men's restroom, then so be it. 

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I used to be self conscious about a lot of things. Going to the toilet is not one of them. Though I do suffer from "shy bladder," which makes things difficult sometimes.

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  • 1 month later...

If I am out wearing heels and need to use a restroom, I do. I will admit I will use the 3rd option bathroom if they have mens/womens/etc (family changing room, etc). So far I’ve never had a problem.



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(formerly known as "JimC")

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