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I have to admit, getting YouTubed bothered me a bit even though I do have a whole collection of Thighbootguy videos posted on Youtube. I'm still trying to figure out what bugged me so much. I think it was that someone else posted it with the idea of "Look what I caught" (my reading) but it might have been getting publicly labeled as a Crossdresser. That’s an accurate description but I had never thought to apply it to me before. After looking at it a couple of times I realized, yeah that’s what I look like and it really isn’t a big deal. ie. I should get over it.

Well, I suppose it's simply a natural reaction to feel as though you were improperly identified, and perhaps that's why you were left perturbed. I have no doubt that when people see me out and about in a skirt and heels, "crossdresser" is the first thought that pops into their minds. If that's what they want to think, so be it. To be honest, I'm surprised I haven't been captured on video by some amateur with a cellphone and wound up on YouTube, but then, I suppose it's only a matter of time.

I don't want to LOOK like a woman, I just want to DRESS like a woman!


Thanks for your comments on the the clip of you being posted on "Youtube." While I can relate to your being a bit unsettled at being photographed and the clip posted without your knowledge, it would seem that that sort of thing was bound to happen sooner or later (think back to when xaphod and a couple of other members were photographed while touring one of the museums in London during a break at a World Heelmeet, a couple of years back). I believe any of us that wear our heels in public would expect it to occur sooner or later. One thing about Youtube I think everyone should keep in mind is that there are thousands of clips on so many different subjects that people have posted there, that someone really has to search long and hard to find a specific clip. The chance that a friend, co-worker or someone that is well acquainted with you "haphazardly" stumbling across that clip, is minimal. Besides, the clip is really so short and off center that it is difficult to recognize the person photographed. Had it not been for the fact that those of us that are members here are familiar with your previously posted videos, I doubt that any of your acquaintances would be able to positively identify you (not that I believe you are really overly concerned about being positively identified since you've never really kept your alternative dress habits a secret). In fact, I really with JeffB when he pointed out that his surprise that more of us that regularly wear our high heels in public haven't been captured and our images posted on Youtube before now. In any event, since our membership has become so large (over 9,000 and grownig), I am sure that any video clips that appear will quickly be brought to our attention.

Being mentally comfortable in your own mind is the key to wearing heels in public.


Bubba136 -

"think back to when xaphod and a couple of other members were photographed while touring one of the museums in London during a break at a World Heelmeet, a couple of years back"

I remember seeing that clip... I thought they were responsible for that clip. :)

I dream of a world where chickens can cross roads without having their motives questioned.


I did a quick shopping trip this evening after work. I went out wearing a white knit to with a ¾ length sleeve and open neck, ivory hose, the new brown suede, size 11 short skirt, and brown suede knee high boots with 3” blade heels. I’ve worn short denim and leather skirts before and had I been wearing my thigh boots I doubt if I would have noticed but the skirt seemed like it was postage stamp size. I stopped in Walgreens and as I was walking in I noticed a guy driving buy who almost twisted his neck before he finally exclaimed to anyone listening, “Is that for real?”. In the store I couldn’t find what I wanted and had to ask for help, which was graciously given by one of the female clerks. The register clerk, who knows me, cheerfully greeted me and we chatted for a moment. I did get a couple more downward glances than I normally notice so maybe my impression of the skirt was right. Next I stopped for gas at a pay at the pump station and filled the tank. I don’t know that anyone noticed even though it was fairly busy. Although I didn’t really need to stop at Sam’s I went in anyway. Again I got more glances downward than I normally get with my thigh boots and one middle aged white lady didn’t stop staring at me, and not approvingly either. As with most other outfits I have worn, the longer I was out wearing the outfit, the more comfortable I felt and the more comfortable I am the more confidence I presented. Being confident is not a problem for me, but I did notice I was a bit more relaxed after a little while. Anyway, it was a fun outing. :)

I dream of a world where chickens can cross roads without having their motives questioned.


Hi Magic heels,

That is so awesome that you are still out wearing heels well into your golden years. You are a total inspiration! I intend to do the same for as long as I can in years too. You are doing what many hope to do, thank you being you!

As well as Bubba and many others who have worn their heels for the long term! This is so empowering for the rest of us.

TBG I hope the cholesterol test was OK. I had one a couple of weeks ago and the doc has not complained. I wore my 3 inch heels to the surgery!



As with most other outfits I have worn, the longer I was out wearing the outfit, the more comfortable I felt and the more comfortable I am the more confidence I presented. Being confident is not a problem for me, but I did notice I was a bit more relaxed after a little while.

Great minds think alike! I always feel the same way, the longer I'm wearing an outfit, the more comfortable and at ease I feel, and that is a great feeling indeed! Cool outfit you wore too! Bravo!

I don't want to LOOK like a woman, I just want to DRESS like a woman!


Like JeffB, I to find that being comfortable in public in a skirt & heels gets better with length of visit. When I enter a place, the anxiety is highest on entering, drops quickly in the first 5 minutes - and once I'm involved with the task at hand, the fact that I'm "wearing unusual garb for a 6'5" male" begins to be replaced by the feeling of freedom enjoyed my someone content with the looks, actions and well-being.


While I admire your courage "pushing the envelope (overworked and really, really tired phrase), wearing that particular skirt and pair of pumps." But, to me there is something about the skirt that isn't quite "visual" or as appealing as some of the others that you've worn in the past. Perhaps it's the scalloped hem or the "transparent" appearance of the material that throw it off. And then, the length might also have something to do with it. Perhaps it's because you are so tall and the skirt so long that it appears overly lengthy to fit your frame. Then again, don't pay me any "never mind." I don't wear skirts so (according to my wife) I don't really know what I am talking about :)

Being mentally comfortable in your own mind is the key to wearing heels in public.


Bubba136, I think your comments were intended for JeffB. I havent worn pumps in public for a long time. I'm much more comfortable in thigh boots than pumps. TBG

I dream of a world where chickens can cross roads without having their motives questioned.


Well it’s Friday and that means jeans at work and some fun shopping after work.

Work has been stressful this past couple of weeks and as a stress reliever I stopped in the local Goodwill with no intention of buying anything rather just to look around. Well… clothing was 50% off and I found a pair of light brown suede 5 pocket style slacks in a size 12 priced at $5. Normally I’d just sigh and put them back on the rack but since I just spent an afternoon wearing a size 11 leather skirt I thought why not give them a try. It my surprise, they fit! Ok, a little tight and short but I was planning to wear them under thigh boots so the length didn’t make any difference, and they weren’t so tight that I couldn’t sit down so I headed to the register and parted with $2.50 and left the store a happy camper.

I stopped at a rest stop on the way home and traded my denim jeans for the new leather ones and added a wide gray leather belt. That with a long sleeved white dress shirt and black leather pull on thigh boots with 4” stilettos made a very nice looking outfit if I do say so myself.

My first stop was Walgreens to exchange an item I had purchased last night. I took my time and they had to call a manager to process the exchange. In fact they processed the transaction at the cosmetic counter and I took the opportunity to ask the clerk for advice on selecting a foundation. I’m not going there yet but information is a good thing to have.

Next I stopped at Sams and took my time selecting my stuff. As I walked past a small group, two ladies (black young and middle aged) and two young kids (black 8 – 10), the young lady asked, “Please tell me how you walk on those? Whenever I try my ankle gets all wobbley.”

Before I could answer, one of the young kids said, “Your’e wearing heels.”

“Yep, I am”

“Why are you wearing heels?”

“I like to.” And that seemed to satisfy him.

I told the young lady that the key was practice.

She asked how long I had been wearing them and I told het I had been wearing them for years and that I normally wore a 5” heel rather than this 4” pair.

I told het to practice at home until she was confident in her ability to walk in them and shared that boots were easier to walk in than pumps. (Does this sound like anything I have written on this board more times than I can remember?) She thanked me for the information.

Some of the register clerks still don’t know what to make of me and I got one of them tonight. She is a young gal with straight shoulder length hair that and been dual tinted blond and brown. After she rang up my stuff I complemented her on her hair and how well it worked with the glasses frames she had selected. She just bubbled at the complement and said her mom did her hair. I think I’ll get a smile the next time I’m in the store.

I still didn’t want to head home so I stopped at a nearby Goodwill, again with nothing in mind. I wandered around for a while and didn’t see anything I was interested in. There were a couple of guys in the electronics area that I stereotyped as a gay couple, as I’m sure they did me. One guy said, “I really like your boots but they must hurt to walk in.”

I said that they didn’t hurt at all, that I wore them all the time, and that I normally wore a 5” heel. He seemed impressed and replied, “Oh, working it!”

I’m not sure we were having a conversation about the same topic so I bid them a good afternoon.

My last stop was the local liquor emporium. Neither the owners nor the other customers batted an eye as I selected a bottom shelf bottle of scotch and paid for it at the register.

All in all it was a nice Friday after work shopping trip.


Magic Heels - The test results were fine. Thanks so much for asking.

I dream of a world where chickens can cross roads without having their motives questioned.


Yo, TBG! Sounds like you had a most entertaining outing! Don't you just love it when people ask you all those interesting questions about things they would never ask women who wear the same sort of footwear? Quite hilarious if you ask me! I guess the "disconnect" between men and heels is still very much in effect, leading to the mindset among the public that find the concept of men wearing high heels unusual at best, strange at worst.

I don't want to LOOK like a woman, I just want to DRESS like a woman!


Bubba136, I think your comments were intended for JeffB. I havent worn pumps in public for a long time. I'm much more comfortable in thigh boots than pumps.


Quite right, TBG. I guess I should have made that clear in my post. :)

Being mentally comfortable in your own mind is the key to wearing heels in public.


Congratulations on another fine outing. I love it when, especially women, comment on my high heels, usually 5" stiletto heels, that I am wearing when I heel in public. The comment made to me most often is, "...great shoes, but I could never walk in a pair like those with heels that high..." I used to get comments from mature women. But lately, even younger women compliment me on the high heels that I am wearing.

Thanks again for another great post. As always, I am looking forward to reading about your next outing.

  • 2 weeks later...

I have been out on a few more uneventful outing wearing jeans, a gray T-shirt and black leather thigh boots with 4” stilettos. I made a quick trio to Sams and a local Goodwill. The next day I had a doctors appointment (nothing more serious than the flu). The receptionist did comment on how handy my purse was with a whole side dedicated to plastic cards. The nurse, who had seen me before, insisted on calling me “Hon” as in, “How tall are you Hon?” After the appointment I stopped in a local drug store to pick up my prescription. Today was a museum day and the place was busy which meant a long walk to the Museum. Before I went to the museum I had to stop at an art store to get a new sketch book since I had filled the last one. In the Museum I met up with the Sunday drawing gang and we sketched for a while. I really didn’t like the gallery we were in so I made a sketch of out teacher. She said she was working on portraits and asked if she could take a picture of me. I said sure, then showed her my sketch, and she didn’t believe the coincidence. I’m not sure what is happening but for the past couple of weeks going out wearing my boots just hasn’t been the high it was in the past. I think its just a mood swing which happens to me from time to time, but it might be that I really am getting used to wearing my boots whenever I’m out and it really isn’t a big (or even little) deal anymore. They really are just another pair of shoes. Sigh. :)

I dream of a world where chickens can cross roads without having their motives questioned.


I’m not sure what is happening but for the past couple of weeks going out wearing my boots just hasn’t been the high it was in the past. I think its just a mood swing which happens to me from time to time, but it might be that I really am getting used to wearing my boots whenever I’m out and it really isn’t a big (or even little) deal anymore. They really are just another pair of shoes.

The last couple of times I was out and about in high heels, as I went about my errands, a couple of times it hit me out of the blue that I was wearing high heels. I get so comfortable in them, as you say, they become another pair of shoes. It is no big deal , but I still enjoy wearing them and it's still fun. Maybe you might try a new outfit combination. Thank you again for sharing your day with us.


I’m not sure what is happening but for the past couple of weeks going out wearing my boots just hasn’t been the high it was in the past. I think its just a mood swing which happens to me from time to time, but it might be that I really am getting used to wearing my boots whenever I’m out and it really isn’t a big (or even little) deal anymore. They really are just another pair of shoes.

Well, you could look at that as your continued evolution as your boots have simply become part of your regular routine, nothing more, nothing less. I see that as a good thing because it implies that what you wear are just shoes. Plain and simple. Look at that as a positive, not some sort of mood swing.

I don't want to LOOK like a woman, I just want to DRESS like a woman!


I have mentioned in previous posts about going to an in house concert series, well the host has posted a couple of videos of some of the shows and TBG is seated in the front row on the left wearing white thigh boots.

I dream of a world where chickens can cross roads without having their motives questioned.


Ok, so I don't know my left from my right. I'm sitting on my other left (right hand side of the screen --> ). I've gotten my pull on boots wrong on occasion to. :)

I dream of a world where chickens can cross roads without having their motives questioned.


quite frankly, I think you look better than the guy playing the violin and wearing freaky sandals. :)

Being mentally comfortable in your own mind is the key to wearing heels in public.


Thursday I stopped in Sam’s after work. I was wearing a gray long sleeved dress shirt, a wide gray leather belt, a brown suede skirt, off white hose, and black leather pull on thigh boots with 4” stilettos. The skirt hem was just at the top of my boots. The trip was non-eventful. The only thing that I noticed I did differently was at the checkout. There were only a few registers open and everyone decided to checkout at the same time so there were a couple of long lines. Normally I don’t mind a long line, in fact I kind of enjoy them (part of going out is being seen), but this time I only had a few items and I went over to the food counter where there was no line and had them ring up my stuff. Friday was jeans at work. Both Thursday and Friday I wore a pair of gray suede knee high boots with 4” block heels at work. These boots are at least 20 years old and came from Tall Girl Fashions. They have a thick molded sole and heel that does not flex so they take a bit of getting used to but they do look nice. I have been wearing jeans and slacks that are too long to be worn without heels. I’m not trying to hide the heels, in fact they are quite visible especially when I sit down, rather the extra length just looks good. Most gals wearing slack with heels use this technique. After work I went shopping at PetsMart Sam’s and a Goodwill. I wore a blue/white stripped long sleeved dress shirt. the grey wide belt, a denim mini skirt, black hose, and black leather pull on thigh boots with 4” stilettos. I still prefer to wear my thigh boots with a skirt rather than the knee high boots because the thigh boots make a strong enough statement by themselves that I can wear anything else with them. The knee high boots don’t give me that comfort margin. PetsMart was the normal friendly clerks getting my case of cat food from the store room and treating me like a normal customer. In Sam’s I had two groups of women comment (positively) on my boots. All said they looked nice and that I walked well with the heels. I thanked them for their comments. One of the managers scanned the items I had in my cart so I could quickly go through the checkout. She commented that she hadn’t seen me in the store for a while. We chatted for a minute. It’s kind of nice to be missed. The register clerk was the gal I had previously complemented on her hair and glasses frames and she was all smiles when I got to the register but I didn’t get a chance to chat with her because my items had already been scanned and all I had to do was pay for my stuff. At the Goodwill I wandered around a bit but couldn’t doddle too long because I had ice cream in the car. The only thing I got was a pair of blue hose. The register clerk, who knows me, commented, “Oh your going to try that color.” There was no doubt who the hose were for. The store was starting to put out their Halloween stuff and she asked me if I was going out for Halloween. I said, “I go out like this now, what do I need Halloween for?” She conceded the point. When I left the Goodwill a lady stopped me outside the store and asked, “How do you walk in those?” Another lady with her asked, ”Don’t they hurt your feet?” I said I wore them all the time and they were quite comfortable, in fact I normally wore a 5" heel. We chatted for a minute and as I left the first lady commented that I “sure was rocking the boat.” I took it as a complement. I’m still struggling with how I want to present myself. At work its business casual with boots but as soon as I get home I want out of those clothes and I generally pull on shorts or yoga pants and T-shirt and a flat shoe. When I’m out, not related to work, I wear thigh boots and jeans or a skirt or what I wear at home. I know I don’t have to present the same image all the time, and variety keeps things interesting, but business casual to a mini shirt is quite a range. I’m not complaining, but I am curious as to why I have so many choices and most other guys (this board excluded) have so few choices. Until I get a better answer I’ll just go with “Its all JeffB’s fault”. :):)

I dream of a world where chickens can cross roads without having their motives questioned.


I’m still struggling with how I want to present myself. At work its business casual with boots but as soon as I get home I want out of those clothes and I generally pull on shorts or yoga pants and T-shirt and a flat shoe. When I’m out, not related to work, I wear thigh boots and jeans or a skirt or what I wear at home. I know I don’t have to present the same image all the time, and variety keeps things interesting, but business casual to a mini shirt is quite a range. I’m not complaining, but I am curious as to why I have so many choices and most other guys (this board excluded) have so few choices. Until I get a better answer I’ll just go with“Its all JeffB’s fault”. :):)

The truth is that you've taken it upon yourself to adopt an attitude that you are going to dress the way that is comfortable and pleases you no matter what side of the store the clothing come from. And, yes, I also used to marvel at the pictures JeffB used to post of him in his cubical at his job wearing smart high heeled pumps and well coordinated and matching clothing. Such courage for a man to wear high heels in public back in the early days of this forum was almost "unheard of." While I was an old hand at wearing women's shoes almost everywhere back then (mostly penny loafer style pumps with 2" to 3" heels), it was JeffB's example that gave me the courage to actually wear pumps and boots with stiletto heels to restaurants and while shopping at the various malls around the area where we live(d).

JeffB has the courage to dress as he likes. And, he looks good and carries the look well. And, so does Thighbootguy. On the other hand, I am not interested in wearing skirts and dresses. While I do wear stockings, kneehighs and thigh high stockings with my "girls" shoes, I have never been interested in other items of woman's clothing.

Looking back over the past years, I believe we all owe a huge debt of gratitude to both JeffB and Thighbootguy, plus a few others, for making it easier for all of us that wear our "heels" out there in the wild, wide world. Our gratitude to you all, guys.:rose:

Being mentally comfortable in your own mind is the key to wearing heels in public.


I’m still struggling with how I want to present myself. At work its business casual with boots but as soon as I get home I want out of those clothes and I generally pull on shorts or yoga pants and T-shirt and a flat shoe. When I’m out, not related to work, I wear thigh boots and jeans or a skirt or what I wear at home. I know I don’t have to present the same image all the time, and variety keeps things interesting, but business casual to a mini shirt is quite a range. I’m not complaining, but I am curious as to why I have so many choices and most other guys (this board excluded) have so few choices. Until I get a better answer I’ll just go with “Its all JeffB’s fault”. :)

Oh, sure! While you're at it, why don't you blame me for the lousy economy, this summer's dreadful east coast heat wave and the nightmarish plague that's Snooki and Jersey Shore! :)

Having choices is what makes life so much fun! After all, the lack of choice in men's shoes is what led us to the women's side of the footwear aisle in the first place. And, if memory serves, YOU started wearing skirts in public before I did, I'm just following YOUR example and expanding upon the trails YOU'VE already blazed. So there! Heck, maybe I could blame you for leading me "astray" since it's often a struggle go out something other than a skirt because I've come to enjoy them so much! Heh! And with Fall right around the corner, I suspect I'll be wearing my thigh boots plenty, and not always with tight jeans either! Double heh! Meanwhile, I continue to be awful darn impressed with your outings, if anything, you've inspired me to broaden my horizons in ways I never would've imagined possible a scant few years ago. So I guess we're just two bold trailblazers leading the way for others here at HHPlace to follow!

I don't want to LOOK like a woman, I just want to DRESS like a woman!


To quote two of my favorite characters, Charlie Brown – “Oh good grief.” Leghorn Red – “That was a joke son, I say that was a joke.” To JeffBs point, I guess it was all my fault. :) Saturday was a fun day. I have been wearing my 4” boots but decided to change to my 5” pair. As has been noted before, the additional inch in height makes a difference. I didn’t have any problems but I did notice that it changed my balance and I took as little more care when walking. I stopped in Sam’s and a nearby Goodwill wearing a grey T-Shirt, denim mini shirt, black hose and black leather thigh boots with 5” stilettos. Neither stop was eventful. The skirt presents me as a cross dresser but the thigh boots drown out that image. I went to a concert Saturday night wearing a blue/white long sleeved dress shirt, tight jeans, and my 5” thigh boots. I managed to get my timing off and showed up at the venue about an hour early so I got to stand around waiting for the doors to open. I chatted with a few of the other early arrivers and no one even seemed to notice my boots. Of course they did but no one gave any reaction at all. Without the skirt I presented myself as a guy that likes boots. The tickets were distributed at a “will-call” window. The lady working there said, “I noticed you had a ticket and were coming tonight” and she said this before I had given her my name. As I’ve noted, folks remember my boots. After the doors opened and I had my seat I chatted with the other patrons and wandered back out to the lobby where a lady spotted me and loudly announced, “Those are awesome boots.” I thanked her and kept on walking. The concert wasn’t all that great and I wasn’t the only one fighting to stay awake. All in all it was a fine day in boots. :)

I dream of a world where chickens can cross roads without having their motives questioned.


Oh, sure! While you're at it, why don't you blame me for the lousy economy, this summer's dreadful east coast heat wave and the nightmarish plague that's Snooki and Jersey Shore! :)

Now, why on earth would we ever blame you for these things. After all, everyone knows it's all George Bush's fault.....Obama said so......:)

Being mentally comfortable in your own mind is the key to wearing heels in public.


Well, with the weather finally cooling down here, I'm thinking that it's finally time for an outing in my thigh boots! Can't wait to take 'em for a spin!

I don't want to LOOK like a woman, I just want to DRESS like a woman!


Well, with the weather finally cooling down here, I'm thinking that it's finally time for an outing in my thigh boots! Can't wait to take 'em for a spin!

Can't wait for that either.....pictures, always pictures :)

Being mentally comfortable in your own mind is the key to wearing heels in public.


I am spikesmike. New member. Love reading all of your comments about the places you go , the things you do and the reactions of people you meet when wearing high heels in public. It is strange to me to read you refering to it all as outings. I wear 5 3/4 " high heels when ever I leave the house and have been doing so for years. To me its the same as walking out in a pair of jeans or t-shirt. No shirt no shoes no service. The best part of all of this is discovering I am not the only one out there doing this. For all these years I thought I was the only one of a very few who enjoyed wearing high heels, day and night. Yes, I have heard comments positave and negative, but I would rather hear the comments than not wear high heels. spikesmike.


Wow, spikesmike, that's quite surprising. I believe you are the first person from the USA that has mentioned that they've worn spike heels in public for years. Wonderful. Do you live in a large metropolitan area or a small city? I am just curious because I've been wearing my "girls" shoes in public for 15 years or so but only in the past 10 have I ventured out in pumps and boots with stiletto heels. And, I occasionally still get that "queezy" feeling when I enter an unfamiliar area where there is a large crowd.

Being mentally comfortable in your own mind is the key to wearing heels in public.


Hi bubba136. I live very close to Columbus, Ohio. There is not a place here that I will not go to in high heels, every day of the year. Always in 5 3/4" oxfords or boots with spurs in jeans and polo shirt. Weather being a factor. Tomarrow I am going for a haircut, then to a place on the south side of town to buy a case of hot dogs and bratwurst. ( holesale prices / special place ) I will leave in high heels and return in high heels. I will not change shoes even if I am in an auto accident. The midwest is loaded with consevative/backward people. They do not bother me. I have dressed this way for so many years that I am no longer affected by my own attire. spikesmike.


Can't wait for that either.....pictures, always pictures :)

I'll see what I can do! HA!

I don't want to LOOK like a woman, I just want to DRESS like a woman!

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