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Thigh Boots in Public


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Thighbootguy What an evening! Indeed! Once again a marvelous shopping trip. From what you have had happen it seems as though you have no reason not to wear your boots when you go out. What a great feeling and yes, most of it is a head game.. Thanks for your continued reports...Jim

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the key is acting in a cool,calm,collected manor...confident. when u do that it all falls into place. i think even those folks that arent interested in fetish,boots,whatever are impressed by others that do unconventional things. then there are those members of the mindless flock that think u r a satan worshiper,etc. i must admit i get a kick out the flustered,fearful looks on their faces. scared of what they can neither imagine or comprehend.

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Thighbootguy:-) What a fantastic set of compliments that you gained on your last outing in your thigh boots. Confidence means everything. If you show that you are confident, the attitude of the people that see you in your thigh boots seems to be almost always favorable. Congrats. Cheers--- Dawn HH

High Heeled Boots Forever!

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well said crotchhighboots :) I have noticed that kind of look on people's faces too, & I'll tell you it is always amusing to see!! just goes to prove that what certain folks do when confronted with the "unexpected" as it were, as if it all of sudden turned their universe upside-down or like a computer that is fed "wrong" information & then freezes up (pun intended) LOL :rofl: they just dont know how they can react it seems to things like this! I see it all of the time, keeps me going strong in my boots! yours,Brad

men still look good with pants tucked into the right boots!

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Tuckedintoboots I didn't make that statement. Your are confusing Crotchboots-M with me(Crotchhiboots). I have admired Thighbootguy for his courage and I will be wearing thighboots in public as soon as my boots are delivered . I ordered a pair of Ellies Tyler thighboots from How Cool. They are flat low heels but I have to start somewere. After people around here get used to me in these maybe I can wear a heeled version later. Yes I will wear them on the outsude of my pants. I wonder what kind of comments I will get? I will post my adventures here when I get the boots.

77r90dL lf

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oh gee, I'm sorry!! :o I guess I had gotten you confused with this other one!!) I too have thigh boots that are flat, but all the rest of my boots are blade heel & platform styles (one pair of blade heel knee high only in this case) I plan to wear my black wedge platform boots today cause it is raining (they are "fake" leather so they hold up much better in the rain) matched with my black rubberized rain long coat!! :) I live in southern CA (USA) & now I read in this morning's paper that everyone is starting to think like they do up north in WA state (weather is always it seems to me @ least to be a "state of mind"- pun intended here as well!!) some day I hope to get myself a pair of heeled thigh boots also! yours, Brad (tuckedintoboots)

men still look good with pants tucked into the right boots!

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I posted a note in another thread (Buying shoes in shoe stores) about passing up a pair of Nine West, brown sued, knee high, lace up boots with a chunk heel for $15 because they crushed my toes when I put them on. Well, I had second thoughts about them and went back and tried them on again. And … they are a little tight. That had caused my foot to slide forward into my sock which caused the toe crushing. The boots don’t fit well enough for a lot of walking (I’m hopping a little stretching will help) but I bought them and wore them all afternoon at work under my jeans. The afternoon included a bit of hall wandering and a staff meeting but mostly I was at my desk. The lace up shaft feels great. No one batted an eye. These boots do not have a zipper, but they do have speed hooks, but putting them on is not quick. If these don’t stretch a bit I’ll have to get a pair that really fit. At the beginning of this thread, I asked about others experience with lace up thigh boots, I think these have convinced me to try a pair. (I'm still interested in others advice/experiences).

After walking in from the parking lot and back out to my car in boots that were too tight, I switched to a pair of 4” heel pull on thigh boots that did fit. I went shopping without incident. A couple of women noticed my boots and smiled. I took my time and wandered the isles. Most folks just ignored me. The checkout clerk and I chatted a bit about my purchases but not a word about my boots. As I was leaving, I made eye contact with a woman who was 10 yards away. She could clearly see me then her eyes looked down at my boots and back up to me with a very confused look on her face. I think her internal conversation was “The guy in boots noticed me, wait a minute those boots have high heels, he’s wearing high heeled thigh boots, why is he wearing those, now what do I do, oh well there he goes”.

Crotchhiboots -

I have several pair of flat heel boots that I wear a outside a lot, especially in the cool weather. I hope you enjoy yours.

Tuckedintoboots -

You said you have a pair of flat heel thigh boots, do you wear the out and about?

For me, the flat heel boots make a mild fashion statement about guys wearing boots, the 4” stiletto heels make a slightly stronger statement about boots but an additional different statement guys wearing heels, and the 5” stiletto heels make much stronger statement both about the boots and the heels.

Just be aware of what you are saying, and where you are saying it.


I dream of a world where chickens can cross roads without having their motives questioned.

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I have purchased shoes that didn't fit, too. And, one pair I purchased because I really liked them, caused a corn that was extremely painfuland took a long time to heal. My lace up J-Lo boots are inconvenient to put on, too. The toes are also very narrow and pointed. However, the toe box is perfectly formed and the narrowness of the pointed toes do not interfere with the way they fit. Actually, they are very comfortable. So much said for construction and proper fit.

Being mentally comfortable in your own mind is the key to wearing heels in public.

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I looove my Jlos too as they are so comfy, Shame that with all my other boots and limited opportunities I don't grt to wear them much.

Graduate footwear designer able to advise and assist on modification and shoe making projects.

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well loveheel, I would understand that you might like skirts too (I do too) :o but you must have known that the thigh boots were made to wear with either skirts OR over your pants, but no wonder you had such trouble trying to put them UNDER the pants, since they are not MADE to be worn that way. if I were you the next time that you went into a store to try them on, I'd just go ahead & wear the thigh boots in question with your pants tucked in to them (the way they should be worn with pants) & don't even bother caring about anyone who looks @ you or what ever the hell they may think (or say)-it is NONE of their bussiness one way or the other (since you would not ask them about the boots, why should you care about the opinions of complete strangers!!! :) ) just trying to help! :oops:

men still look good with pants tucked into the right boots!

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This has been an exhausting day. Early this morning we had a light snow. Unfortunately conditions were just right to turn the snow on my street into a sheet of ice. I live on the outside of a 90 degree downhill turn that people tend to take at 30+ mph. I had 3 cars slide through the turn and land in my front yard. After 3 additional wrecks and several calls to the city for a salt truck, I went out and started flagging down traffic. I know I saved at least 4 more cars in my yard and several more wrecks. For a car to get into my yard, it had to go over the curb which made a real mess of the front end alignment to say the least. It was cold so of course I was wearing my thigh boots. I wore the flat heeled pair for several reasons: 1) the street was a sheet of ice, and 2) I didn’t want to cause any more wrecks :) . Even with the flat heeled pair, I still fell flat on my face. Later in the afternoon it had warmed up and the street cleared, I went to the are museum. The place was packed (last weekend for the Monet show) and all the parking lots were full. I has to park over a quarter mile away. I was wearing my black pull on thigh boots with a 4” stiletto heel. This was the first time I had been that far away from my car while wearing high heeled boots. All the other times, all I had to do was cross a parking lot, but this time I had to walk along the sidewalk for a good distance. To get to the museum, which is on the top of a hill, I walked on sidewalks to the base of the hill and took a long set of steps and a path up to the museum. Once in the museum, I had a great time. When I went in, a mother and daughter were asking a guard where the Monet exhibit was. I offered that that was where I was going and would be glad to show them and off we went. We chatted a lot about the paintings we were passing (they both knew a lot about are) but not a word about my boots. I talked with a lot of folks while I was sketching. Everyone was amazed at the crowd and no one mentioned my boots. Sketching is a lot of fun, but it can be a lot of work. By five o’clock I was tired so I started to leave then remembered where I had parked. Remember I said the steps and path went UP, that meant going back, I had to do DOWN the icy path, with 4” heels. It was steeper than it looked so I wound up walking off the paved path and carefully taking the steps. Then it was sidewalk and street back to the car. There was traffic on the street and I’m walking along in thigh boots with 4” heels like I owned the place. No one said a word (It may have been too cold to roll down the windows but…). On the way home I stopped at a large thrift store and went in wearing my heeled boots. This is the same store I went into on Dec 27 but wore my flat heeled boots then. I got several looks but not a comment. I bought a turtle neck in an extra large tall size. This will look great with leggings and thigh boots. I had a great time. As I’ve said before, it’s a head game. I think I’m winning.

I dream of a world where chickens can cross roads without having their motives questioned.

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I'm glad that the day went well too thighbootguy, but I'm sorry that you had slipped on some ice!! :) I know how risky walking on that can be, since I almost got hurt really bad while up in the San Bernardino mts (i.e. BigBear-this was even in flat shoes too- not even boots back then) it happened over 12 years ago too!

men still look good with pants tucked into the right boots!

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I went out shopping wearing my black thigh boots with 4” stiletto heels, blue jeans, dark turtle neck and a heavy brown leather coat.

The first stop was Sams Club. Several older women gave me disapproving looks. One just turned and stared at me boots as I walked by. That was the worst reaction of the day. On the other hand a young girl looked at me, than my boots, then back at me with a quizzical look. I just nodded my head to her and smiled and got an ear to ear smile in return. I told the girl at the checkout it had finally gotten cold enough to wear these (and nodded down toward my boots) and got a big smile in return.

Next I went to Radio Shack which is a much smaller store. I said “Hi” to the male clerk who was taking care of another customer and the young female clerk asked if she could help me. She noticed my boots but gave no reaction. She answered my questions and helped me find an item. She also had to get the manager (female) to help her change a battery in a calculator for me. I got no reaction from the manager either. The other customer finally came around to where I was and looked down her nose at my boots. By this time other customers had come into the store and gave no more then a curious glance at my boots. After I paid for my purchase I wandered around looking at stuff then went out to my car.

Next stop was Famous Footware. I had been in there several weeks ago wearing my flat heeled boots but this time I kept the 4” heels on. There was a different sales crew there today than the pervious week and, all though friendly, they didn’t go out of their way to be helpful. I went over to the women boots and the male clerk asked me what I was interested in. I said “Anything in the larger sizes”. He said everything was on display and there wasn’t anything left in the stock room. I tried on two pair of size 11 boots but they were too small. So I left without a purchase.

The next stop was the Thrift store. This store is in a strip mall and I had to park at the far end of the parking lot and walk the length of the mall (outside) to the store. One of the stores has mirrored windows so I got to see myself like everybody else did. The first thing I noticed were the heels, then the boots. I liked the image I saw. In the store a young woman said “Wow, look at those boors. They look great”. I thanked her and her last comment was, “I could wear those”. Maybe I have inspired someone. After that I got a few other looks but everyone else ignored me. After I checked out I got to take the long outside walk back to my car.

I had a great time.

Crotchhiboots -

I hope you enjoy your new boots. Since the weather has gotten colder, I get a lot of wear out of mine. Let us know how it goes.

I dream of a world where chickens can cross roads without having their motives questioned.

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Thighbootguy:-) Another great day for you in your black thigh boots with 4" stiletto heels. And by looking into the reflective glass windows gave you the same view that everyone else sees when you pass by them. Cheers--- Dawn HH

High Heeled Boots Forever!

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thighbootguy, our outings sound very similar. although,the rest of my gear(total black leather including shoulder length gloves,jeans,vest,wrist restraints and spiked choke collars) is slight more fetish orientated than your more fashionable attire. i think we could both agree that most are neutral about our attire,with the negative and postives looks/comments sprinkled in here and there.

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Finaly did it I wore my Thighboots out last night. I went to the store in them. I expected some comments but it was nighttime here and there were hardly any people on the streets. I went with a friend and I had no probs at all. BTW it snowed here last Sunday and the boots were great for the drifts across the sidewalk, not a bit of snow on my pants. A number of you wanted an update so here it is.

77r90dL lf

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Crotchhiboots:-) Congrats on your going out to the store in your thigh high boots. Having a friend/SO/wife with you really adds support for you. Did your stiletto heels give you support in the snow or did you have to be very careful that you didn't fall? Cheers--- Dawn HH

High Heeled Boots Forever!

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wear your boots with pride!! :) I have thigh boots but they are flat heeled, all the rest ( ankle & knee high) are high heeled & wear them with pride as well, you see how easy it is! any weird looks that you may find when your out & about can be simply ignored (that goes for those idiotic comments as well) you dont have to answer to ANY stranger(s) so cares what THEY think or say!!?? :o

men still look good with pants tucked into the right boots!

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DawnHH My boots have a flat heel and my friend being with me helped. Tuckedintoboots I wore my pants inside the boots to keep th snow off of them. Tonight I went to the store alone and nobody said anything about the boots. Each time I go out my confidence gets better, I was really nervous at first. :)

77r90dL lf

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Crotchhiboots:-) Everyone is quite nervous on their first time out in heels or women's boots. That's natural and the more you go out, the less nervous you become and you suddenly realize that it is an enjoyable thing. So, enjoy! Cheers--- Dawn HH

High Heeled Boots Forever!

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Hi to all, yesterday I got finally my new white leather overknee boots. I bought them at a german ebay auction for 45 Euro. It's a slip-on-model from Pleaser without zippers and 4'' heels. Although I'm already a proud owner of hot red 6'' thigh-boots I bid for the white ones. I wanted to have a pair of boots for wearing on the street. Now I'm reasoning if I should wear them under or over my trousers. If they had flat heels my answer would be 'over'. Under boot-cut jeans also no real problem even if they are white like snow. But I'm ogling with wearing them over tight jeans like Thighbootguy. My preliminary decision is not to wear them in my direct neighbourhood. I'm glad that most people have become accustomed to my pointy stiletto boots under flared jeans. Not again oil into the fire :) But I will wear them in public. For example on the 'Zeil' - the main shopping mall of Frankfurt - or in another bigtown nearby. Seams that I've caught already again a severe desease (TBGD :o ). Carnival could be a good opportunity. micha (*promising to write about it*)

The best fashion is your own fashion!

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Wednesday night after work I went to the museum. I was wearing slacks, a short sleeved no collar shirt, leather jacket, and black pull on thigh boots with 4” stiletto heels. There was a concert at the museum so the parking lots were crowded and I had to park in a far corner. I got to walk in with a group of people through all the snow and ice. No one said a word.

In the museum, I had fun sketching and several people stopped to see what I was drawing. I walked around a good bit. Many took notice of my boots but no one said anything. As I was walking out one woman gave me a practiced disapproving look. Most of us have practiced looks, that is conscious expressions we take on to convey feelings. This woman had disapproved of many things before.

On the way home I stopped at a local liquor store for several bottles of wine. This store has a large wine selection (thousands of bottles on display). The store was not crowded so I wondered around looking for what I wanted. Several customers, who I thought would say something, didn’t even notice my boots. :) ( I was expecting a favorable comment).

I went home and enjoyed the wine. Another uneventful (that’s a good thing) evening. At least I added another place I can go wearing my boots to my list.

crotchboots-m -

Your fashion statement is different than the one I try to make. I tried that look (in private) but it didn’t fit me. I do hope you enjoy it. Are your boots flat heeled or stiletto?

Crotchhiboots -

Those boots are great in the snow. Read back on this thread for Dr.Shoes’s advice on care for boots worn in the snow. Confidence builds each time you wear them. After a while you won’t think twice about wearing your boots, they just become your boots.

Micha -

I was wearing that same style of boots to the museum tonight. They are easy to put on and take off in the car, and they look and feel great. Based on the pictures you have posted, I think they will look great on you. If you don’t want them to stand out too much, try wearing them over white slacks.

I’ve never had anything named for me before. “TBGD” give me a break. :o

All -

I hope you guys have as much fun wearing your boots as I do.

I dream of a world where chickens can cross roads without having their motives questioned.

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Friday has been a long day. It started with a water heater poring water all over the basement floor. At 7:00 AM I went to Lowes (hardware chain that’s open when you need them) to get a new heater and all the plumbing parts and pieces I needed to install it. I wore jeans and black thigh boots with a flat heel. I had to get the plumbing clerk to help me find all the stuff so I was in the store for at least half an hour. When I left the store with a 40 gallon water heater, a guy in the parking lot helped me put it in my car. Everybody noticed my boots but no one said a word and I got no negative feelings at all. I installed the heater while still wearing my boots which made the plumbing job a little more enjoyable. When I finished, I put on a pair of 4” stiletto heel boots and drove to work. I changed to my guy shoes for work and had a busy day. After work, I changed back to the 4” heels and went shopping on my way home as I normally do. Tonight must have been the “lets stare at the guy in thigh boots” night. At Biggs, there was a family that included several young guys that had never seen a guy in heeled boots before and they were going to be sure they didn’t miss anything. The whole group just stared at me as I approached, and turned, in unison, as I passed and keep watching me. When I went down an isle the whole group moved so they could see down the isle. This was the first time I actually made an effort to ignore someone. Maybe it was just me, but there were others that seemed to be paying more attention to my boots than I normally get, and giving off negative vibes. If I hadn’t done exactly this same thing so many times before, and gotten neutral to positive reactions, I might have been put off by the experience. At Sams, most folks didn’t pay any attention, and I chatted with the folks in the checkout line. When I was leaving there was an older guy sitting at a table the gave me a rather disapproving stare. Oh well everyone is entitled to an opinion. I was thinking that if I were just starting to wear thigh boots in public, as some of the other members are, tonight might have put me off. My experience tells me that tonight was the exception and that most folks don’t care at all. If you feel you are getting negative feedback, be sure you are presenting a positive image which means you really don’t think you are doing anything out of the ordinary and are comfortable with what you are wearing. If you still get negative feedback, try going to another location but don’t be put off at the first negative reaction. Wearing thigh boots is too much fun for that. Enjoy.

I dream of a world where chickens can cross roads without having their motives questioned.

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