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Mr. X's travels

Mr. X

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19 hours ago, mlroseplant said:Third, is that coat actually supposed to tie way up there on your rib cage? I'm not asking to be a jackwagon, I actually just bought such a coat myself, and I am slightly puzzled by this feature. I figured that maybe I bought too small of a size, or that the coat is not proportioned to me, but it fits otherwise, and maybe that's just the style. I'm new to this area of clothing.

I’m t

19 hours ago, mlroseplant said:

Third, is that coat actually supposed to tie way up there on your rib cage? I'm not asking to be a jackwagon, I actually just bought such a coat myself, and I am slightly puzzled by this feature. I figured that maybe I bought too small of a size, or that the coat is not proportioned to me, but it fits otherwise, and maybe that's just the style. I'm new to this area of clothing.

Another example of women’s tops being fit for their shorter torsos.  

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  • 2 years later...

I can't believe how long it has been since I have posted something here.  It is not because I haven't been getting out in heels.  It is just that my outings are pretty much the same evertime except for the outfit.  And unless something happens worth posting I usually don't. Todays outing was the same as most of my others.  Just me, my laptop, and a coffee shop.  The difference today was in my outfit.

Most of my outfits are put together myself.  I am at the point where I can look thru my stuff and know what will go with what before I even put them on.  Today however, the inspiration, and pieces for my outfit came from someone else.  I was out shopping earlier today in a clothing store and I spotted a young women In her 20's or 30's If I had to guess.  And as jerry seinfeld once said.  She posessed many of the qualities prized by the superficial man.  She was also nicely put together.  Not over dressed, but better dressed then alot of the other women I see out and about.  And as it turns out, we have some of the same tastes in clothing and footwear.  She was wearing an outfit similar to how I usually dress.  I call it "fancy casual".  More dressy than what you normally see around here, but at the same time it doesn't look like you spent hours getting ready.  A complete outfit where every piece compliments one another.  I can usually put one of those outfits together in 20 minutes or less these days.  I studied her outfit from head to toe.  I realized I had something similar to almost everything she was wearing, except for her handbag.  I might just have to add one to my shopping list for the future.  We happened to be shopping in the same area. And we both happend to pick out the same piece of clothing. Just in different sizes of course!  She was a little shorter and thinner than I was.

I have always seen women in jumpsuits, and I have always wanted to try them out.  But I had yet to find one that I liked and thought would work for me, until today.  We both picked out the same one off the rack and she comment to me how cute she thought it was, and I agreed.  It was a darker pink colour and I decided to go and try it on.  Not only did it fit great, it was so comfy!  as luck would have it she was trying some things on as well, and we left the changerooms at nearly the same time.  As she walked towards me I politely asked her if it fit.  She said it fit so good!  She then asked If I tried it on.  I told her I did. I told her I agreed with the great fit, and I told how comfy I thought it was as well.  She told me that she now had to find a jacket to pair over top of it.  I told her good luck with that.  And I also stashed that fashion nugget away for the future.  After paying for it, I left the store.  And after a few other stops I headed home.

Once I was finished things at home I went on the outing I have been building too.  Now this is where the inspiration comes from. With the events from earlier still fresh on my mind, I decided why not go out wearing a recreation of the outfit the women from earlier was wearing.  It was also a first for me.  She was wearing a shirt that was a color I would have never thought to pair with the other pieces she was wearing.  Even to this day, I am still learning things as I go along on this fashion journey.  I have worn outfits similar to what she was wearing many times, but as best as I can recall, not with that color shirt.  And of course I had to use a different handbag.  Because as I said earlier I didn't have one like hers.  So here is the outfit that both her and I wore today!  I hope I did it as much justice as she did.

the outfit
1) peachy colored shirt
2) grey and black plaid jacket
3) black leggings
4) chunky black ankle boots with strap and buckle detailing
5) black crossbody bag




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Yes, I completely understand about the sameness of it all. Who could possibly be interested in the same ol', same ol'? Well, people are for some reason, at least a few people. My thread often wanders far away from the subject at hand, for that very reason, and those tend to be the top conversations when they happen.

Nice outfit, by the way. Nothing earth-shattering, but that's kind of what we're after, init? Edgy but normal.

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17 hours ago, Mr. X said:

I have always seen women in jumpsuits, and I have always wanted to try them out.  But I had yet to find one that I liked and thought would work for me, until today. 

Jumpsuit are great but the thing you need to think about is how you will use a restroom when wearing one.

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  • 1 year later...

I can't believe how long it has been since I posted here.  I am still getting out.  I just don't feel the need to post as much as I use to.  Here is a recent photo I took while out and about.


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Yup, I get you. It sure is nice to see that you're still around. I think we chose almost the same boots to wear, See & cf. my thread, p. 85. I like the slight pop of color along with it.

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On 3/24/2024 at 5:44 PM, Mr. X said:

I can't believe how long it has been since I posted here.  I am still getting out.  I just don't feel the need to post as much as I use to.  Here is a recent photo I took while out and about.


Great boots and leggings for sure

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  • 2 months later...

Here is one I took today while out and about. The boots are Aldo, in a two tone brown, with a chunkier heel. 


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