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The Jaunts of JeffB!


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Glad to hear that, my friend! Great minds think alike! :silly:

Thanks! If you are ever up here in Canada stop in at a Future Shop. It the Canadian equivalent of Best Buy. I don't make it to Best Buy very often unless I am travelling in the U.S. Which is maybe once a year or so. But up here Future Shop fills my quota of "nerdy gadgetness"...lol

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JeffB, You had a nice outing in heels and a skirt. Your outfit looked good. I also enjoyed a nice outing this morning, Sunday too. I was in my wedge heel sandals with a pair of white Dockers pants and a black camp shirt. Read my report on "Heeling with bluejay" thread. Happy Heeling, bluejay

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Thanks! If you are ever up here in Canada stop in at a Future Shop. It the Canadian equivalent of Best Buy. I don't make it to Best Buy very often unless I am travelling in the U.S. Which is maybe once a year or so. But up here Future Shop fills my quota of "nerdy gadgetness"...lol

"Nerdy gadgetness"! HA! That works for me! :silly:


You had a nice outing in heels and a skirt. Your outfit looked good. I also enjoyed a nice outing this morning, Sunday too. I was in my wedge heel sandals with a pair of white Dockers pants and a black camp shirt. Read my report on "Heeling with bluejay" thread.

Happy Heeling,


Cool! I'll be sure to swing by your thread and check it out. By the by, thanks for the kind words.

Jaunt #164, 8/20/2012:

Just a short outing today, well, relatively short anyway. With the weather nice, I headed out in a white polo shirt, my bronze button down black denim skirt, the Payless "Jefferson" buckle wedge pump which I love wearing and a handbag. Nothing special, I needed to renew my Barnes & Noble membership, so I headed into South Jersey in order to avoid having to pay for parking downtown. Sure, just call me cheap. Heh! Anyhoo, after arriving at the Moorestown Mall area, I went to lunch first at Chick-Fil-A, hopped right out of the car and walked in, no big deal. However, it did allow me to play a little game about how people observe me, I wonder what people notice first when they see me: the short skirt, the shoes with the buckles or the handbag. I suspect people notice the skirt more since it's hardly something a man would be seen wearing. Still, as is often the case on my outings, people glanced and briefly stared, but nothing more.

After lunch, it was off to Barnes & Noble to wander the aisles then spend a goodly amount at the magazine racks before going to the register with a anime magazine where I also renewed my membership which gave me discounts off stuff I buy. All told, I was in the store for about thirty minutes, casually strolling through the place like any other shopper, even passed by a couple of chatty little kids with their parents, neither of whom said anything to me, which, in itself was pretty cool. While it's plain and evident that I am noticed while out and about in a skirt and heels (I'd be foolish to think otherwise), the fact that no one takes it upon themselves to publicly make fun of me for my attire or laugh their behinds off at how I'm dressed is highly refreshing in itself, proof positive that people do indeed have manners and use them, and while it would be nice to have the curious and amazed engage me in conversation about my attire, it's also good to be able to go about my business undisturbed.

Meanwhile, it's become pretty much commonplace for me to wear skirts on my outings while my jeans collect dust in the back of my closet, and I'm perfectly content with that. It's what I like, what I'm comfortable with, and I'm having fun with what I'm wearing.





I don't want to LOOK like a woman, I just want to DRESS like a woman!

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For everyone who follows this thread and likes numbers, here's some for you regarding my jaunts:


Jeans: 6

Skirts: 3

Pants: 1


Skirts: 39

Skorts: 2

Jeans: 1


Skirts: 19

Jeans: 8

Capris: 1


Jeans: 35

Skirts: 18

Skorts: 4

Capris: 3

Dresses: 1

2012 (to date)

Skirts: 17

Jeans: 4

Skorts: 2

Dresses: 1

Jaunt #165, 8/21/2012:

Another day, another jaunt to enjoy. In this outing, I wore my navy polo shirt, the Old Navy dark denim skirt (with the slit in back), the Blondo loafers and the Buxton Bag as I went downtown. The weather was warm, but comfortable with no humidity, perfect conditions for wearing a skirt, and it felt great to wear it too. I parked a block away from the center city Barnes & Noble, hopped out and strolled down to the store past lots of people, none of whom paid me any appreciable amount of attention. Once inside, I casually wandered about the first floor magazine section, thumbed through a couple of sports magazines, then went up to the third floor where I looked through the manga section before settling on a couple of titles and returned downstairs to pay for my purchase. From there, I left the store and took my sweet time strolling through Rittenhouse Park so I could be seen (and I was, but no big deal was made) before returning to my car.

My second and final stop of the day was to Sugar House Casino, Philly's second slots parlor after Parx way out in the northeast, but Sugar House was closer to downtown, despite having taken a wrong turn along the way, I reached the place in around twenty minutes or so. Sugar House wasn't quite as fancy and flashy as Parx, but it was pretty decent, both inside and out. Once inside, I wandered about to get my bearings, then went about spending some forty-five minutes on various penny and nickel machines, the most I won was around eighty bucks, but what little luck I had didn't last long as I eventually left emptyhanded. It was only after I had gotten in my car and left that I had forgotten to sign up for a Sugar House card. Oh, well, I'll remember that for my next visit. The most important thing was that, just like at Parx, no one paid any attention to my attire as they were too busy working those one-armed bandits to care about my wandering about in a skirt.

I'm sure others have mentioned this, but casinos and slot parlors are a great place to wear heels, or freestyle like I do as everyone is too engrossed in their gambling to notice or care about what you wear. For your information. Make use of it as you will. Anyhoo, it was another enjoyable (though not profitable) outing in a skirt. The more I freestyle, the more fun and enjoyable it becomes, and that's good enough for me.





I don't want to LOOK like a woman, I just want to DRESS like a woman!

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JeffB, Nice outings in your skirt. As I reported last winter that I have worn a skirt out only twice. One leather skirt with knee boots and a black short skirt with a pair of black patent loafer pumps. My wife does not like me wearing a skirt. This fall, I hope to be able to wear a skirt sometimes when I am out heeling without my wife. Happy Heeling, bluejay

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bluejay: Thanks for the kind words. I'm glad folks here like you appreciate what I do.

I don't want to LOOK like a woman, I just want to DRESS like a woman!

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Must sway I prefer the short skirts Jeff, I'm not a fan of long skirts in general though. You have the right balance of body/ limb length and it really shows well in your shorter skiers.

High heels are the shoes I choose to put on, respect my choice as I repect yours.

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Must sway I prefer the short skirts Jeff, I'm not a fan of long skirts in general though. You have the right balance of body/ limb length and it really shows well in your shorter skiers.

Thank you for the kind words! I guess everyone here likes seeing my legs when I wear short skirts! :silly:

Jeff, I love that skirt! I love denim, but am a fan of pencil skirts too. Would you ever try one instead of the denim ones? I admire your confidence :)

Well, I'll try just about anything once! Sure, I'll try about a non-denim pencil skirt and see what happens!

I don't want to LOOK like a woman, I just want to DRESS like a woman!

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Jaunt #166, 8/23/2012:

Having bought a new pair of shoes yesterday, I decided to take them for a spin today, pairing those Payless "Kylie" wedge pumps in cognac with a brown polo shirt, my 22 inch tan skirt from JCPenney and a tan handbag I bought from Target a couple of weeks ago. The new shoes were an absolute delight to wear, light on my feet and they felt great, also, I felt they matched well with the tan skirt, I think they'd go well with a brown skirt too. I'll let you know about that in time. I had no specific plans, other than wanting to be seen, so I headed out to Springfield and Best Buy, it was around 11 a.m. when I arrived and there was a fair crowd in the store when I walked in. I strolled to the Blu-Ray aisles and, much to my surprise, found that Jaws was on the shelf. YAY! I snatched that up right away, then spent the next half hour or so doing my usual wandering the aisles to gaze at gadgets and whatnot, yes, people did notice, but no one said a thing to me the whole time.

After leaving Best Buy, I headed east to Pizza Hut where I haven't dined in awhile. It was almost noon when I arrived and when I walked in, there were about a dozen people, including some kids busy eating, again, I was noticed, and again, no one bothered to give me any attention. I had the buffet and scarfed down little over half a dozen slices of meat lover's which had been brought out just after I arrived. YUM! I loves meat lover's to death! I ate in peace and it was enjoyable, then I paid my bill and left, nothing to it, even as the place became progressively busier as I dined. My third and final stop of the day was University City near downtown and Starbucks, for no other reason than to be seen. Getting out of the car, a couple of guys walking by gave me funny looks but nothing more, I strolled to Starbucks, walked in and stood behind a group of young women, a couple of whom gave me a glance but didn't say anything. A pity, I was hoping to engage in some conversation.

I spent little over half and hour in the lounge area with the paper and a large iced tea, surrounded by other customers, and no one gave me so much as the time of day, which was pretty cool in itself. All told, as usual, I felt calm and comfortable and totally at ease with how I was dressed, if you're going to be a freestyler, you HAVE to be comfortable in your own skin, otherwise, you'll never be able to make this work. And I like to think I've achieved that modest goal.





I don't want to LOOK like a woman, I just want to DRESS like a woman!

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JeffB - empty your mailbox.

Done. Dang! Didn't realize I had stuff in the mailbox going back to 2002! Whoa!

I don't want to LOOK like a woman, I just want to DRESS like a woman!

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Done. Dang! Didn't realize I had stuff in the mailbox going back to 2002! Whoa!

That's probably why I never got a reply to a coupling that I sent. ;-)

Being mentally comfortable in your own mind is the key to wearing heels in public.

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That's probably why I never got a reply to a coupling that I sent. ;-)

My bad! It never occurred to me to keep up with that sort of thing. Tsk on me!

I don't want to LOOK like a woman, I just want to DRESS like a woman!

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Old messages composed with the old forum software take up a large amount of space in your mailbox as each message takes up one message space. With the new system entire conversations take up one message space. The new message system is very space efficient once the old messages are deleted/archived.

Shafted, the boots that is! View my gallery here http://www.hhplace.o...afteds-gallery/ or view my heeling thread here http://www.hhplace.org/topic/3850-new-pair-of-boots-starts-me-serious-street-heeling/ - Pm me if you want fashion advice or just need someone to talk to.

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Old messages composed with the old forum software take up a large amount of space in your mailbox as each message takes up one message space. With the new system entire conversations take up one message space. The new message system is very space efficient once the old messages are deleted/archived.

Many thanks for the info. I'll be more careful in the future when it comes to keeping an eye on my mailbox.

I don't want to LOOK like a woman, I just want to DRESS like a woman!

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Jeff, Re Jaunt 166. Wow - I like the tan skirt and top/shoes combo. I've worn similar. I'd contrast the belt more - at least to match the handbag or shoes. I've also tried a recently using a thin belt in a contrasting bright color - matching the top perhaps! I wore my tan button front skirt (about the same length as yours) with a red polo shirt and thin red belt - thought it looked great. In these last summer jaunts you seem to have less response than in the past - is that your impression? Your look is fashionably correct - and maybe the response you get is "is that a Guy or a Girl?" as opposed to "Look at that guy in a skirt and heels?" As we both know - the difference is irrelavent -as long as you reach the goal as you succinctly state: "You HAVE to be comfortable in your own skin, otherwise, you'll never be able to make this work."

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Jeff, Re Jaunt 166.

Wow - I like the tan skirt and top/shoes combo. I've worn similar. I'd contrast the belt more - at least to match the handbag or shoes. I've also tried a recently using a thin belt in a contrasting bright color - matching the top perhaps! I wore my tan button front skirt (about the same length as yours) with a red polo shirt and thin red belt - thought it looked great.

A brown belt perhaps? Hmm! That's a thought. I'll see what I can do about that. Might be interesting.

In these last summer jaunts you seem to have less response than in the past - is that your impression? Your look is fashionably correct - and maybe the response you get is "is that a Guy or a Girl?" as opposed to "Look at that guy in a skirt and heels?" As we both know - the difference is irrelavent -as long as you reach the goal as you succinctly state: "You HAVE to be comfortable in your own skin, otherwise, you'll never be able to make this work."

Well, I like to think passersby don't mistake me for a woman, despite what I wear on my little adventures. Heh! But yeah, responses have indeed been far and few inbetween, I guess that means people are either tolerant of my appearance or simply choose to ignore me as they're too wrapped up in their own lives and affairs to care about that middle aged guy in the skirt and heels. The fact that I exude a calm and cool demeanor, telling the world that I'm comfortable about how I'm dressed goes a long way towards that level of indifference I experience while out in public.

I don't want to LOOK like a woman, I just want to DRESS like a woman!

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Jaunt #167, 8/31/2012:

On the last day of August, I thought I'd go on a jaunt to Parx Casino in the great northeast for a little fun, so I donned a white polo shirt, my 20 inch denim pencil skirt (with that nice slit in back), the Pleaser 4 inch heeled "Vanity" pumps and my short strap handbag. I've been to Parx some six or seven times now, and on each occasion I wore either a skirt and heels or tight jeans and thigh boots or my denim miniskirt and thigh boots. The notion of wearing men's clothes there just doesn't compute to me. After arriving, I hopped out and crossed the parking lot and walked in, pretty as you please, other than a glance from a uniformed greeter, no one paid me any attention, and by no one, I'm talking about other gamblers. I've said this before, a casino is a great place to wear heels and/or freestyle because everyone is too busy working slot machines or playing table games to notice or care about a middle aged guy in a snug skirt and high heels. However, you have to be careful about where you walk in a casino as a polished tile floor can be a tad treacherous when in heels, and you have to walk slowly to avoid a slip and possible fall.

Anyhoo, I wandered all over most of the casino floor, busying myself with penny slot machines like "Sex and the City" where I spent a goodly amount of time and won some coins here and there, however, I won a hundred bucks on a "Ghostbusters" machine, and that made me happy. I spent well over two hours in the casino and had a good time, even if I didn't win some obscene amount of money, something you just can't do on penny machines, but I was all about having fun and that was good enough for me. Meanwhile, even though I was seen and made a point to be seen, I was pretty much ignored the whole time I was in the place, finally around 1:30 or so, I finally left with a little more money than I had before I went in, and hey, that's always a good thing. From there, I drove into center city as I needed to stopped off at a convenience store that I frequent often to play the Powerball, just like at Parx, I experienced no hesitation whatsoever as I parked, got out, paid the meter and walked little over half a block to the store to play the lottery, bought my ticket, walked out, returned to my car and drove back home, plain and simple, and enjoyable as well.

I'll spare everyone the usual observations about how good it feels to wear a skirt, not to mention how normal it feels to me, and that's what gives me the quiet confidence I use when wearing skirts (with or without heels) in public. It IS a great deal of fun, and that's the bottom line.





I don't want to LOOK like a woman, I just want to DRESS like a woman!

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That's a very comfortable look Jeff, I like the casual look of he denim skirt combined with the smartness of the collared shirt and the sharpness of the shoes, and the bag is a nice touch to complete the outfit. Great combination.

You say casinos are good places to heel because people are usually too engrossed to notice, and I can't help but agree, but do you get so engrossed you forget your wearing heels, a skirt, etc?

If you like it, wear it.

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Nice casual look Jeff! I have not done a casino in heels yet myself. Or a skirt for that matter....lol. It is definitely on my to do list though. The heels I mean...lol. I would love to do Las Vegas in heels. It is definitely on my "high heel bucket list".

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That's a very comfortable look Jeff, I like the casual look of he denim skirt combined with the smartness of the collared shirt and the sharpness of the shoes, and the bag is a nice touch to complete the outfit. Great combination.

You say casinos are good places to heel because people are usually too engrossed to notice, and I can't help but agree, but do you get so engrossed you forget your wearing heels, a skirt, etc?

Oh, yes, I most definitely do! Especially when I'm on a good roll at a slot machine! HA! More often than not, the only thing that reminds me that I'm freestyling is that I always put my handbag in my lap while gambling. Thanks for the compliment on my outfit which I considered to be "low key dressy", the pencil skirt in particular was especially fun to wear. Noticing the attire of other women around me, I was clearly better dressed than say, ninety-eight percent of the women in the casino, even though I was in a casual outfit.

Nice casual look Jeff! I have not done a casino in heels yet myself. Or a skirt for that matter....lol. It is definitely on my to do list though. The heels I mean...lol. I would love to do Las Vegas in heels. It is definitely on my "high heel bucket list".

Great minds think alike! I've also thought about wearing heels while in Las Vegas which I've never visited. That would be a lot of fun to be sure! Heck, I might even pack a skirt or two, maybe a dress and wear them while there. That would be even MORE fun!

I don't want to LOOK like a woman, I just want to DRESS like a woman!

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Jaunt #168, 9/8/2012:

Just a short outing today as severe thunderstorms are headed for my neck of the woods later this afternoon, and I prefer to be safe at home when they arrive. Cowardly? You betcha! That's how I roll. Anyhoo, today's brief outing fully solidified my devotion to freestyling as I was super excited to wear a pair of flats in public as I took the Payless "Millie" black patent ballet flats I bought last week out for a spin, pairing them with a navy polo shirt, the 20 inch Old Navy dark denim skirt and a handbag. The Millie flats, in addition to looking really cute, what with the bow in front, they were comfortable as well, and that was a key consideration. So, on my brief trip, I headed first to the city's main post office near downtown to buy a money order, after parking, I hopped out without a thought, put money in the meter and strolled in. There were close to ten people in line ahead of me, but no one paid me any attention as I waited to be served, little over five minutes later, I bought my money order, filled it out and left.

My second stop was a mile away in center city as I swung by my local comic book shop to buy the week's newest offerings. Because it was Saturday, parking was at a premium and wound up little over a block away from the shop, which I didn't at all mind as I got to do some walking in the new shoes. Words can't describe how incredibly liberating it is to wear a nice, comfortable skirt and flats in public, looking as casual and stylish as any other woman taking care of business or just enjoying being out and about on a Saturday, and I was certainly enjoying myself. It's times like these that makes freestyling such an amazing delight, and while I got an odd stare here and there, no one paid me any mind. Of course, the guys at the comic shop treated me as well as ever, despite how I was dressed, I guessed they're used to seeing me in heels and skirts, heck, I'd probably throw them for a loop if I didn't wear those items. Heh! Perhaps I'll do that as an experiement sometime in the future and see what happens. After leaving the shop, I stopped by a convenience store to play the lottery before getting back in the car and heading home.

Like I said, a short outing, but fun since I got to wear a skirt and break in a pair of new shoes. More fun to come!





Edited by JeffB

I don't want to LOOK like a woman, I just want to DRESS like a woman!

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  • 2 weeks later...

Love the ensemble Jeff! Any more jaunts on the horizon? I thought you'd try a regular pencil skirt, not just a denim one :P;-)

Well, thanks for the kind words. Much appreciated. That denim skirt I bought at Old Navy was really nice and fit me well. I've been busy of late, but I hope to be back on the road for new jaunts soon.

I don't want to LOOK like a woman, I just want to DRESS like a woman!

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  • 3 weeks later...

JeffB - are you still around? Not heard from you in a while :cry:

Not to worry, my friend, I'm still around. I just haven't had time to go jaunting lately, but I hope to go on a little adventure soon.

I don't want to LOOK like a woman, I just want to DRESS like a woman!

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Jaunt #169, 10/13/2012

Hard to believe it's been a month since my last outing! My, how time flies when you're goofing around! HA! Anyhoo, with the weather sunny but chilly (as in temps barely breaking 60), I decided it was time to head out on a jaunt, and for the first time since who knows how long, I wore something other than a skirt----yes, boys and girls, I broke out my thigh high boots! With the weather being rather cool, I figured it was a perfect time to reacquaint myself with the Pleaser Legend 8868's which I paired with my black leather jacket over a gray turtleneck, the Gloria Vanderbilt "Amanda" jeans in dark stonewash, my black faux croc print handbag and a necklace I had bought this past winter. Even though it had been months since I last wore the thigh boots, it didn't take long for me to remember how sleek they looked on me, how they molded themselves to my legs along with the tight jeans to present a fabulous image. Oh, and the sharp, satisfying click of the four inch heels was an added bonus.

My first stop of the day was to the city's main post office near downtown to mail off a couple of parcels, after parking, I hopped right out without any hesitation and walked inside. There had been a lengthy line as some ten people were ahead of me, I would be in line for nearly twenty minutes, but I didn't get much in the way of stares or glances the whole time, but that did get me to wondering what anyone would notice about me first: the tight jeans, the boots or the handbag, neither of which I bother hiding, I'm right out there for all to see, boldly and proudly. Without incident, I finished my business, left the post office, got in my car and headed into town and my favorite comic book shop for the week's newest offerings. Took over thirty minutes of cruising around to find a parking space as it's always crowded downtown on weekends, and the space I finally found was a full block away from the shop, but that was cool as that gave me the opportunity to enjoy a good little walk, just for fun, I put some sway in my hips in my walk, emphasizing my rear end in the tight jeans. That got me a couple of second glances here and there as, when I put my mind to it, I can do a decent strut. Heh!

My time in the comic shop was uneventful as is always the case since the guys there are long used to my unique attire, after returning to my car, I headed into South Jersey where I dined at the Chik-Fil-A near the Moorestown Mall, got more stares there since the place was full of people, young, old and inbetween, but I took it all in stride as I ordered my lunch and ate, spending a good twenty minutes or so in the store. My last stop ofthe day was the nearby Barnes & Noble, a quiet port in the storm of everyday life, and I relished the time I spent there, almost an hour in fact, drinking lemonade while reading sci-fi and sports magazines before I headed to the register with a couple volumes of manga, and it was there that I got a compliment from a twenty-something woman at the register who said that she liked my necklace, and that was after she had seen the jeans, boots and handbag while I waited in line to be served. Go figure! But I smiled and thanked her. Hmm! Perhaps I should wear jewelry more often! HA! All in all, it certainly felt good to get back in the saddle after a month away from jaunting, and I sure had fun wearing heels in public. More fun to come!





I don't want to LOOK like a woman, I just want to DRESS like a woman!

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