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Shyheels last won the day on May 31

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About Shyheels

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    Literature, Art, Cycling

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  1. After having received virtually no notice or comments about my boots, I received two comments in the past week - and both times with the same pair of low-heeled knee boots that I wear routinely around the locks and towpaths. I got into conversation with a couple of dog walkers at a towpath cafe who remarked on them, in broadly complimentary fashion, asked me if they were riding boots (they're not) with the wife adding in a kind of leading way - "you know, a woman could wear those ..." to which I responded "Anybody can!" The other was a rather jovial guy, in a fairly well lubricated social situation, who asked if I was off to a Freddie Mercury tribute show, to which I responded by saying, "No, I usually wear heels to those .." Odd that it should be these that caused comment as I am very often in skinny jeans with chunky heeled ankle boots with 3.5" heels - very visible - and nary a word.
  2. Yup that’s my reason for wearing skinny jeans - I like knee and OTK boots and how else to wear them? Shorts I just don’t do unless I’m cycling or at the gym
  3. I was 56 once …. But I wear skinny jeans and chunky heeled ankle boots / indeed that is what I am wearing right now - and I will continue to wear them !
  4. I’m older than you. I was at university during the clog era, my interest in alternative footwear had its origins some years earlier, around 1969, with go-go boots - how I wished I could have s pair of those! I would have liked a pair of clogs too back in the day, although never as much as I wanted a pair of shiny white go-go boots
  5. Wow! For starters I wish I could go to this festival and stock up on some nice food! I love the sound of the stuff you guys have on offer! to your point on footwear - those are long days. Although your vehicle will be a ways off it might be wise to bring a spare pair just in case - either because your feet need a break or because it may be useful or desirable not to be heels for some reason. If you don’t need them a spare pair don’t take up much space and if you do you’ll be glad you have them handy
  6. Indeed! When I was in college back in the 70s few girls wore heels but barefoot was not at all uncommon. What were really big were wooden soled clogs. Lots and lots of clogs
  7. I don’t own a TV and I live in England so I’ve no idea about the show or the actor. But it is nice to hear that a guy in heels is being presented sensibly
  8. I guess you could always go for a Dutch barge …
  9. Totally agree. You just can’t
  10. Try living on a narrowboat and you’ll imagine it soon enough! 🙂
  11. Well we’ve got California and England confirming mine
  12. Leeds and York are both university cities and I see heels there right across the age spectrum - not loads of them, but they’re not rare either. Maybe it’s just Holland
  13. You definitely should! They are so handy in so many circumstances - so you can wear tall boots as a matter of course
  14. Perhaps it is you that is living in the odd spot. I certainly see heels where I am, in the north of England. They are not ubiquitous, but it’s not like seeing a UFO either. If I take the train into Leeds or York I will certainly see stilettos.
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