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What about if I die?


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My mom always told me to wear clean underwear, just incase I end up in an accident and they have to take my clothes of. Some years back i was thinking, what about I end up in an accident and I die, and my folks has to go through my belongings... Not that I have to worry then, but I beleave some are up for a surprice.. :-)

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My mom always told me to wear clean underwear, just incase I end up in an accident and they have to take my clothes of.

Some years back i was thinking, what about I end up in an accident and I die, and my folks has to go through my belongings...

Not that I have to worry then, but I beleave some are up for a surprice.. :-)

What if your wearing your heels when you die?

real men wear heels

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What if your wearing your heels when you die?

I don't know about other places, but my vehicle insurance broker clearly told me that if I was preoccupied with something such as talking on my mobile, or if I was driving with high heels (it's dangerous she claims, but I plan on trying it soon), in the event of a crash my insurance policy would get screwed over and I would get shafted... I dont know what will happen if I die though...

breaking social norms is a hobby of mine

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I expect when you go to heaven you will be able to wear any shoes you like anytime. I expect it will be like a big party where nothing ever happens and everyone is there. It's hard to imagine that nothing at all could be so exciting, and so much fun. You'll be able to look down on your folks and see them all shocked after uncovering your perversions. All twisted up with their baggage in their mortal coils and making serious judgements. Wearing heels already brings me a little closer to heaven but I'm sure when I actually arrive there, I will cast off my heels and have wings instead. I'll be able to fly down and kiss tortured people as they sleep and make them smile. Thats what about when, not if I die. Who can know what will happen? Only god knows and he doesn't give a shit.

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I wouldn't be around to see their reaction, but my folks know to donate EVERYTHING I OWN should I die before my time. So if some lucky woman (or guy) should receive my heels, so be it :o

Be yourself; everyone else is already taken. - Oscar Wilde

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I don't believe in an afterlife; when we die, we'll either rot and the worms will eat us, or we'll turn into ashes. The only thing that makes any difference for someone who dies is when they perish, what they have / haven't done in the earthly life and how much pain they have to feel before passing away. For the alive [especially family / relatives], the whole thing is more complicated: they have to deal with the formalities etc., but the worst thing is the mere fact that someone who was close to them will be no more.

What is good for a goose, can be good for any gender!

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Jeez, this is a bit of a dour thread?

If I were to croak tomorrow, herself would do what she'd like to have done any time during the last (cough) years. 3 yard skip parked outside the house, and everything I own would be put inside. :-?

In fact she'd possbly see getting some extra wardrobe space as something of a silver lining.... :cool1:

At least I won't be around to see her flip when she finds out just how many pairs of shoes and boots I have. :o


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Back when I was in the Army (yes, I was in the Army in the early 90s) and we would get orders for deployment (i.e. Desert Storm, Somalia, Bosnia), some of us had "Burn Boxes". These boxes contained personal information which we would want destroyed in the event of our death. Lots of operators used them to store things they didn't want their families or even the higher ups to see. I had one which contained photos of me starting to crossdress and some very personal financial information which could land me in hot water with the IRS. To think about having a burn box now would probably take up the size of a large storage container on a cargo ship. However, everyone knows about my dressing so it wouldn't be near as large as it was 15 years ago.

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Bad day Amanda, or are you always this excited about what GOD HAS givin you?:-?

One mans meat is another mans poison. [Or should read one womans meat ... etc.]

At least there's some acknowledgement He exists. :o Never a bad start.

I guess most sensitive people get a wave of 'malaise' from time to time. If you look hard enough, you can see a few here who have better days than some other days. Me included.

What doesn't help (sorry, bit off-thread) is that here in the UK, we haven't had a proper sunny summer for a couple of years. This year is a particularly bad one, since it has seldom stops raining throughout the year. We had 10 days of sun maybe in June, but that's been it. I'm still wearing winter tops when I go out. Certainly isn't a mood lifter, I can tell you.

Very much in keeping with the rest of the thread actually. :cool1:


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In the spirit of the old American Wild West… I want to die with my boots on. I think Amada’s comment, “Only god knows and he doesn't give a shit.”, is a bit presumptuous. A more broadened perspective might be, “Only god knows and s/he doesn't give a shit.” I am concerned with thatotherguy’s comment from his insurance agent about being in an accident while wearing heels could mess up his coverage. I think I would carefully read the policy and maybe consider another agent. As far as what people will think of me if I die in heels, I don’t care, (I’m dead remember). On a less disastrous note, I have gone to the emergency room with a broken thumb wearing thigh boots with 4” stilettos. No one batted an eye. When you go out in public wearing heels, skirts, bras, … whatever, you have to be confident in the look you are presenting. You really are presenting a version of yourself to the rest of the world. If you aren’t comfortable with that presentation, don’t do it. But, if you are comfortable, and accept that that is who you are, then don’t worry about what the emergency room personnel, or the coroner will think. :o

I dream of a world where chickens can cross roads without having their motives questioned.

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Bad day Amanda, or are you always this excited about what GOD HAS givin you?:o

Ok guys - start fighting over religion now! That should be fun, between the religious Americans and the non-religious Europeans!
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Personally, I am not religious at all yet there is good religion, pure (James 1:27). If I die it matters not to me what people will think. I will be asleep until the second coming of Christ as will all dead be (Psalms 6:3-5, 115:17, 146:4; Ecclesiastes 9:5-6; Isaiah 38:18). Then once Christ returns I will awaken and arise from my grave transformed and join Him in the clouds (1 Thessalonians 4:16). I use the King James authorized version by the way. God is also of the masculine as seen in the Word of God. God does care about everything by the way for if He didn't we would be toast already. Hope this clarifies some things and I apologize if this is off topic. Aaron

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in Vancouver we have only one auto insurance company --> ICBC. the reasoning behind that is because there was this somewhat large scale accident some years back (before 2000 I think), involving a lady getting the heel interfering with the depth of the brake pedal, causing the car to apply too little pressure and rear-ending the cars in front, and causing cars in the back to slam into her. I am sure its not the only incident where it was blamed on the usage of high heels, but I'll do some research, maybe I can dig that article up again.

breaking social norms is a hobby of mine

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As far as the clean underwear issue, I have two observations: 1). If I'm in an accident serious enough to warrant a trip to the E.R., it won't matter how clean my skivvies were that morning. They aren't gonna be by the time I get there. 2). An E.R. staff that spends more than a couple of nanoseconds assessing the cleanliness of my skivvies is an E.R. staff I don't want working on me anyway. As far as the dying issue, I am hoping I have enough warning to clear out the lot before the end. Otherwise, there will be questions. But then, after it's all over I don't think I will have reason to care.

Have a happy time!

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What will you care...you will be dead. Anyway, a survey once said that the second biggest fear among Americans was the fear of death. The biggest fear was public speaking. Does this mean people would rather be in the box than giving the eulogy. (thanks Jerry Seinfeld) Just enjoy life, death will take care of itself.

Style is built from the ground up!

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Just enjoy life, death will take care of itself.

Thats right, death will take care of us all. In fact, in a way, I suppose death is our only true friend.

Reliable, truthful, ever watchful, liberating etc etc.

To die in a heel related accident would not taint anyones memory of me.

I suppose the only thing that may raise an eybrow would be if the retail value of shoes was effected badly by the glut of cheap designer shoes dumped in local charity shops around here.

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So, Freddy, if you die, you hope the summers in the UK get brighter and warmer??

Eh? That's a 2+2=5 comment if ever there was one.

The weather affects what I can do, so I'm happiest with warm-ish dry weather. I'd say that is true of most Brits. Some areas this week, got a months rain in a day. No-one is gonna enjoy 2 feet of water, that usually contains raw sewage too, 'parked' in the lower floor of their home.

When I croak, I'm not going to care about the weather. I hope the day my body is tossed into an ocean is a calm day, because I don't want people feeling sick when they watch me have my final swim. But other than that, the day I find a way to move somewhere warm (and dry) can't come soon enough. :o


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What an uplifting little thread this one is. Once I'm dead who cares what is said about me? I won't hear it, I won't benefit or lose from any of what is said. As the saying goes, you're a long time dead, so make the most of the short time you aren't.

He was so narrow minded he could see through a keyhole with both eyes.

Brown's Law: If the shoe fits, it's ugly

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My coffin shall look like a boot with high heel, and I will be burried with the boot standing and my butt placed where the foot heel normally is...

That reminds me ......

I've reported here before, I've got a couple of girlfriends I've worn heels around. One of them I've known over 30 years. She's been a lover and girlfriend 3 or 4 times over that period.

IIRC she's about a size 4, and is one of two girls I know that used to wear Derbers to entertain and please me. About 6 months ago, "we" found them (I asked to see them) while I was around her house. Despite the small size of shoe, the fine stiletto heel measured up at 4 1/2".

Over 20 years after the purchase, she has terrible feet. (Also reported before.) She's had her toes broken a number of times, with stainless pins inserted while the bones fix themselves straight. More recently doctors have found hard lumps of tissue growing inside the flesh around the ball of each foot. Removal made her feet incredibly sensitive, and worse, some of the lumps have re-grown.

Because of these painful handicaps, I suggested she sell the Derbars on eBay. Her response surprised me. She said she was keeping them, because she was hoping one would be left in my coffin, one in hers. A remark I saw as the most romantic comment I'd ever heard that involved me. :-?

And she's no minger either. Grammar school educated, <same one as my wife co-incidently> slim and blonde. Own property with no mortgage, money in the bank and new car on the drive. :o So quite a compliment coming from her.

Rather sadly, the epilogue is not so good. About 8 weeks ago she had to go into hospital for a hysterectomy as a solution to a problem found after a cervical smear test. I visited her most days, excluding myself only when friends and family were due. [Two days of nine.] While discussing my collecting her from hospital, the arrangement complicated by my own father needing a similar journey from a different hospital, she put the phone down on me ...... We have not spoken since. Nor are we now likely to. :cool1:


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The comments made by the high heel-wearing guys here are right on point when they mention the fact that they will no longer be around to care about the comments that anyone makes about them. That being said, however, we've all heard tales from our relatives about Uncle Frank or Aunt Edith and how they were "cracked" in one way or another. Now, while it won't matter to you, because -- as I would guess -- you'll never know what anyone ever says about you after your departure, anyway (Its the same when you are living -- you never know what someone else is saying about you unless they speak it to your face or someone repeats to you what they say). So, if you don't want to be the "legend" after your own time that generations to come will repeat about you and your "eccentricities," you best clean up your mess before you go. How to do it, and when to do it, we'll leave to you. Because as savvy as I am, I still can't see far enough into the to forewarn you of when this event will occur. One other thought. Even though you will not be around to care what is said about you and your proclivities, just think about how your family, especially your wife, will feel when all of the relatives and friends began to discuss your secret life. Just imagine: "poor Martha, having lived for 50 years with a man that wears heels. Just think, how sad it is for her having to keep it to herself. She never said a word to anyone. No one ever knew. He did have good taste in heels, though, didn't he." :o

Being mentally comfortable in your own mind is the key to wearing heels in public.

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Anyway, a survey once said that the second biggest fear among Americans was the fear of death. The biggest fear was public speaking...

It's not as illogical as it sounds. When you're dead, you're dead. But when you mess up while delivering a speech or otherwise speaking in publics, everybody knows!!!!!!!!

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HHfanatic, my mom is a bit the same, she used to tell me the same. Guess its just on of a milllion ways a mother takes care of her children. Personally I don´t care if me ending up having to take my clothes of. I woulden´t care much if I have to show myself wearing a bra, panties and hose after having an accident or something. Why should I? This is me! All I can hope for is that they would take great care of me´if this things happends to me. Still I must I very much hope I not ending up in some accident or something. What I do care about is what thatotherguy said about his vehicle insurance broker had told him about driving in high heels. I don´t know about what my insurance policy are saying about driving in high heels. Perhaps I should, because I drive EVERY day in high heels. If my insurance policy are the same, well then I think this is a big discrimination to me, to other female drivers wearing high heels. I get a bit upset thinking about it. Can´t help it, I´m sure I feel much the same about this type of discrimination as any other woman would do. Why should I drive better wearing flat shoes then wearing high heels? I don´t understand this. Driving every day in high heels I´m sure I drive the same way I always have. The only differnce is, I´m told, is that I don´t drive as fast as before. Guess I don´t need to do this any more. I see thatotherguy, you are planning trying driving in high heels. Thats good! Good luck! And you know its not dangerous driving in high heels as your insurance broker claimed. I´m sure she has driven in high heels too. Just as me and millions of other women do. You know we do it every day.

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