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How important are heels for you?


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How much 'space' does your high heels interest/passion/craze take up of your life? How much of your heart is conquered by high heels? Is life manageable or difficult yet possible or impossible without? I, personally, find life without my heels manageable as my hobby/passion (I haven't quite made up yet which one is applicable for me). I think I fit in between manageable and difficult yet possible, more towards manageable. Sorry for the confusion, I'm quite a complicated guy! I have at least one passion and that's HIFI-audio. I'm still trying to figure out if high heels are a hobby or a passion. Anyway how much does it mean to you?

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Heels to me are a passion. I try to keep it in moderation. I have always been facinaited with womens shoes since earley child hood.I wear them every day in and out of bed. Going shoe shopping with my wife is like for-play. I believe it takes up to much of my life at times but on the other hand since I don't live on a bar stool any more I guess that aint so bad. I do have a passion for other things like body building, my hot rod truck and just being together with my wife on acountry drive (wearing heels of course.lol). Good ?

real men wear heels

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I'd say for me that heels are an obsession. I love wearing them, although as a student, I can't really wear them around campus, there are too many people I know. But I would give them up in a heartbeat if my girlfriend didn't approve. she doesn't know, and I'm not sure I even want to bring it up.

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They aren't all that important to me in the sense that they prevent me from doing something or steer my behavior excessively. Days can go by without me even thinking about heels. That may sound contradictory to me owning north of 50 pairs (got do do some more decent cleaning soon, just took several bags to charity last week) but it is really so. I care a lot more about many other things. What does get me pissed though, is the fact that anno 2007 there is a fight to be fought over what I can wear. But that's how society (or at least me) works: manage by exception. Stuff that takes care of itself we don't spend thinking about (like: how does the electricity comes out of our plugs? how does the water get into my tap? How much effort it takes to get those bananas into my local grocery store? etc.). We focus on the things that need work (like: how come we can't wear what we feel like). That's evolution. Just as so many things are now accepted (men with long hair, or earrings for example - not that I fancy either, far from it) were to be fought over.

What's all the fuss about?

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For me, heels add spice to life. They make life more interesting and fun but I could probably get along without them. (If I had to.) (And it would not be easy.) Thank goodness I don't have to get along without them.

Have a happy time!

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Interestingly enough, I was asking myself this very question yesterday. Kind of hard to catagorize though. High heels are a fetish and an obsession for me. I would not choose to live without having/wearing them. I'll take advantage of any opportunity to slip into a pair while still keeping the practice secret except for my accepting wife. Sadly, I'm still unable to just damn it all and wear what I want in public.

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Hmm! A good question. This will sound contradictory, but while I love wearing heels, I haven't worn them since April as I've just been too lazy to bother. However, once the weather cools down, I'll be back in them with a vengeance. However, I have other interests to keep me busy when I'm not in heels, so I manage to keep a good balance.

I don't want to LOOK like a woman, I just want to DRESS like a woman!

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I'm kind of with JeffB on this... I haven't worn heels for more than a few minutes since my last ankle boots and trench coat outing last winter. Maybe I'm growing up (finally!) but I'm more into boots than sandals, and 100 degree weather isn't really the time to be wearing boots so maybe I'll get more into it for the fall and winter.

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Hmm! A good question. This will sound contradictory, but while I love wearing heels, I haven't worn them since April as I've just been too lazy to bother. However, once the weather cools down, I'll be back in them with a vengeance. However, I have other interests to keep me busy when I'm not in heels, so I manage to keep a good balance.

Well 'JeffB' I kinda in the same situation as you are. I've loved high heels since I was very young. See my story: http://www.hhplace.org/discuss/hellos_goodbyes_introductions/2488-newly_joined.html.

Shortly after my 11th birthday my mom took all her high heels shoes to my aunt. Since then I have spent 13 years without high heels. On the 21th of june I received my mail-ordered high heels. I enjoy them very much. But for a while now I've had absolutely no desire to wear them.

I still like high heels don't get me wrong, but to a lesser extent. Maybe it's the consequence of 13 years delayed passion?

Anyway I'm very calm about it. It has promped an interest in literature on shoe fetishism or retifism. http://www.hhplace.org/discuss/guys/8855-shoe_fetishism_shoe_retifism.html

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My interest in heels began as a fetish interest and over time, became a personal fashion interest.

While I feel that my fetish interest in them will never disappear as well as my love to see women in heel styles I like, fashion tastes may change and someday I may decide to stop wearing heels.

Currently, my fashion interest in heels is limited to certain styles. I like wearing these styles and view them as another shoe style to wear with my "masculine" shoes. As long as I like the style I'll wear them. If I'd decide to stop, it would have to be my choice and not under pressure from someone else.

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I just can't live without them. I tryied before and wasn't possible, coudn't hold myself. When I observed I was wrong, got back to them.

Flavio - Brazilian heel lover, now in France.

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The desire to wear certain styles of heels and shoes has always been me. Not to have the freedom to choose from my desires as to what I can wear has really aggravated and angered me to no end. This social prohibition has created the environment for the obsessive behavior in order to satisfy or validate the need of fulfillment we all have to experience to feel complete. The man-made laws controlling our social appearance were dictated by those who had some personal ideas on what they thought was proper and weren't aware or didn't care how such rules would affect the part of society that did not agree with their reasoning. Since these type of rules seem to be accepted by a lot of the people, standards were proclaimed. So those who don't conform to these "lofty ideals" or high standards are concidered less than normal, to put it mildly. If these social prohibitions were taken away, I would probably wear heels more than a lot of people, because that's me. Til then I guess I'll have to keep finding outlets for my ire and wear my heels as a matter of defiance, along with the need to feel whole in satisfying my desire.

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How much 'space' does your high heels interest/passion/craze take up of your life?

Just the back of my wardrobe so far! (oh, and I keep a couple of pairs of boots in my car as well) 8)

How much of your heart is conquered by high heels? Is life manageable or difficult yet possible or impossible without?

Life is manageable, although that largely means keeping a heavy lid on it. If I had a free-reign to endulge this 'hobby', I'm sure I would investing far more time and money in it than at present. I would certainly wear heels at weekends but that's just not viable in today's social climate. I would also do far more proactive shoe shopping - i'm still a bit of a 'womans section lurker' in that respect.

Anyway how much does it mean to you?

Actually, it means quite a lot to me. It has been 'with me' for so many years now - since childhood I guess. It's obviously part of who I am.

Always High-Heel Responsibly

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To me, my heels are an extension of my freedom to be as I want to be. It's not a requirement that I MUST have heels at all times, but just the option to wear them anytime and for whatever reason - common sense taking it's normal course of course. It's all about the freedom of CHOICE. The ability for me to determine the time and place without fear of ridicule, coercion, or put-down (although we all know it is a risk we take). If it came down to kick, shove, punch, and brawl, I might be willing to give them up, but until then folks.............I'm living by MY RULES.

SQ.....still busting societal molds with a smile...and a 50-ton sledge!

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I'd say that I'm almost obsessed with heels. I've been wearing them for as long as I can remember, I love seeing women in them, and I regularly have to fight a strong urge to look for new ones to buy. I very rarely go for more than a few days without wearing a pair, and often have a favourite pair left out where I can see them, sort of like an ornament. Fortunately my friends and my girlfriend know and are cool with me wearing heels, so I can just happily got on with it. Chris

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I like high heels very much.Sometimes I wear high heels in street and walk on them:I like it. Why we man cannot wear high heels as a normal things. Why high heels must be only a thing for women? Women have taken every thing from dress of man, we not and if a man wear a particular of women is strange (trans to tell true).What do you think?

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I like high heels very much.Sometimes I wear high heels in street and walk on them:I like it. Why we man cannot wear high heels as a normal things. Why high heels must be only a thing for women?

I think an increasing number of us are demonstrating that men can look stylish and still be men in a pair of heels. This is being demonstrated on a daily basis by men all over the world, as evidenced by the postings right here on HHplace as well as on other sites. As has been often discussed in other threads, there is nothing gender-specific about a shoe, nor are there any gender differences in the anatomical structure of the human foot. The "men-cannot-wear-heels" thing is simply a societal bias and like many other biases its time has elapsed.

Women have taken every thing from dress of man, we not and if a man wear a particular of women is strange (trans to tell true).What do you think?

Women have indeed absconded with every possible article of men's clothing, from baseball caps to combat boots and they figure out ways to look great in all of it. But true equality works both ways. If I may borrow the signature line from another member, "Why should girls have all the fun?"

Have a happy time!

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