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8 months in heels, now permanent!


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Well I have done it, I have been going 8 months now in heels 5 and 5.5 inchs tall. the last 5 months nonstop. Even been able to work in them. I can not put my feet flat anymore, anything under 5 inchs is really painful to wear. Ive even slept in heels or with my feet bounded in the arched position.

In the shower, i have made special wooden wedge shoes to wear that are 5.5 inch arch and 1/3 platform with rubber on the bottom. if I dont wear those, I use like a block or something to rest my heels on.

trying to stretch out my calf is really painful and feels like a thousand needles poking my calf. but so far I love it. Made it this far and im not gonna stop. Being only 22 now, I've acheived my goal i believe.

Here are some recent pics

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A couple of questions, please. 1) You are a male and you work wearing 5" heels. What kind of work do you do that allows you to wear heels at work? 2) what kind of reaction do you get as a man that wears nothing but high heels. From your family? from your friends? from your co-workers? 3) Do you dress as a man and do you wear other items of woman's apparel?

Being mentally comfortable in your own mind is the key to wearing heels in public.

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A couple of questions, please.

1) You are a male and you work wearing 5" heels. What kind of work do you do that allows you to wear heels at work?

<B>graphic artist so i do most of my work at home but do go to an office 3 to 4 times a day. my boss is female and she was concerned at first but since I dont meet with any costumers, then its not much worry for her so she was ok with it.</b>

2) what kind of reaction do you get as a man that wears nothing but high heels. From your family? from your friends? from your co-workers?

<B>my family dont really know, havn't seen them for a while. i mostly have female friends and a couple gay friends. they are all cool with it. co-workers dont really say anything but one female friend i have I work with.</b>

3) Do you dress as a man and do you wear other items of woman's apparel?

<B>for work and mostly doing the day, I dress as a guy except for my underwear. but many of times doing the week I dress up as a full girl and go out. did that my first time with an ex girlfriend last year. but first time out on my own was back in Feb. I wear corsets, skirts, pants, sexy tops, lingerie, stockings, wig, dresses and so on. have a nice little wordrobe building up.

all the heels in my pics are 5.5 inch heels. I only have a pair of thigh boots that are 5 inch and a pair of pumps that are 5 inch. all the rest of my shoes and boots are 5.5 inch. I wear those most of the time except in the winter when its snowy and icy out, I wear my 5 inch thigh boots.

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To each their own goals and congratulations on attaining yours. Bubba136 and High 55 or raise a couple of interesting questions, but I am more concerned with what you are doing to your legs. I can wear a 5” heel all day without discomfort but I also wear a flat heel a lot of the time. The 5” heel requires ankle strength and well as calf strength, both of which are gotten by practice and more practice. But gaining that strength should not be done at the expense of flexibility. Many years ago, before I started wearing heels, I had a bicycle accident (actually broke my helmet) and I wound up going to a doctor that specialized in legs. He didn’t find any problems but commented that I had a lot of muscle on my leg and cautioned me to always stretch my calf muscles before I started riding. He recommended placing my hands on a wall and taking small steps backward while keeping my heels on the ground to force the calf muscles to stretch. Sort of like doing a push up against the wall with your feet flat on the ground. I still do that exercise and it feels good to do it. I really do appreciate that you have set a goal for yourself and had the discipline to attain it but I strongly recommend that you get you legs back into a more flexible condition. It will take a little while to do this. I recommend going back down to a 3” for a while then a 1” for a while before you can comfortably stand bare footed. (You can still wear your 5” heels once in a while.) Once you get the calf muscle stretched back into shape you will still be able to wear a 5” heel without problems. Why bother doing this? Some day you may have to walk/run without 5” heels on, emergencies do happen.

I dream of a world where chickens can cross roads without having their motives questioned.

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Congratulations if it's your thing, but I really can't understand why anyone would *want* to be permanently high heeled. Much as I love wearing my heels, I enjoy things like walking on the beach or going out on a boat fishing which demand flat shoes. Not to mention the mud at Rock & Blues this weekend! More power to you, but I like my heels to be voluntary. Chris

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Yo man you're just 22 and you are achieving this result? :smile::wavey::sad:;) So have I, being 18, good chances to become phh (permanently high heeled) with just 6 months of exercise (i.e. wearing only 5"+ heels)?

Can you see the real me, preacher? Can you see the real me, doctor? Can you see the real me, mother? Can you see the real me?

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I too express my concerns about being permanently high heeled. Not only is it unhealthy for the legs and it's dangerous especially as mentioned you have a situation that requires running somewhere. Yes, heels can benefit our feet by stopping us going flat footed, helping some people's backs etc, but not constantly worn all the time. Like Chris, I enjoy my heels but I like my situations that require flats.

Heel-D - Freestyling since 2005

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good on yer!! I wear heels most of every day now (4" tho cos theyre easier to walk in cos i'm only uk 6 / us 8). Becos i'm in the fashion business nobody gives a fk anyway. I do earrings and nails a lot but not into skirts. I also find flats weird to do !! Posh is right !! We dont do ballerina pumps. Never had a bad back either, nor does soulmate, its fashion and we do fashion !!

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ok call me a "killjoy" but being permanently high heeled is a permanent disability surely? You will never be able to run, do any DIY (Such as climb a ladder or go into your own attic) or do many of the normal day to day things that would be pretty difficult or impossible in high heels.... So, I honestly cannot understand the following 2 things: A) Why one of our members would want a permanent disability! :unsure: Why other members of our community would congratulate you for it 8) If highheeltrained had been in an accident which affected the use of his feet/legs which meant he could no longer do the day to day things like run for a bus, climb a ladder, dig in the garden etc we would all be showing him sympathy, yet when it is a self inflicted disability, other members jump on the celebration bandwagon and congratulate him... In my own mind, this is just totally backwards, ill thought out, and definately is not something I personally would encourage, condone or congratulate somebody for. What does it say about guys who wear heels when one does something this bizzare and others are applauding it? (Excluding the guys here who have already expressed their concerns with this)

Heels for Men // Legwear Fashion // HHPlace Guidelines

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being diabled and unable to walk or move at all from an accident is alot different then being stuck in heels. I can still walk and such in heels, being disabled means I cant walk or stand. but so far I havn't had any real problems being stuck in heels. also i wear the mules while at home because they are the hardest to balance and walk in so it gives me much more practice and ability

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also i wear the mules while at home because they are the hardest to balance and walk in so it gives me much more practice and ability

Hi there highheeltrained, It's sure strange that you want to be permanently high heeld with 5,5" heels. I Also wear 5,5" heels (Highest Heel Collection Brazil pump) mostly when I'm home, I can walk comfortably in them without having problems going flat foot.

What is so amazing about human physiology is the suppleness we can achieve in joints. I would say that you can be comfortable in 5,5" and some people in 6" while still able to revert back to flat feet. Just have a look around. A lot of ladies are able to do the switch very comfortable. The key might be to stretch all the foot muscles....

Why tiptoe through life only to arive safely at death?

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being diabled and unable to walk or move at all from an accident is alot different then being stuck in heels. I can still walk and such in heels, being disabled means I cant walk or stand.

Dont mis-quote/change what I said...

I did NOT say "unable to walk or move at all", and classed as disabled does not always mean you are completely unable to move...

Please re-read my post.

Heels for Men // Legwear Fashion // HHPlace Guidelines

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i agree with tljakes here been a guy with larger feet your 5 and 5.5in heels give the same lift as the average small footed girls 4inch heels. i know people that almost live in their 4in heels on tiny feet, yet have no problem when going to play sports in flat shoes etc. joints are fairly supple and given the length of time you have been 'training' its odd that you have to remain in that heel height. even if you wear 5.5in heels all day every day, you would still be able to wear say 3in or 4in heels without pain in the same way i normally wear flat shoes at work etc, but i have flexibility to step into 5inch heels and walk with no problems. as to the principle, its appeal is an exciting fantasy thought. rather like the popular threads on locking heels on so they cant be removed etc. permenantly training to wear nothing but heels has this sort of effect, but in reality i wouldnt imagine that to be practical as there are going to be situations where you need to wear flat shoes.... cutting grass, on the beach diy etc. i think its more a living out a fantasy type thing without longer term thought of the reporcussions but thats just my opinion...

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This thread belongs in the 'Ultra High Heels and fetish things' section. 'Live and let live' I would like to say but somehow I don't think extremities such as this are doing the cause for heels as also part of male wardrobes any good. In fact, it's probably damaging...

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highheeltrained -

My earlier comments complemented you on your resolve for having set a goal and accomplished it, even though it was the dumbest thing I have ever heard of.

(And thats from a guy that wears thigh boots in public and understands doing dumb things.)

I dream of a world where chickens can cross roads without having their motives questioned.

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I have to say, I've done some pretty outlandish things in my life, but this shocks even me. Why on earth someone would want to not have any choice BUT to be in high heels is beyond me. I enjoy being able to move with the speed that flats/sneakers provide at times, plus being able to ride bicycles, climb up ladders, etc. You're really limiting your life choices by what you are doing, and I think it'll end up hurting you more in the long run. It's NOT a bad thing to want to wear such heels a lot of the time, but do yourself a favor and do stretching on a daily basis, so you can retain your flexibility and be able to switch back and forth. You have people here who are genuinely concerned about your health and well-being, so please listen. Yes, we enjoy our heels, but as with all good things, there is room for moderation. Cheers! SQ

SQ.....still busting societal molds with a smile...and a 50-ton sledge!

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Congratulations???? I personally don't understand why anybody would want to do that...and this is coming from a CDer who LOVES heels and has worn them out in public on a bunch of occasions in drab. I do yoga which has dramatically increased my flexibility, so I'm going the opposite direction! I have no problem with you wearing high heels out every day all day long, but please, do what some others have suggested and take them off for bed and do some stretching. It gives you the option in case you find a really cute pair of flats!

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I'm sure the term permanent doesnt quite apply, it's not like his ankle bones have fused to this angle and he can no longer attempt to flatten out his feet. With a little exercise he could be back in flats. I can kinda see where being stuck having to wear heels would be an exciting idea. Although you might want to start thinking a bit more forward in your life, there are alot of fun things you can't do when you are wearing high heels. Being able to transition from flats to extreeme heels is also a neat skill to have, can really blow someones mind.

(formerly known as "JimC")

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well i dont think its wery good, actually i think its wery wrong... ok wear your 5.5heels, do it if you like, but dont forget to strech, so you can move back in flats sometime too.

every human has they own choices...

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That does sounds kind of cool being forced to wearing heels all the time. Not something I would actually do, but it is a cool fantasy. I believe the process could be reversed, but I don't think you really want to go back since you probably went though a lot to get were you are at.

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just wanted to ask, when you will show it to your parents? or you think you will never again meet em in life and if you will be all time heeled how then you can hide it from them? if they would get to your new home like to surprise would you wont get heart attack from that? maybe better show them up too? at all they cant do anything to let you stop doing it, but they should to know 8)

every human has they own choices...

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  • 1 month later...

Hi, I love the pics of the heels and legs. I love the way that you have the ability to wear them with skill. the next challenge for you is to achieve flexibility, which means that you can still permaently wear very high heels, and with excercise, stand flat footed on the floor. Sure it will take some effort and u may feel u are undoing what you have achieved, but im certain you will have the best of both worlds by retaining ur health


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Hi heelers, Why are some of you piss him off? He is proud he did his thing. Perhaps he is a TV or a TG. What does it matter. I sleep high heeled for over, oh 30 years. And wear them every time at home. My late gf insisted I should wear my garters, stockings and heels when I was with her. If she should be alive she should say: see, others dare, why not you? Nobody cares. Go on son.

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