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how did you work your way up to street heeling?


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I got my first pair of heels less than a year ago (i'm 29) so i'm relatively new to the whole concept. I have a pair of these (http://tinyurl.com/32oknw) in black that i have gotten in the habit of wearing around the house. i wear them when i walk to the mailbox in my apartment compelx sometimes when it's late at night. i have worn them outside on occasion, but mainly when i was going somewhere i wouldn't be at for long. (like picking up takeout food i had ordered for example)

one day i got my confidence up and wore them when i went to this computer parts store. a couple of people noticed, but i didn't really care at the time. tonight i was going to this convenience store down the street from my house, and i wore them. i parked the car, but i just couldn't get up the nerve to get out and go in. i guess it's a part of the process of getting use to wearing them in public.

the whole thing about me being in heels started because i was curious what it was like, and to better understand how my girlfriend feels since she wears them all the time. i came to rather enjoy wearing them. fortunatelly she is supportive (she has bought me a couple of pairs). at this point i'm trying to get over the fear of other people's possible reactions. i keep finding more shoes i want, and i have to ask myself...... how much can i keep spending on shoes that i don't wear outside? lol

how did this work out for you guys when u started to wear your heels in public.

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I got my first pair of heels less than a year ago (i'm 29) so i'm relatively new to the whole concept. I have a pair of these (http://tinyurl.com/32oknw) in black that i have gotten in the habbit of wearing around the house. i wear them when i walk to the mailbox in my apartment compelx sometimes when it's late at night. i have worn them outside on occasion, but mainly when i was going somewhere i wouldn't be at for long. (like picking up takeout food i had ordered for example)

one day i got my confidence up and wore them when i went to this comptuer parts store. a couple of people noticed, but i didn't really care at the time. tonight i was going this convenience store down the street form my house, and i wore them. i parked the car, but i just couldn't get up the nerve to get out and go in. i guess it's a part of the process of getting use to wearing them in public.

the whole thing about me being in heels started because i was curious what it was like, and to better understand how my girlfrined feels since she wears them all the time. i came to rather enjoy wearing them. fortunatelly she is supportive (she has bought me a couple of pairs). at this point i'm trying to get over the fear of other people's possible reactions. i keep finding more shoes i want, and i have to ask myself...... how much can i keep spending on shoes that i dont' wear outside? lol

how did this work out for you guys when u started to wear your heels in public.

I can recomend reading this thread:


It very motivational.

I think you should ask yourself what you are affraid whould happen when you got into the convienience store. If you know in your heart that you want to wear heels and your girlfriend is supportive, I don't see the problem. I noticed that it got easier and easier everytime. Just act totally natural when you go out.

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It was around 3 1/2 years ago, for me, that I started heeling. The shoes were chunky heeled boots, only around 3", but I thought they were skyscrapers. At the department store, where I bought them, the young female assistant pointedly advised me that they were women's shoes, when I asked to try them on. But I purchased them, anyway. At home, the heel boots felt really funny, on my feet, and it took a while to get used to them. I did not tarry, though, and began wearing the heels outside, that same week. There were comments, here and there, and my then girlfriend complained. The girlfriend moved on, though, and I started wearing heels and wedges regularly. At first, I was pretty self-conscious, but the sky did not fall. I began to wear my heeled boots to social dances for singles, and it was no big deal. Women were asking me if I could dance in those heels. I lied, and said, "Yes." I moved up to Steve Madden "Fire" boots with big, chunky, 4" heels, and the women still wanted to dance with me. I met my next girlfriend, at one of the dances, while I was wearing the 4" heels. By that time, my confidence was improving, and I was wearing my heels to the grocery, hardware, lumber yard, and department stores. Nothing bad ever happened. It was not so tough, really.

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as a guitar player i think this is in some ways similar to when i first started going out to places (open mic's and so on) to play in public. i use to be really nervous and self concious about it, but now it doesn't bother me at all. it's really a matter of just going out and doing it, but it's helpful to get feedback from people who have done the same thing.

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how did you work your way up to street heeling? Left, left, left right left........................ ;):o

Hello, :wave: my name is Hoverfly. I’m a high heel addict…. Weeeeeeeeeee!  👠1998 to 2022!

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One outing at a time. You're on the right pace, to be sure. I started with gas fill-ups and night classes. Then moved on to shoe-shopping ventures, post office trips and library visits. Eventually it weighs in less and less and you notice fewer people caring. By then even you're not thinking about it as much, so you may wander to a Target/Kohl's/Nordstrom or some other huge (department) store. And once you leap that hurdle, you can start putting it all together... Just today I made a midday run to Starbucks, took my car in for an oil change, bought some minor knick-knacks for around the house (CVS did the job just fine), dropped off two parcels at the post office, and ordered lunch. The only thing that kept me from wearing heels is the fact that I don't own any and due to financial pratfalls, can't change that just yet. You're in Atlanta, where I had some decent heeling experiences. If you don't feel comfortable heeling in Atlanta proper (Underground ATL is a good spot to go), then there are malls all over... Morrow (Southlake off 75 South), Lenox & Phipps in Buckhead, Perimeter Mall near Dunwoody (north side of 285, or you can take 85N to GA 400), Northlake Mall on the east side of 285 near Tucker... I'd stay away from the Dekalb malls and probably Greenbriar as well. There are tons of Wal-Marts out there too.

Be yourself; everyone else is already taken. - Oscar Wilde

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as a guitar player i think this is in some ways similar to when i first started going out to places (open mic's and so on) to play in public. i use to be really nervous and self concious about it, but now it doesn't bother me at all. it's really a matter of just going out and doing it, but it's helpful to get feedback from people who have done the same thing.

That's exactly it! I spent a couple of summers busking on the south bank (of the Thames) the first couple of times it was absolutely terrifying. But the money started to come in, and people started skipping past when I played. I was playing a part, people didn't know I was a fairly shy office worker in finacial difficulties due to divorce, they made of me whatever. I realised that someone was expecting to see a busker there, why shouldn't it be me.

The comparison between standing up and performing and wearing heels is a true one in my experience. One of these days I'm going to busk in heels. I haven't busked for a few years, I miss the buzz. The Miller's a ten minute walk from my old spot - I'm tempted to give it a try.

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The comparison between standing up and performing and wearing heels is a true one in my experience. One of these days I'm going to busk in heels. I haven't busked for a few years, I miss the buzz. The Miller's a ten minute walk from my old spot - I'm tempted to give it a try.

;) Please keep this in mind for the meet. It will make for an interesting experience - especially if we get video of yourself, your performance and the public's reactions (which I'm sure will be positive).

Heel-D - Freestyling since 2005

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i took the pumps with me and left them in the car when i went to work today. when i got off, i put them on in the car. i went to a gorcery store near where i live to get some paper towels, and stopped at the the convenience store 9the same one from above) to pick up some snacks. it was uneventful. it felt liberating in a way. i told myself that i couldn't justify buying anymore until i wore them outside at least some of the time.

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Soular, Welcome to the forums!! I've been wearing heels for several years now in public and I must sat that my wife has been the greatest asset I have in this arena!! And from the sounds of it you've got a supportive GF who could also be a great support for you as well. As most of the others have said, it's a matter of time and building the confidence. And for me, the best way was to wear my heels with the wife in public. There's something about having a female with you to validate that what you're doing is NOT something freakish. And when you can honestly say "This is my wife/GF/etc., and she thinks it's sexy!!" to someone who does freak out about it it kinda makes them think twice about what they're saying/doing. And of course, it's ALWAYS better if she's wearing heels too :-) Regardless, again, welcome to the forums!! Keep the heels real and in public and soon you'll be wearing nothing BUT heels!! Happy Heeling! Shoeiee

"Heels aren't just for women anymore!!" Happy Heeling! Shoeiee

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I started wearing heels as part of my crossdressing, first inside my house most of the time. At the beginning, I just wanted to get used to the feeling of being "en femme" for a night of reading, watching TV, etc. Then, I started going outside for short walks around the block, or to get to my car for a short drive to a remote "desert" area, where I would walk a few blocks in the night. In order to be able to walk in heels for longer excursions, I started to wear my shoes when working at home, even if I wasn't dressed. And I must admit that I love the feeling. A few years ago, I went a little further in my crossdressing, and spend a few nights in a night club for Transvestites (Café Cleopatra, in Montreal) dancing and chatting with males shemales patrons (never going further). Then, I started to go to the Bank Machines, or even to restaurants and Cinema being "en femme". Sure I was not a goodlooking woman, but nobody ever seemed to notice anything special with me ! Currently, I have a beard (my beloved wife, who knows about my crossdressing, but loves me better in my male apparence, prefers me with this beard... and I must admit that, as a male, I'm better with than without). So I only venture outside "en femme" during winter time, when it's cold enough for me to wear a tuque and a long wool scarf that I can use to cover the lower part of my face. I've been to a film 3 times, in the last 3 weeks, dressed as such. But most of the times, I will just wear Hign Heels boots (4½ to 5¼ inches) under my pants, sometimes for very long walks, something like 5 or 6 kilometres or more, i.e. one hour or more. Nobody ever made any comment, even not a special look ! So I tend to do it more and more. With a great pleasure, each time.

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I had ventured out in heels once or twice before what I class as my maiden flight, but it was at night and trying to avoid other people. I was also paranoid that someone would notice my heels and the world would crack. My cousin was going to move into my spare room for a while, and I reasoned that if she was going to be sharing the house she had to know about my heels before she moved in. Inevitably she'd either catch me wearing them or find a pair of stilettos that weren't hers and I didn't want it to come out of the blue when she did. She was really cool about it, and after talking about it for a few minutes was actually pleased because it meant we could borrow each other's shoes! Her boyfriend was similarly not in the least bothered, so they both got used to me wearing heels around the house pretty quickly. My cousin's birthday was looming, and we'd planned to go out in Manchester to Jilly's (rock club) because she'd never been before. I'd not long since bought the boots in my avatar, and she suggested that I should wear them on the night out. I was very nervous, but she just said "If you look me in the eye and say you can't go through with it fine, otherwise get those boots on and get out!" Having been essentially bullied outside, I was still seriously nervous, but felt better for having friends with me. Long story short(ish!) after we'd been through Piccadilly station in broad daylight, with my heels on full display and glinting in the sunlight, I was fine. I still get the odd twinge of nerves before I leave the house in heels, but it gets easier every time. Chris

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  • 3 weeks later...

Actually, I'm not quite there yet. I've done a few furtive excursions in quiet supermarket car parks, some quick walks to postboxes, etc. This is also under cover of darkness. ;) I can't quite imagine that I'll ever reach the necessary level of confidence (and high-heel wearing competence) to 'go for it' in a big way. My dream (fantasy?) is to Street-heel around a big tile-floor shopping complex - Bluewater, the Birmingham Bull Ring (heck even Milton bloody Keynes shopping centre would do!) - trying and buying in all the shoe stores. To be honest, I believe my problem is that I am going for too high a heel at the moment (3"+). I'm sure I could street-heel quite confidently in a lower-height heel but, as that's not where my interest lies, I haven't given it a try. I will aim to put that right sometime soon and will report back on my 'progress' as soon as the deed is done. Wish me luck!

Always High-Heel Responsibly

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I just got tired of having so many pairs of nice heels and watching how women have so much fun wearing them every where I go and one day said the heck with it! I don't care what anybody say's, I'm wearing my heels any where I want just like the women do and feel free about it, and so I did any much to my supprise, hardly nobody noticed so it just got easier each time I went out and now everybody I know, knows I wear heels and do not have a problem with it. Of course it's a little of a shock to some at first, but they get over it very soon like any thing else thats new or different. Look around and see how people dress. What should be so different about a man in heels. It's only shoes!!!. Happy Heeling everyone.

real men wear heels

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It started with a desire to spend more time in my heels, and to experience them in the real world. Wearing them only around the house is fun but the time can be limited. The next step in the progression was to wear them on outings where I did not have to leave my vehicle -- such as to an ATM or a drive-through window. The trouble here was I was not standing or walking in them, so this step naturally led to pay-at-the-pump self-serve gas-station stops. Then came the realization that more conservative, masculine-looking heels might not capture a lot of attention anyway and with the right pair of pants I could wear my heels almost anywhere. That's where I am now. I don't street-heel every day, not even every week but there have been "heel days" where I spend all my waking hours in heels.

Have a happy time!

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I just started slowly myself,jimc I dont wear my heels all that often either, but mostly when I have the time (days off mainly) & when I dont have to do a lot of walking (I do not have a car; no liscense @ this time also so I walk everywhere I can, good exercise too) so in that respect I tend to "play it by ear" so to speak.

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the easiest thing is to wear them out when u both go out together, or when ure out on ure own wear them with long jeans so u get the feel without larging it up until ure in a situation when u want to, ive often had my boots/shoes admired by women, so long as theyre in fashion. Read thisweeks sunday times magazine "my husband is always borrowing my clothes" - so its not bigtime any more! Gd luck at being ahead of the trend!

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I started slowly wearing 2-3 inch block heels and cowboy boots and then once people didn't take any notice, 4 inch similar models and some thinner heels. I never had a big thing for stilettos anyway. So for me I guess it was easy to wear the styles I wanted - mainly 4 inch black ankle boots- without too much comment. I developed a fairly broad taste in heels, but I understand that if someone has a preference for 6" platform sandles then they are going to take a lot more working up to than the kind of stuff I do. Even if you do have a preference for the more extreme heels then I recommend you start with the 3 inch cowboys and cuban heels. That way you'll find how easy it is which will give you confidence to wear other styles and you may also find you like the look of the more moderate styles too. Like music, some fashion takes getting used to, in order to give you a chance to develop a style.

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I've only done it in guy mode a few times. Once, I wore a pair of 3.5" heel boots that were velvet from Nine West, while pumping gas near my house. Another time, I did some banking with my chunky heel Mudd shoes. I've since gone out a few times with those Mudd shoes but they don't make any sound on the floor/pavement due to softer rubber heels, so I don't think they really count. ;)

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funny that this post should be back on the front page. i've been getting out a bit more in my heels. i've been to the grocery store in them a few times this week. (i guess if i made i list i wouldn't forget stuff and need to go back so soon) anyway, fortunately it's been rather uneventful. as people here generally say, it gets easier each time.

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I've only done it in guy mode a few times. Once, I wore a pair of 3.5" heel boots that were velvet from Nine West, while pumping gas near my house. Another time, I did some banking with my chunky heel Mudd shoes. I've since gone out a few times with those Mudd shoes but they don't make any sound on the floor/pavement due to softer rubber heels, so I don't think they really count. ;)

I love MUDD shoes and have a few pair my self. They're great for street heeling.

real men wear heels

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  • 1 month later...

I have enjoyed reading this thread because it has given me opportunity to remember my evolution wearing heels in public. Of course, like many people, my experimentation began when I was quite young. I had tried on my mother's shoes when I was a kid and would sometimes wear them around the house when I was home alone. I loved how they felt and from about the age of 10 coveted women's footware. After passing my mother's size, I didn't figure I would get the opportunity again. But when I was 13, my parents took a vacation with some other people. One of the women had rather large feet, and I decided to be daring. While everybody was at the pool, I slipped on a pair of her sandals and headed to the ice machine. But as things happen, I forgot the room key. Luckely, I found a maid to let me back in, though she didn't notice my shoes. Needless to say, I was a bit freaked out by this experience and put heeling way, way way on the back burner. It was not until I was in college that I gave in once again. I began going to self-serve shoe store and trying on heels. I was very nervous, but I learned my size and really wanted to buy, but never had the nerve. Eventually, I started buying cheap shoes, but would never have even dreamed to have worn them out. After years of buying shoes and getting rid of them, I finally got the courage to wear them outside my house. It was pretty typical stuff that so many people have mentioned...to the gas station, the post office, convienience stores...but each time I went out I gained more and more confidence. But for some reason, I even stopped this. About 10 years ago, I went through a period of self-awareness. I realized that going against the trend was just part of my personality. I dressed the way I chose, did what I pleased, and went where I wanted. So, I started wearing heels outside on a fairly regular basis. Today, I dont get to heel as much as I would like. Usually, I go out of town for a longer excursion, but this is just to avoid all of the small town gossip. When I go out now, I try to make a day of it...though a late night run to the store or for a midnight snack is still fun. ;)

Style is built from the ground up!

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I think I dealt with the fear of streetheeling like I deal with fear in general. Fear is just a fact of life, it really does not go away. Whenever we try new things, we oftentimes feel fear: jumping out of a plane, confronting people...

As in all things in life, I am willing to allow myself to feel the fear as just a fact of life, something that is normal, and something that I control.

So I just acknoweledged the fear, but didn't dwell on it. Just went on with life and wearing my heels, thats all. It's like the doppler effect. You hear and expect its sound to come, but it passes by and before long, its noise is gone.

I personally believe this response to fear is critical to succeeding in many other areas of life too.

Very well put! I agree totally and have often wondered if wearing heels has helped me overcome anxieties that allow me to be whom I choose or if simple being whom I choose allows be to let me channel my fear and thus overcome it. Heeling (healing?) has definatly brought me to hightened existential (sp?) awareness.

Style is built from the ground up!

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Happy Feet -

Your recent posts in this thread have been enlightening. I know there have been a couple of other guys on this board that have stopped wearing heels and then started again, sometimes several times. For me stopping is a forced period of self evaluation. I recognize that what I am doing is out of the mainstream of “normal” public dress so I periodically step back and consider if I would be happier if I conformed a little more to “normal” dress.

So far the cycles of stopping and starting have shown me that I enjoy being “different” more than I enjoy being “normal”.

I hadn’t considered fear to be a factor in whether to wear heels or not. I do pay attention to where I go in heels and I avoid places where I would be uncomfortable even in regular guy shoes. So far, I haven’t encounter any aggressive types that want to convince me that heels aren’t for guys. I don’t know if I’ve just been lucky or if the self confidence I project is enough to fend off criticism. I think most people read me as confident and are too polite to say anything. I suspect that without the confidence, it would be a different story.

I have never been uncomfortable in front of a crowd. For a while I was a teacher, and 20 years of being a wedding photographer will cure you of any fear of being in front of people.

For me heeling is fun and I also find it healing because it is letting out something I didn’t know was bottled up in me. I’m still trying to discover what that “something” is. What better way is there to find out what it is than to drag it out and look at it?

Again, thanks for the posts that have gotten me thinking again.

I dream of a world where chickens can cross roads without having their motives questioned.

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i like to swim/wade in my boots and leather. i like to use settings that are frequented by other people(ponds,lakes,etc). i would try to use these spots when no one was around,but if you hang around long and late enuff,someone always shows up. so a few times i got caught out all dressed up and found i liked it...thrilling to say the least. so i got bolder and started wearing to nearby outlet mall. from there i worked up to wearing to my appointments,etc. the one thing that is pretty much a constant in it all is that no one really cares what you wear...really. odds are they wouldnt notice you anyways,truth be known. so wear what you want,i say.

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