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Guest Loveshiheels

I've just sold these heels so I should change my the avatar for another pair of heels with me wearing them.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I look nothing like a revolving symbol :smile: Just reflects one of my other interests, and my nickname is Klingon.

That's what I'm known as in the band. Aka Mr K or Jack Sparrow depending on the type of gig we're doing.

Get to wear heels for one number although it's a slightly degrading song for heels, as it called "The Right Royal Regiment of Poofters".

New site going for all the band related stuff at www.revoltingpeasants.co.uk

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I've been wondering where you've been, Francis. Nice to see a new post letting us know you're still around. I just looked at your band's website and am wondering if you might have a URL where we can download a sample of the groups music? (Kind of reminds me of the late Lonnie Donagan. (Does your chewing gum lose it's flavor on the bedpost over night?)

Being mentally comfortable in your own mind is the key to wearing heels in public.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I'm not yet able to post a picture in here as I'm brand new. I have to post a few times first so I'm told and this looks like a great place to start. My picture will be very different of course.:w00t2: A picture of my feet without shoes on.:santa_hat:

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No, I'm not sure my mother was even born when this lady was sporting such a gorgeous look. The only heel related pic that I have of me that could do would possibly be deemed a little too risque. Once I find a willing photographer, I'll be sure to try to get some snaps up :santa_hat:

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Yes. The boots were a real find. I ran into them in the Shuhtick in Berlin last summer. They were on sale, but still a lot of money. It was the last pair and my size. The reason they still had this pair was that the zipper on the left one didn't work too well. But I had a good look and it was easy to repair. It is perfect now. They are very comfortable. I can walk in them all day. On the bottom it says oXs, then vera cuoio and made in italy.

Raise your voice. Put on some heels.

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