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Share your best Freestyle Fashion pictures here.


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Here are a few of my freestyle fashion photos. You can see more of me at my Flickr page.



Link to my Flickr account: http://www.flickr.com/photos/mspookshow/

Holy crap... Is it just me or is Flikr soooooooo damn slow, like, dialup speed slow... :smile:

Heels for Men // Legwear Fashion // HHPlace Guidelines

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Holy crap... Is it just me or is Flikr soooooooo damn slow, like, dialup speed slow... :smile:

Fine here (Plusnet). I think they're ganging up on you:smile:

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Holy crap... Is it just me or is Flikr soooooooo damn slow, like, dialup speed slow... :smile:

Worked okay for me. Not slow at all. Pretty cool pics by the by, MSpookshow!

I don't want to LOOK like a woman, I just want to DRESS like a woman!

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  • 2 weeks later...

Okay, so I'm looking for a bit of advice on this first outfit. Does it work, does it need something, or is it just doomed to be eBay'd? :smile: I really want it to work, but I still just have some reservations. I can't quite pinpoint what, though.


Here is another recent look, this one is just for fun. Regardless, thought you guys may appreciate the classic pumps in this outfit.


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Here is another recent look, this one is just for fun. Regardless, thought you guys may appreciate the classic pumps in this outfit.


Well, I for one thought this outfit was downright terrific. You pulled that dress, belt and pumps together in near perfect unison. Bravo to you, my friend.

I don't want to LOOK like a woman, I just want to DRESS like a woman!

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Well, I for one thought this outfit was downright terrific. You pulled that dress, belt and pumps together in near perfect unison. Bravo to you, my friend.

I totally agree with Jeff. You look so comfortable and very fashionable in that complete ensemble. And I personally like the white hose.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Since we live in a culture where the stereotyped symbol of femininity is the stiletto, it's almost as if the girl who doesn't wear stiletto's is freestyling.

Therefore, I thought it relevant to quote author Julia Glass's thoughts on how she dresses for herself, from American Vogue's June 2010's ON BEAUTY section:

"I choose garments more because I shared their spirit than because they flattered me"

"To be noticed is rarely my objective--my acting is now confined to my novels--but who would deny it's a pleasure? What makes me happy is dressing, at long last, according to the dictates of my soul. I don't wear heels, and as in life, I favor bright over black"

The arrogant self appointed fashion police love to argue against men who wear heels because it doesn't visually aesthetically complement the body frame of a man. My answer comes in what could arguably be a paraphrase of Julia Glass's own thoughts "I police my own spirit, not that of others"

Feminine Style .  Masculine Soul.  Skin In The Game.

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Here's a couple of things i recently ordered, Me and my GF ordered clothes together and when they arrived to her house she sent my stuff to me via post :) when i received them i sent her these pictures and she agreed that i look goooood :) The white top i got for $12 and the leopard dress was $10, how could i not for those prices? everything else in the pictures i already had, hope you like!



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Here's a couple of things i recently ordered, Me and my GF ordered clothes together and when they arrived to her house she sent my stuff to me via post :) when i received them i sent her these pictures and she agreed that i look goooood :)

The white top i got for $12 and the leopard dress was $10, how could i not for those prices? everything else in the pictures i already had, hope you like!

What kind of image are you trying to project and what are your heel wearing related goals?

If you want to project the image of a man in heels, neither outfit does that, since both lack any reference to what society would consider menswear or even womenswear with menswear inspired design roots. Add a blazer and shorts to either outfit for a more unisex effect.

Feminine Style .  Masculine Soul.  Skin In The Game.

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I hafta admit. The leopard mini dress i find strangely HOT! What are you doing to me heelguy?

Shafted, the boots that is! View my gallery here http://www.hhplace.o...afteds-gallery/ or view my heeling thread here http://www.hhplace.org/topic/3850-new-pair-of-boots-starts-me-serious-street-heeling/ - Pm me if you want fashion advice or just need someone to talk to.

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What kind of image are you trying to project and what are your heel wearing related goals?

If you want to project the image of a man in heels, neither outfit does that, since both lack any reference to what society would consider menswear or even womenswear with menswear inspired design roots. Add a blazer and shorts to either outfit for a more unisex effect.

Why do i have to be branded as projecting a certain image? Can't i just be me wearing my clothes? I have no heel wearing goals, i like wearing what makes me feel comfortable.

Adding a blazer would have covered too much of the items i was trying to show in the pictures.

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Why do i have to be branded as projecting a certain image? Can't i just be me wearing my clothes? I have no heel wearing goals, i like wearing what makes me feel comfortable.

Adding a blazer would have covered too much of the items i was trying to show in the pictures.

Because this forum focuses on men who want to appear as men wearing heels. Not appear as women, which is what your photos portray, like the truth or not. That's why and that's reality.

With your attitude, it doesn't surprise me you don't have heel wearing goals.

Best of luck to you.

You will need it.

Feminine Style .  Masculine Soul.  Skin In The Game.

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Hi Heelguy, When it comes to fashion freestyle. One of my 'rules' is that if you see a cropped headless photo, then you should be in doubt as to whether the person is male or female. If I saw your photos out of the context of this thread, I would say they were of a flat chested, athletically shouldered woman. For your style to work it needs to be a little more androgynous. The tiny dress and super high heels just conjures up images of naughty alcopop girls on a Saturday night. Add some leggings, throw on a battered slim fitting combat, dinner or leather jacket and maybe swop the shoes for boots and you'd have a great look. Also 'hard as nails' accessories are a must. It just needs a huge slab of edge to keep people engaged and a little bit afraid to laugh at you... Without the edginess you're just a boy in a dress and heels. You need to think about creating your own fashion moment. Have a look at the attached photos of Bryan Boy to see what I mean. There's no right or wrong and it's ultimately up to you, but I can see where Kneehighs is coming from. Cheers, Ben





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Because this forum focuses on men who want to appear as men wearing heels. Not appear as women, which is what your photos portray, like the truth or not. That's why and that's reality.

With your attitude, it doesn't surprise me you don't have heel wearing goals.

Best of luck to you.

You will need it.

Please show me where it clearly states that this forum focuses on men who want to appear as men wearing heels? My perception of this forum was that it is for all lovers wearing high heels.

If what you see in my photo's is me portraying a woman, then that's your perception. What i see is a guy who dresses how he feels comfortable, with no feeling of the cloth that covers his body to have gender association.

Hi Heelguy,

When it comes to fashion freestyle. One of my 'rules' is that if you see a cropped headless photo, then you should be in doubt as to whether the person is male or female. If I saw your photos out of the context of this thread, I would say they were of a flat chested, athletically shouldered woman. For your style to work it needs to be a little more androgynous. The tiny dress and super high heels just conjures up images of naughty alcopop girls on a Saturday night. Add some leggings, throw on a battered slim fitting combat, dinner or leather jacket and maybe swop the shoes for boots and you'd have a great look. Also 'hard as nails' accessories are a must. It just needs a huge slab of edge to keep people engaged and a little bit afraid to laugh at you... Without the edginess you're just a boy in a dress and heels. You need to think about creating your own fashion moment.

Have a look at the attached photos of Bryan Boy to see what I mean.

There's no right or wrong and it's ultimately up to you, but I can see where Kneehighs is coming from.



Hi Benno, thanks for your constructive criticism, I've taken what you've said into consideration. But as for your comment i've boldly highlighted, what if that's how i want to be seen or how wearing these clothes makes me feel?

I know exactly what you mean about creating an edge, and plan to do so as time goes on, im pretty new to this still so am still finding myself a little bit. But at the same time, i have no problem being "just a boy in heels and a dress".

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Please show me where it clearly states that this forum focuses on men who want to appear as men wearing heels? My perception of this forum was that it is for all lovers wearing high heels.

This discussion isn't about everyone, this is about your pictures. With regards to men's activity here, that's what it boils down to in reality. Tech and the mods have discussed this issue ad nauseum.

If what you see in my photo's is me portraying a woman, then that's your perception. What i see is a guy who dresses how he feels comfortable, with no feeling of the cloth that covers his body to have gender association.

Is it really just my perception? Did you read benno's comment? Your photo is but a partial reflection of your reality and ultimately assumes the viewer to fill in the missing visuals through their imagination--this is the internet after all.

Feminine Style .  Masculine Soul.  Skin In The Game.

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Hi again Heelguy, If you want to wear the dress and heels then go for it. My personal opinion is even a woman in that combo looks a bit desperate and obvious. You are your own person and can wear whatever you want, but don't you owe it to yourself to do more? The title of this thread is 'share your BEST fashion freestyle photos'... Not 'Put on a tiny dress and massive heels'. When I started on the long road of gender messing clothing I made some horrid mistakes. I don't regret them, but I had a weird idea of how I wanted to look. In fact I have realised that those mistakes are the same as a teenage girl wearing something grown up, but overly sexy and grotesque, to a prom. It's all about finding your feet and sense of style. Read some style blogs. Borrow some ideas and HAVE FUN!!! Ben x ps. Check Out Style Bubble, Sea of Shoes and Bryan Boy's blogs. Just Google them and go on a journey.

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Here's a couple of things i recently ordered, Me and my GF ordered clothes together and when they arrived to her house she sent my stuff to me via post :) when i received them i sent her these pictures and she agreed that i look goooood :)

The white top i got for $12 and the leopard dress was $10, how could i not for those prices? everything else in the pictures i already had, hope you like!

Great freestyler!You look marvelous!Keep up the good work.

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What kind of image are you trying to project and what are your heel wearing related goals?

If you want to project the image of a man in heels, neither outfit does that, since both lack any reference to what society would consider menswear or even womenswear with menswear inspired design roots. Add a blazer and shorts to either outfit for a more unisex effect.

To change the flock's stereotype about males in terms of visual appearance someone must dare to do things!As if most women dress feminine...right(trousers,flat shoes and t-shirts all the way...)!They (women) have succeeded because started to wear in public all masculine apparel in the early 20th century.If you are just jealous that the bloke has a great masculine body that fits everything that is another story.You know your motifs best :).

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Hi skirtedvik, Did you read my posts properly? It has nothing to do with being male or female. It's all about critiquing the whole outfit. The look simply needs more work. I found the leopard outfit to be missing some wow factor. Again, my personal opinion is wearing a dress and very feminine mega heels is not really integrated freestyling. It's more akin to being in DRAG without wearing a padded bra, blonde beehive wig, a face full of barbiesque makeup, false nails and eyelashes. When I wear a great outfit I primarily do it because I like making an outfit work and POP. I also want people to engage with me in intelligent conversation, not simply think I look like a square peg in a round hole. I like to inspire both men and women to question how both they and I dress. To me Heelguys outfit was just emulating drunk teenage girls at a cheap disco. I don't think that was Heelguy's intention, hence stepping in and offering my opinion and giving some tips and pointers... Even if Kate Moss wore it, as is, I still wouldn't be a fan. I was not trying to be rude to Heelguy, my posts were simply constructive critisism... I have read most of Heelguy's other posts. I think he has some serious chutzpah and needs to be applauded for that. Heelguy also has a good eye for individual items. All that's needed is to integrate the outfit with more thought. My personal view is that if I saw Heelguys tottering along in 'that' outfit I would think he was wearing it as a dare or for a laugh, not because he wanted to look amazing and inspire others to question gender and clothing. If you look at someone like Bryanboy you don't question his integrity as he obviousy has it by the bucketful. We're not perfect but if someone looks like they needs some advice I will offer it. Thanks, Ben

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To change the flock's stereotype about males in terms of visual appearance someone must dare to do things!As if most women dress feminine...right(trousers,flat shoes and t-shirts all the way...)!They (women) have succeeded because started to wear in public all masculine apparel in the early 20th century.If you are just jealous that the bloke has a great masculine body that fits everything that is another story.You know your motifs best :).

The point of this discussion is not to "change the flock's stereotype..." It's a discussion about two particular pictures. Let's keep on topic and avoid a total communication breakdown.

If heelguy wants to project an image of a man in a dress and he feels comfortable in doing so, then I support him in that. This is why I asked him what his heel wearing related goals were, to better understand his reality.

It still stands that the original 2 pictures lack any overt reference to the male sex, that's all I was saying.

Feminine Style .  Masculine Soul.  Skin In The Game.

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Hey Heelguy, I think I can see what Benno and Kneehighs are saying in a way. If you are wanting to dress for how it makes you feel, that's not really aimed at being an artist visual expression as such. If you are wanting to make a visual statement, in my opinion, there are issues in the overall construction. Completely forgetting the gender of items, there is a perspective issue in both pictures. My wife and I discuss this issue regularly when planning on what to wear, or discussing what others are wearing. In general, the eye likes to see symmetry. It doesn't have to be exact, but you need to think about colours and textures in that they need to reappear in some other way in order to not look odd. Looking at the picture with you wearing the black skirt, white top and blue shoes, the problem is obvious. You need to add the same sort of blue from your shoes in some way again, perhaps a belt. Perhaps a black jacket that shares the skirt's texture to create symmetry again. The other picture has the same problem in a way. They are incredibly beautiful shoes. They just don't go with the dress at all. The dress is brown and yellow. Neither of those colours are in the shoes, or vice versa. Another fashion aspect I try to be aware of is lines. This means the angles or curves, but also the lengths of things. The leopard skirt is too short for you. Your upper thighs are muscular. Personally I would try to avoid that length in a straight skirt. The other option is to have a more angular skirt, which will create an illusion that your upper legs are not huge with muscles. I hope that this is helpful. I'm sure you'll work out how to get the result you want. P.S. I'm still up for a coffee sometime. Just call me and we can work it out. I'm still a bit house-bound looking after my new baby boy, but a couple hours should be okay at some point.

Never argue with an idiot. They drag you down to their level, then beat you with experience.

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Moving back on topic.

Heelguy, I understand where you're coming from having read your thread elsewhere.

Starting with the leopard dress, which looks great on you, my thoughts are to change the heels and add a jacket, maybe both from this pic, and a belt. There's nothing wrong with the heels you had per se but on the pics of you I've seen, I just don't think they work with a short fitted dress. I do love the dress but the scooped neckline is a bit low; this is the problem I have with a large number of tope from 'the other side of the store' which I & the SWMBO would feel is a bit too much.

With the second pic, the bright blue heels draws attantion away from the rest of you and there's nothing else to look at given the black skirt and white top; a more muted colour would have been easier but that's not you. Having done a quick search there's some suggesions here and here; there's also google images which should give you inspiration. My only other suggestion is a belt may help. You could also try a single colour dress e.g. black; not sure about grey or this paler one as I suspect more muted heels would look better. If all else fails,there's always jeans.

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