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Hit On By Girl While Wearing Heels

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I was eating Tai food today when this very beautiful girl came in, you know the type, you don't expect to get the time of day from and certainly not the type to talk to me. So I am in the corner wearing my very hi Vince camuto boots and not at all trying to hide them. I don't know if she can see my boots while she is looking for a table. Well she comes and sits at a big table next to me. Then she asks me what's good. She is now at my 12 o'clock position and I am at her 3 o'clock So she keeps up the small talk. After a while she asks if I am married or have kids. Then she tells me she is staying in a hotel up on 2 nd Ave. I say that must get expensive living in a hotel. ( she just started a job and has not moved here yet). She says yes it is would you like to help pay for it. I am really flustered at this point. So I figure she must be looking for a sugar daddy or now I think maybe a hooker. She certainly was not dressed like one unless in that profession you are always working. I also think maybe the Porsche parked outside might have something to do with it. I am not sure if she saw the boots or not because at first i was not hiding. Then I just moved my feet a little more under the table. She did kinda look down every now and then. Now I wish I had just let her see them but I did not want to make her feel uncomfortable or scare her off. Here are the boots. I took this at the same restaurant but not today. She was probably around 30. Did I say how pretty she was. She had on flat black shoes with a gold toe.



I put my money on Hooker. Should have asked what the going rate for a room.

Hello, :wave: my name is Hoverfly. I’m a high heel addict…. Weeeeeeeeeee!  👠1998 to 2022!


Though I've never seen a classy one (rock hos are all along Van Buren street in Phoenix) my first thought was hooker too. I am bummed that it was my first thought though as it would have been exceptionally cool it had been the real deal.

Life is short...  Wear the bleeping shoes!


My bet would be hooker.


I got "hit on" by a gal a few years back. I walked into a bar, sat down at the only open stool and the gal sitting next to me instantly starts talking to me. All I wanted was a cold beer and it was busy so she offered to share her pitcher of beer. I had one mug, she sat there and rubbed my thigh and talked while I drank the beer. I got ready to leave and she was very interested in making me stay, too interested in my opinion, asking me to stay and we would have some "fun" later. I tossed $5 on the bar, told her thanks for the beer and left. She was attractive, dressed simply, jeans and a nice  blouse, but nothing fancy. I am married, and although it was interesting, but not tempting. My wife get along great so it certainly was not worth the risk of damaging our relationship. Pretty sure the gal as a "working" girl as the bar was notorious for it.


or you could live in the hope that young attractive women are interested in men in heels. I prefer my explanation.

High heels are the shoes I choose to put on, respect my choice as I repect yours.


Thanks for the confidence that I can only attract a hooker. I prefer the last one. I spent several years around serious addicts when I was envolved in celebrate recovery so I am certain she was not an addict. Although I suspect hooker I am nowhere close to being sure enough to ask how much. It was still fun. Oh, part of my point in posting this was look what I was wearing and I am still not sure she saw my heels even though I was not trying to hide them. Hoping to gives others confidence that people really don't notice.


Why does it have to be a hooker? I been hit on before by women who I knew weren't hookers while wearing heels. One was even a coworker. If you are wearing heels with oodles of confidence, that's what women are responding to.

Shafted, the boots that is! View my gallery here http://www.hhplace.o...afteds-gallery/ or view my heeling thread here http://www.hhplace.org/topic/3850-new-pair-of-boots-starts-me-serious-street-heeling/ - Pm me if you want fashion advice or just need someone to talk to.


I agree with Shafted. Not necessarily a hooker, but certainly outgoing! And the Porsche might have been the draw more than your boots.


Wouldn't it be nice to be a mind reader sometimes? :D




The thing about helping to pay for the hotel is, I believe, what planted the hooker seed for me. Good point thouhgh about wearing the heels and not being noticed. One time (not at band camp) I wore my Brash Lunar wedges into a cool downtown coffee house with jeans that fell just below the top of the shoes while standing. I was there for 45 minutes and I don't believe a single person noticed.

Life is short...  Wear the bleeping shoes!


Something to laugh about when hanging around and having a few beers with friends.

Hello, :wave: my name is Hoverfly. I’m a high heel addict…. Weeeeeeeeeee!  👠1998 to 2022!


She was a single parent. Actually this is the second woman to show interest in the past few months. This waitress was always talking to me at this other restaurant I was going to with my son. Then one night I was there and she was friendly until my wife came in. After dropping drinks off as she walked away she stopped and turned around, with my wife there and said, " I suppose you are married". I had; n heels every time I go there too but they are harder to see. I know I Am no babe magnet at 46 and overweight, and these were younger girls, ago it must be they are looking for someone to support them.a joke from two and a half me that I tell my wife is " I am disappointing one woman I dont need to dissappoint two". She got a good laufh out of that


I'm kinda intrigued you guys shot straight to hooker as the explanation.


I've been hit on by girls while wearing my bright (neon basically) pink chucks. (some/most/more than you'd think) Women are shoe obsessed and some seem to respond to that quite well indeed that or the first thing they do when they see me is look at shoes, then maybe they'll look at my face. (honestly this is one of the most funny things I've discovered about having shoes out of the norm, just how much women look at everyones shoes, and how men seem to not give a shit)


Actually just yesterday I got stopped in our skyway here and had a fun talk with a girl about the pink chucks. What if those women were the proverbial unicorn that just saw their biggest turn on in real life? If you're going to discount them straight away I think you might be limiting yourself.


That said, I've never had experiences that aggressive with most women so I am thinking i'd be a bit suspicious myself. But more because generally women don't seem to ever initiate conversation unless you've been around a while or have been introduced via friends or friends of friends.


Anyway, back to doing work.


I'm kinda intrigued you guys shot straight to hooker as the explanation.


Because any sexually (or etc) forward woman must be a 'pro' ;)


God forbid anyone on this board accept someone who crosses gender norms. (Sarcasm, not trying to start a fight)


Saudade: Gotta admit, the most chatter I've gotten from strangers has been due to my Orange/Magenta (not listed as pink) Vibram fourfingers. -Far- more comments then any other footwear I might wear. 


(formerly known as "JimC")


Again, I hit the hooker vibe right away when I read the post. That being said, at the two Halloween parties that I went to dressed as a lady I got a ton of attention mostly because of the shoes. If I didn't value my marriage then I could have gone home with one or more non-pro and actually quite delightful younger ladies. The women there we're just intensely intrigued by a guy walking that well in heels. Many even said as much and one gal even tried on my heels. I encouraged her to get her own pair, ha. I haven't had that experience outside of the Halloween parties and just wearing heels as a guy, however. Best, Larry

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Life is short...  Wear the bleeping shoes!




I'm conflicted.  On one hand asking you to help pay for her hotel isn't a good sign, but then again I would suspect a "pro" wouldn't ask if you had a wife and kids.  Maybe Iif you were interested) you should have gotten her contact info and saw where it went.


If I was not married I would have seen where it was going. You know, she could have made the comment and realized how it sounded. If she was a hooker the clothes were far from being sexy in any way and it was not like she was dressed like a bulb. Nice clothes and nice car. But, a Hooker would care if I was married or if she was looking for a sugar daddy. Going back there today. Not for her, I ate Tai food every day last week and only twice this week. I know 4 woman here at work know I wear heels and none have said a word. One of the guys asked about them again. He asked how hi were they so I lifted my pant leg to show him. He said wow, higher than I thougt. I was expecting one of the girls to say something last week when we were sitting down talking. I could see her trying to look but there was a chair between us and the room was very dark. Of this other guy had not been in there I think I would have told her its OK ask.


I know 4 woman here at work know I wear heels and none have said a word. One of the guys asked about them again. He asked how hi were they so I lifted my pant leg to show him. He said wow, higher than I thougt. I was expecting one of the girls to say something last week when we were sitting down talking. I could see her trying to look but there was a chair between us and the room was very dark. Of this other guy had not been in there I think I would have told her its OK ask.

 That is pretty cool in and of itself.

Life is short...  Wear the bleeping shoes!


If a woman sells sex to the wrong guy, she will get busted for solicitation of sex for money. In which most places it's illegal, so she has to speak in code in order to avoid picking up the wrong person.

Hello, :wave: my name is Hoverfly. I’m a high heel addict…. Weeeeeeeeeee!  👠1998 to 2022!


-.--  ---  ..-  .-.   ....  ..  --.  ....   ....  .  .  .-..  ...   .-  .-.  .   ...  .  -..-  -.--


Like that?  :D




Would you repeat that? :)

Hello, :wave: my name is Hoverfly. I’m a high heel addict…. Weeeeeeeeeee!  👠1998 to 2022!



Hello, :wave: my name is Hoverfly. I’m a high heel addict…. Weeeeeeeeeee!  👠1998 to 2022!


Damn, I am out of practice, I should have been able to read that morse :-/

Smile and the whole world smiles with you, Fart and your on your own!!!


It was the mention of the motel that clued me too. Asking about family could be a feeler to see if the relationship would have a chance to prgress or be "business" only, or maybe she prefers married only as there would be less chance of having a man pestering her afterward. A single gent might want to get serious and hang on, where a married man would take the "date" and head on home.


If a woman sells sex to the wrong guy, she will get busted for solicitation of sex for money. In which most places it's illegal, so she has to speak in code in order to avoid picking up the wrong person.


Or maybe the "wrong"question to her could have been cause for arrest for solitation (or something) if she happened to be under-cover (no pun intended) on a different job.  Would have been hard to explain to wife for sure if you had to call to get "bail" money.  You weree correct - IMHO - to let it drop without asking any questions.

Just a bit higher to to delight - low enough for healthy foot comfort and great beginning.


Or maybe the "wrong"question to her could have been cause for arrest for solitation (or something) if she happened to be under-cover (no pun intended) on a different job.  Would have been hard to explain to wife for sure if you had to call to get "bail" money.  You weree correct - IMHO - to let it drop without asking any questions.

It would be interesting how that would play out in the media. News flash; An undercover woman pimps out man wearing high heels. Agents incorrectly thought that men wearing heels is an indication for looking for sex.

Hello, :wave: my name is Hoverfly. I’m a high heel addict…. Weeeeeeeeeee!  👠1998 to 2022!

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