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Bbc Magazine: Why Did Men Stop Wearing High Heels?


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I was just about to post about this article and found somebody had beaten me to it. PS: Why does the forum software appear to disallow mutliple capitals in thread titles? BBC, SLR and TUC have been changed in Bbc, Tuc and Slr.

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Based on the topic, have you ever tried putting a roof on in heels? Just kidding. I built my garage in heels, except the roof. They look nasty too. All the sweat has stained the leather.

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Great article. I found Semmelhack's final quote most interesting:

But the era of men walking around on their toes seems to be behind us. Could we ever return to an era of guys squeezing their big hairy feet into four-inch, shiny, brightly coloured high heels?

"Absolutely," says Semmelhack. There is no reason, she believes, why the high heel cannot continue to be ascribed new meanings - although we may have to wait for true gender equality first.

"If it becomes a signifier of actual power, then men will be as willing to wear it as women."

I'm curious if Kremer's correlation between pornographic photography and the sexual stereotyping of heels is accurate though. Could this be the true historical beginning of the sexualizing of the stiletto?

[font=arial" data-date=" helvetica, sans-serif">

By the time the heel came back into fashion, in the mid-19th Century, photography was transforming the way that fashions - and the female self-image - were constructed.

Pornographers were amongst the first to embrace the new technology, taking pictures of naked women for dirty postcards, positioning models in poses that resembled classical nudes, but wearing modern-day high heels.

Feminine Style .  Masculine Soul.  Skin In The Game.

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i am writing this post 2 days after reading the article, on memory, on purpose. To me, this article left the following feeling "men have stopped wearing high heels during the enlightened period because more rationality entered people's life at this time. High heels, symbolysing society ranking due to their impracticality, were abandonned by men together with other impractical articles such as make up, wigs, and disctinctive colored clothes". High heels were found to be still acceptable for women as women were not considered equally with men, merely as human beings, thus being neither enlightened nor rational. So what I feel is the article somehow says that - either the society is more and more irrationnal, so that even men are wearing irrational items. A thesis I can't agree more with. (science tend to be reduced to a mere tool, truly economics activities are 1) taking risks (investment, finance, assurance), sell appearance articles (luxury, fashion, mobile phone), and the most interesting topics seems to be 1) carry guns (same as centuries ago), 2) bearded or not religious men (same as centuries ago), and 3) speak about sexualy and homosexuality (not sure)). - or its only men that are becoming irrationnal, and women are not involved in the process of the backward evolution of society. Just my 2 cents.

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In the end I've found that high heels are not impractical only challenging.

Shafted, the boots that is! View my gallery here http://www.hhplace.o...afteds-gallery/ or view my heeling thread here http://www.hhplace.org/topic/3850-new-pair-of-boots-starts-me-serious-street-heeling/ - Pm me if you want fashion advice or just need someone to talk to.

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What about the regular guys who just like wearing girls shoes? Why do they have to justify it to thier spouses or get negative comments from strangers? They should be able to wear whatever they want and it should be no big deal!

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Just made me think of this http-~~-//www.youtube.com/watch?v=LS37SNYjg8w

That is awesomely 50's.

How about this, Sir mix-alot's Baby Got Back sung to the style of Gilbert and Sullivan.


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  • 2 weeks later...

Exactly, Shafted! A lot of people don't bother trying to adapt and balance, but given a chance heels are a very enjoyable challenge. Pole Fitness is a case in point--a lot of women like to do pole sport in heels (pole dancer heels) to bring out the sexy side of it and the few men that have tried inevitably at least consider heels. One of my pole fitness friends is a man trying out heels for the first time (and of course I steered him to hhplace :D ) I was not surprised to find out he's married to a woman; I learned here that heels are an item of clothing like any other. :pulsingheart: Women that favor pole heels for some reason don't tend to like heels in everyday life, finding them perfect for maneuvering in dance rather than everyday life. They find that it adds grace to their movements. I for one favor the blending of pole fitness and classical dance rather than the "raunchy side" and wear heels whenever possible, but not for pole sport. ( If pole fitness is Greek to you check out Flexines.blogspot.com )

Peeptoe heels are my passion... and flexibility: www.Flexines.net

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I was just about to post about this article and found somebody had beaten me to it.

PS: Why does the forum software appear to disallow mutliple capitals in thread titles? BBC, SLR and TUC have been changed in Bbc, Tuc and Slr.

Because it's seen as a word. Try "B.B.C." or "S.L.R".

Graduate footwear designer able to advise and assist on modification and shoe making projects.

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