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Tonight at the movie theatre we showed the movie "We Bought a Zoo". A reoccurring theme which came up in the movie is 20 seconds of courage. What would you do with it? And your answer doesn't have to pertain to heels. It could include any potentially great moments in life where 20 seconds of courage could make a difference.

Shafted, the boots that is! View my gallery here http://www.hhplace.o...afteds-gallery/ or view my heeling thread here http://www.hhplace.org/topic/3850-new-pair-of-boots-starts-me-serious-street-heeling/ - Pm me if you want fashion advice or just need someone to talk to.


I'd say it already happened for me - - Probably took twenty seconds to decide to drop the 2 x 4 I had in my hands and walk away from a parent that almost received the business end. Nuff said - -

  Tech said:

Just like the parent, we didnt see that coming!!!

You got that right, but it could make for a fun and interesting thread none the less. Some times you have just got to stir the pot to find the other great things about other people. Afterthought: please relocate to cafe if better suited for that.

Shafted, the boots that is! View my gallery here http://www.hhplace.o...afteds-gallery/ or view my heeling thread here http://www.hhplace.org/topic/3850-new-pair-of-boots-starts-me-serious-street-heeling/ - Pm me if you want fashion advice or just need someone to talk to.


With 20 seconds of courage my life would change entirely haha. Currently i got around 1-2 seconds. :wavey:

Don't worry, be happy - in heels! :rocker:


I haven't seen the movie "We Bought a Zoo". However, I still remember this moment... I think it took me about 20 seconds to gather the courage to get out of the car.

Post describing an event around 2001

By the way, I'm still wearing those boots on occasion.


I dream of a world where chickens can cross roads without having their motives questioned.


I have a fear of heights and recently took a trip to "Go Ape" (Grisedale). It was really tough to get going. The first trip over the first wire bridge being the toughest, and probably represented about 20 seconds of courage. The whole 2 hours were really tough, but I completed the course. The result was that I'm not cured, but am much better with heights now.


A few years back, Oncenter War Memorial Arena Syracuse NY. Sometime around 2000 Opening act for a headlining band.. Place was packed ( about 6000 people ). I did NOT want to go out there. Threw up 3 or 4 times. I DID wind up playing without any problems, but it was hard. Thank mother nature for blinding stagelights so one cannot see the crowd. I could have used 20 minutes instead of seconds!



What comes first to mind: 20 seconds on life television to tell the whole country that I walk in heels and that if feeeeeeeeeeels goooood!!!

In the process of becoming the person I always was...but didn't dare to let her come out

  FreshinHeels said:

What comes first to mind:

20 seconds on life television to tell the whole country that I

walk in heels and that if feeeeeeeeeeels goooood!!!

Now that's the spirit.

Shafted, the boots that is! View my gallery here http://www.hhplace.o...afteds-gallery/ or view my heeling thread here http://www.hhplace.org/topic/3850-new-pair-of-boots-starts-me-serious-street-heeling/ - Pm me if you want fashion advice or just need someone to talk to.

I was scuba diving with friends one time and I looked at my air gauge. I was almost out of air. My two friends had swam just ahead of me. Knowing I would be out of air soon, I desperately swam toward the closest friend and grabbed a hold of her swim fin. She turned to me and I showed her my gauge. She had an octopus regulator on her tank so we buddy-breathed to the surface. That whole incident took twenty seconds, give-or-take.

I had my 20 seconds last weekend, being at a larger fetish/sm/fun party called "baroque" in another town, with various stage shows, including a "best outfit award". Several people had put enormous effort into baroque period outfits, some really impressive. Little did i know that someone among the organizers had entered me into the outfit compo, as best male fetish outfit. Did i mention i had stage fright? I got that cured instantly when i was called onto stage in the middle of the contest, totally out of the blue. The weird part? I enjoyed it. The realisation that "hey, you got to do this, no other choice" just came to me and from then it was all okay. I just wish i could have seen my face when i was called up, must have been a priceless view.... Picture of me before the party is in the gallery. The blue one, if you're wondering :-)

  Corvus said:

Picture of me before the party is in the gallery. The blue one, if you're wondering :-)

(added a link) :):wavey: Corvus, Shafted is right, that is a seriously impressive corsetted figure you have there.


HOLY.. CHIT! Thats not 20 seconds of courage, thats 20 seconds of oxygen left in those lungs before they collapse! How long has it taken you to waist train to get into that corset?


  Corvus said:

...Picture of me before the party is in the gallery. The blue one, if you're wondering :-)

Sorry if I'm a little bit off topic but it is the first time I see a man

who did corset training like this. We (normally) see it more on women.

( I'm still catching my breath after looking at your picture ! )

Did you wear the corset (that tight) all night long ?

Can you eat or drink while wearing it ?

I guess it may not be good for your health but what an amazing look it is !


Well I know that I like to sleep in some of my corsets and I need to get another soon but they can be hard for me to find because my 36 inch hip does not squeeze down but my waist can cinch down to 22. The last good corset I got was from the corset maker that disappeared. Tried to order but without getting measured by the corset maker it is never right. As for eating well I have a problem there as I found one day that I was at least ten pounds over but I still can eat all that I need or like when laced up.

  • 2 months later...

Hehe, few days ago i took some courage and went to shoe shopping. First i was looking for some male sandals but then i just couldnt resist to look around at the womens part of the store. I wasn't too happy with the varietry, i mean they got loads of women's shoes but neither of them were wide enough at least from the look, i tried few pairs but neither of them fitting my foot well. I was looking around at cash register waiting for the line be gone. It was my turn so i went and paid for my sandals, then i asked the saleslady if they were selling wide width high heels. She said they do have some and took me for a walk showed me some shoes, some i liked but i wasn't happy with their width. Then she said perhaps i should bring my partner to try the shoes on, then i said sorry but they will be for me, she started to blush haha, never thought it wont be me who will feel confident about this topic. End of the story i didn't buy anything, eventhough they had couple of shoes my size (42eu/11us/9uk) most of them were too narrow for my flatfoot :(

Don't worry, be happy - in heels! :rocker:


Hey, Newheeler, good post! Thank you for sharing it! You're bold to tell her that the heels are for you. Not all guys can do that. I'm glad your confidence is strong! Steve


As a young shy 21 year old boy I had an interview with three senior police officers. I was told early on I had no chance due to a minor disresion in my early teens. something made me feel it was so unfair and for t first time in my lif I actually spoke up for myself. I will have 27 years service with my employer in three weeks time all down to those few moments when I said "no that's not fair"

High heels are the shoes I choose to put on, respect my choice as I repect yours.

  On 6/4/2012 at 6:42 PM, 'Foxyheels said:

As a young shy 21 year old boy I had an interview with three senior police officers. I was told early on I had no chance due to a minor disresion in my early teens. something made me feel it was so unfair and for t first time in my lif I actually spoke up for myself.

I will have 27 years service with my employer in three weeks time all down to those few moments when I said "no that's not fair"

A real story about how a little bit of courage can go a long way.

Shafted, the boots that is! View my gallery here http://www.hhplace.o...afteds-gallery/ or view my heeling thread here http://www.hhplace.org/topic/3850-new-pair-of-boots-starts-me-serious-street-heeling/ - Pm me if you want fashion advice or just need someone to talk to.

  On 6/4/2012 at 9:19 PM, 'Shafted said:

A real story about how a little bit of courage can go a long way.

I do often wonder what my life would be like if hadn't beem so assertive, it really wasn't what I did back then. I certainly wouldn't have met MrsF as I was introduced by a work colleague. Also working in the envoronment I do has clearly gave me confidence overall and that allows me to wear what I want. I shudder to think.

High heels are the shoes I choose to put on, respect my choice as I repect yours.


20 seconds of courage..... I would have used it to tell the love of my life that I wanted to marry her and to come with me.


I would use my 20 seconds of courage to tell my boss that jewelry sales is not dangerous enough a job to require closed toe shoes no matter how much she insists. Then I would tell her she needs to find herself a sexy boy to cure her pissy attitude... and go find myself another job, haha! I really like her in general but she gets such an attitude. Only being able to wear three pairs of heels from my whole collection--that's painful!

Peeptoe heels are my passion... and flexibility: www.Flexines.net


As a teacher, one hometime I stood between two fathers who'd just started trading blows. The trick is to think like Piglet. '"Just the house for Owl. Don't you think so, little Piglet?" And then Piglet did a Noble Thing, and he did it in a sort of dream, while he was thinking of all the wonderful words Pooh had hummed about him. "Yes, it's just the house for Owl," he said grandly. "And I hope he'll be very happy in it." And then he gulped twice, because he had been very happy in it himself.'

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