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Thigh Boots in Public


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Call me crazy, but I couldn't resist the temptation, so I ordered these boots from How Cool:

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At only $63.00 before shipping, the price was certainly right. Even though I have no idea where I would wear these boots, I just decided I had to have a pair. I'll figure out the logistics after I get my hands on 'em!


I have one word for you ............. Posted Image I love the look! Posted Image

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Why JeffB, you could always wear those boots to the office. Congrats on purchasing your first pair of boots, and over-the-knee at that. I'll bet they have a 5" heel on them. Don't forget some pics for us all. Cheers--- Dawn HH

High Heeled Boots Forever!

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Thanks for the kind words, Dawn and kiltsrgr8. It was wild, the more I looked at those boots, the more I was enthralled by them, so I just went ahead and ordered a pair. Like I said, the price was certainly right for my first ever pair of thigh high boots. I'm sure they'll look great on me, and yes, I'll make sure to provide pics when I wear them! :P

I don't want to LOOK like a woman, I just want to DRESS like a woman!

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well, those are very nice thigh boots :o I'd get a pair myself if i had the money right now (which I really dont) :( but oh well............. 8) by the way, I wore my black leather jeans with my platform loafers the other day @ the mall (I live in southern CA & it was raining quite hard @ times) :o I was waiting to go oacross the street to the movies to see THE AVIATOR very good movie also!! but any ways, A guy walking with 2 other girls (they were teens I think ofcourse) & I was waiting in line to get some cash @ the one of 2 ATMs in the mall (the one on the 2nd level was OUT of cash @ the time) & when I was looking to my right I was the guy kind of give one of those stupid laughs when he looked @ my shoes!! :D but I also love to see those "gears" turns in peoples heads when they they can not process the information that they "saw what they just saw- a guy when hearing heels of some type" & couldnt deal with it !! :P the 2 other girls didnt say anything but leave it to this guy to make a idiot out of himself as if I was the funniest thing he had seen in the mall!! :P like you said (or someone in here the other day) it was PRICELESS!! :(

men still look good with pants tucked into the right boots!

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I have been wearing my 8868’s (see JeffB’s picture above) on the drive to work in the morning. Today I stopped at the post office in Milan Indiana. This is a small office (one employee) and I wanted to see how someone in a rural town would react to me in thigh boots. As I pulled into the parking lot, another car pulled in beside me and a lady went into the office to get her mail. I went into the office and mailed my letters. The lady glanced at my boots and bid me a good morning, which I returned. As it turned out the post mistress was busy getting the ladies mail and didn’t even se me. I’ll have to try that again.

A very busy work schedule has kept me from going out for a week or so, but last night I went to the museum and Joseph Beth Booksellers. I was wearing slacks, a dark turtle neck, a tan leather jacket, and black thigh boots with 5” stiletto heels. Everybody noticed and nobody said a thing. The disapproving looks about matched the admiring ones.

I’ve mentioned the staff at Joseph Beth’s is great. I was chatting with the lady at the register and she used the phrase “that’s somebody else’s problem”, I said, “that’s called an SEP”. She didn’t pause and said, “Oh… 42”.

We have been conditioned to react to disapproving looks. You knew you had done something wrong when you parents gave you “that look”. That’s the part of the head game you have to get past when you are wearing something out of he ordinary. The few disapproving looks at Joseph Beth’s tonight almost got to me (these were practiced, parental, disapproving looks). I had to remind myself that I didn’t think wearing thigh boots was wrong.

It looks like more guys on this site (and maybe some that haven’t posted yet) are trying thigh boots. I really hope you enjoy them as much as I do.

Shafted -

Your outfit sounds great and the outing even better. I have never had anyone want to touch my boots. That must have been a great ego boost.

JeffB -

Those are the boots I wear the most. I can’t imagine you not wearing them out and about. I recommend a Dr. Scholes cushioned insert for them. It makes them much more comfortable.

kiltsrgr8 -

There is no reason you can’t wear thigh boots.

I dream of a world where chickens can cross roads without having their motives questioned.

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JeffB, I believe there is such a thing as pushing the boundaries of acceptability to a point that it becomes counterproductive risking a backlash that might put you back to the point you were at before you began to push the envelope. While you've ascended the path to acceptance by taking "tiny baby steps," allowing your co-workers sensibilities to acclimate to you in high heels, the shock of your strolling down the aisles and hallways of your workplace wearing thigh high boots might be a bit more than your supervisors can abide. Especially should you be inclined to wear them over your pants legs. Wearing your pants over the shafts, your boots would appear as just another pair of boots with high heels and might be easiler absorbed. So, in my opinion, I would maintain the pace at which your co-workers found acceptance of your unusual choice of footwear and not press your here-to-fore good fortune.

Being mentally comfortable in your own mind is the key to wearing heels in public.

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Why couldnt jeff wear the boots under his work pants? The co-workers who notice will only know they are boots. And he can always side step the conversation if someone is likely to dislike the height of the boot shafts. That, or Jeff could switch from sneakers to these boots for the morning commute :P Good luck with them, I'm sure you will find plenty of time to wear them. Jim

(formerly known as "JimC")

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A funny thing happened to me at work yesterday that I found rather humorous. I recently started working within a different building within our company with a much larger manufacturing floor. Yes, I do wear low heeled thigh boots to work. Many of the people who work here I've known for years. Well anyway in the cafeteria I ran into a woman I know who works on the manufacturing floor, and was decreetly informed by her that two other women who had seen her with me, who didn't know me asked her if I was bi-sexual. This was her response as she reported it to me. "Nope, He just a guy who likes to do his own thing, and if you don't like it, too bad." Well needless to say we both got a good laugh out of this. So in their thinking "thigh boots = Bi-sexual". I should probably mention that I am heterosexual, which makes the thigh boots = bi-sexiual staement even more ludecrous. If this is the thinking programmed by society, I glad society failed to program me.

Shafted, the boots that is! View my gallery here http://www.hhplace.o...afteds-gallery/ or view my heeling thread here http://www.hhplace.org/topic/3850-new-pair-of-boots-starts-me-serious-street-heeling/ - Pm me if you want fashion advice or just need someone to talk to.

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I would agree with Bubba that there is a risk of pushing the envelope too far if I were to wear thigh boots, and I don't want to jeopardize the level of acceptance I've obtained. Of ocurse, there's always non-work outings like what thighbootguy regularly indulges in, so there would still be opportunities for me to wear the boots once I obtain them.

I don't want to LOOK like a woman, I just want to DRESS like a woman!

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Shafted:-) That's a great discussion that you and your co-worker had the other day and it probably boosted your ego a bit, as it should have. Good for you and her. She is an open thinker. We need more people like that. JeffB:-) Bubba has a point there, but I'm sure that you are smart enough not to jeopardize your heel wearing position at work with your co-workers and your supers. If you wear them to work under your pants it is sure that someone may notice that they are higher on your leg than the look of pumps, and of course they will notice that they are your first pair of boots. You could say that they looked good and they were so comfortable that you decided to wear them to work that day. If the situation tends to head the other way, take one of your other pairs of pumps with you and change them immediately. Just my way of looking at the situation, but you will know better as you will be there and not an out-sider like myself. For what it is worth. If everything goes favorable, then you will know that you can wear them there at other times. Cheers--- Dawn HH

High Heeled Boots Forever!

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Call me crazy, but I couldn't resist the temptation, so I ordered these boots from How Cool:

Posted Image

At only $63.00 before shipping, the price was certainly right. Even though I have no idea where I would wear these boots, I just decided I had to have a pair. I'll figure out the logistics after I get my hands on 'em!

Hi Jeff,

hmmh, they could be the black counterpart of my white 4'' slip-on thigh highs from Pleaser (model 8868). Am I right?

I wore them already in public over white jeans but not in my neighbourhood. Don't understand why such beautiful boots are considered usually as 'slut boots' :P I love them :P


The best fashion is your own fashion!

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[hmmh, they could be the black counterpart of my white 4'' slip-on thigh highs from Pleaser (model 8868). Am I right?

You are quite right indeed, micha. What I ordered where the 8868's. Quite nice to say the least.

Dawn: Not to worry, I'm not gonna mess up the good thing I've got going at the office. Even I know when to pull back the reins and say "whoa!" Which I why I'll never exceed five inch heels at work. So I can live without wearing thigh boots at the office. However, if one of the more fashionable ladies at the office shows up in 'em, then all bets are off!


I don't want to LOOK like a woman, I just want to DRESS like a woman!

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JeffB:-) I have never read that the fashionable ladies at your office were really that fashionable enough to match your heel heights. So they may not be fashionable enough to wear thigh high boots. So in that case, the bet is still on and you won't be wearing thigh boots under your pants at the office. Right? Keep us posted anyway. Cheers--- Dawn HH

High Heeled Boots Forever!

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JeffB, So what if you can't wear them at the office. You have already made incredible breakthroughs in fashon there. The boots you can use everywhere else. Just as any woman wouldn't wear then at the office it probably wouldn't be a good idea for you to do so. I think that women have certain unspoken rules about wearing footwear, and they probably should apply to us as well. Although I wear thigh boots at the office, they are not high heels. After my coworkers initial introduction to them, now its no big deal for them. As it's cold with lots of snow here, most people regard them as unusual but practical winter footwear.

Shafted, the boots that is! View my gallery here http://www.hhplace.o...afteds-gallery/ or view my heeling thread here http://www.hhplace.org/topic/3850-new-pair-of-boots-starts-me-serious-street-heeling/ - Pm me if you want fashion advice or just need someone to talk to.

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I have never read that the fashionable ladies at your office were really that fashionable enough to match your heel heights. So they may not be fashionable enough to wear thigh high boots.

At the risk of tooting my own horn, almost none of the ladies at the office approach my heel heights. A precious few top off at just about four inches, everyone else doesn't eclispe three and only ten percent of the women there bother wearing heels at all.

While the office might be a stretch for thigh boots, outings to say the movies, dinner, suburban malls or museums like Thighbootguy certainly wouldn't be! I'm sure I could have fun wearing them!

I don't want to LOOK like a woman, I just want to DRESS like a woman!

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  • 2 months later...

WOW it looks like we really have some catching up to do.

I’m still out and about in my thigh boots every chance I get. I really treat them as just another pair of shoes and don’t think twice about wearing them. (That’s not really true. I still pick the places I go with some care and work hard at no becoming complacent). I am going out to more places all the time.

Let me repost a few pictures that were lost in the crash.

Here are my blue boots. If you imagine her hair in a pony tail, and take the fur off the jacket, that’s close to my look.

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I had also been wearing my chap boots:

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As the weather has started to warm I tried wearing thigh boots and shorts. I haven’t been pleased with the reception I have gotten in public so far but I will try it a few more times.

Here is the image I like:

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These pictures are from a site called thighboots.com that I was surprised some members of this board hadn’t seen.

I’m glad the board is up and running again. I really missed reading the posts.

I dream of a world where chickens can cross roads without having their motives questioned.

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WOW it looks like we really have some catching up to do ....Posted Image

Hi Thighbootguy,

the slip-on boots of this nice girl are my favorite overknees! Here again a picture of myself. Don't know if my link was lost too

Posted Image

It's the version with zipper and 5'' heels.

nice greetings


The best fashion is your own fashion!

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Very nice and stylish indeed, micha! You wear those boots well as the contrast with the jeans worked quite well. A good looking combination! :P

I don't want to LOOK like a woman, I just want to DRESS like a woman!

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Very nice white boots that you have on. Have you worn them outside yet?


Dawn HH

Hi Dawn,

my answer is: Yes, but only under jeans :P Some times also with turned up jeans legs so that everybody could see at least a quarter of my beautiful white thigh highs :P

Until now I'm a little bit anxious of wearing boots on the street which could be considered as fetish style. The problem with overknees is that they are frequently considered as "bitches boots". I know that I am a parrot of gay plumage on the street when I'm wearing pointy high heeled boots. Luckily the big majority is accepting it. Therefore I'm careful with pouring oil into the fire ... nevertheless I'm glad about "hh-punks" like Thighbootguy.

@JeffB: Thanks for your compliments :D My own fashion style in summer are flared hip jeans combined with short top shirts and naturally high heels. My favorite colour combinations are white-blue-red, pink-light blue-mauve or simply black and white. I love your style and your courage!

nice greetings


The best fashion is your own fashion!

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Micha:-) Thanks for the reply and the added information. Keep us all posted to any remarks, positive or negative, that you pick up when wearing your heeled boots out in public. Cheers--- Dawn HH

High Heeled Boots Forever!

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I went to Portsmouth Ohio today to help a friend remove a tree that was downed by a storm. Driving there I wore black thigh boots with 4” heels. I stopped at a grocery in Portsmouth to get some stuff and wore my boots in. There were a few raised eyebrows. I asked the register clerk if my boots were too much for Portsmouth. With a big smile, she said they weren’t. Then she asked me where I was from.

For the tree work, I switched to a pair of flat (3/4”) heeled thigh boots. With all the saw dust, the boots were very practical. I normally wear them when I’m doing yard work at home.

Micha -

I have never associated myself with the term "hh-punks". The term has a bit of a negative connotation over here in the States. When I’m out I dress conservatively (jeans, nice shirt, jacket) but I wear thigh boots with heels. I look very much like the image in your picture.

By the way, I really like the white boots (I have a pair just like them).


The board crashed about the time you were getting your thigh boots. Have you worn them out yet?

I dream of a world where chickens can cross roads without having their motives questioned.

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The board crashed about the time you were getting your thigh boots. Have you worn them out yet?

Greetings, tbg! Welcome back! To answer your question, yes, I did get the boots, but haven't worn them out yet. Hopefully I'll rectify that situation real soon!


I don't want to LOOK like a woman, I just want to DRESS like a woman!

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I don’t normally wear my 4” and 5” heeled boots around my neighborhood except when I’m walking out to my car in the morning but this afternoon I had to do some work in the yard, I started off wearing black leggings, a tee shirt, and my flat heeled boots and after a while I thought why not and switched to my 4” pair. I was behind a low hedge so people couldn’t really see the heel anyway. I was cutting weeds out of the hedge and had a big pile in the yard. The next step was to run the mower over the pile. I was wearing black boots and black leggings so there wasn’t any contrast to show where the boots started. I changed to the 5” heeled boots and went out with the mower and attacked the pile. The mower is kind of like a shopping cart, people dont see past it. I don’t thing anyone that drove by even noticed I was wearing boots with 5” heels.

Last week I went to Lowes hardware again. I was wearing my black boots with 4” heels. I couldn’t find the item I wanted and had to ask a clerk. I saw that he noticed what I was wearing but he didn’t miss a beat and lead me over to the department that had my item and showed me where it was. I tend to get harder looks in a hardware store than most other places but most people, like the clerk, notice and go on their way.

The weather has stayed cool enough to wear my boots comfortably with jeans. I’m still thinking about the image I present wearing shorts and thigh boots.

JeffB -

I do recommend a cushioned insole for those boots. I’m looking forward to hear how you get on with them.

I dream of a world where chickens can cross roads without having their motives questioned.

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Thanks for the bit of advice, tbg! I'll do that and let everyone in one what happens when I wear the boots!

I don't want to LOOK like a woman, I just want to DRESS like a woman!

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Yesterday at Valley Fair Mall in San Jose saw a guy in THBs. A pearly grey color and about 3 1/2 inch Western Heels. Didn't get a chance to say "hi" or "cool boots" because hewas heading away from me and I was unning late. If it was anyone on this board - you looked geat! Vern

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I stopped at Sam’s Club tonight on the way home. I was wearing my black thigh boots with 4” stiletto heels. No one paid any attention except one little girl who was about 9 years old and was with her mother and slightly older brother. I was in the checkout line when they were in a line near me. The conversation I overheard went something like this. “Mom…Mom can guys wear high heels”? “Mom… Listen to me, can guys wear high heels”? Her mother is doing her best to ignore her. “Mon he has on high heel shoes”. Her brother ended the conversation with the authoritative statement, “Those aren’t shoes, there boots”.

I dream of a world where chickens can cross roads without having their motives questioned.

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