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Shyheels last won the day on April 11

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    Literature, Art, Cycling

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  1. I’m far more understated. Black, brown or dark grey suede are my choices
  2. Knee boots with chunky heels
  3. Banks branches are disappearing in Britain pretty quickly too - a bit like stilettos
  4. I know what you mean about stilettos. I’ve a couple pair of stiletto boots that I wish I could walk fluently in but my natural aesthetic taste is always fit block heels and so I always choose those whenever I decide to wear heels
  5. Those are wonderful boots! Love the styling and the heels! And proper leather too
  6. I’m so pleased it all worked out so well for you - and also that you have such a sympathetic wife. A nice story with a happy ending
  7. Even in blocky 3.5” heels a lumpy towpath can easily cause you to miss for footing or turn an ankle.
  8. My feet are narrow and long and I’ve always had trouble finding shoes that fit with any precision. Footwear manufacturers just do not seem to believe that anyone has narrow feet - any more than they believe there are any females with feet larger than a UK8
  9. Muddy towpaths wouldn’t do them any favours either
  10. Yes that would just tire you out walking 20,000 steps - not the same kind of foolishness as heavy lifting, mowing lawns, or working locks on a canal (dangerous)
  11. I too have never worn metal heel tips nor would I want to for just the reasons mentioned above. Why trash your nice wooden floor or carpet, or somebody else’s? since most of my boots are block heels anyway it’s not an issue I worry much about. And I too dislike kitten heels - they’re neither fish nor fowl as the saying goes. If you’re going to wear stilettos they should be long and thin, like the blade of a dagger - not like the blade of a jackknife.
  12. I do wear OTK boots with heels (and without) and they are a benefit - especially on cold mornings, either inside or standing at the tiller. Stilettos though would not only be silly but dangerous)
  13. If I'm struck down today my last pair will have been some dark grey suede OTK boots with 3" block heels. Lovely and warm on a cold damp day
  14. Yes, a bold move to be sure. In my world stepping off a boat onto a muddy towpath in stilettos is not something I fancy trying.
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