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Are you happy with your foot/shoe size?

Are you happy with your shoe/foot size?  

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  1. 1. Are you happy with your shoe/foot size?

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  danielp6406 said:

As far as I know, women's size 41 is equivalent to US men's 9 or US women's 11...


I used a conversion on my iPhone and got what I wrote. But looking at conversions on internet gives me different values. This one http://www.i18nguy.com/l10n/shoes.html says that 44 equals Men's 10½ and women's 12.

This all is very confusing and this Wiki page gives some explanations to why http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Shoe_size


Best regards, Stefan

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  stefan said:


I used a conversion on my iPhone and got what I wrote. But looking at conversions on internet gives me different values. This one http://www.i18nguy.com/l10n/shoes.html says that 44 equals Men's 10½ and women's 12.

This all is very confusing and this Wiki page gives some explanations to why http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Shoe_size


Ignor Wikipedia, thats editable by just about any idiot with a keyboard and internet access.

Here is what I follow:

EU41 = UK7 = US9

EU42 = UK8 = US10

EU43 = UK9 = US11

EU44 = UK10 = US12

I've found that the EU size seems to be the most constant and accurate, as many UK shops sell a UK9/42, which cant possibly be right selling a shoe as a 9/8, either its a 9 or an 8, but not both!!! and the 9/42 shoes are ALWAYS like a large size 7, its nuts!

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I have US 12/13 Womens size, so it's really hard to find high heels in my size if I go shopping. That's why I usually rely on the internet. Ebay is my shopping place of choice. When I see cool heels on a website I look up what kind of high heel it is (manufacturer, name of the heel, etc) and search around on Ebay. Most online US retailers don't ship internationally and/or accept payment via Paypal. Gotta love Ebay! But really, I sometimes wonder if there's a kind of surgery available that allows part of the bones in the middle of your feet to be cut/removed and then reattach the two halves back together (still following me?)And thus make your feet smaller. Sounds painful though.

  Tech said:

Ignor Wikipedia, thats editable by just about any idiot with a keyboard and internet access.

Here is what I follow:

EU41 = UK7 = US9

EU42 = UK8 = US10

EU43 = UK9 = US11

EU44 = UK10 = US12

I've found that the EU size seems to be the most constant and accurate, as many UK shops sell a UK9/42, which cant possibly be right selling a shoe as a 9/8, either its a 9 or an 8, but not both!!! and the 9/42 shoes are ALWAYS like a large size 7, its nuts!

All theese different ways to measure shoe size are really confusing. I can understand that there is differences between Europe, US and the old english colonies since we in Europe always used the metric system and US and the old English colonies didn't.

But why use different numbers when it comes to men's shoes and women's shoes? That is illogical. A 44 is 44 regardless if it is a shoe for a woman or a man. So why does US have that as Male 10 and Female 12???


Best regards, Stefan

  stefan said:

All theese different ways to measure shoe size are really confusing. I can understand that there is differences between Europe, US and the old english colonies since we in Europe always used the metric system and US and the old English colonies didn't.

But why use different numbers when it comes to men's shoes and women's shoes? That is illogical. A 44 is 44 regardless if it is a shoe for a woman or a man. So why does US have that as Male 10 and Female 12???


No idea, but its about as confusing as why your keyboard keeps putting a "/" in front of your name? :cry1:

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  Iamme said:

But really, I sometimes wonder if there's a kind of surgery available that allows part of the bones in the middle of your feet to be cut/removed and then reattach the two halves back together (still following me?)And thus make your feet smaller. Sounds painful though.

Unfortunately, this procedure would be very painful for sure :wave:. What about the toes ?

Maybe removing the middle one before reattaching the two halves of feet back together ? (Ouch !)

I only wish my feet would be ¼" narrower (at the toe box) and ¼" shorter while keeping all my toes :cry1:


No. I wish my feet were smaller. I am a UK10 and although I can buy heels in that size, I often wish I was a UK8 maximum so I could buy my heels on the high street here in UK, because i love some of the styles available to women in the shops


We can only hope that the shoe companies continue to provide larger sizes and not follow the route that Payless has chosen to take. Cheers--- Dawn HH

High Heeled Boots Forever!

  Dawn HH said:

We can only hope that the shoe companies continue to provide larger sizes and not follow the route that Payless has chosen to take.

Ain't that the truth! Payless used to have a robust selection of shoes in size 13, but not anymore. I find that both disturbing and disappointing.

I don't want to LOOK like a woman, I just want to DRESS like a woman!


According to today's Daily Mail (Benno’s favourite paper), ‘female feet are getting larger and even size 10s are in demand’, with Debenhams (for one) intending to stock them. Hardly earth-shattering news but any increased commercial recognition is welcome.

Of around 80 online comments so far, few are particularly noteworthy but it is clear that a significant number of (mainly younger) women are actively seeking more fashionable footwear on the High Street in UK sizes 9, 10 and 11. And not just women, of course …

Interestingly, there are a number of comments from the US (possibly boosted by the time zone difference). But there is clearly some confusion about shoe sizing and I do wonder how many of the US readers realise that a woman wearing a UK11 (for example) is the equivalent of a US13 – pretty big by any yardstick.

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-1239975/Female-feet-getting-larger-size-10s-demand.html#ixzz0bSdIGCTH

  • 2 weeks later...


Just a little tip for you. You could use a parcel forwarding company like www.shipito.com when US stores don't ship internationnally. They can receive your order (thanks to their US address) and ship it to your house.I used their service before and it works pretty well.

  Dawn HH said:

We can only hope that the shoe companies continue to provide larger sizes and not follow the route that Payless has chosen to take.


Dawn HH

You are spot on with that!!! I've said this before but considering the number of heels I've bought from Payless I proclaim to be a Playless "gold" customer, unfortunately their in-store inventory, in larger sizes, has dwindled to the point it's almost useless to shop there anymore. Yes, there still is the internet but I like to see firsthand what I'm buying.
  • 2 weeks later...

I wouldn't mind being about a size smaller, but considering my nearly 6' height, I have always considered myself fortunate to be around a men's 8.5 with a slightly narrow foot. That gets me into a significant percentage of readily available women's styles in the size 10 or 11 range. Although I don't wear anything high heeled in public other than at halloween or something like that, the majority of my shoes and boots are technically womens styles (albeit quite unisex styles).I get a better fit than a similar or even identical style that is made as a mens shoe. Men's shoes in general are wider and feel too wide on my feet, they also just look "fatter". Some of my cowboy boots are available in the exact same color and style in both men's and women's sizes, but the women's boot looks much better on my foot. I'm pretty lean and athletic with a small circumference so wearing bulky men's style shoes really detracts from my overall style.


actually yes!! have replied on this thread before, however went on a roller coast ride after that with regard to foot/size!!! was happy, the we went through a period in time where nothing would fit right!! was even thinking that I had had it all wrong all these years then WOW, we found places that it all right!! different makes make different size 8s, stupidity and madness!! it all depends on the manufacturer!! the down side, we are now buying shoes left right and centre!! if it fits and we like it, its bought!! so in a nut shell!! am happy with my foot size!!:blinkbigeyes:

I wish mine were just a bit smaller it would be easier to find them if smaller, and i could find some of the top brands, as it is i can find them but it is hard at times and styles are somewhat limited, but that doesnt stop me from enjoying what i can find.
  • 2 weeks later...

I cannot stand my shoe size. A men's 11 (women's 13), which makes it near impossible to find boots that aren't designed for strippers and doms. Don't get me wrong, there are some pairs in that industry that are nice, but a nice, comfy pair of boots is what I've been dreaming of. And at my size, it's either rare, expensive, both, or just a dream. :blinkbigeyes:


I am a 13 too. Let me know if you find any good ones!! :blinkbigeyes: Previous posts about Payless are right, they used to carry more. They never had that great of selection, but at least they had something.


I am quite happy with my shoe size, being that I wear a womans size 9-10. I consider myself very lucky to be able to shop in stores and buy off the rack. Thanks for the thread.


Depending upon the manufacturer, I can do about half of the US "womens" size 11; the rest would be 11.5 or 12. At least now they make many shoes in boots in 11 unlike years ago when 10 was the largest normal size.

But if I had my wish, I'd be a size 10 where I could get any style I wanted!

It's all about the heel!


im a us 10 or 11. I usually get away with 10 but if i had my way id be a 9. 9 would be so much easier for buy for...


I wear a womens size 12: I would love to be a 10. Still, there are a lot more styles to choose from now then 10 years ago or so. I discussed the size availability issue with a salesperson at a Nine West store a couple years back, and she said that women's feet are getting bigger (taller women) and that is why they were carrying more variety in bigger sizes.

  • 2 weeks later...

I'm a US Woman's size 13. I ended up having to go to the middle of Chicago, Illinois in order to get a pair of size 13's. I really wish my shoe size was Woman's 10, given my height of 6' 3.5" (1.92cm).

  • 2 weeks later...

I'm of two minds on this topic. On one hand, I'm not at all happy with my shoe size as I wear a 13 wide and finding women's shoes that large are extremely difficult especially since mainstream stores only go up to 11. However, if I were say, two sizes smaller, I'd spend myself into poverty on shoes. Quite a conundrum, eh?

I don't want to LOOK like a woman, I just want to DRESS like a woman!

  JeffB said:

I'm of two minds on this topic. On one hand, I'm not at all happy with my shoe size as I wear a 13 wide .. However, if I were say, two sizes smaller, I'd spend myself into poverty on shoes. Quite a conundrum, eh?

And imagine being a 9 instead of an 11. My god, is there any shoe that wouldn't be available in your size then??

  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...
  JeffB said:

I'm of two minds on this topic. On one hand, I'm not at all happy with my shoe size as I wear a 13 wide and finding women's shoes that large are extremely difficult especially since mainstream stores only go up to 11. However, if I were say, two sizes smaller, I'd spend myself into poverty on shoes. Quite a conundrum, eh?

You might spend yourself into poverty buying shoes, Jeff, but any shoes you bought would have a good chance of "wearing them out" since you do wear them in public quite frequently. :smile:

Being mentally comfortable in your own mind is the key to wearing heels in public.


I wear a Men's 13, which translates to Women's 15. There is almost nothing to be found in my size, apart from the Pleaser/Ellie selection, which of course consists almost entirely of things I'd never wear outside the house. I've got entirely the wrong body type for stilettos to look presentable. I'd *like* to wear wedge heels, but they all tend to drop off the face of the planet at size 10. So, ah, no. I'm not happy with the size of my ginormous feet. :smile:

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