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First and foremost, be calm, cool and collected, act like what you're wearing is no big deal, carry a casual air about you, that way, passersby won't take any serious interest in you. If you act nervous, jittery or furtive, people will invariably wonder what's going on and take notice of you, moreso than you might want. I've worn thigh high boots openly in public for some time now and it's an exciting and exhilarating feeling to say the least, heck, I've even been complimented by complete strangers on what I've worn. The important thing is to ENJOY the experience and you should do well.

Well I did it :smile:

Did exactly as you said.Stayed calm and cool.Was on my way to work today and had my boots with me.Decided I needed some mints for work and stopped at a gas station.

There was 2 guys on their way to leave and just the attendend in the store. Waited for them to leave, pulled on my boots and went in.Was so nerve recking but I pushed through.The attendend looked up and emediatly down at my boots as they clicked along the way with big eyes:blinkbigeyes: ,stared for a few seconds and then just carried on.Bought the mints and left,no bad comments or bad looks.Nothing :D

That gave me such a rush to that.Definitely looking forward to the next oppurtunity to try that again.This time Ill have a better look.Just had my work pants on under the boots and a top over my work shirt.Next time some nice jeans and shirt.

Thanks for the tip JeffB


Bravo to you, StormClaw! Bravo! Glad to read that your first outing in thigh boots went well. That very first trip is always the hardest, not to mention the most nerve wracking, however, things will only get easier from there as you go out more and more and you become more acclimated. As I and others here have said numerous times, people will, for the most part, pay you very little attention since they're too wrapped up in their own lives and affairs to take any interest in a man wearing heels, and 99 percent of those who do won't do anything more than stare or do a double take. But, the time will come when someone out of the clear blue will approach you and offer a compliment on how nice your boots look, when that happens, be sure to smile and thank that person for his kind words. I don't know if you've ever seen any of my photos, but here's an example of the sort of out I often sport with my thigh boots:

Posted Image

For me, it's not enough to merely wear thigh boots, it's important to include them as part of a complete outfit, to present a total look that is both tasteful and stylish and blends in well with whatever surroundings you happen to be in. Just something to take into consideration as you plan your next outing. Good luck to you!

I don't want to LOOK like a woman, I just want to DRESS like a woman!


Thanks JeffB.It really was a big rush.I understand what you mean with the whole outfit.I wore a pair of black pants so everything blended in.Tomorrow Im going to a friend and Ill take my boots with.Pair of dark blue jeans with a black top perhaps. Ill make a stop somewhere,either get gas or something.Will keep you posted. And thanks for the tips :smile:


Glad to have been of service, StormClaw. I'm happy to have passed along some wisdom to a fellow member of this forum. The rush that comes from wearing thigh boots openly in public is indeed quite a rush, one I never tire of as the sheer thrill of the experience is often hard to put into words. I hope you'll enjoy that same thrill for a long time to come.

I don't want to LOOK like a woman, I just want to DRESS like a woman!


Humph... I stay away from this thread for an few days and low and behold a new thigh boots enthusiast joins.

Stormclaw, congratulations on your first thigh boots outing! It sounds like you are now understanding the fun and excitement of wearing them in public. I am now suspecting that the gals get a similar rush from wearing them (but not as much as us guys do).

JeffB’s advice – “First and foremost, be calm, cool and collected, act like what you're wearing is no big deal, carry a casual air about you, that way, passersby won't take any serious interest in you. If you act nervous, jittery or furtive, people will invariably wonder what's going on and take notice of you, moreso than you might want.”

This is right on the mark and I couldn’t have said it better myself. As you noticed, the first step getting of the car is the hardest, but as JeffB also mentions, it gets easier each time. It has taken me several years to get this far but I don’t get that rush any more, my boots are really just another pair of shoes. Sometimes I morn the loss of that rush.

I’m not as fashion conscious as JeffB, Kneehighs, or HappyFeat, which means I’ll wear thigh boots with anything, but I do recommend tight jeans. A leather jacket goes a long way to putting together my favorite look.

http://www.hhplace.org/attachments/guys/4294d1225755611-jaunts_jeffb-kris0166_1_.jpg'> My favorite look

Now, not to take anything away from Stormclaw's excellent adventure or JeffB’s great advice, I offer a diversion from then normal topic of this thread. This story came across my desk at work as an e-mail. I thought it was timely and it demonstrated the cultural diversity of the folks with whom I work. I thought the story was worth sharing:

Hellmann's Mayonnaise - a bit of history.

Most people don't know that back in 1912, Hellmann's mayonnaise was manufactured in England . In fact, the Titanic was carrying 12,000 jars of the condiment scheduled for delivery in Vera Cruz, Mexico, which was to be the next port of call for the great ship after its stop in New York . This would have been the largest single shipment of mayonnaise ever delivered to Mexico. But as we know, the great ship did not make it to New York . The ship hit an iceberg and sank, and the cargo was forever lost. The people of Mexico, who were crazy about mayonnaise, and were eagerly awaiting its delivery, were disconsolate at the loss. Their anguish was so great, that they declared a National Day of Mourning, which they still observe to this day. The National Day of Mourning occurs each year on May 5th and is known, of course, as - Sinko De Mayo.

The e-mail was from our fun committee. :smile:


I dream of a world where chickens can cross roads without having their motives questioned.


TBG: About that little history lesson of yours....oy vey! :D

I’m not as fashion conscious as JeffB, Kneehighs, or HappyFeat, which means I’ll wear thigh boots with anything, but I do recommend tight jeans. A leather jacket goes a long way to putting together my favorite look.

Fashion means a lot to me, just wearing heels is nowhere near enough for me these days. Putting together just the right outfit to accent my shoes is a passion for me. And I most definitely intend to replicate that look you mentioned! Rest assured of that! :smile:

I don't want to LOOK like a woman, I just want to DRESS like a woman!


Congrats... that's one small (and brave) step for StormClaw, one giant leap for heel-kind :smile: May all your future outings be just as safe and enjoyable as your first. Thighbootguy, that is an awesome favorite look with the tight blue jeans and leather jacket. With my chicken-thigh short legs I really don't think I could pull off the thigh-boots, but it's great to admire those who can make them work as part of their overall style. I can't help wondering, would you want thigh-boots to become much more widely worn, or is the rarity of seeing them and the boldness of the fashion statement part of the thrill?

If you like it, wear it.


Thanks Thighbootguy ,SleekHeels and JeffB.If weren't for you guys and this forum I would never have done that.

Spent the whole day at my friends house with the boots on,he noticed them,made a joke about the pointy points and thats it.Didnt bother him one bit.Left after a few hours and went to two stores in a mall.Everyone noticed them and then just ignored it haha.So no negative comments,and unfortanately no positive ones too.I looked a few people in the eyes as the noticed them and looked up,smiled at them and just walked on.

I just kept my cool and went about as if its normal.And after a while it started to feel normal.I was just walking as if walking with my mens shoes.

I can't help wondering, would you want thigh-boots to become much more widely worn, or is the rarity of seeing them and the boldness of the fashion statement part of the thrill?

Well for me,I love boots,from calf high to thigh high.I wear my other boots under jeans.I wear these just as part of my fashion choice ,over jeans.To me now its like buying mens shoes,buy them and wear them as normal.Today it just felt so normal to walk with them openly in public so Id say its a staement in the way of "I wear what I want because I like what I wear".


Originally Posted by SleekHeels

I can't help wondering, would you want thigh-boots to become much more widely worn, or is the rarity of seeing them and the boldness of the fashion statement part of the thrill?

This is a most interesting question that I have recently been asking myself.

First, let me restate that I really like the look of heeled thigh boots on me regardless of the fashion statement. However, I do take advantage of the boldness of the look to wear anything else I want to wear with them. Ex. I'll wear a skirt with thigh boots but not with pumps.

Second, I do enjoy seeing a lady wearing a pair of thigh boots in public as a fashion statement. To that end I have a collection of images I use as a Window's desktop background slide show that has over a hundred images that cycle every minute. (Google thigh boots and look at the images page. I have selected only runway and street shots of fully clothed ladies suitable for displaying on an office computer.) I get to see these images all day and have become quite used to what a lady wearing thigh boots looks like. Consequently, the image, though still enjoyable, is no longer a big deal.

Here is my favorite image from that collection:


After seeing what the fashion designers did with thigh boots I almost prefer to look at images with knee high boots and heels (operative word is almost).

I dream of a world where chickens can cross roads without having their motives questioned.


I wore a pair of thighboots one time when I got my haircut. I wore them under my jeans. When I sat down in the chair and crossed my legs, you could see that I was wearing high heeled boots, but could not tell that they were thighboots. After my haircut, my stylist made a comment about "your pretty, shiny boots." I told her that they were thighboots and were very comfortable. She asked me where I got them because she didn't remember seeing thighboots in any shoe stores in our area.

So I guess my question is how easy are thighboots to acquire? I bought mine through the exotic boutique that my friend owns. But I don't know if I can remember seeing thighboots in many of out local shoe stores.


So I guess my question is how easy are thighboots to acquire? I bought mine through the exotic boutique that my friend owns. But I don't know if I can remember seeing thighboots in many of out local shoe stores.

I doubt if the sort of boots thighbootguy and I wear could be found in a brick and mortar store. In fact, I rarely saw any thigh boots of any kind in stores, at least, not mainstream stores anyway.

I don't want to LOOK like a woman, I just want to DRESS like a woman!


First, let me restate that I really like the look of heeled thigh boots on me regardless of the fashion statement.

Second, I do enjoy seeing a lady wearing a pair of thigh boots in public as a fashion statement.

I agree with you here,I like the look and feel of the thigh boots,biggest reason Im wearing them.And I also like to see women in thigh boots,or any heeled boots actually.

I doubt if the sort of boots thighbootguy and I wear could be found in a brick and mortar store. In fact, I rarely saw any thigh boots of any kind in stores, at least, not mainstream stores anyway.

We have the same problem here where I live.Heres a lot of shoe stores with no thigh boots.So thanks to this guy who imports Pleaser Boots,I was able to get my pair from him from his website.But of course theres no way you'll know that if walk around in stores.


Thighbootguy, that is an awesome favorite look with the tight blue jeans and leather jacket. With my chicken-thigh short legs I really don't think I could pull off the thigh-boots, but it's great to admire those who can make them work as part of their overall style.

Good point there. Considering the times I've been complimented for wearing thigh boots (along with tight jeans and my leather jacket), I can't help wondering in hindsight if those people had admired me? Food for thought.

I can't help wondering, would you want thigh-boots to become much more widely worn, or is the rarity of seeing them and the boldness of the fashion statement part of the thrill?

Well, I haven't been wearing thigh boots as long as Thighbootguy, so, in a way, the experience is still new and fresh for me, and the exciting factor that comes from wearing them in public is still quite high, and intoxicating. If thigh boots were to become the norm, the magic might go away.

I don't want to LOOK like a woman, I just want to DRESS like a woman!


If thigh boots were to become the norm, the magic might go away. (quote JeffB)


I don't know if we need to worry about that. I don't even see that many women wearing thighboots in public where I live. And like you, I have just started wearing thighboots more often. So, for me, the thrill is still there.


Here is my favorite image from that collection:


That's a great photo, not just for the beautiful boots and stylish outfit but also that she's outside the bars looking in (not inside looking out) and that reflects how we don't feel trapped when we wear our heels, we feel free. Well, that's what it made me think of. Thanks for sharing the photo.

If you like it, wear it.


I doubt if the sort of boots thighbootguy and I wear could be found in a brick and mortar store. In fact, I rarely saw any thigh boots of any kind in stores, at least, not mainstream stores anyway.

That's the thing, I did see some form of thigh-boots in a few high-street stores during the last winter (like these Wallis boots.jpg I mentioned in the thread Shoes Ankle Calf Knee Thigh Boots? ). I think seeing more thigh-boots being worn as part of an everyday stylish look would make it more appealing to me to give them a try, and it would remain as much of a thrill just knowing that I can make the look work.

But that's just what I feel works for me, and it's always interesting to hear other perspectives too.

If you like it, wear it.


Last night I stopped in PetsMart and Sams wearing a gray long sleeved shirt, a brown suede skirt with a built in wide belt, black hose, and black leather pull on thigh boots with 4” stilettos. The temperature was in the mid 60F so it was comfortable without a jacket.

The gals at PetsMart had seen me many times and greeted me with big smiles. The staff at Sam’s did the same thing. I took my time and browsed most of the store. There was only one guy (white middle aged business type) that gave me a rather hard look. Other than that no one seemed to care.


I was cursing around on the WEB and found a most interesting gift site. Enter high heels or boots in the search field and see some most interesting products (T-shirt, mugs, bags,…).


I dream of a world where chickens can cross roads without having their motives questioned.


Hey Puffer, cannot get the link to produce any pics/website on my end......If you could save the pics and post them for all of us boot enthusiasts to see , it would be greatly appreciated.......thanks from crotchhiguy


Hey Puffer, cannot get the link to produce any pics/website on my end......If you could save the pics and post them for all of us boot enthusiasts to see , it would be greatly appreciated.......thanks from crotchhiguy

I hope this works for you:



I went to a house concert in Oxford Ohio last night wearing jeans, a blue long sleeved dress shirt, and black leather pull on thigh boots with 4” stilettos. Many of the folks at these concerts are “regulars” and have seen me wearing boots for over a year but there are always a few new folks and its fun to see their reaction. The sum total was one guy glanced down to be sure what he was seeing and that was it. This crowd is a well educated fairly liberal bunch that is as far from the redneck end of the social spectrum as you can get. I typically am one of the first to show up and help set up the pot luck dinner (and I have a reputation for bringing good stuff for the table). The host greeted me like an old friend and asked what I had brought. As others came in we had a good time chatting and feeding our faces. About an hour later the program started and I sat in the front and had a great time both listening and watching. During the break, I chatted with the musicians and went back out to the food table. The second half of the show was even better than the first half. I left the home after three and a half hours of being with great people, good food and an unbelievably good musical show (and not one mention of my boots). I’m sure a good time was had by all, but I really had a good time. :smile:

I dream of a world where chickens can cross roads without having their motives questioned.


Well I just got caught up on reading your thread Thighbootguy. It has been very entertaining watching the evolution of your boot wearing and fashon in general.

Shafted, the boots that is! View my gallery here http://www.hhplace.o...afteds-gallery/ or view my heeling thread here http://www.hhplace.org/topic/3850-new-pair-of-boots-starts-me-serious-street-heeling/ - Pm me if you want fashion advice or just need someone to talk to.


Well I just got caught up on reading your thread Thighbootguy. It has been very entertaining watching the evolution of your boot wearing and fashon in general.

Shafted –

It has been an "interesting" ride and I'm still mot sure where it is going.

It is good to see you posts again. I understand why you stopped and have cautioned readers about the addictiveness of posting and how it can become a driving force that might push you to further than you were ready to go.

I was out and about yesterday wearing a black long sleeved top, black yoga pants (like leggings but much looser fitting), and black leather pull on thigh boots with 4” stilettos. I’m still surprised at how easy it is for me to wear there boots just like they were a regular pair of shoes, which for me they have become.

I stopped in the Guitar Center to make a payment on my new guitar and spent 45 minutes in the “better guitar” room playing some really nice instruments. A guy came in that played the same style stuff I play and we played together for a while and had a nice time. When we were done I showed him the nails I had put on my right hand and we chatted about nails for a few minutes. Out in the main part of the store most of the sales crew is used to seeing me and just offered a friendly greeting.

I went through Sam’s to restock the larder and took my time looking around.

I stopped in my favorite thrift emporium and found a couple of coffee mugs. In the checkout a very attractive young lady was behind me in line and she was buying a nice pair of brown wedge boots and a pair of brown 4” pumps with a pointed toe. I commented that she had found some very nice shoes and got a nice smile and a thank you. After my items were rung up, I noticed the maker of her pumps and commented, ”Wow, there Steve Madden’s.” She didn’t seem surprised that I knew the brand but her eyes kind of sparkled and she said smiled and said, “Yeah!”

My last stop was Radio Shack. I was looking for some hearing aid batteries (to power a microphone not a hearing aid) and for some parts to build a power source for the mike. The sales gal was very helpful but I knew the stock better than she did. All in all I was in the store for about 45 minutes as JeffB says, “looking at all the electronic doodads.”

I was out most of the afternoon without receiving a comment and got no more than a second look.


I dream of a world where chickens can cross roads without having their motives questioned.



Congratulations on your latest outing. I was recently in a thrift shop looking for a pair of women's jeans(I found a pair my size and bought them). There were three women in there that work there and two female customers. I go in there all of the time. But this time all of them took notice of the high heels I was wearing. There was a noticeable silence as I was looking through the jeans, making my selection, and paying for the item. As I paid, all three women who work there were very nice and cordial to me and all watched me leave the store. I am anxious to go back there and see what kind of reaction I get next time.

Thank you for sharing your day with us.


Hey thanks, he looks drop dead gorgeous and could IMO compete with Andrej Pejic! Great heels as well.

What is good for a goose, can be good for any gender!


I had a fine booted outing today. I headed up the road to Dayton Ohio to visit the Dayton Art Institute. I started off wearing high waisted jeans, a black leather blazer, a grey pullover sweater over a black camisole and black leather chap boots with 5½” stilettos. These boots are Ellie’s Angie chap boots that originally came with a 6” heel and I had to have them lowered so I could walk in them (my ankle would only bend so far.) I also had with me a cropped denim jacket (short, with only four buttons) that just came down to the top of the jeans. It is about an hours drive to Dayton and I did it with the 5½” heels. When I got toe the Art Institute I experienced the thrill of getting out of the car. It has been a while since I noticed that. The top of the boots disappeared under the blazer and the outfit presented a nice consistent look, if you like black leather. The receptionist at then front desk didn’t miss a beat except she seemed surprised that I qualified for the senior admission rate. I asked if pencil sketching was still permitted (it always nice to check first) and she said it was and pointed pot that there were stools in the coat room. I grabbed one and headed into the galleries. The galleries are organized in descending chronological order, starting with contemporary and ending with stuff from the fifteen hundreds. My interest was in 16th centaury Dutch so I started in reverse order. That decision was also influenced by the fact I was on 5½” heels and I didn’t want to walk through the whole museum. I have been wearing 4” heels and the extra inch and a half, and many of you know, can be stressful. I worked for an hour on one sketch then wandered into another gallery where a young lady commented, “Those are killer boots.” I thanked her and kept looking around and came face to face with two Peter Paul Rubens paintings I had forgotten were in the museum. (In my part of the world, Rubens’ paintings are a rare treat.) Anyway, I spent three hours wandering around and sketching. Before I headed home I found two thrift stores to visit. I changed the blazer for the cropped denim jacket and took off the pull over sweater so I was wearing a camisole under the jacket with the bottom two buttons fastened. I headed into the first store and a few heads turned as I walked in. I took my time and wandered around and found a green long sleeved sweater top with a V neck and small buttons half way down the front. I headed back out to my cad and put the new sweater on. The next store was much the same. A few heads turned and I took my time wandering around. I found a couple of CDs and a brown short suede skirt. I managed to navigate the concrete spaghetti maze that south Dayton has for an expressway interchange and I drove back home and put on a pair of guy shoes for a little while, partly for a break but I did have a few errands to run where I don’t normally wear thigh boots ( I do wear knee high boots with a block heel but not stiletto thigh boots.) All in all a really fun day. :smile:

I dream of a world where chickens can cross roads without having their motives questioned.


While tooling around the web I found a most interesting site where a manufacturer is marketing their line of stiletto heeled thigh boots directly to men. Click on the posted articles headings. Here is a quote from Luxery leather high stiletto boots for men, "Men in boots is an fashion dream of many people."

Stiletto Heeled Thigh Boots for Men

An addendum to yesterdays post: I managed the whole outing without wearing a single thread from the guy’s side of the store. I found it both physically and mentally comfortable.

I dream of a world where chickens can cross roads without having their motives questioned.


A good read and inspiring as always.Looks like you had a good day out.Unfortunately circumstances here doesnt let me wear my thigh boots openly a lot.Too many people that knows me and my parents,and they know of nothing lol.So enjoy it for my sake too :smile:

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