Thighbootguy Posted May 19, 2010 Author Posted May 19, 2010 Yesterday was a fun boot day. It was election day in Kentucky and I stopped at the poll before work. I was wearing normal work clothes with a pair of brown knee high boots with 3½" block heels under my slacks. Just for grins, I rezipped my boots over my slacks and went in to vote. I got one sour look from an older (+75) white guy that was coming out of the poll but no one else seemed bothered in the least. Voting in Kentucky requires the presentation of an ID (to prevent the practice of voting early and often) and when I presented my driver's license, the clerk looked at it and exclaimed, "Oh, it's you!" I have no idea if she was just being funny, or was surprised that the picture on the license match my face, or they were on the lookout for a guy wearing boots (that’s a joke). I voted and headed on to work, where I rezipped my boots under my slacks. After work I changed my slacks for a short black leather skirt, and the knee high boots for my black leather thigh boots with 5" stilettos and went to a Kroger's grocery, PetsMart and Sam's, all without incident. The weather had unexpectedly cooled off enough that the short skirt would have been too cool without the tall boots. I consider the boots, both the knee high and thigh high, as just another pair of shoes but wearing a skirt is still something special. I dream of a world where chickens can cross roads without having their motives questioned.
JeffB Posted May 19, 2010 Posted May 19, 2010 I consider the boots, both the knee high and thigh high, as just another pair of shoes but wearing a skirt is still something special. Great minds think alike. I also get a tremendous thrill when I go out in a skirt. It's just a whole lot of fun, especially when paired with high heels! Meanwhile, bravo on your voting day outing, it certainly made for good reading! I don't want to LOOK like a woman, I just want to DRESS like a woman!
Dawn HH Posted May 20, 2010 Posted May 20, 2010 TBG:-) As side note____ I happened to be off work on voting day as we also voted the same day here in Pa. as you did back home. Mickey didn't wear a skirt nor did I, but after voting I took her out to lunch, then we droped our winter coats off at the cleaners for cleaning and storage, then to the Giant Eagle to pick up a few things that we needed. That was all that Mickey could take so we returned home. Glad to see that you had another good heeling day that day. Keep up the good work. Cheers--- Dawn HH Mickey 68 High Heeled Boots Forever!
Thighbootguy Posted May 21, 2010 Author Posted May 21, 2010 I wore my brown knee high boots with 3½“ block heels to work again today. I wore them under my slacks and with a blue dress shirt. On the way home I had to stop at a Walgreens so I switched the slacks for a knee length brown suede skirt and since I was already wearing black hose, and a black leather blazer, I had a nice looking outfit. I wandered through the store before selecting my stuff and didn’t notice any extra attention from the other shoppers. As I was heading home, I stopped at our local liquor emporium for a bottle of scotch. I have worn my thigh boots in this place before but never a skirt. The clerks didn’t miss a beat. They treated me like any other customer, with casual greetings when I walked in, and bidding me a good evening when I left. All in all a most pleasant shopping experience. DawnHH – It’s great to hear that Mickey is out and about and that it is warm enough in put your winter coats into storage. Tell Mickey that is one less excuse she has for not getting out more often, and please give her my best wishes. Just found an interesting video. Thigh Booted Drum Core 1 Thigh Booted Drum Core 2 I dream of a world where chickens can cross roads without having their motives questioned.
Dawn HH Posted May 22, 2010 Posted May 22, 2010 TBG:-) I try to get Mickey out more often but she is still shy about other people seeing her artificial leg and is very concious of it. I've told her to forget about it and go out and have fun anyways as she isn't the only one with one leg. Forget what people think or say. She thanks you for your kind words. We both enjoy reading of your heeling adventures. Cheers--- Dawn HH High Heeled Boots Forever!
JeffB Posted May 22, 2010 Posted May 22, 2010 Heya, TBG! Just thought you'd like to know that I went and bought myself a pair of Gloria Vanderbilt capri jeans at Sears today. Not sure if they would work, I bought them in size 16 and learned that they fit quite well, what I really liked about them was that the jeans sat at my natural waist which I find to be a much more flattering look for me than all the junk out there that sits below the waist. And yes, with my thigh boots on, no one would have a clue that I'me wearing capris! Brilliant! In fact, I'm gonna try a pair of these in size 14 and go for a REALLY tight look! I don't want to LOOK like a woman, I just want to DRESS like a woman!
Bubba136 Posted May 23, 2010 Posted May 23, 2010 TBG:-) As side note____ I happened to be off work on voting day as we also voted the same day here in Pa. as you did back home. Mickey didn't wear a skirt nor did I, but after voting I took her out to lunch, then we droped our winter coats off at the cleaners for cleaning and storage, then to the Giant Eagle to pick up a few things that we needed. That was all that Mickey could take so we returned home. Glad to see that you had another good heeling day that day. Keep up the good work. Cheers--- Dawn HH Mickey 68 Wonderful news about Mickey being able to get out and about again even if for a short time.. Please tell her we continue to think of her and pray that she will soon return to a more or less normal routine. Being mentally comfortable in your own mind is the key to wearing heels in public.
Dawn HH Posted May 28, 2010 Posted May 28, 2010 Mickey and I had an appointment at the foot doctors today and they are very pleased with Mickeys progress and how well she is walking on her new leg. She is altra slow on her walker and with her walking, but we are hopeful that she will hit a better speed in the near future. Then I took her to lunch as we had some time before an appointment with her heart doctor and stopped at a lighting place to order a new chimney for our hurricane style lamp that lights our bay window as it had cracked and a piece fell out of it. At the heart doctor the doctor says that Mickey looks better than she has seen her in a couple of years and even looks years younger and has a much better outlook on everything. She is only 10 years older than the doctor herself. I'd say that that is a tribute to the trials and tribulations that have plagued her for the last few years. Yippee!!! Cheers--- Dawn HH High Heeled Boots Forever!
Thighbootguy Posted May 28, 2010 Author Posted May 28, 2010 Dawn HH – That is great news about Mickey’s doctor’s reviews. You said Mickey was self conscious about getting a new footing in the world… remember, your saying that to a bunch of guys that go out and about wearing high heel… I’m having none of that self conscious excuse. Try this suggestion... Remember the pair of thigh boots I wore to your museum? Tall boots but with a flat heel that made them very easy to walk in but they still got lots of attention. Get Mickey a pair. Everyone will notice the great boots and not notice anything else. Second thought… get yourself a pair also. When you and Mickey go out together, no one will notice anything else. Again, great news. Thanks for keeping us posted. I dream of a world where chickens can cross roads without having their motives questioned.
Dawn HH Posted May 28, 2010 Posted May 28, 2010 TBG:-) Some food for thought. Thanks for the suggestions. We will both think upon that. Cheers--- Dawn HH High Heeled Boots Forever!
Thighbootguy Posted May 30, 2010 Author Posted May 30, 2010 I just had a nice shopping trip at Sam’s and Walgreens. The temperature this afternoon was in the upper 80sF (30 C) so something cool was in order. I wore a black long sleeved V-neck stretch top, a short blue denim skirt, and my black leather thigh boots with 5” stilettos. Ok, so if your out in the sun dressed in that much black, you bake your brains out. Most of the time I was out of the sun so the heat wasn’t too bad. I wore long sleeves because I tend to go up like a French fry if I’m out in the sun very much. I parked at Sam’s and walked in to the admiring glances (or at least less than hostel stares) of a few. As soon as I got into the store there was a bubbly gal selling Dish Network contracts. To quote an old Peter, Paul and Mary tune, Marvelous Toy, “her eyes nearly bugged rig out of her head, and she gave a squeal of glee”, however when I showed no interest in a contract her excitement waned. I took my time wandering around and just enjoying myself. I finally picked out my stuff and headed for the register. As I was leaving there must have been something very funny happening behind me that I had missed because a woman lost it bad broke down in peals of childish laughter. At Walgreens I just had to go in and get a prescription but I took my time and chatted with the clerk for a while. Once I got back in the car, it was too warm for wearing thigh boots, but all in all a nice outing. I dream of a world where chickens can cross roads without having their motives questioned.
Thighbootguy Posted June 5, 2010 Author Posted June 5, 2010 It has been a fun couple of days. I stopped at Sam’s last night to pick up a few things. I was wearing a long sleeved white dress shirt with the sleeves rolled up to below my elbows, a short denim skirt, ivory hose and black leather thigh boots with 5” stilettos. The shopping trip was uneventful. I wandered through the store and took my time. I got a couple of looks but that’s to be expected. The temperature was close to 80F (26C) but I was comfortable wearing the short skirt and boots with hose. DawnHH is right, hose in the summer time are cool. Today, I went back to Sam’s to have a tire, which had picked up a nail, repaired. I changed the white shirt for a gray T-shirt but wore the same boots hose and skirt. I parked around the side of the store where the tire service area is located, and walked around front. In the tire center I told the manager what the problem was and gave him my car key. He told me it would be 20 min so I wandered around the store again. I was at the end of one isle when two middle aged black ladies peered around the other end of the isle and I heard, “Oooo look at them boots…yeah he’s wearing them” from one lady and ”I can’t wear them” from the other. Since they weren’t that far away, I called back, “Why not” and walked over to them. I was asked where I had gotten them and complemented on how nice they looked. These ladies were down right chatty when I showed that I wasn’t offended by the attention. We bid each other a good day. I headed out to the entrance to get a cart and got a comment from a young black guy who was with his wife. He loudly asked his wife, “What the hell was that?” I work with a guy acts just like that in that he talks loudly to make sure you know he has a point (whether he does or not). So I walked over to him and said, “Hey, how’s it going?” His wife was trying to explain to him that I was making a “statement” when he asked me, “Are you for real?” I said, “Yeah, I wear them everywhere” “You’re a brave man.” “And a little crazy to.” We bid each other a good day and he was still shaking his head. After Sam’s I headed to Kroger’s and wandered the isles for a few minutes then headed over to PetsMart for some cat food. All without incident. I finally stopped at a nearby Goodwill. They has a sale on panty hose of all things but for 50¢ a pair I stocked up. By the end of the trip, I had lost a heel tip but other than that I had a grand time. I have mentioned earlier that my boots are just another pair of shoes but wearing a skirt is still a special event. Well I’m getting to like the look of the short skirt with my boots and with the warm temperatures here I may get more wear out of that combination. I dream of a world where chickens can cross roads without having their motives questioned.
roniheels Posted June 6, 2010 Posted June 6, 2010 The way you walked right up to these strangers is just downright AWESOME. I love the confidence it took you to do that. As JeffB would say, Bravo! Yes, I agree with kneehighs. It is so cool how you approached and spoke to the people who made comments on your attire. When men have made comments about my high heels I mostly just smile and move on. I have had several women say to me "...I could wear heels that high..." or "...I could never wear shoes like those..." and I have engaged conversation with them about high heels. I always love reading your posts and you have given me ideas for places to wear high heels in public. Keep the posts coming.
Guest Posted June 6, 2010 Posted June 6, 2010 well good for you thighbootguy, I'd of said just about the very same (or similar) response to him, like if he's going be talking that loudly just to make a "point" in a "in your face" type of way than I would come right back in that same way & make no apologies whatsoever about what kind of style that YOU like.
JeffB Posted June 6, 2010 Posted June 6, 2010 Good for you, TBG! In fact, let me give you a "Bravo!" for your boldness with those strangers. I'm not surprised that it was a black guy who raised that mini-ruckus. Sadly, some young black men often exhibit precious little in the way of manners while in public, and young black women can sometimes be worse. But you handled that situation quite well. And wearing boots at this time of year shows even more boldness than I have! I don't want to LOOK like a woman, I just want to DRESS like a woman!
Thighbootguy Posted June 10, 2010 Author Posted June 10, 2010 I made another quick shopping trip on the way home from work this evening. I was wearing a long sleeved white dress shirt, a short denim skirt, nude hose, and black leather thigh boots with 5” stilettos. A couple of days ago I noticed the heel tips were worn out on my boots and I decided to replace them with a metal pair I had gotten with another pair of boots but never used. These tips are 100% metal not the plastic ones with the metal core. On most surfaces walking with these tips is about the same as with the plastic ones but on a smooth concrete floor (Sam’s) one has to walk with more care. In Sam’s tonight I had or make an effort to let my foot land a little flatter than I normally do. Normally I land the heel first then the sole of the shoe, but with these slick tips it was more comfortable altering my walk to land the sole and heel at the same time. I stopped in Sam’s Kroger’s, and PetsMart. You might be wondering if I couldn’t plan my shopping trips better so I would get everything I was going to need all in one trip. Well, as an IT professional who is trained to think in logical steps, yes I could plan that far ahead but that is not the goal. The goal is to be able to go out into public wearing thigh boots so smaller more frequent shopping trips is the better answer. All three stops were uneventful. Everyone seemed willing to accept that there was a guy wearing a skirt and boots and their world wasn’t coming to an end. Their lives continued but were a little richer for the experience. Thanks all for the comments about my talking to folks. I think the young man who commented about me deserves a little more explanation. As I said I work with a guy who could have been this young mans brother. The guy I work with tends to talk a lot to make people think he has something to say, but he usually doesn’t. I read this as insecurity, so I didn’t have any reservations about talking to my guy in a non aggressive manner. In fact, it seemed like the appropriate thing to do at the time. I was feeling very confident in the image I was presenting so I figured I’d go for it. I wouldn’t have gone the same thing to a gaggle of giggling girls (for which nothing can be done). I dream of a world where chickens can cross roads without having their motives questioned.
johnieheel Posted June 10, 2010 Posted June 10, 2010 Like I have said time and time again TBG, you are an inspiration to us all! Thanks for another inspirational log of your outings. real men wear heels
JeffB Posted June 10, 2010 Posted June 10, 2010 Well, good for you, TBG! Meanwhile, it's way too hot and humid here for boots, and it's only June! Still got July and August to suffer through! UGH! I'll just bide my time and wait for September when things cool down here. I don't want to LOOK like a woman, I just want to DRESS like a woman!
roniheels Posted June 10, 2010 Posted June 10, 2010 Well, good for you, TBG! Meanwhile, it's way too hot and humid here for boots, and it's only June! Still got July and August to suffer through! UGH! I'll just bide my time and wait for September when things cool down here. I agree with you, Jeff. I have two pairs of thigh boot which I love to wear. But I'm just more comfortable wearing them when the weather cools off.
Guest Posted June 11, 2010 Posted June 11, 2010 well, for all of you in the midwest USA, I'd say that now is time to limit your boot wearing to occasional nights, but not that much where I live exept maybe a few times in the summer (I live in the south coastal area of Orange county, Calif)- it just doesnt get that hot (or humid when compared to the south USA or of the midwest), so far I'm pretty lucky to have nice weather for boots, if I choose to wear them out.
Dawn HH Posted June 11, 2010 Posted June 11, 2010 Years ago hose was made to be worn with any style heeled shoe or boot. I wore them then just as the ladies were wearing that style then and I tend to wear hose with any style shoe or boot no matter the weather, year around now. Once you get used to it then no problem. I have been around for both eras so maybe I have more to pick and choose from than many. To me, wearing hose is a hygeine thing and it always was. If you wear support hose as I do, then you have a daily massage of your legs and feet which feels great. I know that when I wear hose during a day then my legs and feet feel much better than when I don't. TBG is finding that out for himself and the heeled shoes and boots fit much better than when not wearing hose. But if you think that you shouldn't wear hose in the hot season, more power to you. I can only relate my finds here backed up by years of successful and comfortable heel wearing. Cheers--- Dawn HH High Heeled Boots Forever!
Thighbootguy Posted June 13, 2010 Author Posted June 13, 2010 I had to make a quick shopping trip to Sam’s yesterday and ran a few errands while I was out. I wore a grey T-shirt, a short tan skort, white hose and white thigh boots with 5” stilettos. The temperature was in the mid 80s (30C) and it had just finished raining and the humidity was close to 100%. If there was any doubt, white boots attract more attention than black ones do. My first stop was at the post office. This is a big building on a busy street with a long flight of steps leading up to the entrance. I parked in front of the steps and headed into the building. Several patrons saw me but no one paid much attention, neither did the postal clerk. On the way out, as I was walking down the steps I could see the cars passing by. One white guy, late 20s, no shirt, just stared at me as he drove by. He drove half a block in traffic without looking where he was going. I headed to my favorite thrift emporium and had to park at the far end of the parking lot which gave me a long walk to the store. I wandered through the store and thought I overheard a “boots” comment but had no idea where it had come from. I didn’t see anything of interest so headed back to my car. I stopped in a St.Vincent De Paul that is on the main street in Newport Ky. I had to park on a side street and walk around to the store. Previously I have caused traffic problems when I walked to this store but not today. I wandered through the store and found an interesting vase for $3. As I walked back to my car several cars went down the side street, including a police curser, but no one gave more then a glance. I noticed there was a computer shop on the street and I walked in to ask about having an OS replaced on a system I have. The guy that owns the shop was sitting at a desk in the back of the store and there were two friends/customers in the shop. All three gave me a once over look and then the owner asked if he could help me. We chatted about the work I wanted done and I said I would be back. I finally made it to Sam’s and wandered the store making a few selections. At one point I had to wait for an isle to open (they close an isle when a forklift is operating in the isle or the adjacent isle) so I got to just stand around for a little while. Folks seemed more then willing to accept that there was a guy standing there wearing white thigh boots with heels and would go on about their business without comment or undue interest. The register clerk thought it was too warm to wear the boots I had on but I told her it was Ok in air conditioning. Outside however, it was a bit warm. The last stop was at a nearby Goodwill. I wandered around and again thought I overheard a “boots” comment. Other than a few glances, no one seemed to care. After all that running around, I came home with a vase and my stuff from Sam’s but I had a lot of fun. I dream of a world where chickens can cross roads without having their motives questioned.
roniheels Posted June 13, 2010 Posted June 13, 2010 Thighbootguy ... Congratulations again on another fun outing in your high-heeled thighboots. If nothing else, I admire your love of wearing thighboots as the temperatures have warmed up. Where I live, I'm afraid I'll leave my thighboots in the closet and wait until the weather cools down sinificantly. Thank you for another great post. I always enjoy reading them!
Dawn HH Posted June 13, 2010 Posted June 13, 2010 TBG:-) Another great adventure in heels and I too enjoy reading them. Thanks for sharing them with us all. Yes---white thighboots definately will command more attention than black ones, but you still seem to have taken it all in stride. Cheers--- Dawn HH High Heeled Boots Forever!
Thighbootguy Posted June 15, 2010 Author Posted June 15, 2010 Sunday was a museum day. I hadn’t been to the museum for several weeks and was starting to miss the experience. I headed over wearing a long sleeved blue stripe dress shirt, tight jeans, and black leather thigh boots with 5” stilettos. The temperature was in the low 80s so I was not uncomfortable leisurely walking from the parking lot to the museum. But, as a concession to the warm weather I did go in a back entrance rather than walking around the building to the main entrance. I have recently put metal heel tips on this pair of boots and they have worked well in my recent outings, they were fine walking to the museum, but inside they became a challenge. Many of the floors in the museum are marble, and the rest are terrazzo so care was required when placing my foot on the surface and applying my weight to it. I had to make sure the sole of the boot was down before I transferred my weight. The other aspect of the metal tips on marble was the noise, especially in a quiet museum with reverberant acoustics. A marble floor is laid in small separate pieces (as opposed to the terrazzo which is poured in large sections) and each piece makes a distance sound when a hard metal object strikes it. I don’t think I was being over sensitive to the noise my heels were making but they were loud enough to easily hear me coming in the next gallery. When I walked in I was greeted by one of the staff I knew and she asked if I wanted to know about the new exhibits. She was a little surprised when I said I didn’t want to know. Discovery is part of the fun of a museum trip. I just hoped that my favorites were still on display. I wandered around, clacking my way from gallery to gallery, and stopping to sketch several times. I found several changed the curators had made and they were for the better. I chatted with the guards and several patrons, including the folks that would stop and watch me drawing. No one seemed perplexed about my boots and I got a nice smile from several ladies as they walked by. By the time I left the museum, the temperature had warmed up a few degrees to the point that outside activity in thigh boots was too warm so I headed back home. All in all a nice outing. I dream of a world where chickens can cross roads without having their motives questioned.
roniheels Posted June 15, 2010 Posted June 15, 2010 I'm glad you had another wonderful outing at your museum. The art museum I visit also has marble, tile, and terrazzo tile floors. The tips on my stiletto high heels are plastic. But they still make a noticable clicking noise. Like you, I have now been making frequent visits to my art museum and the staff is recognizing me and visiting with me on my visits. Congratulations again and thanks for sharing with us.
Thighbootguy Posted June 16, 2010 Author Posted June 16, 2010 There are advantages to intentionally disorganized shopping trips; you get to do them more often. Monday I stopped at Sam's, PetsMart, and Kroger's wearing a white long sleeved dress shirt, a short denim skirt, nude hose, and black leather thigh boots with 5" stilettos. All three stops were uneventful. I think the register clerk at Kroger's didn't approve but that is just the feeling I got rather than anything that was said or done. Tuesday I stopped at Kroger's wearing a blue stripped long sleeved dress shirt, a short denim skirt, white hose, and black fabric knee high boots with 3½ " block heels. These are the same boots I wore at work under my slacks and I wanted to try something a little different (the perspective is from my point of view because I'm sure everyone else thought it was a lot different). The shopping was uneventful until I found the item I wanted was on the bottom shelf and I had to get down far enough to pick it up. You don’t just bend over with that short a skirt on and bending your knees and squatting down must be done with care. After Kroger's I exchanged my knee high boots for my thigh high ones and stopped in Sam's. This was also uneventful except the register clerk, who I know well, thought it was way too hot to be wearing boots. My final stop was my local liquor emporium for a bottle of Scotch. The place was almost empty and all the clerks were in the front of the store and watched me come in. Unfortunately I can't afford top shelf Scotch so I got to practice retrieving an item off the bottom shelf again. At the checkout everyone greeted me like a normal customer but when I had finished paying I asked my clerk (lady mid 20s) if they minded me coming in dressed like I was. She seemed surprised that I had asked and I offered that some stores objected (not true but it justified my asking). She said that they didn't mind at all and bid me a good evening. I will be stopping at Sam's again this evening wearing a blue long sleeve dress shirt, a brown suede knee length skirt, white hose and brown leather knee length boots with 3¾" block heels. Again these are the boots I am wearing at work under my slacks. I couldn’t have planned this better even if I had tried not to. I dream of a world where chickens can cross roads without having their motives questioned.
Thighbootguy Posted June 17, 2010 Author Posted June 17, 2010 Tonight’s shopping trip was also uneventful but the suede skirt and knee high leather boots did seem to attract more attention than my thigh boots do. I have no idea why that might be. As I was shopping the manager of the meat department walked by and asked if it was still hot outside. I replied that is I was wearing these, and held out a boot, it wasn’t too warm. He gave a nice smile and said he guessed it wasn’t then. While I was there I decided to get a pair of slacks that were 2” longer than I normally wear because they would look better with the heels I’ve been wearing. When I got to the register, I commented to the clerk that some folks had gotten a chuckle over the idea that I was buying slacks. This clerk is normally very polite but reserved with me, but at that comment she lost it and just chuckled. I dream of a world where chickens can cross roads without having their motives questioned.
Thighbootguy Posted June 18, 2010 Author Posted June 18, 2010 I took Friday off from work and decided to step up (or down depending on your perspective) to a new plateau. I cut grass in the morning wearing a grey T-shirt, nude hose, and very short denim shorts, and some floppy shoes. It didn’t look all that great but it was comfortable. Next I headed to a nearby WallMart to pick up a couple of things. I wore the same hose, my black leather thigh boots with 5” stilettos but went for something new. I went out wearing a very light gray knit dress with ¾ length sleeves. The hen fell just above my knees. I added a gold necklace. A long time ago I wrote about the first time I got out of a car wearing thigh boots, and more recently I wrote about the first time I got out of the car wearing a skirt, well the same feelings returned all over again when I got out of the car wearing a dress. I walked into WallMart not having any idea what to expect. The reaction I got was nothing. Folks either weren’t bothered, or couldn’t be bothered, and then there were the folks that really didn’t notice. After a few minutes, I relaxed a bit and started shopping and continued to do so for almost an hour. Sure I got a couple of looks, but no one said a word. There was a Payless in the same shopping area so I stopped in. The clerk was being very helpful (to me and the other customers) but I didn’t see anything I wanted so I headed out the door. The clerk was taking her lunch break and leaving at the same time I was so I held the door open for her and when we were outside I asked her for her opinion of my outfit. She suggested that a belt would improve the look. I thanked her and headed home. I added a wide grey leather belt to the outfit and discovered she was right, it looked much better. So with renewed confidence I headed to the movies to see Alice in Wonderland. I wound up walking across the parking lot just as one of the movies had finished and folks were streaming out of the theater. Again, no one seemed too bothered. I caught a reflection of myself in the theater’s glass front and thought I looked pretty good, a little over dressed for a matinee but good none the less. The movie was Ok but not a great film. When it was over I headed back to my car and on the way a young white gal in the parking lot said, “I like your boots.” I thanked her for the comment. It’s always nice to get a nice boots complement. I hadn’t found one item at WallMart this morning and there was another one near the theater so I headed there. In this store I did overhear a “Would you look at that” comment that I suspect was about me but that was it. This was an…(I’m looking for the word)…exciting day for me. I had a lot of fun and broke new ground (for me anyway). The LBD (little black dress) video I posted a little while ago got me thinking that the look wasn’t too bad but today’s adventure will have me looking at the dress racks with new interest. I dream of a world where chickens can cross roads without having their motives questioned.
Dawn HH Posted June 19, 2010 Posted June 19, 2010 TBG:-) Still experimenting and still enjoying your outings. Congrats. Cheers--- Dawn HH High Heeled Boots Forever!
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