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It was a fun day on my 57th birthday.


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I celebrated my 57th birthday today by starting the day by taking a day's vacation from work. I just decided to have a fun day for myself, and of course, in high heels.

I wore dark blue slacks and matching sport coat, dark blue shaker sweater, navy blue nylon knee hose, and my black leather ellie pumps with 5" stiletto high heels. The temperature outside was 20 degrees, so I was tempted to wear my thigh boots. But the high was forecast to get to 46 degrees (which it made it) so I stuck with my pumps.

On my way to breakfast, I stopped at a convenience store to get a newspaper. It was very crowded with people all bundled up in heavy coats. When I walked in to get my paper, people stopped and looked at me for a moment. I'm sure part of it was the high heels, but with the light weight sport coat, I'm sure that drew attention, too.

I next went to Starbucks for a quick cup of coffee. I think more people had the cold weather on their mind because as I walked across the floor in my stiletto high heels, people looked up, then back to their coffee.

I next went to my favorite little cafe for breakfast. As I walked in and sat down, I was greeted by the manager and the waitress who know me from all of the times I come in for breakfast. There was a new busboy who was working there. When he saw my high heels, I could hear him as he went back to the kitchen say just above a whisper, "that man is wearing high heels!" I heard the manager and staff say to him, "he's a regular customer here. Be quiet and leave him alone." There were not that many in the cafe (probably because of the cold weather) and if they noticed my high heels, there were no indications or reactions. As I left, the busboy watched me leave and watched me all the way to my car. As I got in my car, I turned and smiled and waved to the busboy.

I next went to Petco to pick up some dog and cat food. I walked into the store and I was the only customer in the store. The staff greeted me and were very friendly to me. Again, when they noticed my high heels, no comments or real noticeable reactions.

I next went over to Walgreen's to pick up some vitamins and Tylenol. There were several people in the store and all looked at me as I walked about the store collecting my items. All of the clerks were cordial to me and no one really reacted to my high heels. One older man gave me a funny look as I left the store, but no comments were made.

I stopped by another convenience store for another cup of coffee. There was a lot of traffic in the store. I maneuvered my way around people in the store as I got my coffee and went to pay for it. There were looks and raised eyebrows, but there were also several smiles and have a nice day comments.

I next went to one of my favorite stores called The Spice Rack. I went in to get some tea, coffee, spices for cooking, and jellies. The regular crew was there and greeted me. As I got my things and went to pay, a new young woman was working there that didn't know how to run the register. A woman who always waits on me there came up to ring up my order and take my money. She is always very friendly to me and she said, "pretty shoes, as always. I don't know how you wear heels that high, but I have to admire you for it." I just told her they're fun to wear and enjoy wearing them. The new girl was whispering to her co-workers and pointing at me and they were all just telling her to be quiet go about her business.

I next went to ACE Hardware to pick up some hardware for some home projects I'm working on. I needed some help finding a few things so I asked on of the clerks. He was very helpful but gave me some very somber looks as I was gathering my things. As i went to pay, I looked back and saw several of the workers watching me as I paid. I waved to the man who helped my and told him thanks. He gave me a wry smile and a little wave as I turned and left the store.

After going to a few different five & dime stores to pick up a few things, I went to the library to check out a few books, CD's, and DVD's. The woman working at the library was a female friend of mine whom I hadn't seen in a long time. We chatted for a moment before I went get my items to check out. She checked out my items and then said to me, "why are you wearing high heels?" I told her because I enjoyed wearing them, I thought they were a pretty shoe, it was fun wearing them, and because I could, and just laughed. She went, "Oh." It was almost a disappointing "oh" so I told her that it was great seeing her and I would be back and hoped to see her again. She was very friendly to me as I left the library.

I went to two different Burlington Coat Factories to see what they had in high heels. Sadly they didn't have any my size. i tried on one pair I liked, but they were too small on my feet. No one said anything to me as I tried them on and walked around in them.

I bought some lunch to go and brought it to my lady friend who owns an exotic boutique. I told her the high heels I was wearing were one's she had sold me. She said she remembered and said I needed to buy another pair from her today because business was slow. I told her I would think about it as we ate lunch in her store. She had a few customers as I was there and no one commented or really reacted to me or my high heels. I reminded her it was my birthday and she said she would take me to dinner that night.

I left the store and went to a used bookstore looking for a couple of Tom Swift books for one on my grandsons. Sadly, there were no new ones, and the owner of the bookstore was a very eccentric and energetic older lady. When she saw my high heels, she gave me a big smile and said,"don't you just look so sweet in those high heels. I can't imagine how you walk in them. I told I walked in them very carefully. I told her to call me if there were any other Tom Swift books that she received.

I went to see the movie "The Fighter." I hope this movie wins numerous awards because it was very good. Not many people were in the entire theater, so no real reactions to me in my high heels.

I finished off the day by going to our city's art museum. There was a new exhibit of British water colors. The women at the desk at the entrance was telling me about the exhibits and spoke with a British accent. As she saw me enter the museum, she said "what lovely high heels. You don't see many men these days in high heeled footwear and especially heels that high. And aren't those ladies shoes?' I told her no, they were my shoes, I winked at her, and went in to view the exhibits. When I left, I stopped by the desk and told her goodbye. She said, "don't fall off your shoes, luv." And she went back to reading her book as I left.

I went pick up my lady friend from her store and we had a nice dinner together. People kept looking at us in the restaurant as we were eating and we were imagining the comments they were making and having a good laugh.

It was a wonderful day, a memorable birthday, and I spent the enitre day wearing high heels. I'm cutting this short because I just noticed the time and I need to get to bed for work tomorrow.

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... I'm cutting this short because I just noticed the time and I need to get to bed for work tomorrow.

LOL @ "I'm cutting this short " For one of the longest posts I have seen on the site in a long time. :) Happy birthday!

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I celebrated my 57th birthday today by starting the day by taking a day's vacation from work. I just decided to have a fun day for myself, and of course, in high heels.

I wore dark blue slacks and matching sport coat, dark blue shaker sweater, navy blue nylon knee hose, and my black leather ellie pumps with 5" stiletto high heels. The temperature outside was 20 degrees, so I was tempted to wear my thigh boots. But the high was forecast to get to 46 degrees (which it made it) so I stuck with my pumps.

On my way to breakfast, I stopped at a convenience store to get a newspaper. It was very crowded with people all bundled up in heavy coats. When I walked in to get my paper, people stopped and looked at me for a moment. I'm sure part of it was the high heels, but with the light weight sport coat, I'm sure that drew attention, too.

I next went to Starbucks for a quick cup of coffee. I think more people had the cold weather on their mind because as I walked across the floor in my stiletto high heels, people looked up, then back to their coffee.

I next went to my favorite little cafe for breakfast. As I walked in and sat down, I was greeted by the manager and the waitress who know me from all of the times I come in for breakfast. There was a new busboy who was working there. When he saw my high heels, I could hear him as he went back to the kitchen say just above a whisper, "that man is wearing high heels!" I heard the manager and staff say to him, "he's a regular customer here. Be quiet and leave him alone." There were not that many in the cafe (probably because of the cold weather) and if they noticed my high heels, there were no indications or reactions. As I left, the busboy watched me leave and watched me all the way to my car. As I got in my car, I turned and smiled and waved to the busboy.

I next went to Petco to pick up some dog and cat food. I walked into the store and I was the only customer in the store. The staff greeted me and were very friendly to me. Again, when they noticed my high heels, no comments or real noticeable reactions.

I next went over to Walgreen's to pick up some vitamins and Tylenol. There were several people in the store and all looked at me as I walked about the store collecting my items. All of the clerks were cordial to me and no one really reacted to my high heels. One older man gave me a funny look as I left the store, but no comments were made.

I stopped by another convenience store for another cup of coffee. There was a lot of traffic in the store. I maneuvered my way around people in the store as I got my coffee and went to pay for it. There were looks and raised eyebrows, but there were also several smiles and have a nice day comments.

I next went to one of my favorite stores called The Spice Rack. I went in to get some tea, coffee, spices for cooking, and jellies. The regular crew was there and greeted me. As I got my things and went to pay, a new young woman was working there that didn't know how to run the register. A woman who always waits on me there came up to ring up my order and take my money. She is always very friendly to me and she said, "pretty shoes, as always. I don't know how you wear heels that high, but I have to admire you for it." I just told her they're fun to wear and enjoy wearing them. The new girl was whispering to her co-workers and pointing at me and they were all just telling her to be quiet go about her business.

I next went to ACE Hardware to pick up some hardware for some home projects I'm working on. I needed some help finding a few things so I asked on of the clerks. He was very helpful but gave me some very somber looks as I was gathering my things. As i went to pay, I looked back and saw several of the workers watching me as I paid. I waved to the man who helped my and told him thanks. He gave me a wry smile and a little wave as I turned and left the store.

After going to a few different five & dime stores to pick up a few things, I went to the library to check out a few books, CD's, and DVD's. The woman working at the library was a female friend of mine whom I hadn't seen in a long time. We chatted for a moment before I went get my items to check out. She checked out my items and then said to me, "why are you wearing high heels?" I told her because I enjoyed wearing them, I thought they were a pretty shoe, it was fun wearing them, and because I could, and just laughed. She went, "Oh." It was almost a disappointing "oh" so I told her that it was great seeing her and I would be back and hoped to see her again. She was very friendly to me as I left the library.

I went to two different Burlington Coat Factories to see what they had in high heels. Sadly they didn't have any my size. i tried on one pair I liked, but they were too small on my feet. No one said anything to me as I tried them on and walked around in them.

I bought some lunch to go and brought it to my lady friend who owns an exotic boutique. I told her the high heels I was wearing were one's she had sold me. She said she remembered and said I needed to buy another pair from her today because business was slow. I told her I would think about it as we ate lunch in her store. She had a few customers as I was there and no one commented or really reacted to me or my high heels. I reminded her it was my birthday and she said she would take me to dinner that night.

I left the store and went to a used bookstore looking for a couple of Tom Swift books for one on my grandsons. Sadly, there were no new ones, and the owner of the bookstore was a very eccentric and energetic older lady. When she saw my high heels, she gave me a big smile and said,"don't you just look so sweet in those high heels. I can't imagine how you walk in them. I told I walked in them very carefully. I told her to call me if there were any other Tom Swift books that she received.

I went to see the movie "The Fighter." I hope this movie wins numerous awards because it was very good. Not many people were in the entire theater, so no real reactions to me in my high heels.

I finished off the day by going to our city's art museum. There was a new exhibit of British water colors. The women at the desk at the entrance was telling me about the exhibits and spoke with a British accent. As she saw me enter the museum, she said "what lovely high heels. You don't see many men these days in high heeled footwear and especially heels that high. And aren't those ladies shoes?' I told her no, they were my shoes, I winked at her, and went in to view the exhibits. When I left, I stopped by the desk and told her goodbye. She said, "don't fall off your shoes, luv." And she went back to reading her book as I left.

I went pick up my lady friend from her store and we had a nice dinner together. People kept looking at us in the restaurant as we were eating and we were imagining the comments they were making and having a good laugh.

It was a wonderful day, a memorable birthday, and I spent the enitre day wearing high heels. I'm cutting this short because I just noticed the time and I need to get to bed for work tomorrow.

I like the post and happy birthday. I am wearing my heels more and more in public everday, but only with jeans that are wide and quite long.

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The time clock is confusing me so if you've gone to bed it was really yesterday? maybe whatever. Brilliant day for you then! and a very happy birthday. For us part time outside heelers you are a pillar of the faith and confidence. However once outside with an hour or so past, the tease or flirt mind starts to want to play and I agree it is so good to suddenly be aware of the quiet attention and trying to lipread the conversation. That is such a buzz. Thanks and again Happy birthday Al

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Happy Birthday ... It sounds like you did have a good one. I doubt if some of our younger readers have any idea what "five & dime stores" are. In a couple more years you will be joining the ranks of us Ole folks. :):lmao:

I dream of a world where chickens can cross roads without having their motives questioned.

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Happy Birthday ... It sounds like you did have a good one.

I doubt if some of our younger readers have any idea what "five & dime stores" are.

In a couple more years you will be joining the ranks of us Ole folks. :lmao:


I'll drink to that, my friend. And we'll still be wearing high heels!:)

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I like the post and happy birthday. I am wearing my heels more and more in public everday, but only with jeans that are wide and quite long.

Just be sure and have fun wearing your high heels. Enjoy and savor every moment.

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Looks like you had a VERY enjoyable birthday! Thank you so much for sharing such a fun story! Ladies seem to enjoy seeing a well-dressed man in heels more and more nowadays - especially such a warm personality like yourself!

SQ.....still busting societal molds with a smile...and a 50-ton sledge!

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Happy birthday roniheels :-)

What a busy day it was wearing heels !

Thanks for sharing it with us. It was fun and refreshing reading your post.

I liked it when you said you had to "cut it short" in order to go to bed early.

I can't imagine how you post would be like if you had more time...

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Roniheels, I'd like to say, or perhaps echo, what many others have said via their "thanks" and that is if one were to write a "how-to" manual on the art of wearing what you want with high heels and then narrating the experience through those same eyes then this concise synopsis can be considered such a manual. You have set the scene by telling the reader what you are wearing and how people react at different places of business to your footwear as you go through the day. Basically a persistent theme emerges. That is those accustomed to seeing you in high heels are not surprised and are educating those that are not. Most people are sheep who just watch as they munch their grass and don't make a sound unless there's an audience around. Otherwise they just stare or look up just long enough to catch their breath before they munch some more grass or, in the case of the two-legged sheep, take another gulp of coffee. Imagine then, if "A Birthday for Roni" is played out thousands of times across This Republic and other parts of the world as ordinary people (men) go about their routine and relating the experiences they have. Thanks so much for sharing your thoughts and experiences. It is always a privilege reading your posts! Anyone doubting that we can't enjoy life on our terms :wave:needs to look no farther than Roniheels where freedom rings and liberty is every step he takes. HappyinHeels :silly:

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Looks like you had a VERY enjoyable birthday! Thank you so much for sharing such a fun story! Ladies seem to enjoy seeing a well-dressed man in heels more and more nowadays - especially such a warm personality like yourself!

Thank you for your post and the kind words. You are so right. Once women get over the surprise of seeing a man wearing high heels, I really believe there is an appreciation seeing a man exercise his fashion freedom, and based on many, many comments made by so many at this site, both men and women love seeing a pretty pair of high heels. As you, I try to coordinate my clothing with my high heels. You and so many others at this site inspire me to enjoy matching my various high heels with the clothing I own. I just hope we can inspire others to go-with-the-flow and see and feel what's it's like to enjoy days like the one I had Tuesday and days similar to that one like many others have had and enjoyed.

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I'd like to say, or perhaps echo, what many others have said via their "thanks" and that is if one were to write a "how-to" manual on the art of wearing what you want with high heels and then narrating the experience through those same eyes then this concise synopsis can be considered such a manual. You have set the scene by telling the reader what you are wearing and how people react at different places of business to your footwear as you go through the day. Basically a persistent theme emerges. That is those accustomed to seeing you in high heels are not surprised and are educating those that are not. Most people are sheep who just watch as they munch their grass and don't make a sound unless there's an audience around. Otherwise they just stare or look up just long enough to catch their breath before they munch some more grass or, in the case of the two-legged sheep, take another gulp of coffee. Imagine then, if "A Birthday for Roni" is played out thousands of times across This Republic and other parts of the world as ordinary people (men) go about their routine and relating the experiences they have. Thanks so much for sharing your thoughts and experiences. It is always a privilege reading your posts! Anyone doubting that we can't enjoy life on our terms :wave:needs to look no farther than Roniheels where freedom rings and liberty is every step he takes.

HappyinHeels :silly:

I gave you "thanks" for the post but I must say more. Thank you too for the very kind words and sentiments. You have completely grasped what I have tried to convey in this post based on my Tuesday Birthday experience in high heels. Freedom is the key to our "missions," for lack of a better word, of wearing what we want to in public and enjoying what we wear. Maybe one thing that sunk into me Tuesday was when I was at the art museum. The museum has carpet in some areas of the exhibits, and marble floors in other areas of exhibits. The very first time I went there in high heels, as I walked across the marble floors, my heels made such a distinct clicking sound that I ended up practically walking on my tiptoes as to not draw attention to myself. Tuesday, I walked proudly and casually across the marble floors and as people (not a lot of people there, but some) looked at me as they heard my stiletto heels click on the marble, I just glanced over and gave them a friendly smile and enjoyed the sound, my time, and the walk across the floor. As I have said so many times, many here have inspired me. I just hope to inspire others a little. Thank you again for the nice response.

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Roni, belated happy b-day. I know what your saying on the size issue of Burlington Coat Factory shoes and boots. I have gone to couple of the stores and I have never found any size 11's in heels in these stores. Mind you the selection of shoes and boots is wonderful.

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Roni, belated happy b-day. I know what your saying on the size issue of Burlington Coat Factory shoes and boots. I have gone to couple of the stores and I have never found any size 11's in heels in these stores. Mind you the selection of shoes and boots is wonderful.

You should come to NW Indiana then :silly: I eyed a pair of peep-toes there not too long ago, size 11 and fitted perfectly. Just saying ;P

Anywho, happy belated, roni. Glad to have read the story. Really made me rethink how I was gonna be able to re-venture out in heels, and I made the revelation: knee-high boots are the better boots for me :unsure: And nothing higher, if I wish to try on heels here and there, haha.

Formally "HHDude"

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